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Bit out of left field, but what would be your absolute dream zone added in the next 2-4 years?
For me, I'd say one of these:
- Underwater zone that goes as hard as Vashj'ir. A true "journey into the dark depths below" kind of feeling, where we gradually descend from sunlit coral reefs into true abyssal depths where Void creatures or Elementals rule.
- A vast, VAST desert zone, which captures the "endless dunes" vibe of central Tanaris, but with the fidelity of Vol'dun. A struggle for survival, mirages, hidden dungeons, bugs, bandits, sun-scorched dunes and moonlit nights.
- A jungle akin to Zuldazar, tropical and wild, but much bigger. Potentially an island south of Stranglethorn, or someplace on the other side of Azeroth.
- Perhaps most of all, something which I'm hoping for in Midnight's Quel'thalas: a super stereotypical green forest, similar to Elwynn. Villages, oak trees, grass, little creeks, hidden-away huts and clearings, etc.
- An archipelago of sorts, in a tropical setting. Think that beachy place from Star Wars Rogue One, combined with Krasarang Wilds, Zuldazar's coastline, etc. Just lots of little islands, shallow water to traverse, etc.
What about you?