1. #84601
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    That's assuming it was actually Elune's doing and not a result of proximity to the Titan-affected Well.
    Sure, that's an appropriate explanation of the actual mechanism, but says nothing of the ongoing association between Elune and elfification. Elune is heavily associated with several night-elf-like creatures that aren't night elves, and obviously heavily associated with the Well and night elves themselves. The actual reason for it could be because of worldsoul energy, but the same would apply to Elun'ahir so it tells us nothing of whether Elune is responsible for the haranir or not. All we know at this point is that titans don't have elf ears and most things associated with Elune do.

  2. #84602
    Quote Originally Posted by Nibelheimy View Post
    I'm still not sold on the worldsoul being calcified planet essence. The crystal is not part of the manifold. Its not being monitored. There are no Earthern in Hallowfall, and the ones that were in the past, seemed to only want to trade. The path from Dornogal, through the ringing deeps, stops as it enters Hallowfall. Why? Was there just a big order to ignore giant worldsoul essence? We know exactly what it is and don't need anybody near it or anything? Bizarre.
    maybe the titans were worried earthen close to the crystal would become thraegar hence wanting to keep them away from it to not undo the earthens programing

  3. #84603
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    I'm tired of Hearthstones. I saved Azeroth countless times over. The least the folks can do there as a reward is give me my own house! I already got a car with 11.1 lmaooo
    To each and their own I guess. I cant wait to get a mortgage in a visual world and pretend lol.

    As a sidenote, psst its just a zone ability for now.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2025-01-21 at 07:37 AM.

  4. #84604
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    To each and their own I guess. I cant wait to get a mortgage in a visual world and pretend lol.

    As a sidenote, psst its just a zone ability for now.
    Give it time. The car will expand, trust.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I think it's always been a bit ambiguous whether or not it was Arcane energy or something else that caused the Trolls to get slimmed down into Elves. The Wild Gods Viridiel mentioned are doing their own thing, considering Cenarius was helping the Tauren forever.

    If Haranir are actually Quillboar and not just Evolved Dark Trolls then yeah I think it's a point towards "Elune makes creatures pink and humanoid"
    Who's to say it wasn't a mixture of both? Like maybe the Well itself changed them, while Elune was able to essentially mold them in her own image. Who's to say Eonar didn't grant Elune some access to Azeroth from the Well of Eternity, ya know? That that would be an easy way for Elune to commune with the Worldsoul, especially with the whole Emerald Dream stuff going on. Get what I mean?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Y'all, stop seeing the forces as just separate powers in their own little bubbles. You fail to see the full picture as a result.

  5. #84605
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    Really? That's interesting. Maybe they make Anduin an Artificer? That could make sense if worldsoul crystals are the fuel that powers artifice, since Anduin can hear the song he must be attuned to it.
    i doubt Anduin will become an artificer, for that he isn't versed with technology enough, and he just got his connection to the light back. And the crystals were of that typical purple color used in draenei stuff. That said, he is among the draenei in that last panel of the comic, so they, the draenei, might have provided the crystals to Anduin and they are of artificer make, but that doesn't make Anduin an artificer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  6. #84606
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I noted the quills on the Haronir but you just made me realize the thorn aesthetic they have going for them, that's an interesting double-up. Would be a fun twist if they aren't just Dark Trolls but Dark Trolls that bred with (friendly?) Quillboar. Would explain why they are fatter at least.

    Also- I was expecting Dinosaurs because of the Hollow Earth and Caveman vibe (also that robot t-rex mount rig will definitely be reused for a real t-rex mount) but good call on it being a throwback to Un'goro.

    I would frigging love an underground and modern take on Un'goro / Scholazar / Zuldazar.

    They've already played the underground sun card with Hallowfall, so it would be interesting to see how they'd make "Rootlands" a viable location for life. Beyond just evolution-goo from the roots of Elun'ahir, that is.

    Do all the creatures see in the dark? I don't think so, otherwise the Haranir would be way more sensitive to light and have different-looking eyes.
    Is it a pocket-dimension created by the roots, similar to the Emerald Dream? That seems a little repetitive after 10.2.
    Could it be a bunch of crystals reflecting light across the cave? That also sounds a bit like Hallowfall, tbh.

    My final guess would probably be either of these three options:

    A. there's a huge cenote, like the ones we see in the Ringing Deeps, leading all the way from the surface somewhere and down to the roots (literally the hole left behind from the world tree).

