1. #84581
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    It's a good idea, but I personally think it's something else that's much more powerful than a Naaru. A member of the Pantheon of Light.
    I think that's a bit much. I wouldn't expect us to see the Light Pantheon til maybe the end of Midnight.

  2. #84582
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    going by the timeline of the wiki, we are in year 42. so around 10 years ago would be year 32 which is legion. But i think that wouldn't make sense, as the day of darkness would have been shortly after they arrived.

    In an earlier version of the text from Wenren (bottom of his wiki page) it was stated to be 15 years (still over a decade ago), which would put us at year 27 which is end of BC/start of Wrath.
    10 years isn't more than a decade. 10 years is exactly a decade. The way it's stated it could be up to about 17 years (after you'd probably say "almost two decades").

    They definitely had a few years to establish themself before the Day of Darkness.

  3. #84583
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    Some claim that the information shared by Archaedas is false because “Titans” when in fact it contradicts everything the Titans have told us about history and their intentions. These are obviously revelations, and yet people act as if they simply don't exist.
    Not pointing any fingers at anybody in particular, but there are many people here who pretend to engage honestly/genuine while simultaneously operating this way: going about story/lore discussion while being purposely ignorant to established facts within the story/lore. Many such cases happen on the Lore sub-forum and most of the offenders have been banned or just don't post anymore.

    There is a fine line of wishful hoping and sharing one's headcanon about things yet to happen or hoping to happen... and arguing it an established fact.

    I would recommend you simply call out those who engage in bad faith, and let the rest take notice. You kind of lose the soul of the discussion if you focus too much on the semantics of possible outcomes.
    Last edited by KOUNTERPARTS; 2025-01-20 at 08:54 PM.

  4. #84584
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    10 years isn't more than a decade. 10 years is exactly a decade. The way it's stated it could be up to about 17 years (after you'd probably say "almost two decades").

    They definitely had a few years to establish themself before the Day of Darkness.
    More than a decade could for some people mean 10 years and 1 day. but i guess 11 to 18 years is a possibility. Still, the fact that they used an exact number in the beta is interesting. 15 years. So the writers had likely a specific event in mind that happend 15 years ago.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  5. #84585
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    More than a decade could for some people mean 10 years and 1 day. but i guess 11 to 18 years is a possibility. Still, the fact that they used an exact number in the beta is interesting. 15 years. So the writers had likely a specific event in mind that happend 15 years ago.
    I was thinking something similar, unless they want to keep the air of mystery around the Hallowfall Arathi alive... and to keep things loose for them to add later on.

  6. #84586
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    I think that's a bit much. I wouldn't expect us to see the Light Pantheon til maybe the end of Midnight.
    Well, the crystal is big, much bigger than any naarus we've seen before, it looks very special and much more powerful. Let me explain.

    Cosmic forces are trying to take over Azeroth somehow, right? Dimensius, a void lord, attacked K'aresh himself. Zovaal directly attacked the worldsoul, and the Titans are also trying to get their hands on it.

    The question is, why? To gain the upper hand in the eternal war of balance of power, presumably.

    If you've noticed, they're always pantheons. The Light probably also tried to take over the worldsoul at one time, perhaps even before the Black Empire existed. Maybe they came along afterwards, saw that the Light had already found Azeroth before them and went to war and won. Then came the Titans, and their own era arrived.

    But then, what is Beledar? If there was an era of Light before the Void, it's possible that one of the pantheon members tried to influence the worldsoul to enter our physical plane. And that would be Beledar.

  7. #84587
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    I was thinking something similar, unless they want to keep the air of mystery around the Hallowfall Arathi alive... and to keep things loose for them to add later on.
    They likely don't want to spoil something, as with a direct year number, we can pinpoint some events. And given that the next expansion and their reni'lash will happen around the sunwell, the place were something happend 15 years ago too, that involved the first real Void being on Azeroth (M'uru fall to Entropius), and subsequently a huge influx of light and arcane for the elves (M'urus cleansed core in the sunwell), could have stirred the arathi empire, as they are of the high elven lineage too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  8. #84588
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    Not pointing any fingers at anybody in particular, but there are many people here who pretend to engage honestly/genuine while simultaneously operating this way: going about story/lore discussion while being purposely ignorant to established facts within the story/lore. Many such cases happen on the Lore sub-forum and most of the offenders have been banned or just don't post anymore.

    There is a fine line of wishful hoping and sharing one's headcanon about things yet to happen or hoping to happen... and arguing it an established fact.

    I would recommend you simply call out those who engage in bad faith, and let the rest take notice. You kind of lose the soul of the discussion if you focus too much on the semantics of possible outcomes.
    Words of wisdom. Thank you very much. I apologize if I've made the discussion unpleasant.

  9. #84589
    All this crystal talk just makes me think playable Artificers are on their way.

