1. #82581
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nibelheimy View Post
    Nope, saw the same in a Bellular video. There is a vendor on Siren Isle that sells loads of toys that do basic idle animations if I remember.
    Yay, thank you. I hope that vendor has some cool offerings.

    I only just realised, the Siren Isle actually has some neat transmogs on offer.

    A few Arathi hoods, recoloured Earthen backpacks, and so on. Might have to check it out after all.

  2. #82582
    Bloodsail Admiral The-Shan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaggler View Post
    I mean the Nightborne are kind of part of Silvermoon now and they fit in rather well philosophically as well.

    But yeah, nobody needs the Night Elves there.
    their leaders being married doesn't really make them part of quel'thalas, i'd be okay with them having a small presence (i.e a supporting character) but i'd rather the world building be entirely focused on the peoples of quel'thalas

  3. #82583
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Yay, thank you. I hope that vendor has some cool offerings.

    I only just realised, the Siren Isle actually has some neat transmogs on offer.

    A few Arathi hoods, recoloured Earthen backpacks, and so on. Might have to check it out after all.
    Yeah those items are really cool, not much value perhaps but they are visually nice imo.

    Also, need them beach transmogs!
    World of Warcraft stuff

  4. #82584
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    What are y'alls predictions for the 11.1 PTR? This week? Next week? Right after Christmas?
    Still the same. Next week or January. There won't be much of anything going on between that.

  5. #82585
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Looks like they send out another survey, this time about new classes, including tinker, bard, pistolier, astromancer, witch, apothecary, celesteal spearfighter, battlemage, artificer, leyweaver, prismatic (basically first ones magic user), titanslayer, necromancer, tanking hunter called guardian, spellbreaker - although they note that not all of these are actually in development right now.


    Most of these sound quite dope, just not sure why they basically have three different titan / first ones based classes which just sound super weird all around (celestial spearfighter, prismatic and titanslayer). Really hope they aren't playing with that for TLT instead of any of the more traditional ones.
    Last edited by Lady Atia; 2024-12-11 at 12:19 PM.

  6. #82586
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Looks like they send out another survey, this time about new classes, including tinker, bard, pistolier, astromancer, witch, apothecary, celesteal spearfighter, battlemage, artificer, leyweaver, prismatic (basically first ones magic user), titanslayer, necromancer, tanking hunter called guardian, spellbreaker - although they note that not all of these are actually in development right now.


    Most of these sound quite dope, just not sure why they basically have three different titan / first ones based classes which just sound super weird all around (celestial spearfighter, prismatic and titanslayer). Really hope they aren't playing with that for TLT instead of any of the more traditional ones.
    oh shit, that's in german. okay, have to look it through once i get the time for it. i try to translate it in english then too
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  7. #82587
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Looks like they send out another survey, this time about new classes, including tinker, bard, pistolier, astromancer, witch, apothecary, celesteal spearfighter, battlemage, artificer, leyweaver, prismatic (basically first ones magic user), titanslayer, necromancer, tanking hunter called guardian, spellbreaker - although they note that not all of these are actually in development right now.


    Most of these sound quite dope, just not sure why they basically have three different titan / first ones based classes which just sound super weird all around (celestial spearfighter, prismatic and titanslayer). Really hope they aren't playing with that for TLT instead of any of the more traditional ones.
    Some very interesting concepts. The bards use the Radiant Song and titanslayers are a sort of Sargeras warrior using the power of Gorribal. Tinkerer and artificer are separated by the former creating turrets and traditional mech suits and the latter having Ironman armour, but both are Titan-based.

    Prismatic strikes me as a cosmic version of evokers which isn't particularly interesting to me. Celestial spearfighter is fun but just sounds like a warrior/survival hunter hybrid with vrykul flavouring. Leyweaver is very cool, but I'd like to see battlemage, spellbreaker, and leyweaver merged into one class because I don't think they can or should stand on their own. If they were merged then it would be a good class for Midnight. Tinker, artificer, titanslayer, bard, and celestial spearfighter could all fit in well with TLT.

  8. #82588
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    oh shit, that's in german. okay, have to look it through once i get the time for it. i try to translate it in english then too
    Love how they added customer service to the traditional wow roles instead of support xD

  9. #82589
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Looks like they send out another survey, this time about new classes, including tinker, bard, pistolier, astromancer, witch, apothecary, celesteal spearfighter, battlemage, artificer, leyweaver, prismatic (basically first ones magic user), titanslayer, necromancer, tanking hunter called guardian, spellbreaker - although they note that not all of these are actually in development right now.


