1. #84501
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Which is the strangest part of this. How are blizzard supposed to design something players want when the players don't know exactly what they want.
    Best comment so far, because its true.

    I have asked about the purpose on housing so many times. You get heated responses back, saying: isnt it obvious? But dont get much more then.. its fun.. or hanging up your trophies.

    I also dont expect devs to give players alot of freedom either. I have my money set on: set slots, 2 or so ways to put your carpet and 4 slots for paintings for example. Every single piece of content we got in the past, from garrisons pr even character custumization. It allways feels limited with blizz for some reason. Why would this be different? Anyway, I dont care either way. Its not a feauture for me anyway.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2025-01-18 at 08:23 PM.

  2. #84502
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    I'd be more than surprised if player housing is not gonna be just several themed houses (Generic Human house, generic orc house, night elf house, cottage etc.) with different doodads you can use to display a selection of "trophies", akin to the Garrison monuments.

    I'd be very surprised if they let you free-place stuff.
    Being able to freely place stuff (or at least on a grid) is what I think housing will live or die on honestly. No matter how many trophies the devs add, it cannot hope to match the avalanche of doodads that have been added since the game was added.

    There needs to be some level of gameplay integrations, otherwise it will be left on the back burner in perpetuity, or worse still, abandoned completely.

    It's important for housing to have a clear vision for what it could be, even if it doesn't reach that point to start with. And in my mind that means the house itself being as bare bones as possible to accommodate as much customization as possible.
    Secondly there needs to be a level of exclusive furniture given as rewards. Even if it's just as simple as Renown 15 with "generic faction" gives a selection of chairs and tables that were added to the game for that patch.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Best comment so far, because its true.

    I have asked about the purpose on housing so many times. You get heated responses back, saying: isnt it obvious? But dont get much more then.. its fun.. or hanging up your trophies.

    I also dont expect devs to give players alot of freedom either. I have my money set on: set slots, 2 or so ways to put your carpet and 4 slots for paintings for example. Every single piece of content we got in the past, from garrisons pr even character custumization. It allways feels limited with blizz for some reason. Why would this be different? Anyway, I dont care either way. Its not a feauture for me anyway.
    Given the developers are aware of how anticipated housing is, I wouldn't expect them to slum it. They have been working on this since at least the beginning of DF if we start counting from when they were definitely planning to do it.

    Ny guess for how it will work is a grid system with a points limiter to prevent overloading the system.

    But really, there needs to be some gameplay integration with regular PvE. Otherwise it will end up a vestigial feature with minimal updates.
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  3. #84503
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I have asked about the purpose on housing so many times. You get heated responses back, saying: isnt it obvious? But dont get much more then.. its fun.. or hanging up your trophies.
    It's a private place that you can customize.

    It's purpose is pretty simple, as its the same purpose that the bazillion different new mounts, pets, toys and transmog have that get added each patch.
    It's another avenue for customization, adds another layer for wows overall reward structure and an activity to do when not actively progressing.

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  4. #84504
    Brewmaster SunspotAnims's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    It's a private place that you can customize.

    It's purpose is pretty simple, as its the same purpose that the bazillion different new mounts, pets, toys and transmog have that get added each patch.
    It's another avenue for customization, adds another layer for wows overall reward structure and an activity to do when not actively progressing.
    This. Creativity and player expression are fun things, and there are many well-loved games devoted solely to those things. Maybe it doesn't appeal to number chasers, but it was never a feature for them to begin with. There's no point in trying to justify it to the people that "don't see the purpose" and I hope the devs don't try.

    I also think people are far underestimating the engine here. I'm pretty sure there are private servers that have achieved customization tools far more robust than what people "think" the engine is limited to.
    Last edited by SunspotAnims; 2025-01-18 at 10:34 PM.

  5. #84505
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Best comment so far, because its true.

    I have asked about the purpose on housing so many times. You get heated responses back, saying: isnt it obvious? But dont get much more then.. its fun.. or hanging up your trophies.

