Also, what about the M+ surveys, are they fake too?
Also, what about the M+ surveys, are they fake too?
You don't get it. There are "obvious mistranslations" in the generic parts of the survey. These are likely just auto translated. But the class specific translation, plus the parts that are likely in many german survey, have perfect translations? Yeah, that adds up as genuine.
I'd agree fully if not for the fact that Dark Ranger is a hero talent, not a spec. They are not the same level of thing. Hero talents can and will be changed and may not even exist after this Saga. Abilities and features are pruned all the time. Most of the covenant spells? Gone. Some covenant spells did more for the class and rotation that some of the worse hero talents, and they are gone.
If Blizzard wanted to make a second ranged class for Midnight (which they may) and base it off of famous rangers who originate in the city we're re-visiting. They would and should have no issue removing the dark ranger hero talent from hunters, which was already an unusual lore decision anyway and a lot of players have voiced discontent with it, and move it into a new more suited ranger class. Classes evolve. Compare Shadowlands Blood DK and TWW Blood DK. They feel totally and tonally different. Why do I have a G'huun themed bloodbeast and no red eyes? Dunno. My vampire mist was cool though.
WoW isn't the game it was twenty years ago and Blizzard should feel more able to change things up as they want (and they will with the new saga) If they didn't get rid of Metamorphasis, we wouldn't have Demonology. The Demonology playstyle is loved by a lot of players.
Well, we don't know. I tried to look up a source from, but they just state that the screenshots were send to them.
then i went to the youtube link for that article
and i scrolled a bit through the comments.
And a user there said they had also a survey, but about housing.
Well, if this is true, there are multiple survey around. A class one, a housing one, a M+ one, maybe more. So the chances that a class survey is leaked, might be slim, if it doesn't went to people who are prone to sharing that.
do you have a german one?
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well, something interesting, i googled a bit around, and found this
A eu forum thread that asks about the validity of the survey in german, from 4 days ago
but if i click the link
the thread is gone, and i don't find any thread about the class survey in german. If it would be fake, why would blizzard remove such a thread?
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Interestingly, the US forum post about the same thing is still live
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oh, some interesting post of a user from the us thread: can’t say much…but don’t be so sure it’s fake. Keep in mind these are just ideas being spun, not developed classes (yet).
Again, don’t be sure it’s not real if you haven’t personally taken the survey. I will just say it didn’t just go to Germany.
Last edited by Enrif; 2024-12-17 at 06:32 AM.
well, another user on the us forum…we all got the survey.
this makes it at least two different people in the US and the german source, and at least some people from pyromancers streams chat. Some of that could be same, sure, but i would err on that it's real.I assumed everyone got the survey but no it’s very real. I filled it out yesterday and am personally hoping for the tinker class.
Yeah, also thinking this is a troll, and a low effort one at that.
Nah? They're all classes. Plus like, none of those fit. Like even the close ones in like, Witch, are more like druid than they are shaman.
Moreso from the back end they're seeing what people want from the class feel. Note a lot of the shorter stuff is stuff like Warden, Necromancer or Spellbreaker with the WC3 history. Its pretty clear they're comparing stuff like "Longer description classes noting how they fit into the Warcraft Universe" with stuff like Titanslayer or Leyweaver, flat out Warcraft 3 units with unique stuff in Warden and Spellbreaker, and standard concepts in the gun pair. Note also quite a few of them are two flavours of the same idea, like Artificer and Tinker being the same concept but expressed in different ways.
Irrelevant as far as the survey is concerned. The question is "Would you like this class" per the information provided. That nitty gritty doesn't matter
Yeah nah DK is not filling the necromancer gap and would not if unholy was ranged. Necromancers don't clank around in plate, they're clothies.
Same with the spellbreaker idea, plate clad warriors wielding shields do not a third DH spec make
I don't know why people think Blizzard would add 4th specs. Not only is it a massive undertaking to add 12 new specs, but it would be a clusterfuck with hero talents. They'd either need to add 1 new hero talent set and rearrange the existing ones so each spec has 2 hero talents, or add enough hero talents for each spec to have 3.
The only times new specs have been added are when an existing spec was performing 2 different roles(druid) or when the class was shipped incomplete(evoker).
Hero talents are indeed a break on the 4th spec idea. Well, unless we find a hero talent that doesn't make much sense for a spec, but would fit nicely with one of these new ones.
I can't think of an obvious one. Perhaps gunslinger for rogue that put trickster on gunslinger instead of outlaw and a new gunbased hero talent (gunner?) between outlaw and gunslinger.