1. #84101
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Not sure in what world Amain would join any player faction, considering we killed them in BC's Zul'Aman, Cata's Zul'Aman (so we sacked their capital twice) and MoP ToT.

    Dunno, maybe some new lore happened in BfA, I never did the Horde side of the story.
    Revantusk are probably the most successful Amani clan, they can end up being the ones who save the entire tribe. And with the Zandalari being part of the Horde, calling on the Revantusk to get the Forest trolls makes sense.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2025-01-12 at 08:01 PM.

  2. #84102
    I hope they add big burly forms for the lady Amani/Drakkari too.

  3. #84103
    Now that I think about it, the might use the contention for Amani Trolls joining either faction to have them be playable for both.

    I was thinking about how they might differentiate Amani Trolls as a playable race, because they drastically developed the Zandalari aesthetic for BFA, so how about this....

    Would you prefer playable Lightforged Amani Trolls or Void Amani Trolls?

  4. #84104
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    I was thinking about how they might differentiate Amani Trolls as a playable race, because they drastically developed the Zandalari aesthetic for BFA, so how about this....

    Would you prefer playable Lightforged Amani Trolls or Void Amani Trolls?
    Or they go all in on the alpine woods theme with their respective loa. The dragonhawk one would be a big deal.

  5. #84105
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Or they go all in on the alpine woods theme with their respective loa. The dragonhawk one would be a big deal.
    That seems too similar to Darkspear no matter how they do it. The Darkspear & Amani are barely different, culturally.

  6. #84106
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    That seems too similar to Darkspear no matter how they do it. The Darkspear & Amani are barely different, culturally.
    All the trolls are very similar, and were especially so before the Zandalari revamp in Mists. Just revise their aesthetics to be woodland themed and give them some personality quirks, they don't have to be radically different. Already they will be different by virtue of having different body types (especially if they make a new bulky model for women).

  7. #84107
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Actually yeah, Forest Trolls for both factions would be a pretty cool twist. So far, Horde keeps getting access to Allianc-y races, but there hasn't been much given in return.

    That said, not sure the citizens of the Alliance would appreciate Amani on their streets after WC2. I doubt the Blood Elves want them in Silvermoon, either.

    I guess Blizzard could always write some story about a specific group of Trolls that we befriend in Midnight, and like Death Knights you'll just have to live with some fruit thrown at you.

    But at the end of the day, I'd probably prefer if we got an Allied Race overhaul instead.

    Pick Troll as your race, then select your Tribe and background. This selection unlocks a couple of unique customisation options as well as a racial ability or two.

    In the case of Quel'dorei, you select between all those various subcategories of High Elf, including a pure High Elf.

  8. #84108
    High Elf customizations already exist. Why make them a playable race?

  9. #84109
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    High Elf customizations already exist. Why make them a playable race?
    It should not ever be a thing. But until blood elf or void elf players are able to have a meaningless race tag that says "high elf" it will be an on-going topic.

    Which on the notion of race tags I don't think it would be a bad addition for RP purposes

    Trolls already have shadow and sand troll sub species in their customization.

    Humans now have Arathi as an option

    BE and NE have darkfallen customizations

    Maybe its time to allow for more race tags for RP and congruency purposes.

  10. #84110
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    High Elf customizations already exist. Why make them a playable race?
    because the high elf customization for void elves is lack luster. Hairstyles are almost all designed with the tentacles, and you turn into void all the times. These two things need to be addressed and void elves are fine as a high elf substitute.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  11. #84111
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    It should not ever be a thing. But until blood elf or void elf players are able to have a meaningless race tag that says "high elf" it will be an on-going topic.

    Which on the notion of race tags I don't think it would be a bad addition for RP purposes

    Trolls already have shadow and sand troll sub species in their customization.