    I also dont expect devs to give players alot of freedom either. I have my money set on: set slots, 2 or so ways to put your carpet and 4 slots for paintings for example. Every single piece of content we got in the past, from garrisons pr even character custumization. It allways feels limited with blizz for some reason. Why would this be different? Anyway, I dont care either way. Its not a feauture for me anyway.
    I'm tired of Hearthstones. I saved Azeroth countless times over. The least the folks can do there as a reward is give me my own house! I already got a car with 11.1 lmaooo

  6. #84506
    Scarab Lord Polybius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunspotAnims View Post
    This. Creativity and player expression are fun things, and there are many well-loved games devoted solely to those things. Maybe it doesn't appeal to number chasers, but it was never a feature for them to begin with. There's no point in trying to justify it to the people that "don't see the purpose" and I hope the devs don't try.

    I also think people are far underestimating the engine here. I'm pretty sure there are private servers that have achieved customization tools far more robust than what people "think" the engine is limited to.
    I second this. The minmaxers are tiresome and if it weren't for devs not giving in to them this game wouldn't have incentives outside of raiding/pvp. The game isn't going to cater to one corner of the gaming sphere, and that's perfectly healthy.

  7. #84507
    Quote Originally Posted by Polybius View Post
    I second this. The minmaxers are tiresome and if it weren't for devs not giving in to them this game wouldn't have incentives outside of raiding/pvp. The game isn't going to cater to one corner of the gaming sphere, and that's perfectly healthy.
    One of the best things the game ever added was the ability to transmog gear. Changing a vast library of set appearances into a collection minigame that fuels all sides of the game currently.

    Same with battle pets, mounts, and titles. Another reward that while completely useless to the actual gameplay of the game, gives incentive to players to try out different things they might not normally enjoy.
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  8. #84508
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    One of the best things the game ever added was the ability to transmog gear. Changing a vast library of set appearances into a collection minigame that fuels all sides of the game currently.

    Same with battle pets, mounts, and titles. Another reward that while completely useless to the actual gameplay of the game, gives incentive to players to try out different things they might not normally enjoy.
    I recently had a discussion with a guild member why I wouldn't touch classic (especially hardcore) 'untill they (atleast one way so you can farm removed stuff) connect it with retail. No transmog, no achievments, no mount collection, and that's all besides the potential hardcore death trigger lol. I watched him play for like 20 minutes and honestly, if WoW was that today I wouldn't bother with it. It's slow, has none of the collection aspects I like about the game, and he even uses a step by step guide addon that takes away whatever skill hardcore requires.


  9. #84509
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    I recently had a discussion with a guild member why I wouldn't touch classic (especially hardcore) 'untill they (atleast one way so you can farm removed stuff) connect it with retail. No transmog, no achievments, no mount collection, and that's all besides the potential hardcore death trigger lol. I watched him play for like 20 minutes and honestly, if WoW was that today I wouldn't bother with it. It's slow, has none of the collection aspects I like about the game, and he even uses a step by step guide addon that takes away whatever skill hardcore requires.

    I am much the same. I know I would enjoy quite a lot of Classic SoD, what with the no flying and slower pace. But there just isn't really enough of an incentive to get me started. Even just stuff like a title and a mount for hitting max level in Classic would be enough to get me started.
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  10. #84510
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    I am much the same. I know I would enjoy quite a lot of Classic SoD, what with the no flying and slower pace. But there just isn't really enough of an incentive to get me started. Even just stuff like a title and a mount for hitting max level in Classic would be enough to get me started.
    Yeah honestly, being able to connect older games to the newest one was the big strength of pokemon games through the years, so I really don't get why they don't do it with classic (even just from a money PoV). And if the devs think that people would ruin the "social" aspect because of needing stuff for retail .... I mean, they let GDKP run rampart aswell as boosting, and they could simply just use the current retail loot system so you can't "ninja" stuff you don't need. Would love to play a season of discovery (simply because atleast there is NEW CONTENT there instead of the stuff I already finished in the past) that works like remix and sends your characters to the real game at the end lol.

