1. #84721
    So relieved! This “confirms” that housing will be fully customizable, Wowhead compares this to Wildstar and FF14. Incredible, I knew Blizzard wouldn't let us down.

    Honestly, I wasn't even expecting this much from them. I was ready for “basic” housing like ESO, nothing less, nothing more. This exceeds my expectations.

    But hey! Let's calm down... PTR files “mean nothing” as long as nothing is officially confirmed...

    *takes a deep breath*.


  2. #84722
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    So relieved! This “confirms” that housing will be fully customizable, Wowhead compares this to Wildstar and FF14. Incredible, I knew Blizzard wouldn't let us down.

    Honestly, I wasn't even expecting this much from them. I was ready for “basic” housing like ESO, nothing less, nothing more. This exceeds my expectations.

    But hey! Let's calm down... PTR files “mean nothing” as long as nothing is officially confirmed...

    *takes a deep breath*.

    Any indication that it's similar to Wildstar's building is a massive win. I miss Wildstar.

  3. #84723
    Yep. I think I'm still having trouble realizing that housing is really going to arrive in WoW. For so long I believed that the game would remain in this vicious loop of competitiveness and borrowed power. It's like a dream come true for me. It will be refreshing.

  4. #84724
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    I've been thinking about the Ethereals being an enemy in 11.2 and how that connects, and I keep returning to the 10.2.7 Dark Heart questline where we see the Shadowguard attacking Ulduar. Could Xal be using the Ethereals as the tech-advanced race they are to try and crack the Titan technology within the Manifold/Worldcore? Lol, imagine the mental gymnastics that would be done to give Ethereals as a playable race but they're Thraegar/Azeroth magic Ethereals instead.
    Well, it would make perfect sense to have a general "Ethereal" race that has different energy customizations. But now you spoke this into existence, and it's just as likely it'll be an allied race called the "Songweft," they're only blue-gold or diamond in appearance, and their leader is an Ethereal general who led his army (the entire population) up too close to the Worldcore.

  5. #84725
    High Overlord Nerdslime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    I'm fairly certain this is the direction we're going. Xal's elf form as a final boss, we "kill" her, but she takes over Alleria without us being able to tell (although it's revealed in a cinematic). She makes her move to Quel'thalas, uses her identity as a Windrunner to infiltrate and get close to the Sunwell, takes it over and enacts Midnight. Something in 11.1.5 will signal the move to Quel'thalas, though I'm not certain yet. Perhaps something with the Arathi.

    I've been thinking about the Ethereals being an enemy in 11.2 and how that connects, and I keep returning to the 10.2.7 Dark Heart questline where we see the Shadowguard attacking Ulduar. Could Xal be using the Ethereals as the tech-advanced race they are to try and crack the Titan technology within the Manifold/Worldcore? Lol, imagine the mental gymnastics that would be done to give Ethereals as a playable race but they're Thraegar/Azeroth magic Ethereals instead.
    What if Xal promised Ethereals a new homeworld in exchange for their services?

  6. #84726
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Hard to say. Though I think Xal'atath proper will be fought in Midnight given the thematic links. Not discounting a WoD Archimonde situation though, where Xal'atath summonds a void lord, or corrupts a construct to fight us while she gloats in the background about her inevitable plan.
    If I were to pin down something specific, then I would say the latter of those two options. With there being something Titan themed further down in the Coreway that goes voidy before we fight it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Fully placeable within limits is what I should say. There seems to be three distinct sets of placeables. Those being "inside", "outside", and "wall". So unless your dream was to have a pile of head mounts on your lawn I think it's decently comprehensive.
    For Midnight, I'm thinking the final boss will either be Dimensius or K'aresh (Basically, think Argus but for the Void).

    Either way, we'll fight a Void Lord lmaooo

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    So relieved! This “confirms” that housing will be fully customizable, Wowhead compares this to Wildstar and FF14. Incredible, I knew Blizzard wouldn't let us down.

    Honestly, I wasn't even expecting this much from them. I was ready for “basic” housing like ESO, nothing less, nothing more. This exceeds my expectations.

    But hey! Let's calm down... PTR files “mean nothing” as long as nothing is officially confirmed...

    *takes a deep breath*.

    Wait wait wait wait wait wait...

    What happened?

  7. #84727
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Wait wait wait wait wait wait...

    What happened?

  8. #84728
    I just saw...

    I think I'm in love!

  9. #84729
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    For Midnight, I'm thinking the final boss will either be Dimensius or K'aresh (Basically, think Argus but for the Void).

    Either way, we'll fight a Void Lord lmaooo

    - - - Updated - - -

    Wait wait wait wait wait wait...

    What happened?
    On the Cataclysm Classic PTR someone found some data strings which seems to be pointing towards housing mechanics. Specifically, mentions of things like different styles for the furniture. Decorations being divided between outdoor, indoor, and wall categories. The house itself being listed as "human". Etc.

    Basically a lot of things that give a better idea of what housing is likely to look like. Which in this case points to a fairly large house, with a lawn or garden of some kind outside. And fully placeable decorations (within limits of course)
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  10. #84730
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    On the Cataclysm Classic PTR someone found some data strings which seems to be pointing towards housing mechanics. Specifically, mentions of things like different styles for the furniture. Decorations being divided between outdoor, indoor, and wall categories. The house itself being listed as "human". Etc.

    Basically a lot of things that give a better idea of what housing is likely to look like. Which in this case points to a fairly large house, with a lawn or garden of some kind outside. And fully placeable decorations (within limits of course)

    I win.

