Was 100% fake right at the beginning, 11.2 is about Ethereals so according to datamining...
Was 100% fake right at the beginning, 11.2 is about Ethereals so according to datamining...
I mean its out there, but everything being said makes sense. I like that he speculates and tries to fit anything inside the confines of the story instead of taking the outsider perspective of 'well, this story part doesn't make a lot of sense because they writers did X, Y, Z or because they weren't thinking that far in advance when making the story". And they make sense.
I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.
Xal have indeed been behind everything in TWW, yet as far as i can see, everything have also concluded already. The high speaker is dead, so the void dwarfs are pretty much done. The order of the night in Hallowfall have been defeated, with their leader dead twice over. Azj-kahet got concluded with the raid, so what is left? Outside of just tossing things in from the side, like Undermine kinda does(And then there was goblins!).
I would have respected the connection, if half of the Ringing Deeps questline was about golbins invading the area, but it is very little more than a fotenote in the overall story of the zone, that there are goblins down there, and no hints, that something larger or Xal is behind it.
And that for me, leaves undermine disconnected to the expansion story. Sure, Xal has manipulated the goblins/Gallywix to do something, but nothing so far in the datamined story, points to Gallywix being an antagonist, that we actually need to defeat. Sure, he is a bad guy, but why we should go after him instead of doing something related to the grander story, is not really explained, other than Goblins need to be free!!.
And Gallywix not being the prime antagonist of his patch, is the problem. Sure, not every final boss of a raid, is the primary antagnist of the expansion, but the patch their raid is in, often adds urgency, that makes them the "Current" prime antagonist. They set something in motion, that makes it more important to take them down, than going against the other villians of the story.
An example of this can be Rag in Cata: Deathwing is the main bad, but Rag is about to burn down Teldrassil, so we got to deal with him first. The same with MoP: The Thunder King rises as the seemingly biggest threat in MoPs X.0 patch, but the Mantid are pushing through the Great wall, so before we can go after him, we got to deal with the Mantid Empress, and only after that is when we can deal with the Thunder King.
That is what i am lacking with Undermine and Gallywix as the main bad. He is missing the urgency to deal with. He is done with his work on the Dark Heart, so why are we not following after Xal instead of dealing with him?
May the lore be great and the stories interesting. A game without a story, is a game without a soul. Value the lore and it will reward you with fun!
Don't let yourself be satisfied with what you expect and what you seem as obvious. Ask for something good, surprising and better. Your own standards ends up being other peoples standard.
11.2 is certain to have Void Ethereal enemies, but that doesn't mean we'll be facing them on their home turf (that fits Midnight far better). If anything, I'd expect to be defending whatever Xal'atath is after from them. Most likely the Worldcore.
While that image is clearly speculation, it seems like a solid guess (well, the 11.2 part at least), and I've been expecting more or less the same thing myself- a Rootlands zone (Deepgrove sounds like an even better name for it and matches some profession item names, but most people are used to the datamined name) where we find the Haranir protecting an entrance to the Worldcore.
Last edited by Eldryth; 2025-01-23 at 09:15 PM.
11.2 will likely be about Xal'atath and the forces of the Void attacking the Worldcore, with Elun'ahir's Roots being the most efficient means of entering.
Especially since the Coreway is still not yet properly clear of debris and whatnot.
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No, it wasn't. The Nerubian threat was not the entire story arc of TWW.
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Yeah, and apparently the Goblins of Undermine were repairing it lmaooo
I still think we won't go to the core, too many points are looking like Ethereals and Beledar as the final patch.
- the etherealraid icon, like the goblinraid icon should be considered legit
- if we look at the Nerubar Palace Tier sets, while some are generic an not related that much to what we see in TWW, but others are connected to something mayor in the TWW story, of these are the following that stand out: Demon Hunter is Insectoid that fits the Nerubians, Druid is based on the Arathi Lynx, Mage is Kirin Tor, Priest is Naaru themed and we seen absolutly zero Naaru in TWW, Rogue is Ethereal themed for just a single Ethereal up to that point?, Warrior is Earthen themed. And of these sets, the Priest and Rogue stand out, as they are not that connected to all that's going on there. Why isn't the rogue set based on the nerubians? or the Priest more based on the Arathi? Likely, because they deal with themes that will still come up, namely Beledar and Ethereals.
- One of the smaller patches is called Nightfall, and this is a callback to the Order of Night in Hallowfall, which had their base in Nightfall Sanctum
- The whole of Sirene Island deals with a crystal similar to beledar
- Anduin and Liadrin are commenting on the nature of Beledar.
deathwing used goblins for his slaves and help in creating things like his finished armor so using them to fix early deathwing artifact isnt a big stretch.
cant claim complete knowledge but i know the writing isnt anymore complex than bfa so
11.1.5 we learn the history of the dark heart and more information of the 5th old god
11.2 we go to the remains of karesh and have void incursions. revealed locus walker is a traitor and alleria gets corrupted.
11.2.5 epilogue and more expansion on xalatath and her connection to locus walker and the ethereals.
the dude seemingly still has a fully intact body with none of the "bandages hold my form" stuff which imo is not a coincidence. he keeps pushing alleria further away while trying to keep her people from reaching out to her. He knows Xalatath and refuses to go any further.
conclusion: Locus Walker is behind the theft of the dark heart and plans on consuming it's power but ends up failing and Alleria is forced to take in the energy which tips the balance inside her and she becomes her true voidy self.
ALTERNATIVELY: we discover Xal's body which is the 5th old god and Locus has been creating essentially a cult to try and absorb her but thanks to an action by Alleria it fails and not only is Xal empowered but Alleria is now an enemy/sacrifices herself.
either way we arent getting away without Alleria making some sort of sacrifice
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im thinking the arathi will end up being important next expansion since its supposed to be unifying all the elves.
While I wish all the tier sets did, many class tier sets have nothing to do with the content they drop from. For example, almost all of the Undermined teir sets look like they're leftover from other content tiers. The Druid is clearly from Maldraxxian concept art; the Evoker sets looks like a leftover from Dragonflight; The hunter set is elven for some reason, etc.
But the Nerubian palace sets don't look like left overs (perhaps the hunter one if we want to stretch it), the classes i have not mentioned have either generic sets (death knight, paladin, shaman, hunter) or cover a specific aspect of their class (evoker for deathwing armor, monk for black ox armor, warlock for shivvara), but the classes i mentioned all cover something in this expansion(nerubians, arathi, earthen, kirin tor), except priest and rogue which are not covering the generic aspect or the specific aspect of their class, theiy fit into the category of soemthing that fits the expansion: ethereals and naaru. This leads to the etherealraid icon, and that naaru crystal is the beta name for beledar.
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he has the same ethereals model unter his armor that all the other void ethereals use on argus. There is no "fully intact" body. it is void energy.
Important, but not as likely as important as they are for TWW.
Starting in 10.2 with Amirdrassil the tier sets stopped being themed to the raid (Aberrus sets were loosely dragon-based) and instead the "zone/raid-themed sets" were the made to be from leveling, dungeon and max-level-questing. Unfortunately, there wasn't a Nerubian-themed armor set for TWW and they focused on Earthen and Arathi instead.
I don't think any TWW tier sets point to any theme for 11.2 as they are pretty creatively untied to anything in particular. More likely we will get four armor sets for the 11.2 theme like we got four armor sets that are goblin-inspired for Undermine.