1. #84461
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    again this horde nonsense. Silvermoon was longer part of the alliance and friendly to the humans than it was part of the horde. Silvermoon becoming neutral is the most sensical direction forward, even more so for a elven unification with both factions having elves.

    You seem to make the error that you think Quel'Thalas will have a seamless connection to the EK. Quel'thalas will more than likely stay in it's own play area and not be part of the EK play area.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It doesn't connect to the rest of the EK. Like it doesn't connect currently. They are on separate in game zones
    Why though? Seamless Quel'thalas is basically one of the reasons people want a revamp of EK to begin with. It's a weak reasoning in the grand scheme, but it's repeated often enough its hard to ignore.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    New ethereal models look so shit. The wrappings are way too tight and orderly. It should be more 'uncontained' and loose like the original. Why is it so hard for them to just HD old models instead of completely changing them.
    Presumably because making them look more like the old ones would make them completely unsuitable for player models.
    You can't have see-through characters when the armour you wear doesn't have a texture on the side normally hidden.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  2. #84462
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    WoW isn't Baldur's gate. Player characters don't emote. Not in the face area, anyway.
    You do realize they've updated the models in WoD, right?

  3. #84463
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    What do you mean? There will be even more different models than the ones currently listed? How can you tell?
    No, more Ethereal creature variations using that same singular model with different parts enabled, the same parts people have already been showing off. There's only a few currently being used by 11.1 NPCs, so expect more NPCs popping up soon.

  4. #84464
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    No, more Ethereal creature variations using that same singular model with different parts enabled, the same parts people have already been showing off. There's only a few currently being used by 11.1 NPCs, so expect more NPCs popping up soon.
    A few? I thought there was only one, Azir.

  5. #84465
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    You do realize they've updated the models in WoD, right?
    Irrelevant. When the devs need a character to emote for a cutscene they use completely different hd models from the ones used in game & its always npcs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Definitely expect to see more variations of them this expansion still, but don't jump as far as equating it with character models.
    I'm all for using discretion when it comes to speculation, but giving Ethereals "nude" models a big deal. They never do that for npc-only models (for the humanoids, at least.) I guess there's a chance they just want these "nude" Etherals walking around, but I doubt that. I know they aren't technically nude, but they give the impression of nudity considering how Ethereals wear clothes on top of their wrappings.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2025-01-17 at 09:51 PM.

  6. #84466
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    How do you "just double" a zone that needs to seamlessly connect with a different landmass just to the south? Make it make sense.

    Also are minimaps all on the same scale?
    No point to connect it seamlessly to 2010 version of EK. Just make whole Quel'Thalas in Midnight as separate continent, THEN use it as base to build EK (or just Lordaeron if scale will be big enough) in future expansion focused on it.

  7. #84467
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    No, more Ethereal creature variations using that same singular model with different parts enabled, the same parts people have already been showing off. There's only a few currently being used by 11.1 NPCs, so expect more NPCs popping up soon.
    My gut says Nightfall will feature heavy ethereal presence, but still.... etherealraid icons were there. Only one has been used.

  8. #84468
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    No point to connect it seamlessly to 2010 version of EK. Just make whole Quel'Thalas in Midnight as separate continent, THEN use it as base to build EK (or just Lordaeron if scale will be big enough) in future expansion focused on it.
    If you make Quel'thalas into the size of a full expansion, and then expect the rest of EK to confirm to that size, then we would be here for decades just waiting for one of the original continents to be done.
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  9. #84469
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    If you make Quel'thalas into the size of a full expansion, and then expect the rest of EK to confirm to that size, then we would be here for decades just waiting for one of the original continents to be done.
    Just glom together multiple classic zones into new bigger style zones. You could turn Lordaeron into about 4 new DF-sized zones. I think it would be unfeasible to do an entire continent for one expansion, but doing 1/2 a continent per xpac would be possible.

  10. #84470
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    I'm all for using discretion when it comes to speculation, but giving Ethereals "nude" models a big deal. They never do that for npc-only models (for the humanoids, at least.) I guess there's a chance they just want these "nude" Etherals walking around, but I doubt that. I know they aren't technically nude, but they give the impression of nudity considering how Ethereals wear clothes on top of their wrappings.
    They do, you usually just don't see them, though.

