1. #84521
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    N'zoth captures Azshara and brings her to Ny'alotha but leaves the dagger with her? That makes no sense unless he wanted the dagger to be a back-up.
    Yeah, it makes no sense given how N'Zoth wanted the dagger to remain with him after the player character frees Xal'atath from it (with Xal leaving through the portal and the player character receives N'Zoth's "blessing" cutscene) to then having Nathanos have it as Azshara opens up the seas to start 8.2.

    Chain of events happened to somehow give Azshara the dagger. I believe it was a false "good will" gesture to ensure Azshara would free N'Zoth. Perhaps she needed to believe that she could really kill N'Zoth by plunging the dagger into him, herself. That would ensure she did everything to she needed to free him... or N'Zoth knew that she needed to fight the champions of Azeroth to actually ensure he was freed.

    So then Azshara is captured, still having the dagger. She is freed; dagger is given to the champions.

    Seems like a weird, convoluted scheme N'Zoth concocted in order to 1.> get freed, and 2.> get stabbed. I do believe his plan all a long was to get freed and get stabbed.

  2. #84522
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    Apart from repeating over and over that decoration isn't that important without explaining why, do it or your intervention will be useless. Anyone can come, say “no” and leave without explaining their way of thinking, it's almost trolling.

    So, for you, what's more important than housing decoration? That's more relevant and interesting.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Why? We already have toys that we can place freely in the world.

    I sincerely believe that people greatly underestimate the game engine, which may be old, but that doesn't mean you can't do anything with it. Especially since they've been updating it non-stop for 20 years. It's literally not the same engine as in 2004.
    You have toys you can place freely in the world, but they aren't persistent, permanent things. Look, I would love it if you could free-place stuff (and honestly, player-housing without that would suck), I just don't see it happening.

    Yeah, they've improved the engine, but it is still the same engine. You can modify and improve a car as much as you want, it'll never be able to fly.

  3. #84523
    I done some WoD timewalking and it was hard not to notice that Horde camp name is Warspear, while Alliance - Stormshield. After that I remembered faction Dracthyr weyrns.
    Dark talons (Horde ones) are focused on attacking, while Obsidian Warders - on defence.
    Same can be said even about goblins and gnomes.
    In our brand new world without factions I think it should be saved - Horde is more attacking force, while Alliance more about defence and groundkeeping.

  4. #84524
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    The dagger disappeared after a shot of Nzoth energies seeping around it, possibly into it. I assumed the idea was that Nzoth had a contingency plan using the dagger and that's why he teamed up with Xal.
    But that still doesn't explain why Xal just gave the dagger away if its apparently integral to her plan. I doubt we'll see the dagger again.

  5. #84525
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    But that still doesn't explain why Xal just gave the dagger away if its apparently integral to her plan. I doubt we'll see the dagger again.
    5D chess plan that puts Zovaal the Failure Jailer's plan to shame. I'm sure we will find it out in like 2 expansions.

  6. #84526
    If we do see the dagger again it would be in 11.2.

    The daggers whole purpose was to create black blood. Xal tells us that herself in Legion. So who knows, maybe there's like a dozen of them lying around.

  7. #84527
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    You have toys you can place freely in the world, but they aren't persistent, permanent things. Look, I would love it if you could free-place stuff (and honestly, player-housing without that would suck), I just don't see it happening.

    Yeah, they've improved the engine, but it is still the same engine. You can modify and improve a car as much as you want, it'll never be able to fly.
    What difference does the persistence time make? We're not talking about that, we're talking about the action of placing an object freely, which we can already do.

    First question, why do you think that placing a simple item is a gigantic thing for Blizzard to do? Are you serious? Placing an object is the simplest thing they can do, much simpler than making physics work for skyriding, and yet they've done it.

    The second question is, why do you act like Blizzard is a small indie company? Can I have a real answer because I read a lot of people who think that?

  8. #84528
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    If we do see the dagger again it would be in 11.2.

    The daggers whole purpose was to create black blood. Xal tells us that herself in Legion. So who knows, maybe there's like a dozen of them lying around.
    Where does she say anything like that? She tells us the blade was made as a ceremonial dagger to make blood sacrifices to the old gods. That's not the same thing as the Black Blood of the Old Gods. They weren't being offered their own blood in ritualistic sacrifice. Mortal blood is completely different from Black Blood.