  11. #84731
    Ok the housing information is actually exciting. I am not optimistic that they will fully deliver all this but it is great to see that their starting point is to try for full customization; I did NOT expect them to go for it

  12. #84732
    Brewmaster SunspotAnims's Avatar
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    The biggest thing that sticks out about the housing datamining to me is the layout mode. It implies this might be like The Sim's house customization, where you can draw the layout of the walls and floors and it all fits together automatically. This is what I was really hoping for because I would be a little underwhelmed if we could only decorate pre-built homes. Even if there were a good selection of base houses to choose from, I was afraid they'd look like cool homes on the outside and just be like two big rooms on the inside. Good to know I might be able to make a house with a realistic interior layout.

    I noticed windows weren't mentioned in the file. Windows in WoW have always been weird because there are only a few that you can actually see through and there are frequently windows visible on the outside that don't exist inside. Personally I'm hoping they'll find a way to have actual transparent windows, and of course that the housing locales have something worth seeing through the windows.

  13. #84733
    Quote Originally Posted by SunspotAnims View Post
    The biggest thing that sticks out about the housing datamining to me is the layout mode. It implies this might be like The Sim's house customization, where you can draw the layout of the walls and floors and it all fits together automatically. This is what I was really hoping for because I would be a little underwhelmed if we could only decorate pre-built homes. Even if there were a good selection of base houses to choose from, I was afraid they'd look like cool homes on the outside and just be like two big rooms on the inside. Good to know I might be able to make a house with a realistic interior layout.

    I noticed windows weren't mentioned in the file. Windows in WoW have always been weird because there are only a few that you can actually see through and there are frequently windows visible on the outside that don't exist inside. Personally I'm hoping they'll find a way to have actual transparent windows, and of course that the housing locales have something worth seeing through the windows.
    I'm sure windows will be an option. Idk if they'll be transparent or not however.

  14. #84734
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    Quote Originally Posted by bardicbass616 View Post
    I don’t understand where people are getting this. As someone part of the LGBTQ+ community, I don’t see it
    It was never there tbh.

    Some people instantly got on their keybords and jumped on it.. for no reason. Pretty much missunderstood what a charismatic and manipulative character like Xal can look like. Imo there is no love or true affection in sight, but its part of her character and a way to trick people into her lies. Its literally just how Xal is portrayed and works.

    It would also literally be super forced if this was the case tbh. Knowing Alleria has a husband and son ans a whole backstory about them, how she misses them etc, only to be thrown out of the window because why? It was always weird.

  15. #84735
    Brewmaster SunspotAnims's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    I'm sure windows will be an option. Idk if they'll be transparent or not however.
    Oh I'm sure, but it'd be a bit disappointing if they were just wall decor that you can't see through. IRL windows serve a lot of purposes regarding lighting and visibility and making spaces feel bigger than they are, and it'd be nice to have those benefits in WoW too.

  16. #84736
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    "Ruins of Nathreza" Man, some people REALLY want to see the Dreadlords again, huh?
    Why not?
    I made a neat concept thread for a Nathreza expansion:

  17. #84737
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Why not?
    I made a neat concept thread for a Nathreza expansion:
    My point is that they want to see the Dreadlords, even if it makes no sense for the story at hand.

    I do think we'll see Nathreza eventually, but if Blizzard were smart, they'd save it's utilization for a future Disorder-based ezpac.

    Heck, that's part of why I'm hoping for a Disorder Vs Order Saga next.

  18. #84738
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    I would say most of the enums are likely filters of some sort, especially going off HousingExteriorComponentSize. Items might not be limited to those categories, but just early categories available for filtering. Going off the file's ID this could range anywhere from mid-DF to early-TWW development, so it might also not be very representative of what it is launching with.

    Keep in mind that there is no indication of this whatsoever. It being added in Classic means absolutely nothing given the game shares interface files between versions.
    Sorry, but Housing (and any other NEW content) should be a retail only feature. SoD is cool, but would have been a far better thing if they used it similiar to remix and connected it to retail instead, with classic keeping the #NOCHANGES that was originally promised.

  19. #84739
    Quote Originally Posted by SunspotAnims View Post
    The biggest thing that sticks out about the housing datamining to me is the layout mode. It implies this might be like The Sim's house customization, where you can draw the layout of the walls and floors and it all fits together automatically. This is what I was really hoping for because I would be a little underwhelmed if we could only decorate pre-built homes. Even if there were a good selection of base houses to choose from, I was afraid they'd look like cool homes on the outside and just be like two big rooms on the inside. Good to know I might be able to make a house with a realistic interior layout.
    Is that what layout mode means? Or are there other meanings? I'm having a bit of trouble understanding.

    Quote Originally Posted by SunspotAnims View Post
    I noticed windows weren't mentioned in the file. Windows in WoW have always been weird because there are only a few that you can actually see through and there are frequently windows visible on the outside that don't exist inside. Personally I'm hoping they'll find a way to have actual transparent windows, and of course that the housing locales have something worth seeing through the windows.
    Which ones? I don't think I've ever seen one in a game, so I must have overlooked it without paying attention.

    But yes, it would be disappointing if they were decorative fake windows where you can't see through... it would be sad not to be able to watch your friend gardening in the garden from the inside.

  20. #84740
    Very promising that layout can even be customized at all. I was worried we would just have pre-made houses that cannot be changed.

    also happy to see you can place things outside! Now to hope for lots of themed doodads to be added eventually. I wonder if they can be used directly or have to have some editing done to let them work in decorating mode. Maybe a job for AI to help with converting them to usable decorations

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