    Most of these sound quite dope, just not sure why they basically have three different titan / first ones based classes which just sound super weird all around (celestial spearfighter, prismatic and titanslayer). Really hope they aren't playing with that for TLT instead of any of the more traditional ones.
    Does it say that prismatic is a Progenitor magic class? Or are you just assuming that?

  10. #82590
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    oh shit, that's in german. okay, have to look it through once i get the time for it. i try to translate it in english then too
    ok, got it translated, here you go

    Survey Page 1:
    When you choose which class you want to play in WoW, which of the following information sources do you use or find useful? Choose all that apply

    Survey Page 2:
    When you choose a playable class in WoW, which of the following factors do you consider

    Survey Page 3:
    If WoW would add a new class, which role should it have?

    Survey Page 4:
    Answer the following questions for the concept of a Tinker class:
    Prismatic: As heirs to titanic Power, Prismatics are carriers of cosmic powers that can not only be used in their purest forms, but their transcending powers can be merged to new powers. They refine and focus the power of life to heal allies, or the powers of order to protect themself, or they merge the combined powers of death and shadow to deal damage to enemies.

    Survey Page 5:
    Answer the following questions for the concept of a Tinker class:
    Bard: Supporter, Healer and Tanks, that utilize the Song of Azeroth to cast mighty spells, support their allies and weaken their enemies. Bards shine in a group, empowering and improving the spells of others and at the same time bringing numerous songs and auras to help their group reach new heights.

    Survey Page 6:
    Answer the following questions for the concept of a Gunner class:
    Gunner: Quick, offensive ranged combat characters that wield two pistols at the same time. They apply different elemental effects to their weapons to create the deadliest arsenal of destruction against their foes.

    Survey Page 7:
    Answer the following questions for the concept of Astrologian class:
    Astrologian: Mighty spellcasters that use the cosmic powers of the stars and gravity to deal devastating damage. They utilize celestial energies to cast spells, manipulate gravitational fields, summon meteor swarms and create star explosions.

    Survey Page 8:
    We want to present a few extra class concepts now. Some of them were already presented, others are new. Please take your time to read each concept carefully, then click on next when you are ready to proceed.

    As a reminder: Not all ideas you will see here are currently considered or in development and we ask you to keep all content of this survey confidential.

    Apothecary: Masters in the creation of potions and brews, which they use to harm enemies and empower and heal allies. They create unique combinations of elements, do give potions varieng effects, be it explosive, toxic or granting extreme power.

    Astrologian: Mighty spellcasters that use the cosmic powers of the stars and gravity to deal devastating damage. They utilize celestial energies to cast spells, manipulate gravitational fields, summon meteor swarms and create star explosions.

    Bard: Supporter, Healer and Tanks, that utilize the Song of Azeroth to cast mighty spells, support their allies and weaken their enemies. Bards shine in a group, empowering and improving the spells of others and at the same time bringing numerous songs and auras to help their group reach new heights.

    Witch: Damagedealers and Healers that use “old magic” to reach towards darker, natural powers. They magic includes curses, familiars, rituals, spiritual connections, poisons, decay and more. This class builds onto the teachings of witches and dark magicians of WoW, including the witches of Drustvar, the gilnean harvest witches, the decay gnolls and troll hexes and spirit magic.

    Celestials Lancer: Warrior, that use spears and titan magic, that are empowered by the gods for quick jumps and strikes.

    Battlemage: Battlemages empower their weapons with the might of the elements, to aid their allies, weaken foes and create constructs to control the battlefield.

    Artificer: Melee based Tanks,Damagedealer and Healer, that use a mix of handmade machines and titan-technology. Mechanic-reactive gear is the foundation of their power, while utilising new weapon types like extendable flails or reactive shields. This class is on the frontlines of battles and protects and supports their team with their inventions.

    Sruvery Page 9:
    Leyweaver: Leywaver are connected via leylines to the natural powers of Azeroth. Their connection to these arcane power lines allows them to move quickly along them and to manipulate the unseen energies that flow through everything - they help allies, deal damage to enemies or buff and debuff as wanted.

    Gunner: Quick, offensive ranged combat characters that wield two pistols at the same time. They apply different elemental effects to their weapons to create the deadliest arsenal of destruction against their foes.

    Prismatic: As heirs to titanic Power, Prismatics are carriers of cosmic powers that can not only be used in their purest forms, but their transcending powers can be merged to new powers. They refine and focus the power of life to heal allies, or the powers of order to protect themself, or they merge the combined powers of death and shadow to deal damage to enemies.

