1. #84781
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    They're, literally, covered in bandages. They have no faces. Dreadlords, on the other hand, would have an assortment of vampiric traits and could even take on the form of other mortals.
    What is this need to always exclude everything you don't personally want... Ethereal, Dreadlord, one doesn't preclude the other. In any case, we'll have neither. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but Blizzard doesn't like to do fan service.
    Last edited by Enteroctopus Magnificus; 2025-01-24 at 09:08 PM.

  2. #84782
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    What is this need to always exclude everything you don't personally want... Ethereal, Dreadlord, one doesn't preclude the other. In any case, we'll have neither. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but Blizzard doesn't like to do fan service.
    I mean, bandages would be a great option for the Forsaken to roleplay as a mummy. Ethereals aren't even that. They're just blobs of energy, held together by wrappings.

  3. #84783
    When did playable Dreadlords become a consideration? After a fanmade roadmap by a popular theorist came out?

    I'm sure we'll see Lothraxion in Midnight, but aside from that I cannot imagine Dreadlords appear enough in the next expansion to even warrant an allied race situation. There's a possibility that we'll get some working amongst the Void, but that ship seems to have sailed. Dreadlords are better off being held for something in the future with whatever plans Blizzard has for Denathrius.

  4. #84784
    does anyone have any ideas whats gonna happen with Salandria, I assume she's going to have a big moment in midnight to call back to her bronze dragonflight interaction from childrens week

  5. #84785
    Quote Originally Posted by alex wolf View Post
    does anyone have any ideas whats gonna happen with Salandria, I assume she's going to have a big moment in midnight to call back to her bronze dragonflight interaction from childrens week
    She'll definitely be around in Midnight, seems like a prime character to step up a bit. We discussed a few days ago the potential of her being the Delve companion.

  6. #84786
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    And when Denathrius is out of the picture?
    We used to consider Undead, Orc, Troll, Eredar, Worgen, Dark Iron as evil. Yet, look at them now.
    Denthrius was out of the picture. He was imprisioned. And the dreadlords still saved him. They are absolute loyal to him.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by alex wolf View Post
    does anyone have any ideas whats gonna happen with Salandria, I assume she's going to have a big moment in midnight to call back to her bronze dragonflight interaction from childrens week
    She was part of the Blood Elf heritage quest and showed up in TWW alongside Liadrin. Besides that, nothing yet.

    But given the context of the outrage of the dragons and the text: "This girl has done nothing, and will not be held accountable for what she might do, or fail to do, in the future." It could be a lot of things. And since the dragon time wardens were ready to kill her as a child, but we protect Arthas during Stratholme, it must be something of immense danger. Given the context of Midnight, she might or might not be key for the void to conquer azeroth.

    Edit: Also, the same happens to the Draenei Orphan, but she, Dornaa only shows up during the Draenei heritage quests shortly, and no where else.
    Last edited by Enrif; 2025-01-24 at 09:45 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  7. #84787
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    Denthrius was out of the picture. He was imprisioned. And the dreadlords still saved him. They are absolute loyal to him.

    - - - Updated - - -

    She was part of the Blood Elf heritage quest and showed up in TWW alongside Liadrin. Besides that, nothing yet.

    But given the context of the outrage of the dragons and the text: "This girl has done nothing, and will not be held accountable for what she might do, or fail to do, in the future." It could be a lot of things. And since the dragon time wardens were ready to kill her as a child, but we protect Arthas during Stratholme, it must be something of immense danger. Given the context of Midnight, she might or might not be key for the void to conquer azeroth.

    Edit: Also, the same happens to the Draenei Orphan, but she, Dornaa only shows up during the Draenei heritage quests shortly, and no where else.
    I kind of think we might end up in a position where the void is (relatively) easily defeated with the Arathi and army of light showing up to help us, which then pivots into the light trying to claim the now unprotected world soul for itself, and she (and probably Dornaa) end up helping save xal or some other void entity in exchange for their help in fighting off the void

    I could see locus walker being the harbinger of k'aresh assuming it was a world soul that became void corrupted and perhaps fulfilling this role, with k'aresh wanting to destroy dimensius in revenge and also being a Segway into potential friendlyish void aligned etherals

  8. #84788
    Brewmaster SunspotAnims's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    Is that what layout mode means? Or are there other meanings? I'm having a bit of trouble understanding.
    There isn't much else it could mean. I'm not gonna assume anything definitive since it's just an old datamined file but a specific reference to "layouteditmode" and "decoreditmode" implies that we'll be customizing the rooms and structure of the house itself as well as furnishing it.

