1. #84421
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    Silvermoon City as an Adventure zone would suck. It should be the capital for Midnight, no questions. Anything else would be a disgrace and a wasted opportunity to update one of the most beloved cities of roleplayers, just for some world quests to take place there. Anyone that advocates for Silvermoon to be some sort of Suramar or Azj'kahet is so tonedeaf. It would be like saying lets rework Ironforge, Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Thunderbluff, Shattrath, Dalaran into advneture zones. This game is a fricking MMO RPG, it should have cities that people could live in. Not everything has to be some stupid gameplay loop.
    You say this. But making Silvermoon a hub has some unfortunate implications long term. It would mean making Silvermoon unquestionably a neutral hub in perpetuity when it's always been a Horde hub for one.
    Making it an adventure area lets you retake it as the expansion goes. Eventually turning it back into a Horde hub. Very much similar to how Suramar is now a Horde hub by way of the Nighthold.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    well, double the size and it is fine.
    Sure. Just double it. Then double or more like triple Ghostlands. Make Zul'aman a full zone. Then all you have left is to somehow reconcile the zones being completely incongrous with the zones south of it. Not to mention the extra zones you would have to somehow bolt on. An underwater zone for Naga would make sense narratively, but the playerbase seems to hate the idea of a zone like Vashj'ir.

    Dragon Isles is a bit on the larger side for sure. But if you compare that and EK, you see that you would have to make Quel'thalas the size of all the zones south down to the edge of the Arathi Highlands. And such a size discrepancy seems quite extreme.
    Last edited by Sondrelk; 2025-01-17 at 01:18 PM.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  2. #84422
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    You're right, we don't, but at the same time, its the only named void lord we've had at all, involved with K'aresh, the Voidsong staff from some time back connects Dimensius with the Black Empire and the Twilight Hermit said that they gave it to Xal'atath (doesn't name drop her, fair, but he said it was given to the Harbinger (and it is called the Stave fo the Harbinger, after all) and uses feminine pronouns).

    So I mean, it feels pretty weighted in that way, if you ask me.

    I would like to see zones re-used to a point, but personally I also want to see new areas. 4 expansions of zones we've been to is pretty much a snorefest unless they're massively redone.
    they redid a classic dungeon that proceeded to not be addressed in any way. they added void summoning and tentacles but if you werent leveling then you never saw it.

    example of a redone zone
    Un'goro: titan forged dinos awaken and you have to discover why with it turning out a void emissary is trying to corrupt them.

    i remember nothing from classic leveling and would honestly love to see more reason to go back

  3. #84423
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    since seeing the twitter image that shows that the Eversong zone is nearly as big as the Azj-Kahet zone, i think it will get enlarged, but not by a lot. It will mostly likely fill the paper screen holes, and expand to add the Amani area

    - - - Updated - - -

    This comparison
    Interesting image but the overlay also includes quite a large part of Ghostlands (bottom where the text is and the part on the right next to the water. There is also a large body of water on the left and top right that is basically dead space. So the overlay makes Eversong seem way larger than it is.

    Red is what the actual zone comprises of. It is much smaller than presented in the initial image.
    Last edited by micwini; 2025-01-17 at 01:26 PM.
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  4. #84424
    SMC will have to be neutral because of the Silver Covenant and expansion setting. I feel like they already lampshaded this with that short story and the reuniting elves comment at reveal.

  5. #84425
    How do you "just double" a zone that needs to seamlessly connect with a different landmass just to the south? Make it make sense.

    Also are minimaps all on the same scale?

  6. #84426
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    SMC will have to be neutral because of the Silver Covenant and expansion setting. I feel like they already lampshaded this with that short story and the reuniting elves comment at reveal.
    Reuniting elves and all that, sure. But I wouldnt immediately jump to assuming this means Silvermoon will be a neutral hub in perpetuity. For one it would feel a bit odd to have Night Elves take up residence in a city that goes against many of their core beliefs.

    And I still think not making Silvermoon a hostile hub is a massive missed opportunity. For one, hostile hubs get a lot more focus and effort than player hubs tend to get.
    Secondly, I fear that making Silvermoon the hub would make Midnight far too elf centric. I know the pitch is reuniting the elf tribes. But it's also heavily void themed.

