It would be fcking insane if the Light vs Void expansion doesn't involve the Draenei, and is purely about Elves.
It would be fcking insane if the Light vs Void expansion doesn't involve the Draenei, and is purely about Elves.
The two official things known about the expansion being "elf tribes" and Quel'thalas has kind of gotten in the way of speculation for the expansion, even though there's more reason for the Draenei, Trolls and Forsaken to be involved in the expansion than the Night Elves.
Hopefully Metzen was referring to a reunion of the Void Elves and Silver Covenant with the forces of Silvermoon (Thalassian Accord?) vs hamfisting in Night Elf Plot #99 that would overshadow much needed Horde plots in Zul'aman and Lordaeron. Though Shandris should of course appear.
And finally get a damn unique model with Lilian.
Midnight Launch
Eversong/Silvermoon- Thalassians
Ghostlands/Upper Lordaeron- Forsaken
Zul'aman + Old God Catacombs Raid- Trolls
???- Free Space
Patch 1- Azuremyst and Assault on Quel'danas Raid
Patch 1.5- Stratholme Megadungeon
Patch 2- K'aresh and Dimensius Raid
Last edited by Cheezits; 2025-01-14 at 08:33 PM.
I said good writers.If there's nothing to save why would we go there?
We always deal with some big existential, planet-destroying threat over the course of an expansion. And then, in tern we go to wherever that existential threat came from. We could deal with smaller threats in an expansion storyline, but if any expansion could have done that it was TWW & even now we're dealing with something cosmic. Its always cosmic. Even now you're talking about going to a void-corrupted planet. I'm just saying the real shake up would be for the players to visit a new planet first, then deal with their problems instead of them coming to us.
I'm so confused, this is the second week where blizzard have said something is starting at a set time and then missed the time ... why post an hour before it is due to start and then 3 hours late and still nothing?!! Is the internal communication at Blizzard really that bad that posts go out when the PTR isn't ready for a new build?
Battletag: Chris#23952 (EU)
It's prolly because these posts get scheduled to be posted at a certain time and PTR's get delayed for a day for technical reasons. They also note in said posts that time may be delayed anyways, so it's not that big of a deal. Would expect the new build within the next hours.
Hot take:
- We won't get playable Haranir.
- We won't get playable Ethereals.
- We won't get any new classes in TWW or Midnight.
- We WILL get a metric crap ton of new customisation in Midnight.
- We WILL get at least one major new neutral Alliied Race in Midnight. Probably High Elf.
- We WILL get a new class in TLT. Probably Tinker or Bard.
Last edited by Cheezits; 2025-01-14 at 11:49 PM.
How would be feel if TLT had new Order Halls and fresh set of artifacts?
You think that's a feature that would ever return or do you think they wouldn't bother with it again after Legion?
That is a good idea, no need to focus on other worlds when you can gradually revamp the world, but that would work better after the worldsoul sagas done and we return to simpler threats/problems, i would even say the final titans northrend revamp is a hint of what is to come.
How? How can a "shit ton" of scourge from the Eastern Kingdoms, which are apparently only contained in Stratholme, reach Northrend? That doesn't make a lot of sense. It is more likely that the Scourge from Northrend would head down south to the Eastern Kingdoms instead.
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Stratholme is a fever wish, as is a "northern parts of Eastern Kingdoms" for Midnight. If we have a interlude in Midnight to TLT it might be contained to something entirely different. We have the whole of the Amani area and the grave of the K'thraxxi general, which could more likely house a titan facility.
It's not like it's actually central to their fundamental storyline, which has sort of always been about the Legion. Even the literal Army of the Light was a force built out of Legion survivors made to fight the Legion, not the Void. For all that we default to them being the face of the Light vs Void (mostly because of that one questionably canon, questionably-sure-even-if-canon vision), the Draenei aren't all that involved with the conflict.
It's really the Ethereals, the Void Elves and then I guess the Arathi--despite being brand new--who have the claim to the fight.
