1. #84621
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    The official Warcraft X account posted a nice “ad” for Undermine, even saying at the end “ come TODAY”. I thought for a moment they were going to drop the patch like that, but apparently not. They haven't even given a date.

    False advertising!
    it's a safe bet 11.1 comes out when the time walking event ends, last week of February. The prospect of the patch dropping the third week of ptr testing is basically insane.

  2. #84622
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    And Umbric, Erazmin, Geya'rah, Brinthe, etc have not.
    So, you think Ethereals wouldn't appear in cutscenes?

  3. #84623
    Quote Originally Posted by Foolicious View Post
    It's still a bit odd i agree, but hard to say if there was more than brinthe tells us. Because she easily could have forgotten why they never cared about the crystal.
    One charge from the engine lasts them about 5000 years. It's quite possible she never knew in the first place, she wasn't "alive" during the time of the Thraegar.

  4. #84624
    Quote Originally Posted by Foolicious View Post
    If the theater event is at least a bit trustworthy hallowfall was known to the earthen as a hostile place long ago. With beledar either having much more frequent void states or maybe even being permanent in the void state back then. Just like they never ventured into azj'kahet because of the nerubians they didn't in hallowfall because of the void monsters lurking beneath the cliffs.

    It's still a bit odd i agree, but hard to say if there was more than brinthe tells us. Because she easily could have forgotten why they never cared about the crystal.
    i guess you talk about the Thraegar story of the theater?

    The Thraegar's Descent
    Act I: Sonnebrid's Call
    Prepare for your great adventure to the Heart of Azeroth!

    Saddle as many cloudrooks as possible
    Gather as much cinderbrew as possible
    Say goodbye to as many civilians as possible
    Rabaan says: And now we begin our play to honor the thraegar--heroes lost to time but not forgotten!
    Sonnebrid says: I hear a call from deep in the earth. It strengthens me. I must go to it!

    Act II: Dangers of the Deep
    Fend off the angry kobolds in the Ringing Deeps!

    Protect the adventuring party from Kobolds
    Sonnebrid says: Now we venture into the Ringing Deeps. The Machine Speakers will neither help nor hinder us.
    Earthen Adventurer says: These kobolds cannot keep us from our mission.
    Earthen Adventurer says: We must press on! Keep marching, earthen!

    Act III: Plunged Into Darkness
    Stay close to the light, lest the darkness of Hallowfall consume you!

    Stay within the light
    Sonnebrid says: The canyons in Hallowfall are getting darker. But the song is getting stronger. We must light the way!
    Sonnebrid yells: Stay close to the light!
    Earthen Adventurer yells: Keep that light lit, or the darkness will take us!
    Earthen Adventurer yells: Who put the lights out?
    Earthen Adventurer yells: Quick, re-light the torch!

    Finale: A Thraegar's Fate
    Battle the nerubians of Azj'kahet, and go down in a blaze of glory!

    Die valiantly at the hands of the nerubians
    Sonnebrid says: The song is louder still! But the nerubians... there are so many!
    Sonnebrid says: I must heed the call!
    Sonnebrid yells: Arghhh! We are all slain!
    Sonnebrid yells: But I... will still die... a thraegar.
    If the adventurer decides not to play along:

    Sonnebrid yells: Ahem! I said... we are all slain!
    Adventurer gets hit in the head with a rock and drops to the ground.
    Take a Bow
    Join the crew and take a bow!

    Take a bow
    Rabaan says: And so the thraegar's adventure ended before they reached the bottom of the Coreway.
    Rabaan says: But with this play we honor the memory of the thraegar and the call they heed.
    The immportant part is this here:
    Stay within the light
    Sonnebrid says: The canyons in Hallowfall are getting darker. But the song is getting stronger. We must light the way!
    Sonnebrid yells: Stay close to the light!
    Earthen Adventurer yells: Keep that light lit, or the darkness will take us!
    Earthen Adventurer yells: Who put the lights out?
    Earthen Adventurer yells: Quick, re-light the torch!
    What i read out of this is, that the Canyons specifically, those near to the water and the light of beledar doesn't reach, is dangerous. We also have to remember that the towers made by the Arathi are rather recent, and spread the light further into hallowfall, which wasn't the case back than likely, thus more dark canyons and caves.
    And given that the theater play calls out to "stay within in the light", it is likely that the light of beledar was still there back then, but not spread to the darker corners.

    Interestingly, it also calls out the lamplighters in away with "keeping the light lit" and "re-light the torch", which matches their towers in a way. Speaking of... how many Lamplighter Towers are in Hallowfall? It doesn't happen to be 5 does it?