  9. #84529
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auxis View Post
    Have they changed CL at some point? I'm playing SoD, and whenever I see it being used it feels different to the Retail version. I'm not sure what it is, it feels more rigid whereas the Retail one seems to 'wiggle' more.
    Wut? Of course they updated it. What I linked is Classic CL to show how bad it looked.

    This is Retail CL:

    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  10. #84530
    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrophax View Post
    I done some WoD timewalking and it was hard not to notice that Horde camp name is Warspear, while Alliance - Stormshield. After that I remembered faction Dracthyr weyrns.
    Dark talons (Horde ones) are focused on attacking, while Obsidian Warders - on defence.
    Same can be said even about goblins and gnomes.
    In our brand new world without factions I think it should be saved - Horde is more attacking force, while Alliance more about defence and groundkeeping.
    Just to add to this, the factions in the MoP patch Landfall was Dominance Offensive for the Horde and Operation: Shieldwall for the Alliance.

  11. #84531
    So someone on r/wow pointed out that this kind of sounds like Beledar.

    What are we thinking? If it's true, is "Army of Light in stasis" back on the menu?

  12. #84532
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    So someone on r/wow pointed out that this kind of sounds like Beledar.

    Snipped excerpt from "A Thousand Years of War" short story of Alleria and Turalyon.

    What are we thinking? If it's true, is "Army of Light in stasis" back on the menu?
    I really, really think that this would be the best way for them to bring Yrel and the rest of the Lightbound, who are objectively interesting. They don't have to stay on Azeroth after Midnight, but I think it would be a really great way to further incite the Arathi. It could also be another way for the greater Arathi homeland to be open to outsiders.

    The comments on that thread are really interesting. None of them seem convinced at all. I've been yelling it like a madman, but I really, really cannot stop saying that I believe Archaedes is either intentionally lying or misinformed and wrong in the Titan Disc Fragment quests where he refers to Beledar as a fragment of crystallized worldsoul essence.

    There is a giant yellow crystal similar to the Xenedar scribbled in runes similar to the Naaru that has a very distinct name similar to every Naaru ship we've seen and is being worshipped by a people who derive from the people of the first human to discover the Light so much so that they name the city that sits under said crystal Mereldar, after her... but it is crystalized essence of the worldsoul?

    In an expansion where the Earthen learn that the Titans and the Keepers may not have been as truthful in the purposes of their edicts and directives, and we along with them are slowly realizing that there is a universe of powers all reaching for Azeroth's worldsoul, we are supposed to look at a duck, be told by a self interested group who already has control of the worldsoul that it is a chicken, and accept that it's a chicken.

    That's without even getting into the conversation about Midnight being a fight where we "stand with the Armies of the Light to banish the Shadow forever", although the Light has very little presence so far aside from, again, the Arathi.

  13. #84533
    I don't know. I can't see the Light being an enemy yet in TWW.

    The excerpt from Midnight that we still have to be allied with them for at least the initial stage of 12.0. Beledar could still have relevance. But I doubt we will seem some secret evil Light army emerging from it soon.

  14. #84534
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    So someone on r/wow pointed out that this kind of sounds like Beledar.

    What are we thinking? If it's true, is "Army of Light in stasis" back on the menu?
    I...I don't think so. It's likely just a Naaru infused Worldsoul Crystal. The biggest source of Light on Azeroth outside of the Arathi Empire and the Sunwell.

    The descriptions of the Light's followers here are cool ngl.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    I don't know. I can't see the Light being an enemy yet in TWW.

    The excerpt from Midnight that we still have to be allied with them for at least the initial stage of 12.0. Beledar could still have relevance. But I doubt we will seem some secret evil Light army emerging from it soon.
    Yeah, Midnight's LIKELY gonna feature Azshara and Dimensius as the main antagonists.

  15. #84535
    I don't know, I also think that is the Void's perception of the Light and it is naturally biased. The Void would consider people being beholden to virtues like mercy or justice as invisible chains because they are by their nature restrains to your behaviour. It's a matter of perspective.

    We've seen what a Void-corrupt world would look repeatedly, even directly in Horrific Visions. The Void is no one's friend

  16. #84536
    Speaking of Beledar has there been any more conclusiveness to where the Radiant Song is coming from?