    Humans now have Arathi as an option

    BE and NE have darkfallen customizations

    Maybe its time to allow for more race tags for RP and congruency purposes.
    It'd be nice if they made distinct races for high elves and Arathi and such as a way to give us different body types, buff high elf woman and slender high elf man and Arathi could get the slender human model from kul tiras finally

    Though I'd also settle for giving races more body types in general, at the very least a body type 2 with flat chest please

  12. #84112
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    because the high elf customization for void elves is lack luster. Hairstyles are almost all designed with the tentacles, and you turn into void all the times. These two things need to be addressed and void elves are fine as a high elf substitute.
    Blood Elves also have them. Only thing is that you'd have to play Horde.

  13. #84113
    Elemental Lord
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    As of Undermine, maybe I missed it, but do we actually know what this fifth cartel is?

    Is it Blackfuse? or will this be a newly formed one?

  14. #84114
    So summaries are out for the 11.1 main questline, and it's gotten clearer as to what the final tier will involve.

    Xal'atath hired Gallywix to repair the Dark Heart as expected, and we try to steal it from him. But Ethereal thieves- apparently sent by Xal'atath because Gallywix tried to keep the Dark Heart (though I'm not sure whether that part is confirmed or just Alleria's theory)- steal it first. Alleria leaves to chase the Heart, while Xal'atath abandons Gallywix to the revolution that starts over all of this.

    So it looks like the Ethereal raid is, in fact, coming in 11.2. Most likely with them working for Xal'atath in her big plan (in which case I'd still guess that it's an attack on the Worldcore), but maybe there's room for a twist where we're they're working for someone else and we need to get the Heart from them before Xal'atath does?

  15. #84115
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    It should not ever be a thing. But until blood elf or void elf players are able to have a meaningless race tag that says "high elf" it will be an on-going topic.
    This is basically the crux of the high elf debate.

    It's been about the tag ever since, but tbh I don't think we will ever get to this point. We have these customization option available to us and like you said Darkfallen or Sand troll etc all fall in that same category. Unless blizzard will let us choose these specific subgroups such as Sand trolls, high elves, Darkfallen as (sub)race tags etc. But ye honestly, I don't see this ever happening. In that case I agree with you.

    That being said, I would be up, for more rp specific options tho. In my dream scenario, you would pick a clan/tribe/group in the character selection screen, you will still be alliance/horde so nothing changes there. Show that in game you are a Dragonmaw orc or Wild hammer. Additionally you would get a banner or tabard in a short intro quest. People like these groups and it would be fun to let players really represent that in some form. We already have things like Dark Iron dwarf, maybe change/add that to this as well and not a separate race for example, so it will actually show in your race tag your are a Wildhammer dwarf, like it does with Dark Iron Dwarf or High mountain Tauren. Lots can be done here imo. It is an rpg, so why not delve deeper into that aspect.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2025-01-13 at 10:41 AM.

  16. #84116
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    1. Choose a race (a species, really).

    - Human
    - Dwarf
    - Gnome
    - Night Elf
    - Draenei
    - Pandaren
    - Dracthyr
    - Orc
    - Tauren
    - Troll
    - Goblin
    - Vulpera

    2. Choose your sub-group of [race].

    - Stormwind Human
    - Kul Tiras Human
    - Gilneas Worgen
    - Lordaeron Undead
    - Etc.

    3. Choose your faction (each faction is locked for some races and sub-groups, like today).

    - Alliance
    - Horde

    4. Customise your character (some options will be exclusive depending on your earlier choices).

    5. Choose a name.

  17. #84117
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    1. Choose a race (a species, really).

    - Human
    - Dwarf
    - Gnome
    - Night Elf
    - Draenei
    - Pandaren
    - Dracthyr
    - Orc
    - Tauren
    - Troll
    - Goblin
    - Vulpera

    2. Choose your sub-group of [race].

    - Stormwind Human
    - Kul Tiras Human
    - Gilneas Worgen
    - Lordaeron Undead
    - Etc.

    3. Choose your faction (each faction is locked for some races and sub-groups, like today).

    - Alliance
    - Horde

    4. Customise your character (some options will be exclusive depending on your earlier choices).

    5. Choose a name.
    I mean, right! That would be a fun in rp kind of way. I also don't think the extra addition to the tag would hinder much, since we already have things like dark Iron dwarf. It does seem like a huge undertaking or overhaul in general.

