1. #84181
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    For me Warcraft is all about Azeroth and at most we should be off world for a single patch like Argus.

    Other planets/plains can shove it with the ones we got being the worse parts of wow if you ask me and with an updated world scale like we’re getting with Midnight we aren’t lacking in areas or story’s that can be told with the Azeroth zones if they all get made bigger.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  2. #84182
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    For me Warcraft is all about Azeroth and at most we should be off world for a single patch like Argus.
    It hasn't been since WarCraft 2, so that'd just mean you're wrong what the story is about.

  3. #84183
    I think new locations even outside Azeroth can work just fine as long as they are integrated well in the story and our adventures there feel consequential. Draenor was very well integrated in the history of Warcraft but our WoD adventure felt inconsequential because of the time travel shenanigans and the fact that the Ironmarch failed before the expansion even started. Shadowlands failed mostly because of the content drought and poor gameplay system and less because of the content itself imo but still I felt it was integrated very clumsily into the history of Azeroth.
    They seem to be doing a solid job of building to Avaloren so that when we get there it will definitely feel organic.
    That said, I still expect K'aresh to be an Argus-style patch or even for us to visit it during a raid or dungeon and not actually adventure there until later down the road.

  4. #84184
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    They could easily give them masks for people who a face to customize.
    God no. One of their distinguishing features is being faceless. Not having a face is a complete non-issue. It is literally 1 of like 10+ customizable features on any other given race, and it can just be replaced by different head configurations of wrappings.

  5. #84185
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    I wonder if Ethereals will be like the Dracthyr in that they can't see gear on their bodies, but rather pick clothing / armour as customisation options.

  6. #84186
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    God no. One of their distinguishing features is being faceless. Not having a face is a complete non-issue. It is literally 1 of like 10+ customizable features on any other given race, and it can just be replaced by different head configurations of wrappings.
    Or, just release masks via tradingpost for everyone to use instead of making it a customization.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    I wonder if Ethereals will be like the Dracthyr in that they can't see gear on their bodies, but rather pick clothing / armour as customisation options.
    Why? If you want to around as a "naked" Ethereal you can just hide your armour. Imagine if we could play them but not use the current ethereal rogue nexus princess set lol. Would be terrible.

  7. #84187
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Why? If you want to around as a "naked" Ethereal you can just hide your armour. Imagine if we could play them but not use the current ethereal rogue nexus princess set lol. Would be terrible.
    yeah, another dracthyr situation would be horrible.

    But having their ethereal armor as a customization option that is not part of your gear could be nice, and could be matched with different types of transmogs
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  8. #84188
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Why? If you want to around as a "naked" Ethereal you can just hide your armour. Imagine if we could play them but not use the current ethereal rogue nexus princess set lol. Would be terrible.
    Sort of seems redundant since the main draw of that set is applying the bandage look that would be inherent to Ethereal, but I would hope that transmog works fully on them and also that their energy effects clip through armor and are set with such positioning that when in full armor, it seems to be leaking through the gaps. e.g. at the top of boots/gloves.

  9. #84189
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    Other planets/plains can shove it with the ones we got being the worse parts of wow if you ask me and with an updated world scale like we’re getting with Midnight we aren’t lacking in areas or story’s that can be told with the Azeroth zones if they all get made bigger.
    I think the quality just depends on the person in charge, and Metzen was the one guy on the team who was like 'Orcs are aliens and there's this alien planet called Draenor....and this alien planet called Argus with even more aliens..."

  10. #84190
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    I agree Warcraft should focus primarily on Azeroth.

    It's all right to have other "worlds" (preferable to "planets" in this context) be referenced every now and then. It can add new possibilities (like the Draenei).

    Obviously, Outland/Draenor has been part of it almost since the beginning. But for the most part, it was treated as just another "realm," accessed through a magical portal.

    There's a metric crap ton they could still do with Azeroth.

    - Revamp zones, at once or in chunks. Lets us see new story in familiar places, but also a chance to improve existing places. For example, Stormwind could have a new district, or a dungeon. Alterac could be expanded and have some bigger ruins and villages. Elwynn could easily fit another village or two

    - Travel south, north, west, or east from existing landmasses (without going all the way to the other side of Azeroth). What islands lie here, like the Dragon Isles and Isle of Dorn? Is Avaloren a similar place in the northwest? Is there some tropical paradise in the southeast, below EK?