    B. it's underwater because of those tears shed by Eonar (whether the tears are literal tears or just enchanted water), and the zone is lit up by all sorts of stuff like underwater plants and stuff.

    C. it is nearby the worldsoul, so the zone is literally lit up by the glow from the worldsoul itself (albeit at some distance, perhaps).


    Come to think of it, it looks like a pretty dark scene around Orweyna when she's carrying out some type of ritualistic dance underneath the roots in the cinematic.

    Perhaps the zone is all glowy and lit up by strange mushrooms and stuff. Could be a fun twist. The roots/mushrooms/thorns/orange leaves zone. Like a murky forest in the autumn.

    They also have large ears and transform into bats, which is another indicator that their home might be dark and largely dependant on sound.

    That's not to say it won't be lit up for our visit, though.
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2025-01-21 at 10:47 AM.

  7. #84607
    I think it's gonna be bioluminescent creatures and plants mostly, I also wouldn't be surprised if we end up having to carry around a light source of some kind while doing some of the out door content, similar to dark flame cleft or the kobold delves

  8. #84608
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    Quote Originally Posted by alex wolf View Post
    I think it's gonna be bioluminescent creatures and plants mostly, I also wouldn't be surprised if we end up having to carry around a light source of some kind while doing some of the out door content, similar to dark flame cleft or the kobold delves
    Yeah, or perhaps a combination.

    I'm not sure what type of environment and light source would bring about organge, giant leaves? I suppose they're big because the roots nurture them or something. But what about the colour, would that be evolutionary required in a bioluminiscent area?

    When I think of orange, I think of Quel'thalas and Eversong Woods. A sort of fading civilization symbolised by a fading sun, fading light, and nature locked in autumnal hues.

    That's why I'm wondering if perhaps part of the zone has a light source akin to the worldsoul or the Beledar.

  9. #84609
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    That's why I'm wondering if perhaps part of the zone has a light source akin to the worldsoul or the Beledar.
    It's probably a giant luminescent flower. A giant flower was mentioned in a nerubian text somewhere and we know from Amirdrassil that world trees are connected to magic giant flower blooms.

    "The Cradle" that the Haranir all returned to may even be a literal cradle for said giant flower bloom if it's Elun'ahir trying to regrow.

  10. #84610
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post

    I would frigging love an underground and modern take on Un'goro / Scholazar / Zuldazar.

    Come to think of it, it looks like a pretty dark scene around Orweyna when she's carrying out some type of ritualistic dance underneath the roots in the cinematic.

    Perhaps the zone is all glowy and lit up by strange mushrooms and stuff. Could be a fun twist. The roots/mushrooms/thorns/orange leaves zone. Like a murky forest in the autumn.

    They also have large ears and transform into bats, which is another indicator that their home might be dark and largely dependant on sound.
    My ideal Rootlands is a bioluminescent cave intersection of the Razorfens and the various forests Drustvar. I think it'd be really cool to make it quite a hostile environment that these people revere.

  11. #84611
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    My ideal Rootlands is a bioluminescent cave intersection of the Razorfens and the various forests Drustvar. I think it'd be really cool to make it quite a hostile environment that these people revere.
    Maybe the roots grew into thorns around the "heart" to protect it, in response to Aman'thul attempting to destroy it? If it truly is a lore origin for the Krauls that would be a hell of a reveal.

  12. #84612
    Seems many people don't know why razorfen has thornvines?


    The razorfens are the remains of the wild god Agamaggan, after he died in the war of the ancients
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  13. #84613
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    Seems many people don't know why razorfen has thornvines?


    The razorfens are the remains of the wild god Agamaggan, after he died in the war of the ancients
    I think it's perfectly fine if they add additional lore to individual Wild Gods, for example that Agamaggan could be a guardian of the roots of Elun'ahir originally.

  14. #84614
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I think it's perfectly fine if they add additional lore to individual Wild Gods, for example that Agamaggan could be a guardian of the roots of Elun'ahir originally.
    Then we would see anything resembling quillboars down there, or other boar related stuff. But we saw that on Kul'Tiras, not Khaz Algar. Unless we humor that the Haranir are quillboar related.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  15. #84615
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    Then we would see anything resembling quillboars down there, or other boar related stuff. But we saw that on Kul'Tiras, not Khaz Algar. Unless we humor that the Haranir are quillboar related.
    That was the idea, yes. They look somewhere between Nelf and Troll, but they also have quills and a vine/thorn theme, enough to bring the quillboar into question.