    And I still really want Gilneas and Lordaeron to become proper main hubs with all the amenities so that they can be useful in perpetuity, rathern than just being sideshows that we maybe return to once or twice to appreciate how little use they get.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  7. #84427
    I really hope in the next expansion or two we end up expanding the scope of delves a lot, I'd love more integration of things like torghast/ visions/islands/scenarios potentially moving to having standard delves not have a distinct "delve companion" at all but have delver gear we ourselves can use ourselves along side an ever green talent tree with choice nodes to allow us to shore up power differences in classes, while simultaneously expanding the companion system for more in depth stuff more in the view of warfronts or islands or MoP scenarios, potentially tying it in with the wod-> slands mission table system but instead of recruiting followers we send on missions, we have allies we hire to unlock special missions with extra rewards. as well as fleshing out the body guard system into a full ally system like the ff14 chocbo or swtor companions

  8. #84428
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    How do you "just double" a zone that needs to seamlessly connect with a different landmass just to the south? Make it make sense.

    Also are minimaps all on the same scale?
    It's also "Just doubling" the largest zone. For the entire thing you would probably have to at least quadruple or quintuple it.
    Quel'thalas would end up looking like it suffers from severe elephantitis.
    You could of course just pretend it's not bigger and not show the size on the world map. But you would still see it when flying there. And while you could argue for a loading screen barrier, I feel that of the many implied promises players have latched onto: "remove the loading screen and let us fly to Quel'thalas" is probably one of the bigger ones.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by alex wolf View Post
    I really hope in the next expansion or two we end up expanding the scope of delves a lot, I'd love more integration of things like torghast/ visions/islands/scenarios potentially moving to having standard delves not have a distinct "delve companion" at all but have delver gear we ourselves can use ourselves along side an ever green talent tree with choice nodes to allow us to shore up power differences in classes, while simultaneously expanding the companion system for more in depth stuff more in the view of warfronts or islands or MoP scenarios, potentially tying it in with the wod-> slands mission table system but instead of recruiting followers we send on missions, we have allies we hire to unlock special missions with extra rewards. as well as fleshing out the body guard system into a full ally system like the ff14 chocbo or swtor companions
    Definitely. For me at least, I think the developers are a bit too focused on Delves as being caves of some kind. It could easily be any kind of area, even portions of the open world like what we had in MoP with the scenarios.
    More delves, and probably with varying diffculties so you could have different kinds of challenges without having to always worry that they will have to be balanced around the reward. Something halfway between world quests and current delves would be great to see in some form.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  9. #84429
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    How do you "just double" a zone that needs to seamlessly connect with a different landmass just to the south? Make it make sense.

    Also are minimaps all on the same scale?
    In all likeliness it probably won't be connected to EK seemlessly, as lame as that might be.

    It will probably be some type of veil you can fly through that takes you EK servers.

  10. #84430
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    In all likeliness it probably won't be connected to EK seemlessly, as lame as that might be.

    It will probably be some type of veil you can fly through that takes you EK servers.
    This is pretty much the biggest issue.
    You can absolutely make four new zones and place them in a separate instance but that means sacrificing seamless flight between zones which is what people have been asking since forever.

    I'll say again, you can grab EPL+Northeron as a starting zone with Stratholme, combine Ghostlands with Eversong sans Silvermoon, add a large Hills of Maisara zone for the Amani (that existed on every old map of the area) and then have the city of Silvermoon plus IQD as a fourth zone. Those would be large enough to give you the bog standard four zones per expac we've come to expect. But anything less is just not enough.
    Alternatively you can combine the existing areas into some Megazone and have the rest of the expansion in some other area accessible from multiple places, going into the Void, going to K'aresh or something similar.