    - Decide everything we know is just the northern hemisphere, and add a south one. Tropical archipelago? Deserts? After all, KA and EK are pretty much North America and Europe, so there's room for more.

    - The obvious one: other side of Azeroth. Could literally fit multiple continents if they wanted to.

    - Time travel to Azeroth's past.

    - Seafaring expansion that cleans up what's left of the Great Sea. Plunder Isle, Tel'Abim, Zuldare, etc.

    - A new take on an Emerald Dream or Shadowlands type of expansion. Instead of us going there, it comes to us. Like originally envisioned. For example, death might spill over into the physical world. "The veil" could tear everywhere across Azeroth, like little blue rifts.

    - Enter a quirky pocket-dimension. Maybe the Darkmoon Faire always had a shadowy realm inside Elwynn Forest, like a dark and haunted woodland.

  11. #84191
    I mean the new ethereal model can be stripped down to the very base so they likely can wear armor if they are playable. There's even a wrap mode that covers up all the energy almost entirely so they just look like a regular mummy.

    They already look like humans, the one distinguishing thing if they were covered in regular armor would be their funky pose and animations.

  12. #84192
    And transmog allows to hide all slots. So you can play a "nude" ethereal to show of the bandages. And i think, compared to other races, ethereals can pull off the nude look much better
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  13. #84193
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    When the new Ethereal models were datamined for 11.1. and how certain armor times were fitting on the skeletons, that cemented my belief that we will be getting playable Ethereal in the future.

    Although the majority of the models have the models wrapped up completely in bandages. They look like glorified mummies. Perhaps potential customization in the future could see parts of the arcane-infused body being shown between bandages. Or, poorly wrapped bandages with the silhouettes of body parts (arms, legs) being shown with hues of purple/pink/red energy.

    These are my favorite one so far, to showcase what I'm talking about:

    Effectively the bandages would function as the skin, so there should not be any clipping issues or potential misaligned armor visuals.
    Last edited by KOUNTERPARTS; 2025-01-14 at 02:19 PM.

  14. #84194
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    When the new Ethereal models were datamined for 11.1. and how certain armor times were fitting on the skeletons, that cemented my belief that we will be getting playable Ethereal in the future.
    If they were just getting new models I wouldn't think much of it, but them bothering to add a second body type (with rounded chest, which is a bit silly), a model that can be fully naked, and more customization than the Haranir made me think it's happening. Especially the full body wrap option because that feels very "doesn't fit the race but players will want it". That sentiment extends to the boobs actually.
    Zero reason for them to have boobs besides a feminine model for players to express themselves.

    Also, yeah I agree that them getting the new models so early does feel like they may be a preorder bonus. It would fit with the accelerated dev time for the saga, their starting zone may be complete well before Midnight. Maybe with a K'areshi Camel mount as we likely won't get K'aresh mounts and items for a while.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post

    I had no idea there was a completely normal head option... c'mon, that feels on the nose.

    It's odd as from my testing on the PTR, only a single new ethereal model is included, but they included the full suite of customization for them.

    Messing with Phase-Thief Azir's animations, I noticed he has animations for both Mounts, and also MountWide (where their legs are spread wider). From my looking around, most NPC races lack multiple mount animations.

    Last edited by Cheezits; 2025-01-14 at 02:44 PM.

  15. #84195
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I had no idea there was a completely normal head option... c'mon, that feels on the nose.

    It's odd as from my testing on the PTR, only a single new ethereal model is included, but they included the full suite of customization for them.
    This is relatively normal for these kind of models. They started doing it with the dreadlords in SL and it's been relatively common on models that see a lot of use for many creature variations.

    Definitely expect to see more variations of them this expansion still, but don't jump as far as equating it with character models.

  16. #84196
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    This is relatively normal for these kind of models. They started doing it with the dreadlords in SL and it's been relatively common on models that see a lot of use for many creature variations.

    Definitely expect to see more variations of them this expansion still, but don't jump as far as equating it with character models.
    Oh yeah, I don't think customization = playable. The Ascended have a good chunk as did the new Nathrezim. Plus the Covenant races were decently varied.

    I was thinking more the customizations seem suspiciously made with playability in mind, including some areas of the body you may not see on a covered-up NPC. If I was designing them as NPCs I would make them far more similar to the TBC versions with weirder stances and bandages that actually float vs acting as a tight skin wrap.

