1. #84161
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    I mean, in a Void based expac where we might end up facing Dimensius in some way, why not utilize K'aresh? Shit, we've been to Argus, the Dream, Ny'alotha, Zereth Mortis, etc. K'aresh makes sense.
    It has nothing to do with "making sense" and I didn't even say it didn't make sense. My reasoning has nothing to do to the places we've been before, not to mention how Blizzard botched some of those locations like Argus and Ny'alotha. We very well may end up facing any void lord, sure.

    I'd still prefer it if we kept it on Azeroth the way it was described to us by Metzen when it was announced even though we probably will go to K'aresh or some other location.

    Seriously, it's been over 20 years now. Why is going off world suddenly a problem here?
    I have no clue how you are equivalating people preferring not wanting to go to another planet with having a problem with going to other worlds.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I really, really, REALLY doubt we are ever going offplanet again for an entire expansion again after Shadowlands and the reception to it being too alien and disconnected from Azeroth.
    Not being on Azeroth had nothing to do with Shadowlands' reception.
    Last edited by KOUNTERPARTS; 2025-01-13 at 08:59 PM.

  2. #84162
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Demon Hunters have their start on the ruined remains of the planet Mardum, yes. Mardum was shattered by Sargeras to release those demons he had previously held captive when he worked as the Pantheon's guardian. If they were to introduce playable Ethereals, I'd expect the remnants of K'aresh would make an ideal starting scenario for them.
    They could even have it happen shortly after the destruction with your character having to come to grips with what happened, then do a time skip like the DHs.

    Maybe you got stuck in a void pocket for a thousand years or needed to go into stasis for a while. Shouldn't be too difficult to come up with something that makes sense in context.

  3. #84163
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Seeing K'aresh as a sprawling Arabian type of society, lush and beautiful, before it eventually crumbles and you have to undergo the whole Ethereal bandaging thing, would be cool as hell. Really, really cool.

    Not sure they'd be able to turn them into a playable race though. What would you even customise, the colours of your arcane form and bandages?

  4. #84164
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    It has nothing to do with "making sense" and I didn't even say it didn't make sense. My reasoning has nothing to do to the places we've been before, not to mention how Blizzard botched some of those locations like Argus and Ny'alotha. We very well may end up facing any void lord, sure.

    I'd still prefer it if we kept it on Azeroth the way it was described to us by Metzen when it was announced even though we probably will go to K'aresh or some other location.

    I have no clue how you are equivalating people preferring not wanting to go to another planet with having a problem with going to other worlds.

    Not being on Azeroth had nothing to do with Shadowlands' reception.
    Setting wise, a lot of people hated not being on Azeroth for a whole expansion. That only added onto SL's bad reception. Also, Metzen said we'd return to the old world in the Worldsoul Saga. He never said we'd stay on Azeroth throughout all of Midnight. Heck, his statement on us uniting with the forces of the Light to banish the Shadow forever holds massive cosmic implications.

    Also, not preferring to go off world and disliking going to other worlds can be synonymous in the right context. This is arguably one of those contexts.

    - - - Updated - - -

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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Seeing K'aresh as a sprawling Arabian type of society, lush and beautiful, before it eventually crumbles and you have to undergo the whole Ethereal bandaging thing, would be cool as hell. Really, really cool.

    Not sure they'd be able to turn them into a playable race though. What would you even customise, the colours of your arcane form and bandages?
    I would actually love this. Imagine a K'aresh raid in Midnight, and it's basically a mixture of dark Arabian architecture, and dark Void temples with lots of purple and whatnot.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I was thinking something like this, but with Arabic architecture, and maybe a lil less sci-fi elements. All the sci-fi magitech stuff can be saved for the Titans, the Eredar, and the Legion (That is, unless Blizzard pulls a Beast Machines and gives us an Organic Vs Technological conflict in a potential Life Realm expac).

  5. #84165
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Seeing K'aresh as a sprawling Arabian type of society, lush and beautiful, before it eventually crumbles and you have to undergo the whole Ethereal bandaging thing, would be cool as hell. Really, really cool.

    Not sure they'd be able to turn them into a playable race though. What would you even customise, the colours of your arcane form and bandages?

    This thread on Bluesky details the "variations" on the new ethereal models. Two body types, wrapping styles for different body parts, wrapping color, color of body energy are the current variations.

    Also the fact they have six skin colors is TELLING.


    Last edited by Cheezits; 2025-01-13 at 10:14 PM.