  10. #84590
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    All this crystal talk just makes me think playable Artificers are on their way.
    take the tinker make it based (blood elf) lfg

  11. #84591
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    All this crystal talk just makes me think playable Artificers are on their way.
    i just looked at the comic Son of the Wolf, and Anduin happens to wear crystal pauldrons. Perhaps he gets a new getup after TWW/Midnight with crystals on it?
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  12. #84592
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Hot take:

    Southern Kalimdor is heavily influenced by the proximity of Khaz Algar.

    - Thorns and a generally primordial eco-system because of Elun'ahir (we'll find dinosaurs and quillboars in the "rootlands").

    - Freya experimented in Un'goro using crystal shards from below, testing their potency with influencing life.

    - "Eonar's tears" is essentially a euphemism for the waters of the Well of Eternity coalescing around Un'goro and the region as a whole.

    - It's a place bursting with life near an otherwise dead and desolate region due to its proximity to the Old Gods.

  13. #84593
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Hot take:

    Southern Kalimdor is heavily influenced by the proximity of Khaz Algar.

    - Thorns and a generally primordial eco-system because of Elun'ahir (we'll find dinosaurs and quillboars in the "rootlands").
    I noted the quills on the Haronir but you just made me realize the thorn aesthetic they have going for them, that's an interesting double-up. Would be a fun twist if they aren't just Dark Trolls but Dark Trolls that bred with (friendly?) Quillboar. Would explain why they are fatter at least.

    Also- I was expecting Dinosaurs because of the Hollow Earth and Caveman vibe (also that robot t-rex mount rig will definitely be reused for a real t-rex mount) but good call on it being a throwback to Un'goro.

  14. #84594
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I noted the quills on the Haronir but you just made me realize the thorn aesthetic they have going for them, that's an interesting double-up. Would be a fun twist if they aren't just Dark Trolls but Dark Trolls that bred with (friendly?) Quillboar. Would explain why they are fatter at least.

    Also- I was expecting Dinosaurs because of the Hollow Earth and Caveman vibe (also that robot t-rex mount rig will definitely be reused for a real t-rex mount) but good call on it being a throwback to Un'goro.
    Surely they're simply quilboar who underwent similar changes to trolls. Everyone seems a little bit too stuck on the idea that they have tusks, big ears, and African/Caribbean accents and therefore must be trolls. I think we're being introduced to convergent evolution due to Elune's influence to explain why night elves look like Cenarius.

  15. #84595
    Quote Originally Posted by Viridiel View Post
    Surely they're simply quilboar who underwent similar changes to trolls. Everyone seems a little bit too stuck on the idea that they have tusks, big ears, and African/Caribbean accents and therefore must be trolls. I think we're being introduced to convergent evolution due to Elune's influence to explain why night elves look like Cenarius.
    I would believe it, but Elune turning things into humanoids smells a little too suspiciously like Zereth Mortis/Titans.

  16. #84596
    I'm still not sold on the worldsoul being calcified planet essence. The crystal is not part of the manifold. Its not being monitored. There are no Earthern in Hallowfall, and the ones that were in the past, seemed to only want to trade. The path from Dornogal, through the ringing deeps, stops as it enters Hallowfall. Why? Was there just a big order to ignore giant worldsoul essence? We know exactly what it is and don't need anybody near it or anything? Bizarre.

  17. #84597
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    i just looked at the comic Son of the Wolf, and Anduin happens to wear crystal pauldrons. Perhaps he gets a new getup after TWW/Midnight with crystals on it?
    Really? That's interesting. Maybe they make Anduin an Artificer? That could make sense if worldsoul crystals are the fuel that powers artifice, since Anduin can hear the song he must be attuned to it.

  18. #84598
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I would believe it, but Elune turning things into humanoids smells a little too suspiciously like Zereth Mortis/Titans.
    I agree, I find it odd. But we already have the association with Cenarius, Aviana, and Aessina, not to mention several Wild Gods spawning humanoid races to begin with. For some reason Elune seems to be associated with elfification, maybe because of her relationship with other cosmic forces or maybe it's just her thing.

  19. #84599
    Quote Originally Posted by Viridiel View Post
    I agree, I find it odd. But we already have the association with Cenarius, Aviana, and Aessina, not to mention several Wild Gods spawning humanoid races to begin with. For some reason Elune seems to be associated with elfification, maybe because of her relationship with other cosmic forces or maybe it's just her thing.
    That's assuming it was actually Elune's doing and not a result of proximity to the Titan-affected Well.

  20. #84600
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    That's assuming it was actually Elune's doing and not a result of proximity to the Titan-affected Well.
    I think it's always been a bit ambiguous whether or not it was Arcane energy or something else that caused the Trolls to get slimmed down into Elves. The Wild Gods Viridiel mentioned are doing their own thing, considering Cenarius was helping the Tauren forever.

    If Haranir are actually Quillboar and not just Evolved Dark Trolls then yeah I think it's a point towards "Elune makes creatures pink and humanoid"

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