1. #84641
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    It should be noted for the record that Alleria's reaction to Xal's flirty trolling is to hate her and want to kill her.
    Yeah. Even if some of it seems suggestive, it's very clearly one-sided- and honestly seems more like Xal'atath being manipulative than genuine attraction to me. I'm not even sure if she's even trying to seduce Alleria to her side or just make her mad enough to make mistakes.

    Alleria has consistently seemed committed to her family to me. She's terrified that her Void use might hurt them, but her main motivation is to protect them, and I haven't seen anything to suggest that she's losing her love for them or falling for anyone else.

  2. #84642
    Immortal Flurryfang's Avatar
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    Is it just me or does it seem like the Undermine patch is a bit of detour in the story of War within?

    From what i read in the datamined notes, Gallywix is hired to repair the dark heart, but the dark heart is then stolen by the Ethereal before the raid even starts. And then the raid is more about brining freedom to Undermine than fighting Xal'atath.

    Is that not a bit low on actually interacting with the main bad guy? It feels like a story for a small patch, not a big 11.X patch.
    May the lore be great and the stories interesting. A game without a story, is a game without a soul. Value the lore and it will reward you with fun!

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  3. #84643
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flurryfang View Post
    Is it just me or does it seem like the Undermine patch is a bit of detour in the story of War within?

    From what i read in the datamined notes, Gallywix is hired to repair the dark heart, but the dark heart is then stolen by the Ethereal before the raid even starts. And then the raid is more about brining freedom to Undermine than fighting Xal'atath.

    Is that not a bit low on actually interacting with the main bad guy? It feels like a story for a small patch, not a big 11.X patch.
    Basically all post-launch content in TWW so far has felt like the result of Blizzard internally asking the question: "How can we stall for as long as possible and buy ourselves the time needed to adjust our course with the Worldsoul Saga now that Metzen is back?"

    It's only in 11.1.5 that things will start to feel back on track by the look of things. Everything else feels like it's been designed by that team doing event content like Plunderstorm and Remix.

    Hopefully it'll be worth it!

  4. #84644
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Basically all post-launch content in TWW so far has felt like the result of Blizzard internally asking the question: "How can we stall for as long as possible and buy ourselves the time needed to adjust our course with the Worldsoul Saga now that Metzen is back?"

    It's only in 11.1.5 that things will start to feel back on track by the look of things. Everything else feels like it's been designed by that team doing event content like Plunderstorm and Remix.

    Hopefully it'll be worth it!
    Hmm that actually makes a lot of sense.

    It explains why 11.1 feels like an expanded Mechagon, like a fun side adventure.

    Hopefully it means, that 11.1.5 will pivot hard and give some life to the purpose of TWW.
    May the lore be great and the stories interesting. A game without a story, is a game without a soul. Value the lore and it will reward you with fun!

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  5. #84645
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Basically all post-launch content in TWW so far has felt like the result of Blizzard internally asking the question: "How can we stall for as long as possible and buy ourselves the time needed to adjust our course with the Worldsoul Saga now that Metzen is back?"

    It's only in 11.1.5 that things will start to feel back on track by the look of things. Everything else feels like it's been designed by that team doing event content like Plunderstorm and Remix.

    Hopefully it'll be worth it!
    Or you know, they realized that having a WORLD ENDING THREAD each patch gets old quite fast? Undermine was one of the most wanted zones still left out of WoW since classic, that makes up for Gally not being another Titan+ final boss. And again, you need some small side adventures or the big threads won't feel as epic anyways.

  6. #84646
    Immortal Flurryfang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Or you know, they realized that having a WORLD ENDING THREAD each patch gets old quite fast? Undermine was one of the most wanted zones still left out of WoW since classic, that makes up for Gally not being another Titan+ final boss. And again, you need some small side adventures or the big threads won't feel as epic anyways.
    While Undermine is a very requested zone, there is some failure in its implementation, if it does not at all fit in the story at large.

