1. #83381
    I'd be more willing to believe that Brokers are Kareshi that knowingly let themselves die and be sent to the Shadowlands to set up some kind of operation, though how they slipped past the Robo Arbiter I don't know.

    Or its an Eredar situation and they are similar race/the same race as Kareshi that just got blown up as opposed to shielding/being torn to Arcane.

  2. #83382
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I'd be more willing to believe that Brokers are Kareshi that knowingly let themselves die and be sent to the Shadowlands to set up some kind of operation, though how they slipped past the Robo Arbiter I don't know.

    Or its an Eredar situation and they are similar race/the same race as Kareshi that just got blown up as opposed to shielding/being torn to Arcane.
    I like the idea of then being another kareshi race/nation that maybe was already into necromancy or w/e and ensured they'd stay a united front after death

  3. #83383
    Stood in the Fire Supertoster's Avatar
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    People are too quick to jump on playable Ethereals bandwagon.
    Keep in mind, that blizz regularly update ald models if they:
    1) are very outdated (BC era in case of Ethereals)
    2) will be used a lot in future content

    Ethereals will definitely be used a lot in Void-based expansion, which Midnight is. So blizz adds enough of customization for them to increase NPC diversity.
    New model still does not support player armor, nor it uses all player animations.

  4. #83384
    Ethereals were last updated in Legion. So their models were not that old.

  5. #83385
    I don't think updated ethereals means playable, but the tightened bandages and visibly female models (and the fact they can be naked at all) points towards playability down the line.

  6. #83386
    Scarab Lord Polybius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    I could see a movement racial of some kind that lets them hover. Maybe something as simple as "Hover and gain 10% movement speed for 10 seconds. 2 minute cool down". Or possibly a flavour racial to let them hover in the air rather than stay on the ground.
    Oh deer, like balloons. That would be so funny and amazing.

  7. #83387
    Quote Originally Posted by Supertoster View Post
    People are too quick to jump on playable Ethereals bandwagon.
    Keep in mind, that blizz regularly update ald models if they:
    1) are very outdated (BC era in case of Ethereals)
    2) will be used a lot in future content

    Ethereals will definitely be used a lot in Void-based expansion, which Midnight is. So blizz adds enough of customization for them to increase NPC diversity.
    New model still does not support player armor, nor it uses all player animations.
    They already updated the Ethereal models back in Legion though, so there was a pretty good updated model they could use for the generic ethereal mobs.

    What makes the Ethereal models here special is that they are specifically designed with two variants, and no armour, which is more in line with how they design playable races.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by AOL Instant Messenger View Post
    A summonable fence, maybe? I don't think any race has a mobile vendor. Given that Traveler's Tundra Mammoth isn't really a novelty anymore, I think on-demand repairs and vending accessible only to one person seems pretty fair.
    Not a bad idea. Could make it a racial to summon a transmog vendor as well given that is probably just as unique.
    Maybe void storage gets a revamp as well. That might be something that could be summoned by an Etheral racial given the Ethereals are the ones in charge of that service.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  8. #83388
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Have those 10.1 PTR butterflies and horses been discussed? Trading Post mounts.

    One is called Ruby Butterfly and is sought after by Twilight Witches, while another is called Midnight Butterfly and looks a bit colourful and Pandora-inspired. Makes me think of Elune or something, almost. There's a Spring one, too, as well as a Pearlescent one.

    I'm probably reading too much into this but it would be neat if these Trading Post mounts are being released in the first months of 2025.

    - Pearlescent one is a generic version for January. White because of snow etc.

    - Ruby one is for February because of Love is in the Air and the whole Twilight Witch theme it has going on for its transmog right now.

    - Midnight one is for March, because that's when the 11.1.5 patch arrives with a bunch of content related to Xal'atath's plans, including "Nightfall".

    - Spring one is for April because duh. Noblegarden etc.

    The Darkmoon Faire horses being added in the patch are also 4, and come in the very same flavours: Snowy, Violet, Midnight, and Lively.

    So yeah, if the theory is correct then March will focus quite heavily on the theme of Nightfall, Midnight, etc.

  9. #83389
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    They already updated the Ethereal models back in Legion though, so there was a pretty good updated model they could use for the generic ethereal mobs.

    What makes the Ethereal models here special is that they are specifically designed with two variants, and no armour, which is more in line with how they design playable races.
    The Legion updates were the Void ethereals, they lacked the whole magic beneath their bandages thing that regular ethereals have, having void instead. So, the classics haven't had an update since TBC

    The main go-to tell depends how they've UV wrapped everything, but I don't think its a sign they're playable. Tuskarr have unarmored options but they're not playable
    Last edited by Mecheon; 2024-12-23 at 01:47 AM.