  11. #84431
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    You say this. But making Silvermoon a hub has some unfortunate implications long term. It would mean making Silvermoon unquestionably a neutral hub in perpetuity when it's always been a Horde hub for one.
    Making it an adventure area lets you retake it as the expansion goes. Eventually turning it back into a Horde hub. Very much similar to how Suramar is now a Horde hub by way of the Nighthold.
    again this horde nonsense. Silvermoon was longer part of the alliance and friendly to the humans than it was part of the horde. Silvermoon becoming neutral is the most sensical direction forward, even more so for a elven unification with both factions having elves.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Sure. Just double it. Then double or more like triple Ghostlands. Make Zul'aman a full zone. Then all you have left is to somehow reconcile the zones being completely incongrous with the zones south of it. Not to mention the extra zones you would have to somehow bolt on. An underwater zone for Naga would make sense narratively, but the playerbase seems to hate the idea of a zone like Vashj'ir.

    Dragon Isles is a bit on the larger side for sure. But if you compare that and EK, you see that you would have to make Quel'thalas the size of all the zones south down to the edge of the Arathi Highlands. And such a size discrepancy seems quite extreme.
    You seem to make the error that you think Quel'Thalas will have a seamless connection to the EK. Quel'thalas will more than likely stay in it's own play area and not be part of the EK play area.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    How do you "just double" a zone that needs to seamlessly connect with a different landmass just to the south? Make it make sense.
    It doesn't connect to the rest of the EK. Like it doesn't connect currently. They are on separate in game zones
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  12. #84432
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    It doesn't connect to the rest of the EK. Like it doesn't connect currently. They are on separate in game zones
    So it will be stuck in an instance and there will be . . . a wall in the air that you cannot cross? Cause it IS physically connected to the rest of the continent so unless you shift the zone into the void or something, what you are saying does not work with flying.

  13. #84433
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    So it will be stuck in an instance and there will be . . . a wall in the air that you cannot cross? Cause it IS physically connected to the rest of the continent so unless you shift the zone into the void or something, what you are saying does not work with flying.
    Quel'Thalas DOES have a background of having a massive arcane barrier to isolate itself, which if memory serves the low lvl belves fixed in BC. A void dome, or even just some empty space using the Zaralek/delves style loading screen is also not very hard to imagine at all.

  14. #84434
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    So it will be stuck in an instance and there will be . . . a wall in the air that you cannot cross? Cause it IS physically connected to the rest of the continent so unless you shift the zone into the void or something, what you are saying does not work with flying.
    Go on a shaman or DK and head to the ghostlands and ride west along the coast. Same thing here as it would be with flying: invisible walls.

    Midnight Quel'thalas will nearly 100% not be connected to Cata EK.

    If they want to make it seamless, it will be made in the future once we actually do a EK revamp, which then will be bolted onto the Midnight Quel'thalas map, instead of bolting Midnight Quel'Thalas onto Cata EK.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by bruxx View Post
    Quel'Thalas DOES have a background of having a massive arcane barrier to isolate itself, which if memory serves the low lvl belves fixed in BC. A void dome, or even just some empty space using the Zaralek/delves style loading screen is also not very hard to imagine at all.
    This is the most likely scenario. Either a blockade of some sort or, in the unlikely phase that Midnight QT is connected to Cata EK a Transition zone
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  15. #84435
    Quote Originally Posted by bruxx View Post
    Quel'Thalas DOES have a background of having a massive arcane barrier to isolate itself, which if memory serves the low lvl belves fixed in BC. A void dome, or even just some empty space using the Zaralek/delves style loading screen is also not very hard to imagine at all.
    This is probably what I think the excuse will be.

    We will restore the magic gate around Quel'thalas (and Zul'aman I guess)

    It will probably just be some non-intrusive shimmery barrier that if you fly into it plops you back into the EK servers. Maybe by the time MN is released they'll have the tech to make the transition really smooth so its not immersion breaking.

  16. #84436
    Quote Originally Posted by SunspotAnims View Post
    - A ring-shaped Titan installation in space. Yes, like Halo. Alone it'd be pretty cool just to have a standard zone with the skybox effect of the horizon looping around into the sky. It'd be more impressive if they somehow had the full loop be explorable seamlessly (or faked with airlock). At one point I would've assumed a seamless ring world environment would've been impossible to program into a game until the Outer Wilds DLC just went and did it like it was nothing.
    What a fucking genius. I'd never thought of that in WoW, yet titan technology would be a perfect match... I love you.

    Halo in WoW? Hell yeah!

