Avaloren being a Saga would make sense ngl. Would probably fit that as it's own thing if I wanted to.
My thing tho is that I kinda want WoW to end off at 30.0. Has enough material to get to that number, and ngl, it ending at 30.0 seems fitting.
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For my speculation, that's actually what I want part of 17.0's plot to be about.
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Considering they are literal counterparts? I'm not quite sure it's like that.
I agree with the majority of these. I think we'll continue with the trend of revisiting or reimagining past expansions in order to update the game piecemeal, which means an actual old world revamp will be soon, aka a revisit of Cataclysm. I feel like we're going to revisit Outland at some point in the World Soul Saga--by that point the Netherstorm might be the only area left, which has an intimate connection to Dimensius, the ethereals, and the naaru. After that, I agree that Kalimdor not only deserves its own expansion but will more than likely get one. I've got a couple ideas for how they could do it with Kalimdor being so massive, but I'm really married to the idea of the Elemental Plane being shattered and causing chaos on Azeroth, dramatically changing some areas and blocking some other areas off. The northern and southern reaches of the continent could be blocked off by Neptulon and Thunderaan respectively, leaving us to deal with things in the middle until we're ready to face them in patch content. We're somewhat friendly with the Elemental Lords now, but who knows how they might behave if freed.
As for the Eastern Kingdoms, Lordaeron I think NEEDS to be part of the Arathi Empire expansion. There are three zones worth of content there, plus the missing Northeron that I think should be added as an island that split off from the Twilight Highlands during the Cataclysm. The setup would be the Arathi Empire attacking Lordaeron and the patch content would involve us chasing them across the sea (note: either we won't see the full extent of the empire until later, or the empire will turn out to be a relatively small part of a larger, rich continent that we'll see later). I actually don't have much of an idea of what to do with the southern subcontinent... Therazane's original territory is seemingly sunken into the ocean now, so she might attack the dwarves instead for delving too deep or some nonsense like that, but I think I'd rather see her be involved in what happens in Kalimdor as a follow-up to her daughter's storyline in Desolace. There's infinite potential for a Firelord storyline since we don't really know what's going on there, and we can't have anything in that area without Medivh being relevant again. I'd like to see the nathrezim return with control over the remnants of the Burning Legion and their various associated factions, probably taking over Karazhan and/or hijacking the Dark Portal. I'd like to see the Darkspear take over Zul'Gurub and have that act as the Horde's hub. Patch content would be attacking Nathreza and/or returning to Argus, unless there's new lore regarding the Firelord that takes us elsewhere.
For the rest of the expansions, I think BfA might need to be split in half with Zandalar being revisited alongside Pandaria (the true South Seas expansion) and Kul Tiras revisited alongside the Broken Isles (not a strong thematic link there but very easy to write a storyline that affects both areas due to proximity). This is unless the Maelstrom blows up with the destruction of the Elemental Plane and causes extreme damage to all of these areas, in which case anything is possible. WoD is truly the odd one out since the areas we want to see are the ones we never saw in the first place, so I think those areas could show up as patch content related to Yrel. One day we'll have to accept that Draenor is gone for good.
Personally, I'd like to see them follow the Saga up with a low-stakes world revamp expansion or two while building up to Avaloren. With TLT set up as the climax for WoW's story so far, it makes sense to treat what comes next as a new start. Kalimdor especially can use an expansion like this, since so much was teased for it (the Night Elves rebuilding, the Orcs healing Durotar, the new Draenei city if it isn't introduced sooner somewhere else, etc.), and there's certainly room for one in EK too. During that the Arathi Empire proper can attack us first leading to us invading them in the following expansions.
Though the risk with that is that FFXIV is currently attempting their own low-stakes stories after the grand finale of its original arc, and it's been received pretty poorly so far. Personally, I think it's more an issue of execution (Dawntrail kind of turned the whole "exploring an unknown continent" theme into a big guided tour and had a single new NPC overshadow the entire cast, to the point where you barely interact with anyone else), but it would be sadly understandable if that makes people skeptical about having some expansions like that.
Last edited by Eldryth; 2024-12-01 at 02:49 AM.
People actually don't dislike Dawntrail cause of that. They dislike it cause it's VERY inconsistent tone wise. The expansion box shows something very Aztec-ish and whatnot, but the actual expansion consists of a lot of sci-fi tech, sci-fi based areas, sci-fi cities, and sci-fi bosses.