    E.g. the modular Dreadlord, Tuskarr, Kobold and new Hobgoblin models have them even though I don't think we commonly see them in that base form (or at all for some).

    I will say the new Ethereal models are more complex than some of these though as it requires a bit of manual texturing, but only by a bit. Nevermind, one is just a bit broken.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    A few? I thought there was only one, Azir.
    There are a few different creature displays hooked up, Azir is the only one that's hooked up in the game files itself (so he's likely part of a cinematic somewhere). The other displays might be used by NPCs that haven't showed up/been indexed yet as one needs to encounter these in-game to be able to link these displays back to creatures.
    Last edited by Marlamin; 2025-01-17 at 11:01 PM.

  11. #84471
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    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    My gut says Nightfall will feature heavy ethereal presence, but still.... etherealraid icons were there. Only one has been used.
    I think all of the etherealraid icons were used (maybe excluding icon recolors?)

    However… the datamined PvP tabard & cloak for season 3 do look very similar to the newer Ethereal models (particularly with the gem in the center & wrappings)
    Though the cloak has runes similar to what we’ve seen on Xal’atath

    So far the PvP tabard/cloak season 1 were Nerubian themed. And the season 2 PvP tabard/cloak are Undermine/goblin themed. So based on that trend I expect the 11.2 raid to be the “etherealraid”

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    They do, you usually just don't see them, though.

    E.g. the modular Dreadlord, Tuskarr, Kobold and new Hobgoblin models have them even though I don't think we commonly see them in that base form (or at all for some).

    I will say the new Ethereal models are more complex than some of these though as it requires a bit of manual texturing, but only by a bit. Nevermind, one is just a bit broken.
    Slightly unrelated, and I might be alone in this…
    But I think it would be really cool if blizzard eventually did a Dreadlord race & were able to play into the infiltrator fantasy somehow.

    But then again I’m also a big fan of the vanilla forsaken intro where they were only using the horde to further their own goals so something similar for Dreadlords would be peak.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  12. #84472
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    There are a few different creature displays hooked up, Azir is the only one that's hooked up in the game files itself (so he's likely part of a cinematic somewhere). The other displays might be used by NPCs that haven't showed up/been indexed yet as one needs to encounter these in-game to be able to link these displays back to creatures.
    I can confirm there is a cinematic somewhere. Did we ever figure out what the bandages on the ground are supposed to be hooked up to?

    I think Ethereals will be the main mob baddies for 11.2's raid and Nightfall, but in a twist we will have them playable in Midnight and that will be the reason they have been so developed.
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2025-01-17 at 11:08 PM.

  13. #84473
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    Just glom together multiple classic zones into new bigger style zones. You could turn Lordaeron into about 4 new DF-sized zones. I think it would be unfeasible to do an entire continent for one expansion, but doing 1/2 a continent per xpac would be possible.
    Exactly. The bits of EK from Arathi Highlands upward all deal with roughly the same themes. Just amalgamate the into one expansion zone for Midnight and you have a strong base for an expansion. No need to faff about with Northern and remnants of the Scourge in the Ghostlands when Tirisfal and the Plaguelands are literally right there. Sure it would be nice to have Zul'aman expanded on, but if you just want a forest troll zone then we have the Hinterlands with the iconic tiered city whose name escapes me.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  14. #84474
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Did we ever figure out what the bandages on the ground are supposed to be hooked up to?
    Good chance's it's just part of an animation, the model viewer tends to just show those kind of things all the time.

  15. #84475
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Exactly. The bits of EK from Arathi Highlands upward all deal with roughly the same themes. Just amalgamate the into one expansion zone for Midnight and you have a strong base for an expansion. No need to faff about with Northern and remnants of the Scourge in the Ghostlands when Tirisfal and the Plaguelands are literally right there. Sure it would be nice to have Zul'aman expanded on, but if you just want a forest troll zone then we have the Hinterlands with the iconic tiered city whose name escapes me.
    Well, you could do that. I don't think they need to though. And I kinda don't want them too. It would be burning up a lot of potential with one xpac that could be two.