Is that the case though? Rogues and Mages don't really with Dal gone (you could argue for Coldaara, but I don't know how the Blues would feel about mages just taking over one of their central holdings and setting up shop--also never going to compare to Dalaran.) Warlocks, DH, and Monks don't really? The Druid/Grizzly Hills is okay I guess, in the sense that you could just use the portal and Dreamway to link to some instanced version of the ED again.
You could slot Hunters, Warriors and Shamans into anywhere in any expansion because they're so general. (but whatever place you put Shamans is not gonna be as cool as the Maelstrom and Thorim and Co are not as grand and warrior-focused as Odyn and the Valarjar). Paladin and Priests I guess you could put into the Scarlet area, but that likewise feels like a massive thematic step down compared to Neverlight and the sanctum under Light's Hope.
I feel like the only two classes actually suited to Northrend order halls are DKs, because it doesn't get more DK than ICC, and Evokers, because Wyrmrest.
From a more game design view, I think Blizzard might consider it a failed experiment though. Even during Legion they struggled to build 12 distinct storylines and 12 distinct class locations, with some of the classes really drawing the short straws (ditto artifacts), and this time they'd have 13 classes (14 if we get a new class in Midnight or TLT), have lost some of the best locations and already used many others. Also are they really gonna invest in instanced class-based Order Halls the expansion after housing is introduced? I imagine they'd want to put that time and effort into building new housing locations and options and building a new hub city since Dalaran can't be our hub anymore (I imagine they'll probably repurpose Ulduar or ICC?).
Just noticed resto druid gets a ancient of lore form as pvp talent. Now im mad that they didn't use this to make keeper of the grove more interesting :/
Maybe if artifacts would be newly forged weapons. Legion already struggled to find enough weapons from the past for everyone, so i don't think it makes sense to go back to the "powerful artifacts from wow's history" thing.
The void as an enemy, is relatively new in Warcraft history. It was for the longest time the Legion as the big great bad of the IP. Sure we had old gods in Classic/Wrath/Cata, but they never were as much a threat as the legion. And the thing is, the void was for most of the time reflected in the old gods. The threat of a cosmic void is on the other hand really fresh and unexplored.
But, since the defeat of the legion in legion, the forces that usually fought against them, are now free to tackle that new threat. So it makes sense that the Army of the Light and the Draenei would look at the void and help her.e
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I think order halls are quite possible for TLT for each class.
We have to first assume that Northrend will likely change in some major ways. But as for class order halls, where to put them and perhaps a reason why:
- Warrior: Warrior are easy to put them in one of the Vrykul villages. I could see Ymriheim, reclaiming it from the undead vrykul and setteling some of the living Vrykul here.
- Paladin: The Argent Tournament Grounds are the most likely candidate here. But i could also see a reclaimed Scarlet Onslaught Harbor or any other of the old Scarlet Enclaves. Their story could revolve about the evil of the light. As we confront the titans, the paladins might look into their own darkness, like the scarlets.
- Death Knight: While most people jump at Icecrown, i don't think that would be the best space for Death Knights, as Death Knights already have a perfect base of operations in the Shadow Vault. There are plenty of story points for them, most will likely deal with the scourge remnants.
- Hunter: Would likely take a spot in Grizzly Hills. Sure the Nessingwary Quests in Wrath were in Sholarzar, but Grizzly Hills fits better. Where exactly is difficult to pick. But why Grizzly Hills instead of Scholarzar? It actually houses hunters. Be it Vrykul, Furbolg or Worgen. People here are hunters. While Sholarzar is just a wilderniss.
- Shaman: I could see them take home in Crystalsong Forest. It is not much developed compared to other zones, so there is plenty of options, and it is close to some elemental revenants if my memory serves right. Alternatively i could see them being among the Sons of Hodir.
- Evoker: Wyrmtest is the obivious choice here, and i think it works. The aspects might be part of the story here too and bring the evokers with them. For both Aspects and Evokers the story would be about the control of the titans used on dragon kind, as dragons and dracthyr both suffered from that control.