  11. #84511
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮
    What if Xal'atath intends to use the dagger that she was imprisoned it to stab the worldsoul and suck Azeroth into the dagger?

  12. #84512
    Is the dagger still around even?

  13. #84513
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Is the dagger still around even?
    Hard to say. It was last seen in Ny'alotha, so presumably N'zoth would be in possession of it assuming he survived.
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  14. #84514
    I am sure Xal'zoth (or N'atath?) will appear at some point. After all he was the only Old God who seemed to understand sometimes you need to lose to ultimately win.

    When you think about it, the Old Gods are opposed to Xal and Dimensius. The OGs want to infest the world soul, I assume which ever one succeeds would be reborn as a void lord. While Dimensius just wants to eat it the World Soul.

  15. #84515
    The dagger disappeared after a shot of Nzoth energies seeping around it, possibly into it. I assumed the idea was that Nzoth had a contingency plan using the dagger and that's why he teamed up with Xal.

  16. #84516
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    I am sure Xal'zoth (or N'atath?) will appear at some point. After all he was the only Old God who seemed to understand sometimes you need to lose to ultimately win.

    When you think about it, the Old Gods are opposed to Xal and Dimensius. The OGs want to infest the world soul, I assume which ever one succeeds would be reborn as a void lord. While Dimensius just wants to eat it the World Soul.
    If the blade was still around, and if N'Zoth was still around somehow, we'd know about it already.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    The dagger disappeared after a shot of Nzoth energies seeping around it, possibly into it. I assumed the idea was that Nzoth had a contingency plan using the dagger and that's why he teamed up with Xal.
    I thought it just blew up...

  17. #84517
    The original idea was that Nzoth needed the dagger as it acted as a walkie talkie to get Sylvanas directly to Nazjatar. I thought this was ridiculous for a while now as Azshara the worlds most powerful mage had a million different ways she could do that without a walkie talkie.

    I hope it's retconned (or it was planned all along) that the true reason for the dagger was to use its unique soul capture ability on himself.

  18. #84518
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    I don't think there is any meaningful spell in the game that still has vanilla visuals, peeps just forgot how crappy they used to look:

    I say current CL is fine. It still looks good, especially when you have overload procs.
    Have they changed CL at some point? I'm playing SoD, and whenever I see it being used it feels different to the Retail version. I'm not sure what it is, it feels more rigid whereas the Retail one seems to 'wiggle' more.
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  19. #84519
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    If the blade was still around, and if N'Zoth was still around somehow, we'd know about it already.

    I thought it just blew up...
    Although its fair, that at no point have they alluded that the dagger is missing. But then again, all of the Legion artifacts were basically discarded and no one seemed to care so its pretty consistent no one cares what happened to the dagger after Wrathion used it

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    The original idea was that Nzoth needed the dagger as it acted as a walkie talkie to get Sylvanas directly to Nazjatar. I thought this was ridiculous for a while now as Azshara the worlds most powerful mage had a million different ways she could do that without a walkie talkie.

    I hope it's retconned (or it was planned all along) that the true reason for the dagger was to use its unique soul capture ability on himself.
    N'zoth captures Azshara and brings her to Ny'alotha but leaves the dagger with her? That makes no sense unless he wanted the dagger to be a back-up.

  20. #84520
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    I don't think there is any meaningful spell in the game that still has vanilla visuals, peeps just forgot how crappy they used to look:

    I say current CL is fine. It still looks good, especially when you have overload procs.
    We have tauren totems, back from Vanilla. Every other shaman totems got updates, but tauren ones got new model in BfA, but not implented yet for some reason.
    I think all totems should be uprezzed, including all core races, but esp. taurens.

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