    I agree, that having world ending threats all the time becomes boring, but if the threats are completly unrelated, then you also end up with a feeling of non-progression.

    Its the problem that they fought a lot with in WoD - We went to Dreanor to fight the iron horde, yet the first raid was against... ogres?? And without any story urgencý, the next place we went was Blackrock Foundry, a place that was not set up as a place of danger.

    WoD ended up feeling like an expansion, where we just stumpled around and compared to expansions, where there was much more intent in the content being presented, like in Legion or MOP, TWW going to Undermine as its next step threat seems like a miss.

    Side adventures are fun and good for the game, but that is what i thought the X.Y.5 patches were about. The Mechagon, Return to Karazhan and Tazavesh were great patches, that gave fun side adventures, but they never took the spotlight away from the main threat and story.
    May the lore be great and the stories interesting. A game without a story, is a game without a soul. Value the lore and it will reward you with fun!

    Don't let yourself be satisfied with what you expect and what you seem as obvious. Ask for something good, surprising and better. Your own standards ends up being other peoples standard.

  7. #84647
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Or you know, they realized that having a WORLD ENDING THREAD each patch gets old quite fast? Undermine was one of the most wanted zones still left out of WoW since classic, that makes up for Gally not being another Titan+ final boss. And again, you need some small side adventures or the big threads won't feel as epic anyways.
    I don't think there has to be a world-ending threat every patch. In fact, I'd be perfectly all right if they stepped away from always having a world-ending threat behind every corner.

    But I think it's important that an expansion keeps up the pace. It feels weird to be wrestling Xal'atath for weeks with the expansion's launch, engaging with the local Earthen and exploring their lands, only for of all of that to just stop for 6 months.

    "Hey everybody, let's go to Silithus and party hard for two months, then its off to this wet rock for another month or two before we go to a casino until spring gets here. Xal'atath? Oh, IDK. Maybe we'll deal with her in the summer or something."

    If they want to sprinkle the base game with little events every now and then, that's fine. The Feast of Winter Veil, or a little fishing tournament, or a gnoll invasion of Elwynn Forest. I'm down for that. But the main patches ought to stay on the topic somewhat.

    In this case, "underground" is the common denominator but I think in players' minds, what they think of as the expansion theme is Xal'atath and her efforts to bring about Midnight.
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2025-01-23 at 11:38 AM.

  8. #84648
    I hardly consider following the trail of Xal'atath, Dark Heart and the Black Blood "a fun side adventure". Yes, we had side adventures in the past, but the plot of Undermine is well tied with the War Within story. And we have to remember this story will stay with us for three xpacs.

  9. #84649
    My wish is mass pruning of currencies.
    Easy way is put vendor to exchange old currencies between one another.
    Hard but more enjoyable way - prune 90% of it and replace with multiexpansional ones. Like Order Hall resources, anima, war resources, garrison resources, Resonance Crystals, kej, undercoins (after Midnight launch ofc), apex crystals, Veiled Argunite, even things like Marks of the World Tree and Seafarer's Dubloons and all other common ones replaced by one old-world currency that span for entire vanilla-penultimate expansion. And after last expansion - currency transfers into multiexpansional one. With prices replaced ofc. Same with old world daily currency, farmed ones, azerite etc etc.

    Crests are fine as they are, but I prefer without stones. Stones are cancer for alts. And bore for main characters.

  10. #84650
    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrophax View Post
    My wish is mass pruning of currencies.
    Easy way is put vendor to exchange old currencies between one another.
    Hard but more enjoyable way - prune 90% of it and replace with multiexpansional ones. Like Order Hall resources, anima, war resources, garrison resources, Resonance Crystals, kej, undercoins (after Midnight launch ofc), apex crystals, Veiled Argunite, even things like Marks of the World Tree and Seafarer's Dubloons and all other common ones replaced by one old-world currency that span for entire vanilla-penultimate expansion. And after last expansion - currency transfers into multiexpansional one. With prices replaced ofc. Same with old world daily currency, farmed ones, azerite etc etc.