It's like the expansion doesn't even know what it wants to be.
I would predict an Eastern Kingdoms revamp, with the Arathi Empire trying to conquer it. Basically post-Midnight they go "Great, we saved the world! Now, it's time for us to rule it!" and they start with their ancestral homelands (Stromgarde + Quel'thalas)
Staving off total conquest of the Eastern Kingdoms would be part 1, then we backtrack them to Avaloren to deal with the Empire proper, and finally we get a hint that the Empire might be gearing up to move because things are turning gnarly to the north, with whatever the rogue Titanforged faction is getting up to.
That was my personal opinion of Dawntrail (though I could also add that the second half was horribly paced, with a pure filler zone followed by a zone consisting of non-stop exposition dumps).
I've seen a a lot of complaints about the expansion in general, but most of them come back to Wuk Lamat, the lack of stakes, and the ending feeling too much like a repeat of another expansion's ending. Your issue isn't really something I've seen come up often- and wouldn't really expect to, since the sci-fi stuff was heavily advertised and a common thing for the franchise. If anything, I've seen more praise for that part (especially the raid story) than the rest of the expansion- though, admittedly, I didn't stick around after finishing the MSQ and haven't checked its lasting reception.
That may be the case now, but it could easily change by the end of the Saga. For all we know, the storms could have been created by the Titans to keep outsiders from entering Kalimdor and messing up their plans (or to keep their creations from leaving), and could go away after TLT opening up the rest of the world.
A lot of cool ideas so far. Keep 'em coming!
A pirate adventure involving the Nightsquall leading up to travelling west sounds fun!
I think the pieces are all there for this to be really compelling, fixing up tempest keep, the illidari working on getting their ship working 100%, repairing the exodar and the vindicar (which i think is totally fine? not 100% on its status) + the whole "whats the status quo after tlt gonna look like" i think we're gonna learn that Azeorth and mortals are supposed to be gurdians of the matieral plane keeping everything balanced and preventing any force from causing the universe to enter a death spiral, and us taking it upon ourselves to try and undo some of the damage the legion did planning to slowly spread across the great dark and try to heal the worlds burned by the legions crusade, the last pieces for this really coming together would be forging a relationship with the etherals which im fairly sure will happen in midnight (i think this should be a thing the illidari do, potenitally while resettling onto outland) to try and get their biodome tech, I could also see this being when our trip to K'aresh happens with the etherals giving us the tech to test on draenor in return for us agreeing to help them claw back what remains of their home from the void to begin the long process of healing it, probably with the aid of druids and shaman and maybe the dragons? could easily see this being a place sylavnus shows back up in as well seeing it as part of her penance to try and nurture new life
I have a crack theory that the hallowfall expedition was actually flung forward in time as well so the actual gap between them leaving and today is larger than they realize. I also hope that once we actually get to wherever the Arathi are now theyre based off a post ww2 style America, with a big focus on a paranoid intelligence apparatus and playing into the lore of like, humans being created by aliens and genetic manipulation by eldritch horrors (that are separate from the alien robots that created them originally) give me wow mj12 + having a large population of Elves native to Avalaorn (or whereever they end up) who were evolved by the sacred flame/azerite like how the nightelves were evolved by the WoE, could have the Arathi even having a secret titan forged facility they found and are keeping secret as the truth of where humans came from would undermine the mythology that has grown about the Arathi emperors, with the current emperor having to fight against the WoW CIA/MJ12 to not be cut out of the discoveries
Last edited by alex wolf; 2024-12-01 at 10:11 AM. Reason: adding additional response/proof reading
"There is a pervasive myth that making content hard will induce players to rise to the occasion. We find the opposite." -- Ghostcrawler
"The bit about hardcore players not always caring about the long term interests of the game is spot on." -- Ghostcrawler
"Do you want a game with no casuals so about 500 players?"
Formerly known as Arafal
Shadowlands setting was poor because the idea of an expansion where Azeroth barely matters isn't a great idea. The idea was to show how insignificant we are in the greater universe of extended setting Warcraft: not exactly palatable with some people. Also bad story doesn't help.
If it was set in four-five afterlife pocket realms DIRECTLY connected to Azeroth, that would've done a lot better imo. We could get a glimpse of the greater Shadowlands in a raid or a patch zone instead of being stuck in a land almost completely disconnected from Azeroth and its races.