    Because just entertaining the idea that Beledar is a whole crytalized Army of the Light waiting to be awakened. We know from that DF quest that the song is really controlled by the Void. So does that mean we potentially unleash the Army of the Light but they end up being controlled by the Void? Midnight could end up being WoW's clone wars.

  17. #84537
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    What are we thinking? If it's true, is "Army of Light in stasis" back on the menu?
    A while back when the new Hearthstone cards were found I remember commenting on the one with the weird Alien looking child with eyes on tentacles. How it would be interesting if the Beledar was some sort of Cradle. A Naaru spaceship that escaped a world that was about to be destroyed by the void, housing the children of an Alien nation.

    We know the Naaru saved the Draenei originally, I can Imagine them doing that for a variety of races. Landing on Azeroth by choice or complete accident. The Beledar opening and suddenly there's hundreds of infants of an Alien race we know nothing about, or how they will grow, could be interesting for a story moving forward and beyond the last Titan.

    This is all just spitballing however, and as I don't follow Hearthstone I have no idea if anything else came of them.


    For anyone interested, its called Mystified To'cha. With the description: "We hired your elementary school math teacher to make this card."

    To'Cha sort of means Torch in Portugese with a quick search, funny considering the Arathi.

    From what I can tell there's no other To'Cha cards. Would be an interesting little sneaky drop if this weird 1 in a million theory turns out to be true, but I can see room in the story for this. A new race of aliens, all infants, that we take on and protect from the void. We can watch them grow into a society over time with the expansions. Bonus points if they turn out to be some sort of baby old gods, and it was a Naaru prison vessel instead of a cradle, and they were destined for darkness all along.
    Last edited by Nibelheimy; 2025-01-20 at 01:55 AM.

  18. #84538
    Quote Originally Posted by Nibelheimy View Post
    We know the Naaru saved the Draenei originally, I can Imagine them doing that for a variety of races. Landing on Azeroth by choice or complete accident. The Beledar opening and suddenly there's hundreds of infants of an Alien race we know nothing about, or how they will grow, could be interesting for a story moving forward and beyond the last Titan.
    Oh, wow. This is a really cool idea, coming across another Draenei like situation, bringing us to the realization that the Exodar didn't just happen to crash on Azeroth, but that it was always planned.

  19. #84539
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I don't know, I also think that is the Void's perception of the Light and it is naturally biased. The Void would consider people being beholden to virtues like mercy or justice as invisible chains because they are by their nature restrains to your behaviour. It's a matter of perspective.

    We've seen what a Void-corrupt world would look repeatedly, even directly in Horrific Visions. The Void is no one's friend
    Yeah, this is likely. Wouldn't be shocked if some Light warriors looked like this though.

    Most of the Light's forces are likely going to be based off religious stuff, and other things such as FFXIV, Diablo, etc.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nibelheimy View Post
    A while back when the new Hearthstone cards were found I remember commenting on the one with the weird Alien looking child with eyes on tentacles. How it would be interesting if the Beledar was some sort of Cradle. A Naaru spaceship that escaped a world that was about to be destroyed by the void, housing the children of an Alien nation.

    We know the Naaru saved the Draenei originally, I can Imagine them doing that for a variety of races. Landing on Azeroth by choice or complete accident. The Beledar opening and suddenly there's hundreds of infants of an Alien race we know nothing about, or how they will grow, could be interesting for a story moving forward and beyond the last Titan.

    This is all just spitballing however, and as I don't follow Hearthstone I have no idea if anything else came of them.
    Ngl, I always interpreted the art as the Void trying to corrupt Azeroth. Azeroth would be the baby in this sense.

  20. #84540
    Beledar having a completely new race in it would be really really cool. I would prefer that to Yrel.

    Maybe another Pre-Demon Legion race like the Sayaad? Could even be where Denathrius's soul came from.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Actually the more I think about it, that "it's another alien ship" idea would be a good hook for the Draenei in Midnight.

    And if it's Nathrezim-esque race (or the original race that birthed Denathrius) that's playable in Midnight it would be a big twist. I would prefer Ethereals but demon vampire elftypes would have mass appeal.
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2025-01-20 at 02:53 AM.

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