  10. #83390
    Quote Originally Posted by bruxx View Post
    I like the idea of then being another kareshi race/nation that maybe was already into necromancy or w/e and ensured they'd stay a united front after death
    When did we actually learn the brokers are dead? They clearly can travel the veil which isn't exactly surprising we know thats not kyrian specific, as odyn did it too

  11. #83391
    Quote Originally Posted by alex wolf View Post
    When did we actually learn the brokers are dead? They clearly can travel the veil which isn't exactly surprising we know thats not kyrian specific, as odyn did it too

    Fair, it's not hard to imagine them being alive and just leeching off the shadowlands

  12. #83392
    Brokers always struck me as casual racism tbh, they have the whole Problem with Apu thing going on, coupled with being shrewd and apathetic negotiators. I think they were a mistake and wouldn't mind never seeing them appear in lore again

  13. #83393
    Quote Originally Posted by Al Gorefiend View Post
    Brokers always struck me as casual racism tbh, they have the whole Problem with Apu thing going on, coupled with being shrewd and apathetic negotiators. I think they were a mistake and wouldn't mind never seeing them appear in lore again
    Dawg what are you talking about?

    - - - Updated - - -

    "Broker stuff is casual racism"

    And it's just one of the coolest parts of the Shadowlands expansion. Nothing racist or anything like that. Just another race of cosmic traders with cartels, markets, and whatnot.

    Lmaooo tf?

  14. #83394
    Quote Originally Posted by Al Gorefiend View Post
    Brokers always struck me as casual racism tbh, they have the whole Problem with Apu thing going on, coupled with being shrewd and apathetic negotiators. I think they were a mistake and wouldn't mind never seeing them appear in lore again
    I've seen them called ripoff brokers a million times but this is the first I've heard they were racist

  15. #83395
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I've seen them called ripoff brokers a million times but this is the first I've heard they were racist
    Think you meant to say ripoff Ethereals lol

  16. #83396
    How many times are we going to see an NPC race with NPC clothing not rigged to be a player race that people freak out and demand are going to be playable, despite there being no signs they are going to be?

    We've been through this before way too many times.
    Not everything needs to be a player race.

    Looking at you, Walrus.

  17. #83397
    Quote Originally Posted by Schwert View Post
    How many times are we going to see an NPC race with NPC clothing not rigged to be a player race that people freak out and demand are going to be playable, despite there being no signs they are going to be?

    We've been through this before way too many times.
    Not everything needs to be a player race.

    Looking at you, Walrus.
    To be fair though, Ethereals have been a "Let's have this be playable" race ever since TBC. They've pretty constantly been one of the most popular choices and, honestly? They're at least up there with ogres in terms of demand, if not more popular at times.

  18. #83398
    Quote Originally Posted by Schwert View Post
    How many times are we going to see an NPC race with NPC clothing not rigged to be a player race that people freak out and demand are going to be playable, despite there being no signs they are going to be?

    We've been through this before way too many times.
    Not everything needs to be a player race.

    Looking at you, Walrus.
    I don't know - we are on the theory / speculation thread. Some people's imagination goes wild on just the breadcrumbs level of information. Huge copium and confirmation bias takes the place behind the steering wheel - I know it from a personal experience
    It's not surprising - in fact, this is exactly what I'd expect from forum threads like this. And you know what? I love to come here every single time there are some news released, some datamining happening, and see what mad theories people are able to cook over here upon a simple, bullshit piece of information. I love it

    On contrary, literally there are people, who will deny any probability of things happening, no matter the evidence - so things are balanced out I guess

    By the way, you are not wrong to be clear but ethereals and ogres are among "the most" desired playable races - it's not like gnoll or quillboar model update caused the same level of hype - and for a good reason
    Last edited by Nebron; 2024-12-23 at 09:43 AM.

  19. #83399
    Quote Originally Posted by Al Gorefiend View Post
    Brokers always struck me as casual racism tbh, they have the whole Problem with Apu thing going on, coupled with being shrewd and apathetic negotiators. I think they were a mistake and wouldn't mind never seeing them appear in lore again
    Is this whole thing a bit I've just not been made aware of?
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  20. #83400
    Quote Originally Posted by Al Gorefiend View Post
    Brokers always struck me as casual racism tbh, they have the whole Problem with Apu thing going on, coupled with being shrewd and apathetic negotiators. I think they were a mistake and wouldn't mind never seeing them appear in lore again
    So, they're goblins. I have some bad news for you regarding upcoming content.

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