  6. #84166
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Not sure they'd be able to turn them into a playable race though. What would you even customise, the colours of your arcane form and bandages?
    They could easily give them masks for people who a face to customize.

  7. #84167
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    They could easily give them masks for people who a face to customize.
    Yeah, I want funerary mask-like faces, with mostly static but some mobile elements. Like Transformers faces.

  8. #84168
    It's so weird seeing people wanting to stay on azeroth forever, Warcraft 2 and three involved another planet, wow first expansion was to another planet, over half of the playable races are aliens or descdents of alien intervention

    Shadowlands failed because it was a total ass pull but an expansion taking us into space could be really incredible, imagine our player hub being the azeorthian space fleet of TK the exodar, the vindicar, the fel hammer and potentially ulduar assuming it is a big ass ship city like some people are theorizing

  9. #84169
    Quote Originally Posted by alex wolf View Post
    It's so weird seeing people wanting to stay on azeroth forever, Warcraft 2 and three involved another planet, wow first expansion was to another planet, over half of the playable races are aliens or descdents of alien intervention

    Shadowlands failed because it was a total ass pull but an expansion taking us into space could be really incredible, imagine our player hub being the azeorthian space fleet of TK the exodar, the vindicar, the fel hammer and potentially ulduar assuming it is a big ass ship city like some people are theorizing
    What's the difference between Shadowlands and a WoW expansion taking place in the Plopsnart galaxy featuring new alien races like the Fleeblefloop, Porpporps and Ganglegoos?

    I admit that there is room to elaborate on the various demon races, but I think a space expansion with entirely new worlds would flop hard regardless of what characters we go with. People want to be on Azeroth. One fourth of TBC was Azeroth featuring a very important Azeroth race (Blood Elves). Of the three most disliked expansions, 2 of them never have you step foot in Azeroth during the MSQ.
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2025-01-14 at 12:28 AM.

  10. #84170
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    People want to be on Azeroth.
    Honestly I'm sick of azeroth. Half of the Warcraft games take place on Draernor, so it's never been a one world franchise. I'm firm that people didn't hate Shadowlands for the worldbuilding, they hated it for everything else. So I don't think the lack of Azeroth representation is what held Shadowlands back, considering almost all of Shadowlands characters were from Azeroth.

    My actual controversial opinion is that the setting should just combine with Starcraft. They aren't doing anything with that franchise & the Warcraft characters suddenly having to interact with a technological civilization, without magic, would be really interesting. The Xel'naga & Old Gods are fundamentally the same things anyway.

  11. #84171
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    What's the difference between Shadowlands and a WoW expansion taking place in the Plopsnart galaxy featuring new alien races like the Fleeblefloop, Porpporps and Ganglegoos?

    I admit that there is room to elaborate on the various demon races, but I think a space expansion with entirely new worlds would flop hard regardless of what characters we go with. People want to be on Azeroth. One fourth of TBC was Azeroth featuring a very important Azeroth race (Blood Elves). Of the three most disliked expansions, 2 of them never have you step foot in Azeroth during the MSQ.
    Ngl, WoW shouldn't be relegated to Azeroth. I wanna go off world.

  12. #84172
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    What's the difference between Shadowlands and a WoW expansion taking place in the Plopsnart galaxy featuring new alien races like the Fleeblefloop, Porpporps and Ganglegoos?

    I admit that there is room to elaborate on the various demon races, but I think a space expansion with entirely new worlds would flop hard regardless of what characters we go with. People want to be on Azeroth. One fourth of TBC was Azeroth featuring a very important Azeroth race (Blood Elves). Of the three most disliked expansions, 2 of them never have you step foot in Azeroth during the MSQ.
    And two of those dislike expansions had completely separate massive issues, like WoD being abandoned half way and shadowlands being made during the height of the abuse scandal and covid, along with being choke full of terrible design choices

  13. #84173
    Midnight and TLL should both have 3 patches like BFA and Legion

  14. #84174
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post

    This thread on Bluesky details the "variations" on the new ethereal models. Two body types, wrapping styles for different body parts, wrapping color, color of body energy are the current variations.

    Also the fact they have six skin colors is TELLING.
    Skin cdolours isn't really telling. The nerubians have a bunch of skin colours but they're not playable, and the haranir only have two skin colours but they look like they're going to end up being playable

  15. #84175
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    Yeah, I want funerary mask-like faces, with mostly static but some mobile elements. Like Transformers faces.
    I disagree; I think there's way to give them variety in their customization without needing facemasks that don't really mesh with their appearance as it currently is. I think different arrangements of bandages on the face would be one thing, and the most obvious and visible differences would come from coloration, the arrangement of bandages on the body, and different ways the loose ones are handled (e.g. flying freely in different formations, tied up in a knot by the head, etc.). These ought to provide a good deal of room to immediately distinguish different ethereals from one another, especially if the options are sufficiently numerous. Different kinds of Arabic or Egyptian jewelry and adornments could also be used now that jewelry options are on the table.