- Druid: Grizzlyhills Grizzlmaw are some peoples idea because world tree, but i think, of all classes, Druids should be set in Sholarzar. It is THE nature zone, with the titan keeper of nature looking over it. The story would likely revolve around what exactly the titans are doing to influence nature.
- Rogue: With no real city, rogues need to be housed somewhere that still kind of makes sense. And here i could see Azjol'Nerub as a potential place. This highly depends if Azjol'Nerub gets expanded of course.
- Monk: I can see the Monk to be somehow be based in one the Tuskarr villages. Don't know why, but it seems fitting?
- Demon Hunter: Demon Hunters are probably the hardest to place, as there wasn't really any demon presence on Northrend back in Wrath. But the events of Legion should have also happend here, so we might see some region have demons that invaded back then?
- Mage: The most fitting area is Coldarra. And given the Kalecgos is the head of the blue flight, this might be a mutual respct thing. A story line for mages to get into a better relationship with the Aspect of Magic and mending the wounds that were caused by the Nexus War.
- Warlock: Similar to Demon Hunters, Warlocks don't have that great a place to call home. I could perhaps see them repurpose one of the Zuldrak Necropolis for their own use.
- Priest: While it would be easy to give them the same options as paladins, i think priests are more special than that, as they are not just Light and Void, but priestly duties. And i could see them, rather than Death Knights be in charge of ice crown, laying the souls to rest. But i wouldn't be surprised if they too would go for the Argent Tournament Grounds or a Scarlet Enclave.
The OG Order Halls weren't all set on the Broken Isles, so idk why we assume new ones must be set in Northrend.
Or why Every class has get brand new ones.
Some require new ones because they lost their access to the first one.
E.g. Warrior (Odyn is not gonna be friendly), Rogues, Mages,
Some should get a new one because Northrend or newer locations offers a better alternative:
E.g. DKs, Druids, Hunters.
But the rest?
Replacing them is unnecessary and even counterintuitive.
(Replacing Light's Hope and Heart of Azeroth? What on earth for?)
Rather than replacing them for no reason, i'd rather those just get expanded.
Add another chamber to lights Hope, tack on another landmass onto Dreadscar, make use of Mardum for DHs, add another floor to Netherlight, etc.
Formerly known as Arafal
I think Stratholme could very easily serve as a teaser for the Last Titan, like revealing that the Scourge are under new leadership, but I don't see it being the link between Midnight and the Last Titan. I don't see a world where the reason we return to Northrend isn't because of either Iridikron resurfacing from his old lair or the titans returning (which we've been told is going to happen at least at some point in the expansion).
It feels certain to me that the Scourge will be used as a way to bring back in some aspects of Shadowlands without the extremely unpopular bits, so I think if they have a new leader they will be intimately tied to the Shadowlands. These are the options as I see it:
- Denathrius: the nathrezim are responsible for the creation of the Scourge in the first place, and Denathrius is by far the most popular Shadowlands character of any significance.
- Mawsworn loyalists: some remnant of the Jailer. I don't think there are any existing good candidates, so it would need to be a new character.
- The Primus: he can finally become the villain he was meant to be. He could have a mental break following from his time as the Runecarver, or something else causes him to turn on us.
- A new hidden Death figure: the Jailer 2.0.
- Kel'Thuzad: again.
Of those, Denathrius is the most likely and naturally has a link to Stratholme via the nathrezim, if that matters. Mawsworn loyalists are possible but potentially a terrible move -- visually interesting but shallow and likely to trigger Shadowlands vitriol. The Primus is a fun option but really unlikely because it would be a huge shift in his character; maybe he'll help us free the Scourge instead. Jailer 2.0 would be the Jailer 2.0, so obviously not happening. Kel'Thuzad is entirely possible, but I don't quite see a way for him to return in a form that would make sense as leader of the Scourge.
So I think if we do return to Stratholme in Midnight, it'll be to reveal to us that Denathrius and the nathrezim have taken control of the Scourge for some reason. We won't move on it right away, but it'll be important when we coincidentally find ourselves back in Northrend.