  16. #84616
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    That was the idea, yes. They look somewhere between Nelf and Troll, but they also have quills and a vine/thorn theme, enough to bring the quillboar into question.
    Well, perhaps. We have also to consider we don't know where trolls came from. They are a native species to Azeroth, but what were their ancestors? It could very well be, that trolls are related to quillboars. If this would be the case, we could trace back all native races of azeroth back to the wild gods, as far as we know, and thus back to the cosmic forces of Life, as the wild gods are part of that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  17. #84617
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    Then we would see anything resembling quillboars down there, or other boar related stuff. But we saw that on Kul'Tiras, not Khaz Algar. Unless we humor that the Haranir are quillboar related.
    The Haranir themselves have quills on them, and their aesthetic so far has largely involved thorns, roots, vines, and such.

    Hell, I'm just going off the rails here but imagine if Elun'ahir is what was really torn out of Azeroth to create the Well of Eternity.

    Life (and roots) extending far around it, from the Barrens and Un'goro in the west to Kul Tiras in the east. I'm guessing no world tree could be that large, because it would literally look like a giant stick protruding from Azeroth and easily visible from space. But it's a fun thought.

    If they retcon globes of Azeroth to turn Ancient Kalimdor and today's continents way smaller, then maybe. But that's a huge if.

    1. The Light seeds the planet with Life.

    2. Life, uh... finds a way. Spreads rampantly in the form of Elementals and some other early primordial creatures and plants.

    3. Old Gods arrive and bury into the planet, begin to corrupt it. Enslaving the Elementals.

    4. Titans arrive, and Elune, the world's guardian, helps Eonar plant a world tree in the middle of a landmass where many Old Gods fell, the precursor to Ancient Kalimdor. The tree, infused with life energy from the worldsoul itself and tended to by Elune, grows massive.

    5. Aman'thul tears it down, adamant that the Titans, not Life, would be the ones to claim the worldsoul from the Old Gods. Regardless of all the good the world tree was doing to contain the Old Gods and spread life. Azeroth's "first death".

    6. Eonar weeps and the Well of Eternity is formed in its place. While the Titans construct the Manifold to control the Old Gods, the worldsoul, and life itself, a secret society of Dark Trolls protect remnants of the tree's roots underneath Khaz Algar, while some evolve into Night Elves and protect life above ground. Earthen calling themselves Freysworn also gain an interest in the roots, essentially turning to focus on them instead of the Coreway.

    7. The Sundering happens, Azeroth's "second death". Many of the roots are lost to time and a drastically changing landscape.

    8. In the modern day, Azeroth's "third death" has probably been either the Shattering (Cataclysm), Sargeras' sword, the Jailer's attack, or the upcoming events of Midnight, and we're about to unearth the conspiracy of the Well of Eternity, and the Titan's cover up of destroying Elune's most precious work.

    Or not.
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2025-01-21 at 08:34 PM.

  18. #84618
    The official Warcraft X account posted a nice “ad” for Undermine, even saying at the end “ come TODAY”. I thought for a moment they were going to drop the patch like that, but apparently not. They haven't even given a date.

    False advertising!

  19. #84619
    Quote Originally Posted by Nibelheimy View Post
    I'm still not sold on the worldsoul being calcified planet essence. The crystal is not part of the manifold. Its not being monitored. There are no Earthern in Hallowfall, and the ones that were in the past, seemed to only want to trade. The path from Dornogal, through the ringing deeps, stops as it enters Hallowfall. Why? Was there just a big order to ignore giant worldsoul essence? We know exactly what it is and don't need anybody near it or anything? Bizarre.
    If the theater event is at least a bit trustworthy hallowfall was known to the earthen as a hostile place long ago. With beledar either having much more frequent void states or maybe even being permanent in the void state back then. Just like they never ventured into azj'kahet because of the nerubians they didn't in hallowfall because of the void monsters lurking beneath the cliffs.

    It's still a bit odd i agree, but hard to say if there was more than brinthe tells us. Because she easily could have forgotten why they never cared about the crystal.

  20. #84620
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    It's probably a giant luminescent flower. A giant flower was mentioned in a nerubian text somewhere and we know from Amirdrassil that world trees are connected to magic giant flower blooms.

    "The Cradle" that the Haranir all returned to may even be a literal cradle for said giant flower bloom if it's Elun'ahir trying to regrow.
    I keep seeing reference to this text mentioning a giant flower but I haven't managed to find it. Where is it supposed to be?

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