    I've also seen the point come up before that the lack of face might make them less easy to connect with, but I don't think that should be an issue; if the body language is endearing and distinctive enough, there should be enough identity in the characters even without faces. It'd take longer to develop that connection, but it could still be fostered without a visible face or face supplement.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  16. #84176
    Quote Originally Posted by Mecheon View Post
    Skin cdolours isn't really telling. The nerubians have a bunch of skin colours but they're not playable, and the haranir only have two skin colours but they look like they're going to end up being playable
    Indeed. I was pointing this out with Earthen. Drakthyr, Earthen, Mechagnomes, etc have over 250+ possible customization combinations, per body type. All playable races have over 150. Nerubians, Venthyr, Gnolls, Harronir, have well under 100. Ethereal have under that. If we see them get more over the next few patches, its playable race time.

    Personally I'm predicting & hoping they're the playable Midnight race, but they're adding them now because they'll be a pre-order bonus.

  17. #84177
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Ngl, WoW shouldn't be relegated to Azeroth. I wanna go off world.
    Heroically, we delve into the Realm of Life, conveniently dominated by the same number of realms as the Shadowlands because that makes for the best leveling experience. There we will meet all of the personality-deprived homunculi that rule their respective slices of the realm, entirely dependent on us adventurers to rescue them from their own stupidity, and the evil traitor among their ranks who wants to open the thingamajig so he can ravage our poor innocent world-soul for his own nebulous ends. In the end, the close-minded stupid ancient cosmic ancestral beings are humbled by the righteous path of Anduinism and learn that mortal judgments really can matter after all

    Repeat for four more expansions.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  18. #84178
    Quote Originally Posted by AOL Instant Messenger View Post
    I've also seen the point come up before that the lack of face might make them less easy to connect with, but I don't think that should be an issue; if the body language is endearing and distinctive enough, there should be enough identity in the characters even without faces. It'd take longer to develop that connection, but it could still be fostered without a visible face or face supplement.
    I think, Ethereals having no face can actually be a positive, as it could incentivize using helmets. Most people hide any helm transmog. Ethereals with no real facial features could be a prime race to actually show helmets and other head gear of. Hoods will also look awesome on ethereals.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    This doesn't really make sense considering the biggest Rootlands tease happened in the Emerald Dream. That's where we learned about Elun'ahir in the first place, and it doesn't really make sense to tease a big mystery- which is extremely important to the ongoing Titan plotline- after the resolution to said mystery has already been scrapped.
    If Amirdrassil would have been in TWW instead of DF, i don't think the roots would need to be hinted at, at all, as the story of the roots would be likely more pronounced in the campaign of TWW instead.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  19. #84179
    azeroth is so huge yet empty because they do nothing with all the zones. just the classic leveling zones being redone could cover like 4 expansions but no some are still stuck in the naga invading

  20. #84180
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    If Amirdrassil would have been in TWW instead of DF, i don't think the roots would need to be hinted at, at all, as the story of the roots would be likely more pronounced in the campaign of TWW instead.
    Sure, but I have no idea how that hypothetical leads you to conclude that the Dream replaced the Rootlands.

    Of course the buildup would have been different if the Dream and Rootlands were mutually exclusive. But that's not the story we've been getting. Elun'ahir- which by all indications is the roots the Haranir are protecting- was first teased in the Dream itself. And in the process, it was tied to important Titan lore that can be used to flesh out Eonar and Aman'thul rather than rushing it all in TLT, and gave us our first mention of the Haranir. It makes no sense to drop such a big tease for an important place that, had the Dream replaced it, would have already been scrapped before work on the Dream started.

    And on top of that, instead of scrapping the buildup to it in TWW proper, we've been getting steady buildup and Orwenya as a main character. There would have been plenty of time to abandon that before we even learned about them, and make someone else the focal character for the Radiant Song instead. Especially given that we didn't learn about her at all until alpha/beta, which would have given them several months more to change that part of the story. It doesn't make sense to me to keep setting up a plotline that's already been abandoned.
    Last edited by Eldryth; 2025-01-14 at 06:04 AM.

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