    Crests are fine as they are, but I prefer without stones. Stones are cancer for alts. And bore for main characters.
    Truly agree. I'm doing old Shadowlands content right now and the quantity of different currencies and the specific areas to farm it is just...

  11. #84651
    Quote Originally Posted by Flurryfang View Post
    Is it just me or does it seem like the Undermine patch is a bit of detour in the story of War within?

    From what i read in the datamined notes, Gallywix is hired to repair the dark heart, but the dark heart is then stolen by the Ethereal before the raid even starts. And then the raid is more about brining freedom to Undermine than fighting Xal'atath.

    Is that not a bit low on actually interacting with the main bad guy? It feels like a story for a small patch, not a big 11.X patch.
    gallywix being handled after essentially just disappearing

    plus you said it yourself the connection is the dark heart and probably character growth of new leaders like gazlowe

    also a good link for the ethereals to come in and us meet the equivalent to a nexus king/queen where we can get more information on beings like locus walker and the history of their world

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Timester View Post
    Truly agree. I'm doing old Shadowlands content right now and the quantity of different currencies and the specific areas to farm it is just...
    the anima items that dont stack

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Flurryfang View Post
    While Undermine is a very requested zone, there is some failure in its implementation, if it does not at all fit in the story at large.

    I agree, that having world ending threats all the time becomes boring, but if the threats are completly unrelated, then you also end up with a feeling of non-progression.

    Its the problem that they fought a lot with in WoD - We went to Dreanor to fight the iron horde, yet the first raid was against... ogres?? And without any story urgencý, the next place we went was Blackrock Foundry, a place that was not set up as a place of danger.

    WoD ended up feeling like an expansion, where we just stumpled around and compared to expansions, where there was much more intent in the content being presented, like in Legion or MOP, TWW going to Undermine as its next step threat seems like a miss.

    Side adventures are fun and good for the game, but that is what i thought the X.Y.5 patches were about. The Mechagon, Return to Karazhan and Tazavesh were great patches, that gave fun side adventures, but they never took the spotlight away from the main threat and story.
    1.prevent the iron horde from teaming with ogres
    2. stop the production of the iron hordes weapons

    MoP raids:
    1. get into the vaults of the mogu
    2. stop the klaxxi empress
    3. kill a sha
    4. kill the thunder king
    5. revolution

    if anything the more recent expansions stopped the random raids that seemingly just existed because they needed more raid content in a game without anything else

  12. #84652
    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Roger View Post
    gallywix being handled after essentially just disappearing

    plus you said it yourself the connection is the dark heart and probably character growth of new leaders like gazlowe

    also a good link for the ethereals to come in and us meet the equivalent to a nexus king/queen where we can get more information on beings like locus walker and the history of their world

    - - - Updated - - -

    the anima items that dont stack

    - - - Updated - - -

    1.prevent the iron horde from teaming with ogres
    2. stop the production of the iron hordes weapons

    MoP raids:
    1. get into the vaults of the mogu
    2. stop the klaxxi empress
    3. kill a sha
    4. kill the thunder king
    5. revolution

    if anything the more recent expansions stopped the random raids that seemingly just existed because they needed more raid content in a game without anything else
    Well TWW's entire story arc was concluded in the first patch. They left off bread crumbs for future stories but the threats have all been eliminated or contained to moderate levels. They had different places they could have taken it and I think the Goblin direction felt inevitable because they don't seem to fit much in Midnight or TLT and we wouldn't want to go years and years without any goblin content. They have been with worgen and Pandas as very neglected in lore lately. That is why we also get random offbeat stories like gilneas reclamation when it fits nowhere else in the story.
    Last edited by Al Gorefiend; 2025-01-23 at 02:08 PM.

