“But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart
- Xal'atath is trying to bring about the Ancient One, a creature referenced on a tablet inside the time rift Azq'roth.
- The Ancient One is also a slight retcon from Hearthstone lore. Instead of being a general of the Old Gods, it is the ultimate Void God.
- Three cups of black blood, two scoops Old God essence, a pinch of cosmic forces, and one worldsoul. Voilà, you've got yourself an "awakening".
- Oh, and yes. Xal'atath is the remnant of the 5th Old God, one which dwelled below Khaz Algar and therefore was associated with life and death due to its proximity to the roots of Elun'Ahir (see Chronicles art).
- She is uniquely qualified to bring their ancient prophecy to completion, full circle as it were. They all died, they all filled their purpose. Time to fulfil the final prophecy.
- The Ancient One hungers. All things have souls. All souls can be devoured.
- My guess is Azeroth herself will become the Ancient One for a time during Midnight, bringing the Void corruption of the planet which started so long ago, to an end.
- Hence Midnight means the entire world enters a period of darkness, nearing this "Azq'roth" reality unless we revert it.
- The identity of Elune and the Beledar remains a mystery for now, but it would not surprise me if there's Naaru shenanigans going on. For example if the Beledar was sent in ancient times to keep watch, and more recently used its interdimensional capabilities to teleport the Arathi into Hallowfall.
Last edited by Worldshaper; 2024-12-30 at 01:51 PM.
That's not what I think at all, or even said. I was speaking in reference to Old God blood being used to fuel goblin machines and giving the Old Gods "new life" through technology, or even cyborg Old Gods à la Mecha'thun being silly.
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That's what I'm expecting, or rather hoping, but Blizzard seems keen on moving past the Old Gods as the prime representation of the Void. We had years of vague lore about how the Old Gods do not "truly die" and all that, but the lore is way more fleshed out now than it has ever been... and the most recent expansion has agents of the Void itself proclaiming that the Old Gods are dead.
So... here is to hoping!
Last edited by KOUNTERPARTS; 2024-12-30 at 02:23 PM.
When do you think the 11.1 PTR will arrive?
Battletag: Chris#23952 (EU)
I think the only Old God that will return is N'zoth and he may ally with us against Azshara, unironically.
Unsure what his endgame would be but it would be a nice twist if he is allowed to live and have some Black Empire conclave on Azeroth. I think we may be getting a friendly BE area anyway per the hints in DF. I think we should have at least some friendly void beings (somehow) and the Etherals and Void Elves (forcibly transformed both times, Etherals are more arcane) don't count.
What if Xal'Atath tries to use the goblin technology in order to infect the titanic protocols with a void virus.
Looking forward to the banter (if there will be any) between Odyn and Iridikron. Such polar opposites on the spectrum of moral belief when it comes to Azeroth.
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Would be an interesting development and I can see something akin to this happening. Xal'atath "working with" Gallywix while she perfects a strain of the Void, through the Black Blood of the Old Gods, that she can use to not only infect titanic creations but turn them to the Void's cause.
We've seen it happen to Highkeeper Ra (RIP my boy) and even the skardyn.
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You know, Pyromancer always muses that the Old Gods are not Void aligned, but it's most him wishful-conspiracy-theorycrafting. He figures the Old Gods more like corrupted Life, and while they are Void in nature they are not totally aligned with it.
Not saying I believe any of this but it would interesting if N'Zoth ended up returned and being some form of chaotic neutral.
I think there will definitely be some form of Xal'atath working with goblin technology, especially revolving around the Dark Heart considering the goblin's prior work on the Demon Soul which the Dark Heart is modeled after.
But this is a good idea too, the notion that Gallywix may insist on going one step further. He may have some aspirations to follow the footsteps of the Blackfuse's work with the Iron Horde, even one upping it. A "Oh, they thought they were good enough to be the top cartel? That's a job only I can do!" type of situation.
It's the one thing from DF that we have confirmed was rewritten by Metzen- the old Tyr was brought back in full instead of a copy or other version of him. Considering the Oathstone plotline was abandoned, unless it was purposefully red herring (with the dragons getting their powers from Azeroth planned from the start) it's possible his story got cut entirely, especially if the Alternate Tyr was going to stand in the way between the aspects and their powers. It would've foreshadowed the plot that we would be fighting against titan forces in the future.
But now the dragons and Tyr are almost entirely on hold until TLT unless they bring up Tyrs relation to the Light in Midnight.
Oh, interesting idea. I wonder how the Arathi would look at Tyr? If we see the Arathi as the heretics that Odyn spoke of, we'd have to imagine that they don't exactly view the Titans in the prestigious way that they believe they deserve to be viewed in. I wonder if Tyr's symbolism to Paladins will be something that the Arathi view very negatively.
I hope this is a thread that they pull on for Midnight, TLT and what I assume will be a following Saga about Avaloren, the Arathi and their relationship with the Light.
Early January. This has been all but outright confirmed.
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That, or they likely didn't want to release the PTR, just to go through a holiday break shortly after.
Either way, it's one of the two.
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I'm aware of the topic. You didn't really say anything that debunked what I said.
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When does the Holiday Break end for them? Cause we'll most likely get the 11.1 PTR the week they're back in office.
I don't care if you think the Old Gods are boring. That's fine.
And, again, that wasn't even what I was speaking about. Not sure what you are attempting to inject into this.
You're expecting me to debunk your claim that even I don't think Blizzard is silly enough to bring the Old Gods back?
Last edited by KOUNTERPARTS; 2024-12-30 at 06:46 PM.