    - - - Updated - - -

    There are 7 Lamplighter Towers, plus one building with the same tip in Mereldar. So it doesn't match up with the 5 torches whisper.
    Last edited by Enrif; 2025-01-22 at 08:10 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  5. #84625
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    And given that the theater play calls out to "stay within in the light", it is likely that the light of beledar was still there back then, but not spread to the darker corners.

    Interestingly, it also calls out the lamplighters in away with "keeping the light lit" and "re-light the torch", which matches their towers in a way. Speaking of... how many Lamplighter Towers are in Hallowfall? It doesn't happen to be 5 does it?
    Do remember that's the artists interpretation of things. They may well just be talking about the literal torches.

  6. #84626
    i mean the memory disc weekly shows we were lied to about the thraegar. the keeper did not like that they were "mutated" and wanted to eliminate them and wipe the memories of the earthen.

    i think the plays are important and when seen through the lense of "this is propaganda" we see what it was really like.

    the keeper that was so loving to the earthen? their warden
    the keeper that was a tyrant? he let his mask slip
    the earthen that got killed by natives on a foreign island? probably still alive

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Foolicious View Post
    If the theater event is at least a bit trustworthy hallowfall was known to the earthen as a hostile place long ago. With beledar either having much more frequent void states or maybe even being permanent in the void state back then. Just like they never ventured into azj'kahet because of the nerubians they didn't in hallowfall because of the void monsters lurking beneath the cliffs.

    It's still a bit odd i agree, but hard to say if there was more than brinthe tells us. Because she easily could have forgotten why they never cared about the crystal.
    i think the time the void creatures were so prevalant was likely around the end of the war with the black empire.

    while the old gods seem to have servants i think the void is just essentially full of crazy monstersvthatvwouldnt obey anyways. There are plenty of examples of void creatures that have no tie to the enemies have faced.

    also locus walker is a traitor and weirdly an ethereal with a still fleshy body

  7. #84627
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Do remember that's the artists interpretation of things. They may well just be talking about the literal torches.
    It could be both. Earthen can be paladins, so they have a connection to the light. The light to to shine in a dark cave, and the Light to hold the Void at bay. Double meaning.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Roger View Post
    also locus walker is a traitor and weirdly an ethereal with a still fleshy body
    Locus-Walker isn't fleshy. He share the same model as the other void ethereal from argus


    Bosses from the Seat of the Triumvirate:
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  8. #84628
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮
    So is Xal'atath enlisting/hiring Gallywix to fix the broken Dark Heart for her? In return he is able to utilize the black blood as a power source for goblin tech?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Roger View Post
    also locus walker is a traitor and weirdly an ethereal with a still fleshy body
    A traitor to whom?

  9. #84629
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Bellular's latest video makes me think of eyes again.

    N'Zoth staring at Azshara in Warbringers, framing her like a fetus inside the womb, about to be reborn in her naga form.

    The Earth Mother plucking out her own eyes to create An'she and Mu'sha.

    The Eye of Aman'Thul.

    The worldsoul opening one eye to stare at Sargeras when he visited her inside a vision.

    The eye on Sargeras' sword, which Oggmot suggests is always watching.

    The puzzle-box of Yogg-Saron has an eye on it.

    The Darkmoon Faire logo.

    "All eyes shall be opened."

    There has to be something to all of this. Is everything on Azeroth a giant illusion?

    Is the Earth Mother, the Old Gods, and the worldsoul all one and the same, Azeroth imprisoned by the Titans?

  10. #84630
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    So is Xal'atath enlisting/hiring Gallywix to fix the broken Dark Heart for her? In return he is able to utilize the black blood as a power source for goblin tech?
    Seems to bethat way. A bit of a step down from her relationship with the Nerubians, as that one was more a promise of power compared to this one's proper exchange. I'd expect there to be more going on with it in typical Xal'atath fashion that we won't really see until 11.1.5.

    It's interesting because unlike the Kaheti, the Darkfuse (if that's the correct name) don't seem to pose a threat to any civilization, not even Goblins. They don't seem to be footsoldiers or even fueling the war machine similar to the Blackfuse in WoD, just up to their own nefarious deeds. So where's the catch? Are they doing tests of black blood fueling for the Ethereals? Is there alleigence to Xal'atath just one of circumstance to fix the Dark Heart, with nothing else? I'm intrigued. Mind you this is without playing the PTR campaign, which I'm saving for launch.

  11. #84631
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    Seems to bethat way. A bit of a step down from her relationship with the Nerubians, as that one was more a promise of power compared to this one's proper exchange. I'd expect there to be more going on with it in typical Xal'atath fashion that we won't really see until 11.1.5.