  13. #84653
    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Roger View Post
    if anything the more recent expansions stopped the random raids that seemingly just existed because they needed more raid content in a game without anything else
    I think the mistake you're making is this: in WoD it made sense for the raids to be strikes meant to undermine a single prolific enemy because that expansion was chiefly if not singularly driven by the war with that particular enemy up until the last patch inexplicably pivoted into a fight against the Legion. In MoP the raids typically weren't random, they just correlated to several disparate story arcs because that expansion wasn't singularly driven by a single antagonist but was an exploration-focused expansion where the faction war arc initially simmered on the sidelines.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  14. #84654
    Quote Originally Posted by Al Gorefiend View Post
    Well TWW's entire story arc was concluded in the first patch.
    What? If anything the first patch was the prologue to set the stage, as nothing was concluded.

    What is Xal planning? What is she using the Dark Heart for? What is the Manifold and the Crystals? What is the Black Blood?

    The only thing was dealt with was the nerubian threat, but that was just a lure for Xal's plan (and she was already planning to kill the Nerubian Queen with the Ethreal assassin in the raid).

  15. #84655
    I think the story might feel strange for some, as they changed how they make their story. Up until Cata, every story was contained in its own expansion. From MoP to BfA they ended their last big patch that will lead into the next expansion. Shadowlands was more like the older expansions and nearly contained to itself.

    But, starting with Dragonflight, Story leading into future expansions is no longer relegated to the last patch. In DF we hade the Iridikron/Dark Heart story right in between other content, that will be important later on, instead of the last patch leading directly into TWW. While the last patch had a few things that hint at it (azeroth empowering the aspects, some npc talking about hearing a song), it wasn't until the post raid story and the harbinger quests, which are a continuation of the dark heart quest, which leads to TWW and the Saga as a whole.

    So for TWW, we again see a bit of a shift on how they tease things. First, they wrap up the major story in the X.0.0 patch, The nerubians are defeated, Xal is stopped for now. The Anniversary patch was also a big outlier, that wouldn't have happend in other expansion, but we got sirene island which tells the story further, but very quietly. Now we get Undermine, this i don't think will be a big lead into Midnight, but it has things happend in Undermine that will have repercussion later on. Namely, that the Ethereals got the Dark Heart instead of Xal, while some other Etherals work for Xal. This will likely be either our next story for TWW or the lead into Midnight, or even both.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  16. #84656
    Immortal Flurryfang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Roger View Post
    gallywix being handled after essentially just disappearing

    plus you said it yourself the connection is the dark heart and probably character growth of new leaders like gazlowe

    also a good link for the ethereals to come in and us meet the equivalent to a nexus king/queen where we can get more information on beings like locus walker and the history of their world

    - - - Updated - - -

    the anima items that dont stack

    - - - Updated - - -

    1.prevent the iron horde from teaming with ogres
    2. stop the production of the iron hordes weapons

    MoP raids:
    1. get into the vaults of the mogu
    2. stop the klaxxi empress
    3. kill a sha
    4. kill the thunder king
    5. revolution

    if anything the more recent expansions stopped the random raids that seemingly just existed because they needed more raid content in a game without anything else
    Not to be a farseer or anything, but i would understand that point of view if we did not know what story Undermine will tell. There is room for the dark heart to mean a lot, for it to be a major story point and for a new antagonistic force be presented in this patch.

    But that does not seem like the case.

    Gallywix comes out of nowhere, so as an antagnist, he does not smooth as the big bad of this patch.

    The dark heart has not been the focus of the expansion so far, only really being focused on in the last cinematic of the 10.0 patch, so if you remove that patch, it would not even seem that important.
    Furthermore, we know that the heart is gonna get fixed this patch about midway through the story and the rest of the story is about taking down Gallywix.

    The Etherals do have a role in the patch, but story does not seem to explore them much, only using them as the lackeys, that gets the heart before we do. Does not really set much up for them being the new bad or explore a big new character. I think the main etheral person is just called "nexus-thief" or something

    So yeah, i still feel like this patch was planned to just be put in whenever, and then they sprinkled some random story stuff here and there to make it fit with TWW.