    I think between all the elven factions coming to Quel'thalas (nelfs, belfs, helfs, their spin-offs and the naga) along with the Void, the Arathi, and existing concepts there, you have a pretty beefy expasion that's going to delve into elf lore, a possible return of Azshara, more about the Arathi Empire, and major Light v Void stuff - now its the time we learn about naaru, their masters, and the Void Lords. I think there's a lot there, and I really want to see a full rebuild of previously released zones in a new scale, just to know how and if Blizzard is going to tackle that kind of thing. QE is the perfect place to experiment with, since it's so far removed from the main continent in terms of mechanics and location.

    Rebuilding Lordaeron can come later once they know Midnight is going to work out, and you can revisit all the classic Lordaeron stuff along with expanding on Arathi Empire stuff (Lordaeron is their homeland as much as Quel'Thalas, they're going to want to stake a claim to it). The Empire trying to conquer Lordaeron could probably also serve as an entire expansion. And you wouldn't be crowding out the human/undead plotlines and history with all the elf/Light/Void stuff.

  16. #84476
    It's almost February, so we should be hearing from housing soon!!!! They said they'd have more to share at the beginning of the year... Maybe a little before the official release of Undermined or during ?

    What are your expectations in this regard? I think I have a mixture of fear and excitement. You never know with Blizzard.
    Last edited by Enteroctopus Magnificus; 2025-01-18 at 12:44 AM.

  17. #84477
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    It's almost February, so we should be hearing from housing soon!!!! They said they'd have more to share at the beginning of the year... Maybe a little before the official release of Undermined or during ?

    What are your expectations in this regard? I think I have a mixture of fear and excitement. You never know with Blizzard.
    Firstly I didn't know they were going to share more news before the reveal.

    Secondly I think the system will be "place props where you want" as if it was just "place this in this assigned spot" there's no reason it would've taken so long to implement.

  18. #84478
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Firstly I didn't know they were going to share more news before the reveal.

    Secondly I think the system will be "place props where you want" as if it was just "place this in this assigned spot" there's no reason it would've taken so long to implement.
    There's a whole lot of other things that need to be considered beyond just how exactly decorating works.

  19. #84479
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    There's a whole lot of other things that need to be considered beyond just how exactly decorating works.
    Decoration is the basis of housing, the most important part.

    Then there's the “type” of housing. According to PC Gamer's interview with Ion, they've developed lots of technologies to make housing work. In particular, he mentions the way delves get you into your own personal instance.

    Based on this meagre information, I imagine that housing will work in the same way. He also said that there won't be just “Stormwind” for housing, implying that houses will be in town (outside we don't know) probably like ESO (there are houses in various locations and anyone can buy).

    For customization, I don't think you can choose the architecture. If you want your own human home, go to Stormwind. If you want your wood elf hut, go to Bel'ameth. TBH I'd prefer it that way.
    Last edited by Enteroctopus Magnificus; 2025-01-18 at 02:49 AM.

  20. #84480
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    Decoration is the basis of housing, the most important part.

    Then there's the “type” of housing. According to PC Gamer's interview with Ion, they've developed lots of technologies to make housing work. In particular, he mentions the way delves get you into your own personal instance.

    Based on this meagre information, I imagine that housing will work in the same way. He also said that there won't be just “Stormwind” for housing, implying that houses will be in town (outside we don't know) probably like ESO (there are houses in various locations and anyone can buy).

    For customization, I don't think you can choose the architecture. If you want your own human home, go to Stormwind. If you want your wood elf hut, go to Bel'ameth. TBH I'd prefer it that way.
    I'm already predicting Housing is going to be a dumpster fire. Not because they'll do it badly but because none of the people who want housing want the same thing. They're 100% not going to have individual plots like FFXIV because of how WoW layering works now that its combined with merged servers. If it's purely instanced, there won't be an exterior which is what half of players want. And if its phased, it's basically just a garrison again & people hated that most of all expansion features.

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