    Gunslinger: Cunning and agile melee combatants that use two pistols are once. Their sharp eyes allow them to see the weak points of enemies and deal with them quickly.

    Titankiller: Titankillers combine the sword fragments of Taeshalach and Gorribal to use the powers of Gorshalach and connect to the cosmic powers of the titans, to destroy any threat to Azeroth.

    Necromancer: Summon an army of undead that follow your commands and overrun enemies in combat. They combine different summoning spells to build the perfect army.

    Tinker: Genius inventors, who have uncovered the secrets of the titan technology, and using it to protect their allies, heal wounds and attack enemies. Through their understanding of machines. tinkers can create inventions (custom made skills/spells), control Mech-Suits and deploy mechanical constructs to create an advantage in combat.

    Warden: Versatile, armored hunters, who with their art of chakrams and traps, devastating ranged and melee attacks employ.

    Spellbreaker: Melee characters that specialised in the combat against magical powers.They ward magic, but they can also empower their gear with the magic of their enemies to improve their combat capabilities.

    Survey Page 10:
    Following you find description pairs that could describe games. Please choose the options that mostly reflect yourself.

    Survey Page 11:
    Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
    Astrologian, Tinker, Celestial Lancer, Spellbreaker, Necromancer

    Survey Page 12:
    Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
    Gunslinger, Battlemage, Warden, Apothecary, Leyweaver

    Survey Page 13:
    Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
    Tinker, Necromancer, Titankiller, Artifcer, Witch

    Survey Page 14:
    Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
    Gunner, Spellbreaker, Prismatic, Gunslinger, Warden

    Survey Page 15:
    Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
    Celestial Lancer, Gunner, Leyweaver, Artificer, Titankiller

    Survey Page 16:
    Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
    Battlemage, Tinker, Witch, Apothecary, Prismatic

    Survey Page 17:
    Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
    Warden, Astrologian, Gunner, Bard, Leyweaver

    Survey Page 18:
    Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
    Spellbreaker, Witch, Bard, Celestial Lancer, Gunslinger

    Survey Page 19:
    Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
    Apothecary, Bard, Artificer, Battlemage, Gunner

    Survey Page 20:
    Lastly, we would like to know which class concept would be most interesting for you, if you could play it in WoW.

    Survey Pages 21+:
    generic questions
    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Does it say that prismatic is a Progenitor magic class? Or are you just assuming that?
    it doesn't say anything about progenitors, but using titanic powers
    Last edited by Enrif; 2024-12-11 at 03:19 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  11. #82591
    Listen, IF Blizzard ever adds in a class where players can wield the power of the First Ones...

    I'll be ONE happy camper. Though idk if I'd call it "Prismatic" or so. I'd rather call it "Architect" or something along those lines.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    ok, got it translated, here you go

    - - - Updated - - -

    it doesn't say anything about progenitors, but using titanic powers
    Based off what I've read, this IS either Progenitor related (Cause they quite literally are the ones responsible for the forces, so us wielding all 6 forces makes sense), or it's Titan related and it's showcasing a unique side to the sides we're sort of used to, but it hasn't been explored much (Where the Titans wield the magics of other powers).

    - - - Updated - - -

    "As heirs to titanic Power, Prismatics are carriers of cosmic powers that can not only be used in their purest forms, but their transcending powers can be merged to new powers. They refine and focus the power of life to heal allies, or the powers of order to protect themself, or they merge the combined powers of death and shadow to deal damage to enemies."

    Using the cosmic forces in their purest form makes this scream "Progenitor" more than it does "Titan" ngl. It doesn't mention the Light for Prismatics though. Kinda hoping that would be part of their set, unless Prismatics are Light related, which tbh, I don't think I'd like.

    Also, the term "titanic" wouldn't really have to mean Titans in a literal sense, as "titanic power" just means "massively powerful" and whatnot.

    Btw, all these class concepts are sick asf, and I hope we eventually see them all one way or another in the future.
    Last edited by Joshuaj; 2024-12-11 at 02:29 PM.

  12. #82592
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Based off what I've read, this IS either Progenitor related (Cause they quite literally are the ones responsible for the forces, so us wielding all 6 forces makes sense), or it's Titan related and it's showcasing a unique side to the sides we're sort of used to, but it hasn't been explored much (Where the Titans wield the magics of other powers).
    The survey states for the prismatic: Als Erben einer titanischen Macht
    Translated to english: As heirs to titanic Power
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  13. #82593
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    The survey states for the prismatic: Als Erben einer titanischen Macht
    Translated to english: As heirs to titanic Power
    Yes, but when it says "titanic", is it ACTUALLY talking about the power of the Titans literally, or just massive power altogether? Cause the Progenitors possess titanic power as well (Not in that they have the power of the Titans (Tho they most likely do), but more-so in that their power is actually fucking huge).