    Regarding WoD raids:

    From an all-knowing birds-eye point of view on the expansion, Highmaul and BRF made sense, but in the game, based upon the story, that was going on, nothing really pushed us to Highmaul and BRF.
    The ogres were never pushed as a threat to us in any way and we never saw the Iron Horde and the Ogres fight together. Killing the ogres remove no barriers and made no new thing possible.
    It was the same with BRF. The grimrail depot dungeon made more sense storywise, as a way to stop resourses getting to Tanaan, but BRF had no story push, no importance in the story and outside of killing Blackhand as a major antagonist, it did not from a story point of view, change the war in any manner, that the foundry was destroyed.

    What makes MoP different is this:
    The vault raid was build up in both the Kun-Lai zone and the vale zone, as the mogu was shown to unearth many of their old projects to fight against the factions.
    Yet while that was going on, MoP was also setting up its 2nd raid, Heart of Fear, as the next step for the players. With the primary antagonists, the mogu, dealt with, we could now focus on the secondary antagnoists, the mantid.

    MoP is actually a perfect example of enemy setup and delivery in an expansion. The mogu are the first bad guys, we defeat them in raid 1. Then we defeat the 2nd bad guys, we defeat them in raid 2. While we dealt with the 2nd bad guys, the first bad guys actually came back stronger so now we have to completly defeat them in raid 3. And meanwhile, in the background of all of that, we are building to the final raid, that have been prepared through the entire expansion.

    That setup and delivery seems to be a lacking element in the start of TWW. So we start out defeating the spider kingdom and take down their queen, while no other big bad is setup in the meantime. 10.1 now lands and the next bad guy have not been introduced or prepped until the mini patch before it.
    Unless we are gonna see some form of "Siege of Hallowfall" be the next raid, i have a hard time seeing the raid/story in 10.2 make any more sense than 10.1.
    May the lore be great and the stories interesting. A game without a story, is a game without a soul. Value the lore and it will reward you with fun!

    Don't let yourself be satisfied with what you expect and what you seem as obvious. Ask for something good, surprising and better. Your own standards ends up being other peoples standard.

  17. #84657
    Quote Originally Posted by Flurryfang View Post
    Not to be a farseer or anything, but i would understand that point of view if we did not know what story Undermine will tell. There is room for the dark heart to mean a lot, for it to be a major story point and for a new antagonistic force be presented in this patch.

    But that does not seem like the case.

    Gallywix comes out of nowhere, so as an antagnist, he does not smooth as the big bad of this patch.

    The dark heart has not been the focus of the expansion so far, only really being focused on in the last cinematic of the 10.0 patch, so if you remove that patch, it would not even seem that important.
    Furthermore, we know that the heart is gonna get fixed this patch about midway through the story and the rest of the story is about taking down Gallywix.

    The Etherals do have a role in the patch, but story does not seem to explore them much, only using them as the lackeys, that gets the heart before we do. Does not really set much up for them being the new bad or explore a big new character. I think the main etheral person is just called "nexus-thief" or something

    So yeah, i still feel like this patch was planned to just be put in whenever, and then they sprinkled some random story stuff here and there to make it fit with TWW.
    But that's the thing, Worldsoul Saga isn't the same storytelling as before and they announced it. You don't need a new antagonist when Xal is the antagonist and will be pushing the story why behind this expansion. The Dark Heart is present in every single moment Xal appears. We still don't know what happens at the end of the raid.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flurryfang View Post
    That setup and delivery seems to be a lacking element in the start of TWW. So we start out defeating the spider kingdom and take down their queen, while no other big bad is setup in the meantime. 10.1 now lands and the next bad guy have not been introduced or prepped until the mini patch before it.
    Unless we are gonna see some form of "Siege of Hallowfall" be the next raid, i have a hard time seeing the raid/story in 10.2 make any more sense than 10.1.
    Because the focus isn't the "next big bad", but what is the Worldsoul and who is Xal and what is she planning. The storytelling is different from before.
    Last edited by Timester; 2025-01-23 at 02:43 PM.