    I wouldn't change which races are in which faction as it stands currently. Alliance have their races and Horde have their races. There would still be enough room to give it more oomph then it is currently. So don't change it here, but more so the individual groups we have now, known and allied with. This would also help to create space in the character selection screen. Having high mountain Tauren or Dark Iron dwarf as a separate select option could be solved by putting it under Tauren or Dwarf respectfully. Same as how we have sand or darkspear trolls, dragonmaw or Og ones being put under Orc and troll. etc.

    Not every race needs or even has multiple clans/groups that really matter or aren't really that different visually.
    Vulpera fall under this and don't need this imo, they are just their own thing, despite sharing it's animations with Goblins. The question there, would be: Do we need to specify them as (clan name) Vulpera, when there is really just one group.
    Pandaren are, but the two that matter both have allied either with the horde or alliance, besides they aren't visually any different.

    To make this work, with what we have now you gotta filter those a bit m8, they would however still benefit from their own Banner, updated tabards and what not.

    While thinking about it, I do remember some one made a mock up of this exact idea. Which showed The orc race Icon on top, below that were the 4 orc clan banners next to each other. I imagine some customization option would be restricted per clan, to make sense. This would also allow for future additions clans etc. I really think the current character selection screen gives you no vibes what so ever. It's stale and not very thematic. There also used to be additional lore in text, but got reduced. More flavor and updated banners and props, options what ever would really help for better immersion and explanation what it is. Things like Darkfallen, Eredar and Sandtrolls would really benefit from this. Fans of these races, want to hover over their character and tells them they are this or that. Idk, why any one would be against it.

    In the end it's about the red text, that tells you it's an enemy what matters.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2025-01-13 at 11:43 AM.

  18. #84118
    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    So summaries are out for the 11.1 main questline, and it's gotten clearer as to what the final tier will involve.

    Xal'atath hired Gallywix to repair the Dark Heart as expected, and we try to steal it from him. But Ethereal thieves- apparently sent by Xal'atath because Gallywix tried to keep the Dark Heart (though I'm not sure whether that part is confirmed or just Alleria's theory)- steal it first. Alleria leaves to chase the Heart, while Xal'atath abandons Gallywix to the revolution that starts over all of this.

    So it looks like the Ethereal raid is, in fact, coming in 11.2. Most likely with them working for Xal'atath in her big plan (in which case I'd still guess that it's an attack on the Worldcore), but maybe there's room for a twist where we're they're working for someone else and we need to get the Heart from them before Xal'atath does?
    Just matches what we knew since TWW launched with the goblinraid and ehterealraid icons. Ehtereals were part of the introduction quests in DF (Harbinger quest), and Ethereals just happen to show up in Ahz-Kahet, and now again in Undermine. That is a straight line to an ethereal raid. Question is only, how and where. I don't think K'aresh (i also don't think K'aresh for Mdinight). Worldcore is possible, but most likely still seems to be Beledar.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  19. #84119
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by alex wolf View Post

    Though I'd also settle for giving races more body types in general, at the very least a body type 2 with flat chest please
    Maybe let us choose a different idle animation as well, how we stand.

    I know idle animations have always been used traditionally to define the race, but some variation on that would be neat.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2025-01-13 at 11:29 AM.

  20. #84120
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    Just matches what we knew since TWW launched with the goblinraid and ehterealraid icons. Ehtereals were part of the introduction quests in DF (Harbinger quest), and Ethereals just happen to show up in Ahz-Kahet, and now again in Undermine. That is a straight line to an ethereal raid. Question is only, how and where. I don't think K'aresh (i also don't think K'aresh for Mdinight). Worldcore is possible, but most likely still seems to be Beledar.
    Well tbf, without Nerubians and Goblins Xal only has her Ethereals left (since we also killed off the Hallowfall dudes via delves), so it makes sense to have them attack the world core.

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