    - - - Updated - - -

    "Astrologian: Mighty spellcasters that use the cosmic powers of the stars and gravity to deal devastating damage. They utilize celestial energies to cast spells, manipulate gravitational fields, summon meteor swarms and create star explosions."

    Always wanted to see more of this stuff in WoW! GIMME!!!

    "Constructioneer(?): Melee based Tanks,Damagedealer and Healer, that use a mix of handmade machines and titan-technology. Mechanic-reactive gear is the foundation of their power, while utilising new weapon types like extendable flails or reactive shields. This class is on the frontlines of battles and protects and supports their team with their inventions."


    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, regarding Prismatic, if that is talking about the Titans, then that makes me question things, as I don't think I've seen a Titan use Life magics or Shadow magics in their purest form lol. They can use Order magics in their purest form, sure, but idk about the other forces and their magics.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, mixing the the forces powers? Also screams "Progenitor" with the nature of the pattern. Tho I hope Light is a force that's included here lol. I'm sure it is. That force would likely be in the baseline abilities.

  14. #82594
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Yes, but when it says "titanic", is it ACTUALLY talking about the power of the Titans literally, or just massive power altogether? Cause the Progenitors possess titanic power as well (Not in that they have the power of the Titans (Tho they most likely do), but more-so in that their power is actually fucking huge).

    - - - Updated - - -

    "Astrologian: Mighty spellcasters that use the cosmic powers of the stars and gravity to deal devastating damage. They utilize celestial energies to cast spells, manipulate gravitational fields, summon meteor swarms and create star explosions."

    Always wanted to see more of this stuff in WoW! GIMME!!!

    "Constructioneer(?): Melee based Tanks,Damagedealer and Healer, that use a mix of handmade machines and titan-technology. Mechanic-reactive gear is the foundation of their power, while utilising new weapon types like extendable flails or reactive shields. This class is on the frontlines of battles and protects and supports their team with their inventions."


    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, regarding Prismatic, if that is talking about the Titans, then that makes me question things, as I don't think I've seen a Titan use Life magics or Shadow magics in their purest form lol. They can use Order magics in their purest form, sure, but idk about the other forces and their magics.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, mixing the the forces powers? Also screams "Progenitor" with the nature of the pattern. Tho I hope Light is a force that's included here lol. I'm sure it is. That force would likely be in the baseline abilities.
    titanic could also mean colossal, yes, but the titans are mentioned in many classes, so i would think they mean titans in the prismatic too.

    The thing about the prismatic might be, that it's not a current titan, but azeroth, which we speculate might harbor all cosmic powers.

    But prismatic of all these classes is my third least favorite of that list. the bottom are the gunner and gunslinger. I don't want another exclusive weapon type in the game.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  15. #82595
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    titanic could also mean colossal, yes, but the titans are mentioned in many classes, so i would think they mean titans in the prismatic too.

    The thing about the prismatic might be, that it's not a current titan, but azeroth, which we speculate might harbor all cosmic powers.

    But prismatic of all these classes is my third least favorite of that list. the bottom are the gunner and gunslinger. I don't want another exclusive weapon type in the game.
    I guess yeah, but they mention the Titans in a more direct sense regarding the other classes mentioned here.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Idk. Just not sure that class being Titan related would work, especially with the idea of Primastics being able to use the cosmic powers magics in their purest forms, which includes Shadow.

  16. #82596
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Just not sure that class being Titan related would work, especially with the idea of Primastics being able to use the cosmic powers magics in their purest forms, which includes Shadow.
    Arcane magic is not order magic. Or where does Time magic fit into the cosmology. The cosmic forces & types of magic are not interchangeable.

  17. #82597
    All of these sound plausible to me except prismatic and titankiller.

    Prismatic is way to convoluted and unnecessary. A class works when it has a concise theme, and being master of all fundamental cosmic magic sounds like a meme class a 5 year old wrote.

    Titan killer has little info however, so fleshed out I could be interested. But what does invoking the power of those swords mean? So far it really doesn't mean anything. If they want to add in literal champions of Sargeras as a class depending how the saga ends, it could be possible.

    Interesting how some of these are so directly related to current events, and I'm very pleased to see the basic classes a lot of people have requested.