    It seems similar to Legion Launch Nightborne vs AR Nightborne.

    EDIT: Do NPC races usually get two+ mount animations? I'm looking through them and trying to find another. Seems like playable races + playable race NPCs get up to three: Mount, MountMedium and sometimes MountWide to accommodate their size. NPC (so far have checked: NPC Nightborne, Vrykul, Sethrak, Tortollan, Kyrian, Venthyr, Gladiator Maldraxxi, Sylvar, Drakonid, Ascended Nerubian) races just have Mount. However, Phase-Thief Azir has Mount and MountMedium on his list.

    Zaqali have "MountWide" as well.

    Orweyna has a "MountExtraWide" animation which I hadn't seen before on the list!
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2025-01-14 at 03:44 PM.

  17. #84197
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I agree Warcraft should focus primarily on Azeroth.

    It's all right to have other "worlds" (preferable to "planets" in this context) be referenced every now and then. It can add new possibilities (like the Draenei).

    Obviously, Outland/Draenor has been part of it almost since the beginning. But for the most part, it was treated as just another "realm," accessed through a magical portal.

    There's a metric crap ton they could still do with Azeroth.

    - Revamp zones, at once or in chunks. Lets us see new story in familiar places, but also a chance to improve existing places. For example, Stormwind could have a new district, or a dungeon. Alterac could be expanded and have some bigger ruins and villages. Elwynn could easily fit another village or two

    - Travel south, north, west, or east from existing landmasses (without going all the way to the other side of Azeroth). What islands lie here, like the Dragon Isles and Isle of Dorn? Is Avaloren a similar place in the northwest? Is there some tropical paradise in the southeast, below EK?

    - Decide everything we know is just the northern hemisphere, and add a south one. Tropical archipelago? Deserts? After all, KA and EK are pretty much North America and Europe, so there's room for more.

    - The obvious one: other side of Azeroth. Could literally fit multiple continents if they wanted to.

    - Time travel to Azeroth's past.

    - Seafaring expansion that cleans up what's left of the Great Sea. Plunder Isle, Tel'Abim, Zuldare, etc.

    - A new take on an Emerald Dream or Shadowlands type of expansion. Instead of us going there, it comes to us. Like originally envisioned. For example, death might spill over into the physical world. "The veil" could tear everywhere across Azeroth, like little blue rifts.

    - Enter a quirky pocket-dimension. Maybe the Darkmoon Faire always had a shadowy realm inside Elwynn Forest, like a dark and haunted woodland.
    "Instead of us going there, it comes to us like originally envisioned"

    You do realize Shadowlands started out that way, yeah?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, an expansion on us going back in time to Azeroth's past is, while cool, also very risky to do. Arguably more risky than us going to a cosmic realm.

  18. #84198
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    "Instead of us going there, it comes to us like originally envisioned"

    You do realize Shadowlands started out that way, yeah?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, an expansion on us going back in time to Azeroth's past is, while cool, also very risky to do. Arguably more risky than us going to a cosmic realm.
    I meant more "as it used to be" in terms that Shadowlands wouldn't be a location we visited, but rather an ethereal realm of sorts that kind of... overlaps Azeroth. The spirit realm you see when you're dead, essentially. IiRC, they used to portray the Shadowlands as being that.

    Fot example in the DK starting area that's pretty much what you see when you enter the Shadowlands to chase spirits.

    I agree time travel is risky, UNLESS we go there precisely because we need to preserve time, not change it. Rather than cause a "butterfly effect," we prevent somebody else from doing so.

    Perhaps Xal'atath wants to undo something, in order to claim power in the future. Perhaps stop the Burning Legion invasion or something. So we end up having to make sure it happens.

  19. #84199
    Eh, I hope they never do something time-related as the primary story for a future expansion

    Being a custodian who just keeps things in order isn't fun imo.

    Then you also run into the same mess as Alt Draenor where you effectively created a place that's disconnected from the rest of the setting. Seeing primordial Azeroth would be cool. But then what? Its relevance would fade and basically never be used after the expansion ran its course.

    I think it can be good if done correctly but that's well beyond the scope of what WoW usually does.

  20. #84200
    A primordial Azeroth PATCH would be fun. I've seen it theorized on here before but a single time travel patch that features Zin'Azshari in it's prime would be a lot of fun. And/or early Arathor.

    I wouldn't be as interested in a whole expansion.
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2025-01-14 at 03:44 PM.

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