    Which ones? I don't think I've ever seen one in a game, so I must have overlooked it without paying attention.

    But yes, it would be disappointing if they were decorative fake windows where you can't see through... it would be sad not to be able to watch your friend gardening in the garden from the inside.
    Waycrest Manor comes to mind, several of its windows are see-through. There's also that greenhouse in Dalaran where the herbalism trailer is if that counts.

  9. #84789
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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  10. #84790
    Quote Originally Posted by alex wolf View Post
    I kind of think we might end up in a position where the void is (relatively) easily defeated with the Arathi and army of light showing up to help us, which then pivots into the light trying to claim the now unprotected world soul for itself, and she (and probably Dornaa) end up helping save xal or some other void entity in exchange for their help in fighting off the void

    I could see locus walker being the harbinger of k'aresh assuming it was a world soul that became void corrupted and perhaps fulfilling this role, with k'aresh wanting to destroy dimensius in revenge and also being a Segway into potential friendlyish void aligned etherals
    I'd rather we not defeat the Void easily.

  11. #84791
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Why would they not reveal Housing to its full capacity in August? They will probably do that and then afterwards explain what will specifically be in early access.
    The Housing pennant on the roadmap suggests its 11.2.8 or 11.2.9, a patch devoted to Housing alone, like Plunderstorm. And like Plunderstorm, its likely being developed completely independent of Midnight. But at the same time people are assuming 12.0 is coming at the same time or immediately after Housing which I doubt. If that was their expectation they would have just made Housing a Midnight feature.

    Seems like Housing & another Remix will be the major activities during the pre-midnight content drought.

  12. #84792
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    I'd rather we not defeat the Void easily.
    I'm thinking we'll defeat the void over the course of 11.2 and 12.0 with renilash being the setting for the raid and the twist coming as the ending cinematic to the raid with the campaign quest dovetailing into the raid with the new story mode mechanic for the final 12.0 campaign quest leading to our voidy alliance twist being in 12.1

  13. #84793
    Quote Originally Posted by alex wolf View Post
    I'm thinking we'll defeat the void over the course of 11.2 and 12.0 with renilash being the setting for the raid and the twist coming as the ending cinematic to the raid with the campaign quest dovetailing into the raid with the new story mode mechanic for the final 12.0 campaign quest leading to our voidy alliance twist being in 12.1
    Too easy. I think Renilash will be 12.2, with us entering the raid at K'aresh, and taking the fight to the Light and Void realms (Or should I say, where they're shown clashing) at the end of the raid. There, we'll battle Dimensius or K'aresh, and potentially meet the Pantheon of Light for the first time.

    Basically, think Antorus but for the Void.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Honestly, it's the best way to go about it.

  14. #84794
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮
    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    Sweet looking designs. I know Ethereal are supposed to invoke Egyptian-like themes/cultural aspects and these look really cool.

  15. #84795
    Egyptian you say???

  16. #84796
    Midnight and TLT should have a .3 patch

  17. #84797
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    I mean, bandages would be a great option for the Forsaken to roleplay as a mummy. Ethereals aren't even that. They're just blobs of energy, held together by wrappings.
    except for locus walker

  18. #84798
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    Denthrius was out of the picture. He was imprisioned. And the dreadlords still saved him. They are absolute loyal to him.
    Out for good.
    When they can no longer serve him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Roger View Post
    except for locus walker
    What about him?

  19. #84799
    Quote Originally Posted by Seasz View Post
    Midnight and TLT should have a .3 patch
    Why? Name me four locations in Quel'thalas that would make great raids?

  20. #84800
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    1. The Beledar crashed on the Isle of Dorn, right next to Dornogal (southwest) where there's now a cove.

    2. It burrowed its way through the earth until at last it reached Hallowfall, where it remained stuck in the roof.

    3. It had crashed right into Xal'atath the Old God's domain.

    4. The Beledar has two natural states of being, and it remains in each of them for aeons of time. At one point, it underwent "Nightfall" and turned dark.

    5. Xal'atath and her minions thrived below its violet glow. The Beledar quickly became the source of their power.

    6. Much later, it started periodically to brighten. Either before Xal'atath's demise, or in connection to it. Perhaps it even helped cause her defeat.

    7. The Beledar was in its Light state for a long, long time, keeping the shadows at bay. Until one day, it sensed a new danger emerging. It started calling out to those who would help it fend off the Shadow. The Arathi answered the call, and here we are.

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