    I.e. Tinker, bard, witch, necromancer, articifer, spellbreaker, apothecary, warden. These are way more realistic and interesting to see. Even a nodd to trolls in witch for witch doctor.

    Astrologian and Leyweaver are interesting additions, and could envision myself playing one.

    The new gun ones, I can understand how that specific theme is missing in wow, but I'm not altogether too fussed.

    Celestial spearman is a weird name. Some sort of dragoon class I presume.


    if one thing is clear, it seems that Blizzard may understand how hero talents have in some cases diluted a class down and left its fantasy is confused. With Priest as an example, there is now too many themes spread amongst its talents and hero talents. People like the Aesthetic of Voidweaver, but it has lost its original flavour. I can see how this idea of an Astrologian would fix that.

    At least we can see they are open to class ideas without somebody insisting they will never happen for 'reasons'.

    Here's a bunch they like. Let's hope people vote well.
    Last edited by Nibelheimy; 2024-12-11 at 04:24 PM.

  18. #82598
    Not gonna lie, I'm salivating at the Astrologian one. That is right up my alley. It sounds so cool. Picturing Algalon and Rygelon aesthetics.

    Battlemage seems neat too but feels a bit too close to Enhancement Shaman if you ask me.

    Gunner sounds cool too but it being dual wielded pistols makes me wonder if they'd make another new weapon type and honestly I kinda hate creating a new weapon type just for a class after DHs.

  19. #82599
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Arcane magic is not order magic. Or where does Time magic fit into the cosmology. The cosmic forces & types of magic are not interchangeable.
    Ok? What does this have to do with what I said?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nibelheimy View Post
    All of these sound plausible to me except prismatic and titankiller.

    Prismatic is way to convoluted and unnecessary. A class works when it has a concise theme, and being master of all fundamental cosmic magic sounds like a meme class a 5 year old wrote.

    Titan killer has little info however, so fleshed out I could be interested. But what does invoking the power of those swords mean? So far it really doesn't mean anything. If they want to add in literal champions of Sargeras as a class depending how the saga ends, it could be possible.

    Interesting how some of these are so directly related to current events, and I'm very pleased to see the basic classes a lot of people have requested.

    I.e. Tinker, bard, witch, necromancer, articifer, spellbreaker, apothecary, warden. These are way more realistic and interesting to see. Even a nodd to trolls in witch for witch doctor.

    Astrologian and Leyweaver are interesting additions, and could envision myself playing one.

    The new gun ones, I can understand how that specific theme is missing in wow, but I'm not altogether too fussed.

    Celestial spearman is a weird name. Some sort of dragoon class I presume.


    if one thing is clear, it seems that Blizzard may understand how hero talents have in some cases diluted a class down and left its fantasy is confused. With Priest as an example, there is now too many themes spread amongst its talents and hero talents. People like the Aesthetic of Voidweaver, but it has lost its original flavour. I can see how this idea of an Astrologian would fix that.

    At least we can see they are open to class ideas without somebody insisting they will never happen for 'reasons'.

    Here's a bunch they like. Let's hope people vote well.
    Prismatic is just Evoker but for all 6 cosmic forces. It's totally plausible lol

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Not gonna lie, I'm salivating at the Astrologian one. That is right up my alley. It sounds so cool. Picturing Algalon and Rygelon aesthetics.

    Battlemage seems neat too but feels a bit too close to Enhancement Shaman if you ask me.

    Gunner sounds cool too but it being dual wielded pistols makes me wonder if they'd make another new weapon type and honestly I kinda hate creating a new weapon type just for a class after DHs.
    Battlemage sounds like if you fused a mage, a shaman, and a warrior together. I kinda fw it!

    And same. Astrologian is a class concept I've been wanting for a while now. GIMME IT BLIZZARD!!!

  20. #82600
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Battlemage sounds like if you fused a mage, a shaman, and a warrior together. I kinda fw it!

    And same. Astrologian is a class concept I've been wanting for a while now. GIMME IT BLIZZARD!!!
    I've always wanted a Battlemage so I'm down for it, just that the description made me go "wait that's enhancement shaman" which, to be fair, are the closest thing we have to battlemages at present anyway. But I wouldn't complain.

    And yeah, ever since Ulduar I've wanted something with a star/cosmic look to it. It is one of the things I like about that whole "electric jazz" or whatever aesthetic they started going with for Shadow priests too. But a full blown astro-aesthetic would be different enough that it doesn't bother me much.

    I am kinda surprised at the lack of a time-based one, though. I still think about the whole Timewalker NPCs on the Timeless Isle being clearly set up to be specs of a class.

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