  18. #84658
    Immortal Flurryfang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timester View Post
    But that's the thing, Worldsoul Saga isn't the same storytelling as before and they announced it. You don't need a new antagonist when Xal is the antagonist and will be pushing the story why behind this expansion. The Dark Heart is present in every single moment Xal appears. We still don't know what happens at the end of the raid.
    If the Worldsoul Sage is meant to be a new way of telling story, im just gonna come out with a huge critique of that method of telling a story then

    Im all for them expanding the way they tell stories and making a story, that lasts for more than 1 expansion, but if they don't keep their story connected to a major narrative in a fufilling way, then it is just gonna feel like a story they are stretching for way too long.

    If they want Xal to be the big bad, not seeing her do anything big for an entire patch run, which is 6-9 months of realtime, then her actions are gonna feel very slow and disconnected with what the players are doing. We need to interact with our antagnoist, either directly or with somebody deeply connected to them, or else we are gonna feel no real urgency in dealing with the bad guy.

    And the end of the raid/story of Undermine have been datamined, the story of 11.1 ends with the defeat of Gallywix as the prime antagonist in a very closing way. If there is gonna be any lead-up to the next patch in 11.1, its gonna be in the same way Undermine itself was introduced, with a 11.1.5 patch that is gonna come up with something completly new.
    Last edited by Flurryfang; 2025-01-23 at 08:35 PM.
    May the lore be great and the stories interesting. A game without a story, is a game without a soul. Value the lore and it will reward you with fun!

    Don't let yourself be satisfied with what you expect and what you seem as obvious. Ask for something good, surprising and better. Your own standards ends up being other peoples standard.

  19. #84659
    Quote Originally Posted by Flurryfang View Post
    If they want Xal to be the big bad, not seeing her do anything big for an entire patch run, which is 6-9 months of realtime, then her actions are gonna feel very slow and disconnected with what the players are doing. We need to interact with our antagnoist, either directly or with somebody deeply connected to them, or else we are gonna feel no real urgency in dealing with the bad guy.
    Every single thing so far in TWW is directly connected to Xal. Even if you don't consider Undermine to be, the story happening in the patch is direct result of Xal's manipulations and hirings, to the point Xal is controlling and manipulating three opposing forces (Gallywix, Ethreals and us).

    I honestly don't know how that can be ignored.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flurryfang View Post
    If they want Xal to be the big bad, not seeing her do anything big for an entire patch run, which is 6-9 months of realtime, then her actions are gonna feel very slow and disconnected with what the players are doing. We need to interact with our antagnoist, either directly or with somebody deeply connected to them, or else we are gonna feel no real urgency in dealing with the bad guy. And the end of the raid/story of Undermine have been datamined, the story of 10.1 ends with the defeat of Gallywix as the prime antagonist in a very closing way. If there is gonna be any lead-up to the next patch in 10.1, its gonna be in the same way Undermine itself was introduced, with a 10.1.5 patch that is gonna come up with something completly new.
    But that's the thing, Gallywix isn't the prime antagonist. We don't go to Undermine because of Gallywix, we go because of the Black Blood. We go because of Xal. Much like the Nerubian Queen, Gallywix is just another pawn and the story shows us that. Xal is winning the game and most likely she will also win at the end of the xpac, leading to Midnight.

  20. #84660
    Quote Originally Posted by Timester View Post
    What? If anything the first patch was the prologue to set the stage, as nothing was concluded.

    What is Xal planning? What is she using the Dark Heart for? What is the Manifold and the Crystals? What is the Black Blood?

    The only thing was dealt with was the nerubian threat, but that was just a lure for Xal's plan (and she was already planning to kill the Nerubian Queen with the Ethreal assassin in the raid).
    Concluded as in our business on khaz algar has concluded, your questions ponder the arc as a whole

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