    It's interesting because unlike the Kaheti, the Darkfuse (if that's the correct name) don't seem to pose a threat to any civilization, not even Goblins. They don't seem to be footsoldiers or even fueling the war machine similar to the Blackfuse in WoD, just up to their own nefarious deeds. So where's the catch? Are they doing tests of black blood fueling for the Ethereals? Is there alleigence to Xal'atath just one of circumstance to fix the Dark Heart, with nothing else? I'm intrigued. Mind you this is without playing the PTR campaign, which I'm saving for launch.
    Well if you did check the campaign you'd see that the Darkfuse have used Black Blood power tech to completely overwhelm the other cartels and pretty much control Undermine with the constant threat of violence. They are not YET a threat to the world at large (though they could be if allowed to consolidate) but they absolutely are a threat to Undermine. And Gazlowe was ready to give up on Undermine at every point but only changes his mind very late in the campaign after something happens

  12. #84632
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    So is Xal'atath enlisting/hiring Gallywix to fix the broken Dark Heart for her? In return he is able to utilize the black blood as a power source for goblin tech?

    - - - Updated - - -

    A traitor to whom?
    to alleria
    he is actively keeping her away from her people while pushing umbric who is essentially just his follower

  13. #84633
    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Roger View Post
    to alleria
    he is actively keeping her away from her people while pushing umbric who is essentially just his follower
    he's just trying to help give Alleria and Xal a chance to act on the extreme homoeroticsm between them

  14. #84634
    Quote Originally Posted by alex wolf View Post
    he's just trying to help give Alleria and Xal a chance to act on the extreme homoeroticsm between them
    I don’t understand where people are getting this. As someone part of the LGBTQ+ community, I don’t see it

  15. #84635
    Quote Originally Posted by bardicbass616 View Post
    I don’t understand where people are getting this. As someone part of the LGBTQ+ community, I don’t see it
    Because they are two beautiful women in the same scene together. Doesnt take much more than that these days, even when one is in a commited hetero relationship.
    Also femdom is an always exciting prospect for people, so seeing Xal'atath treat Alleria horribly makes people immediately jump to romantic or sexual teasing.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  16. #84636
    Quote Originally Posted by bardicbass616 View Post
    I don’t understand where people are getting this. As someone part of the LGBTQ+ community, I don’t see it
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Also femdom is an always exciting prospect for people, so seeing Xal'atath treat Alleria horribly makes people immediately jump to romantic or sexual teasing.
    No. Xal'atath constantly pushing directly into Alleria's personal space to very literally whisper coaxingly in her ear, and Xal's general flirtatious affectation (towards everyone) makes people immediately jump to romantic or sexual tension.

  17. #84637
    Quote Originally Posted by bardicbass616 View Post
    I don’t understand where people are getting this. As someone part of the LGBTQ+ community, I don’t see it
    I mean tbf i def don't think its intentional but there is 1000% subtext in the cut scenes. Xal sliding closer to alleria while they look in each others eyes and she goes "come Alleria Embrace who you truly are" and then Alleria fights the gay thoughts by thinking of her husband, which i'm sure is just playing off the trope of the "seduction of power" but if Xal was doing this to Anduin people would 100% be shipping them

    I do think if it was intentional they would have killed off Turyalon, which they probably should have anyway back in legion but people get so butt hurt about "wahwahwah my faction had too many people die" or w/e and they had already killed off varian earlier

    but a story about a (bisexual) alleria actively being seduced by Xal as a ploy to corrupt her further as she feels isolated from her son (who in this set up would blame her for Turyalon's death) while grieving the loss of her husband would have genuinely been interesting writing and we can't have that in warcraft we gotta stick to comic book level or below

  18. #84638
    It should be noted for the record that Alleria's reaction to Xal's flirty trolling is to hate her and want to kill her.

    I do like they decided that she's a "fun" villain who seems to enjoy being evil and does some wacky stuff like crawling like a gremlin and floating around. Helps distinguish her. She could've easily been Azshara 2.

  19. #84639
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I do like they decided that she's a "fun" villain who seems to enjoy being evil and does some wacky stuff like crawling like a gremlin and floating around. Helps distinguish her. She could've easily been Azshara 2.
    Agreed. I feel it directly stems from the madness of the void and such as well. It’s good to see as opposed to typical Saturday morning villain or another Thanos

  20. #84640
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    It should be noted for the record that Alleria's reaction to Xal's flirty trolling is to hate her and want to kill her.

    I do like they decided that she's a "fun" villain who seems to enjoy being evil and does some wacky stuff like crawling like a gremlin and floating around. Helps distinguish her. She could've easily been Azshara 2.
    What i love about her is that in some of her cinematics its not entirely clear if she's even physically present. Her floating around, whispering into ears, being really close, but never actively trying to interact with anyone makes her feel like she's just an imagination you subconciously create to make it less creepy when the void whispers to you.
    She literally siphons the powers of beledar and dalaran, so she's definetly present. But its still fun to see how she is animated with this slight horror vibe.

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