On the flip side of that coin, the brokers served their purpose flawlessly if looking at the Shadowlands as a realm were things live, no different than any other continent/zone/city of Azeroth, instead of their role as the afterlife of the WoW universe.
Seeing it through that lens instead sees the brokers function exactly as they needed.
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Just waiting to see the cartels of Undermine function like the mafia families of NY/NJ.
Looking forward to crime family inspired world quests: contract killings, extortion, enforcing, collecting protection money... eating gabagool at the local sandwich shop.
"Yo T, whaddaya think dat fookin' crystal in da roof of Hallowfall is all about, eh?"
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"Yeah T, its called Dragonflight, fuckin' dragons everywhere, you can fly through hoops n' shit in races, lotta money to be made."
"I should shov this dragon up yer fuckin' ass Christophuh!"
Lame creations? Dawg they're artifact seekers, deal makers, travelers, etc with some cool asf gimmicks, magics, hubs (Like Tazavesh), and knowledge.
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Because Blizzard actually took the time to establish them as more than just Jewish stereotypes or a race that's similar to the Orcs but far more dirty, less cool, and less massive.
That's one of the many reasons for why WoW Goblins work compared to, let's say, Harry Potter Goblins.
Last edited by Joshuaj; 2024-12-23 at 05:07 PM.
You're overly defensive and unnecessary aggression is noted. And it's unnecessary.
It's quite ironic that you jump to the "expressing my own opinion" defense when I was pointing out that somebody was expressing their own opinion that was clearly different from yours. The difference is that you are attempting to invalidate theirs with points that are relevant to you only. That's all.
Please, for your sake, grow thicker skin.
If my profile picture doesn't already give it away, I'd love this. I do imagine there'll be a few mob tongue in cheek world quests at least, like a no-show job work site world quest.
Skaggit telling you the Bilgewater Cartel got a few no-shows on a job to clean a cess pool in a neighborhood, and the credit for the WQ is X pages of magazine flipped, X cocktails sipped, X chairs relaxed in.
Yeah I had a feeling you'd respond to it, hehe.
I've been waiting for some direct The Sopranos references, or even integrated themes/approaches, from the goblins and this seems perfect territory to finally do it.
Now... we wait for for some (hopefully) inevitable name references.
They have a broken English accent. I've seen a lot of Indian folks and Muslims IRL have a somewhat similar accent. That doesn't make them like a stereotype character at all.
Also, money-hungry cartels like that exist IRL as well, albeit not on a cosmic level obviously.
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Please don't talk thicker skin when you literally can't handle my disagreements on other peoples opinions.
Also, if correcting someone and telling them to not take shit to the extreme equates to invalidation...maybe explore the internet more or go outside more.
Next time you type, please do so when you're actually mentioned. Thanks.
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Undermine having a ton of The Sopranos references would be peak.
If you think me pointing out to you that people can have different opinions than yourself is somehow whining or complaining, then your projection is also noted and you are waaaaaay worse off than I originally thought. Ouch.
Account creation date to post ratio: checks out.Also, if correcting someone and telling them to not take shit to the extreme equates to invalidation...maybe explore the internet more or go outside more.
Dude who believes he is not sensitive is getting upset that another dude quoted him on a public forum.Next time you type, please do so when you're actually mentioned. Thanks.
Just be sure not to become enraged again when I reply to any of your posts.
So, if you have nothing more than just "no, u" responses, then move on. I said what I said already; you're just crying what you have to cry out.
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Fair point. I would imagine that most of the Warcraft writers don't really see The Sopranos in a positive light, or even know anything more than just the memes and second-hand accounts from the older generation who watched it.
Although I feel like, something like a The Sopranos transcends a lot of media. It's very easy to know a lot about it without watching 1 minute of the show... but in the end it's probably a fan pipe dream.
One could hope.
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I missed this bit in your reply.
What are the odds that a goblin "entertainment center" taking the place of a strip club was present, where all the Bilgewater "capos" hung out. Gazlowe, Skaggit and some other no-namers up in the VIP lounge smoking cigars and eating lobster.
Last edited by KOUNTERPARTS; 2024-12-23 at 06:12 PM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
I'd argue that it's still a massively popular show and just had a solid run of relevance with memes for a bit, but you're right that it doesn't seem like something the modern writing staff would reference.
That's not a dig or anything, they just tend to not do this as much as it was done in say the WotLK/Cata/MoP era.
I'm 21 and I've seen The Sopranos. If I've seen it, I'm sure Blizzard devs have as well.
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Anyways, hopefully we'll see more colors on the cars. Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow are cool and all, but I want my MTV Pink Color!!!
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Kinda pissed we don't have more references like Bronjahm in WoW.
I'm curious about where they would be used in the raid. I suppose we'll see encounters in a few weeks. I've been under the assumption that they would tie the Shadowguard Ethereals to the Darkfuse for some time, but I wonder how much of that we'll see.
I really want playable Ethereals and I think it will happen down the line, but aside from some of the cartels we've dealt with in TBC and Locus Walker, it's been a fair amount of time since we've encountered a large group of friendly Ethereals, so there currently isn't a vehicle for them to join our ranks. Harranir definitely seems like it'll come first, and I imagine Ethereals will be sometime in Midnight when the plot allows for it.
There was also a comment a while back about Ethereals being a potential usage for the housing system in the same vein as void storage, etc., but I don't think that to be the case. I think a very big part of housing is that it will be pretty detached from the story. I imagine if anything the Artisan's Consortium will be utilized a bit more for this, but with the impending story implications that Ethereals will have, I don't think they'll be the route taken for housing.
Last edited by Nymrohd; 2024-12-23 at 06:29 PM.