Okay, but the tinker must be inspired by gnome & goblin technology. Not Titan technology. Or very anecdotally, like a passive or something.
Tinkers are gnomes and goblins in the collective imagination, because that's how they've been represented since their beginnings in Warcraft history so to make a class based on technology but not on these races would be... extremely disappointing. Titans are boring.
Imagine waiting 20 years for a tinker class to come out and not be what it's supposed to be. It would be like the demon hunters being inspired not by Illidan, but by Diablo. No way.
As someone who loves gnomes and goblins, one of my goals is to be able to play a class that matches them thematically. A titan-based tinker wouldn't meet this criterion.
With a little effort, it would be possible to extend them to all races, with skins if need be.
If Blizzard is seriously considering this class, please don't miss out.