    - - - Updated - - -

    All this makes me wonder if there are other planets besides Azeroth and its 2 satellites in the star system? It would be weird if there weren't.

    I'd like an ocean planet, with entire civilizations of sea creatures and life forms never before seen in WoW, and a gas one with only flying creatures. Why not a “dead” planet as an analogy to Mars, where we'd discover survivors living in the depths as well as new types of “demons” aligned with biblical hell... *cough*... Doom...*cough*

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    When the new Ethereal models were datamined for 11.1. and how certain armor times were fitting on the skeletons, that cemented my belief that we will be getting playable Ethereal in the future.

    You mean their models can wear the players' armor? All the pieces or just a few? Where did you see that? If they can, that definitely makes ethereals a playable race!

    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Definitely expect to see more variations of them this expansion still, but don't jump as far as equating it with character models.
    What do you mean? There will be even more different models than the ones currently listed? How can you tell?
    Last edited by Enteroctopus Magnificus; 2025-01-17 at 03:10 PM.

  17. #84437
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    You mean their models can wear the players' armor? All the pieces or just a few? Where did you see that? If they can, that definitely makes ethereals a playable race!
    According to Keyboardturner on Bluesky, the are unable to wear player armor, so we shouldn't look at this as a certainty for playable races. They go on to suggest that it's not out of question, as Nightbornes had different models for players and NPCs, so this could just be the start of a model overhaul, but at the moment there is nothing to suggest they'll be playable. NPC models since Legion have been made similar to playable races, providing more variation per NPC. So for now a partial bummer, but I still think they're on track.

    With that being said, the Ethereals are bound to come in hot and heavy in 11.2. Will this be in a Rootlands patch in whole, or just the 11.2 raid?

  18. #84438
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    According to Keyboardturner on Bluesky, the are unable to wear player armor, so we shouldn't look at this as a certainty for playable races. They go on to suggest that it's not out of question, as Nightbornes had different models for players and NPCs, so this could just be the start of a model overhaul, but at the moment there is nothing to suggest they'll be playable. NPC models since Legion have been made similar to playable races, providing more variation per NPC. So for now a partial bummer, but I still think they're on track.
    Oh shit. If they can't, it still greatly reduces the chances of them being playable. The dracthyr treatment is a possibility, but it's extremely unpopular. The other possibility is, as you say, the nightborne/zandalari treatment, but that's also highly unlikely, and would mean you'd end up with an ugly DIY model.

    By the way, does anyone know why dracthyrs and these NPC models can't wear conventional armor? I've heard it's due to a technology incompatibility. Is this true or false information?

    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    With that being said, the Ethereals are bound to come in hot and heavy in 11.2. Will this be in a Rootlands patch in whole, or just the 11.2 raid?
    Ethereals deserve a full patch, for sure.
    Last edited by Enteroctopus Magnificus; 2025-01-17 at 03:50 PM.

  19. #84439
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    Ethereals deserve a full patch, for sure.
    The problem is the Ethereals as patch content poses the same problem as that spontaneous Class theory added halfway through the expansion. Allied races get added during expansions all the time; but as potential races Ethereals are completely new. They aren't allied races because they aren't reskins of an existing race.

    That's pretty much an expansion feature thing. But they are appearing in a patch update, so that makes me hopeful they might be Midnight Pre-Order Bonus & be playable immediately.

  20. #84440
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    The problem is the Ethereals as patch content poses the same problem as that spontaneous Class theory added halfway through the expansion. Allied races get added during expansions all the time; but as potential races Ethereals are completely new. They aren't allied races because they aren't reskins of an existing race.

    That's pretty much an expansion feature thing. But they are appearing in a patch update, so that makes me hopeful they might be Midnight Pre-Order Bonus & be playable immediately.
    Yea, I think it's pretty evident that no matter what the Ethereals' inclusion in TWW is, they'll be massively featured in Midnight. Between their interactions with the Ren'dorei, the Sin'dorei in Quel'Danas (Trial of Style) and overall void activity, there's plenty of reason to believe they'll both be Xal'ataths footsoldiers and lieutenants along with rebels to the Void.

    Good point about AR's and patches, though. I expect Housing to be the big prepatch feature, but I don't see why there couldn't be two.

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