Rogue has kick & cloak of shadows so they’re a spellbreaker obviously.
Dks have Anti-magic shell/zone & rune of spellwarding so they’re clearly spellbreakers obviously.
If that’s the bar for writing off classes does that mean Tinker isn’t valid since Hunter has technological pets & abilities? Not to mention engineering.
Maybe, but maybe they're not trolling? The community at large seems to believe this survey is real, and there's quite a few reasons to believe its real.
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Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker. It was an ability they shared with, wait for it.... Spellbreakers.
There’s not “quite a few reasons” to believe it’s real.
When there’s actual screenshots, which there have been for every previous survey, then it might be real.
Makes you wonder why wowhead hasn’t posted about it, when they post almost everything. (Like the augmentation speculation and actually credible leaks)
I also really don't see a problem with an "elf" class. There actually isn't a blood elf class in the game and they are by far the most popular race. They did get a Hero Talent for mage which is nice.
Demon hunter is a night elf class that blood elves are allowed to be for faction balance. Demon hunter has no history with Quel'thalas.
You're basically writing off the most popular race getting a themed class because the 2nd most popular race got a themed class.
And just to be clear, I'm not saying the class needs to be blood elf exclusive, just have themes and history actually trying it to them. I think whatever the next class is should be available to everyone.
Everything really shouldn’t be catered to the most popular race though. Those people are already playing your game, and likely satisfied with their current class. Those people migrating over to yet another class that appeals to them doesn’t really help your numbers.
You sort of want to appeal to people currently not playing your game, and not satisfied with the current class offerings.
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So, this is the "Spellbreaker" skill that's been coming up:
It is true that there is a generic Demon Hunter Initiate mob that has it, plus one DH quest mob from Cata. But a lot more Blood Elf Paladins and Warriors have it too. It's pretty much a generic ability tossed on to a whole bunch of Blood Elves in Outland's open world. Certainly not specific to Demon Hunters- way more Paladins and Warriors had it than DHs.
If Spellbreaker were to be mixed in to an existing class, I think Warrior feels like the best fit. But I'd be all for getting it as a full class if they can come up with three specs for it.
People seem to be weirdly fixated on cramming pretty much anything they can into DH to fill that missing spec.
I'm all for giving them a third spec, but most of these connections are a massive stretch. Better to just give them another spec that actually follows their demonic theme, like a Fel archer like Ace Hunter Kreen from Hearthstone. A lot of HS's additions are pretty silly, but that one seems like a solid idea for a ranged DH spec.
While there were some Belf DHs in TBC, yeah it was mostly a nelf class historically and through Illidan. Spellbreaker may be the reverse kind of thing where it's famously Belf and is extended to Velf/Helf, Nelf and Nightborne.
Of all those classes mentioned it is the one that fits Midnight the most as, in Warcraft, it is an elf class (marketed as an elf expansion) that is tied primarily to the elves of Quel'thalas (expansion region).
I don't think anyone who has never played the game is going to say "Hey they added x, now I will play." I don't think someone who only likes 1 class on the entire roster is likely to be a long term player anyway so doesn't really make sense to aim for them. New classes can bring back previous players and prevent current players from quitting by giving them something new to play with so playing into what has historically been the most popular race makes sense.
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It's something that can be taught to everyone. Void elves should still know how to do it to teach Alliance. During the troll wars the elves taught humans magic in exchange for help, could be a call back to that of the elves teaching their allies how to be Spellbreakers in exchange for help. The void is also a big magic-y enemy, so it's the perfect target for Spellbreakers.
One random no-name NPC doesn’t mean “demon hunters had an ability named spellbreaking”
Your point would’ve been more valid if you said Paladins were spellbreakers because they’ve actually got an ability named spellbreaker.
(Which according to your logic means Paladins are Demon Hunters lmao)
Well that's false. Plenty of people were waiting for Demon Hunter and are playing currently because that class is available. I'm mainly playing currently because of the Evoker class because I highly enjoy dragon lore and the aspects. If not for that class, I probably wouldn't be actively playing WoW right now. Not everyone in WoW is an altaholic.
But if those people aren't playing then why are we factoring in what's the most popular race currently? Obviously that race isn't enough to make them interested in the game. Wouldn't it be smarter to make your class lineup as varied and diverse as possible to appeal to a wider variety of players?New classes can bring back previous players and prevent current players from quitting by giving them something new to play with so playing into what has historically been the most popular race makes sense.
For example, not everyone is interested in magical elves. As multiple polls have shown, quite a few people are more interested in a technological class, since we currently don't have one in the class lineup.
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Is that one random no-name NPC called a Demon Hunter? Does that one random no-name NPC have an ability called Spellbreaker?
If the answer to both those questions are yes, what are you still arguing about?
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Again, are we seriously to believe that Blizzard is going to make yet another melee elven class possibly restricted to two specs after Demon Hunters? Wouldn't the smarter play be to combine this elven concept with the Demon Hunter class and leave the new class slot open to something actually different?
They added a super high tech race and basically no one plays it. I don't think tech is a massive selling point for people. And I really doubt it would draw in people who have never played the game before. It'd be another Evoker where very few people are interested in playing it.
Frankly nothing. Which is why it's likely to get bypassed for TLT while Midnight is reserved for housing and character customizations. I think Demon Hunter really made it difficult for Blizzard to create another elf-centric class.
However with that said, adding Spellbreaker to the DH class would make the class a lot better and more interesting. I don't believe Spellbreaker on its own has enough material to be its own class, but it would make an excellent DH support spec.