1. #84801
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    Sweet looking designs. I know Ethereal are supposed to invoke Egyptian-like themes/cultural aspects and these look really cool.
    They're not egyptian.
    They're based on pre-islamic arabia.

  2. #84802
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Out for good.
    When they can no longer serve him.
    then they still likely continue his plans, instead of making a heelfaceturn
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  3. #84803
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Out for good.
    When they can no longer serve him.
    That would require taking out the Nathrezim, not Denathrius. You can still serve somebody when that person is already dead, provided their plans do not require their personal presence.

  4. #84804
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    The Beledar crashed on the Isle of Dorn, right next to Dornogal (southwest) where there's now a cove.
    We were directly told its crystalized worldsoul essence, not a spaceship. Stop.

  5. #84805
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    then they still likely continue his plans, instead of making a heelfaceturn
    There is always a faction of renegades.

    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    That would require taking out the Nathrezim, not Denathrius. You can still serve somebody when that person is already dead, provided their plans do not require their personal presence.
    And you tell me there can't be anyone who opposes him?

  6. #84806
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    1. The Beledar crashed on the Isle of Dorn, right next to Dornogal (southwest) where there's now a cove.

    2. It burrowed its way through the earth until at last it reached Hallowfall, where it remained stuck in the roof.

    3. It had crashed right into Xal'atath the Old God's domain.

    4. The Beledar has two natural states of being, and it remains in each of them for aeons of time. At one point, it underwent "Nightfall" and turned dark.

    5. Xal'atath and her minions thrived below its violet glow. The Beledar quickly became the source of their power.

    6. Much later, it started periodically to brighten. Either before Xal'atath's demise, or in connection to it. Perhaps it even helped cause her defeat.

    7. The Beledar was in its Light state for a long, long time, keeping the shadows at bay. Until one day, it sensed a new danger emerging. It started calling out to those who would help it fend off the Shadow. The Arathi answered the call, and here we are.
    It's not a ship tho. It's implied to be a Worldsoul Crystal.

    Honestly, the safe bet is to assume it's a Light infused Worldsoul Crystal. That part makes the most sense.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And it would fit BOTH Archaedas's story, as well as the Arathi's belief

    - - - Updated - - -

    Just like how Chronicle and the Grimoire are in regards to the Cosmic Origins, or how Velen and Tyrande are in terms of their beliefs of Elune, both can be right. Ya just gotta find a way to combine them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And trust me, it's VERY much possible.

  7. #84807
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    We were directly told its crystalized worldsoul essence, not a spaceship. Stop.
    Yeah because it's not like everybody has been speculating Archaedas had the wrong information or anything.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    It's not a ship tho. It's implied to be a Worldsoul Crystal.

    Honestly, the safe bet is to assume it's a Light infused Worldsoul Crystal. That part makes the most sense.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And it would fit BOTH Archaedas's story, as well as the Arathi's belief

    - - - Updated - - -

    Just like how Chronicle and the Grimoire are in regards to the Cosmic Origins, or how Velen and Tyrande are in terms of their beliefs of Elune, both can be right. Ya just gotta find a way to combine them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And trust me, it's VERY much possible.
    According to Archaedas, which may or may not be true. Funny how quick everyone is to doubt the lore from Chronicles but are just as quick to gobble up whatever Archaedas says.

    If it walks like a ducks and quacks like a duck... the Beledar is Naaru-affiliated, not worlssoul goo.

  8. #84808
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Yeah because it's not like everybody has been speculating Archaedas had the wrong information or anything.
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    If it walks like a ducks and quacks like a duck... the Beledar is Naaru-affiliated, not worlssoul goo.
    Bad information that contradicts precisely what the titans have told us before of course, revealing their plan for the worldsoul and revealing how they treated the earthens to the point where Dagran and Brinthe are shocked but obviously it's all fake because “titan”. By the way, the Threagar story is false too. You simply can't throw away elements of the ongoing story you don't want to feed your own theories. The Naaru ship story was one of the first Beledar theories since BlizzCon but it's factually wrong today and yet you persist with it. You may want to, but you might as well continue with the theories about Beledar being just the tip of Sargeras' sword in this case, because it's just as “relevant” as the space ship.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by SunspotAnims View Post
    There isn't much else it could mean. I'm not gonna assume anything definitive since it's just an old datamined file but a specific reference to "layouteditmode" and "decoreditmode" implies that we'll be customizing the rooms and structure of the house itself as well as furnishing it.
    Ok it's totally crazy if they keep this feature for the final version. I'm actually kind of relieved that there will be rooms in the houses, because most houses in WoW are just one big room.

    Damn, I really hope datamined files are in the version that's going to be officially released.

  9. #84809
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Yeah because it's not like everybody has been speculating Archaedas had the wrong information or anything.

    - - - Updated - - -

    According to Archaedas, which may or may not be true. Funny how quick everyone is to doubt the lore from Chronicles but are just as quick to gobble up whatever Archaedas says.

    If it walks like a ducks and quacks like a duck... the Beledar is Naaru-affiliated, not worlssoul goo.
    What do you mean? I literally say in my post that I think the Chronicle mythos is true. I just think the Shadowlands mythos is also true, and both can easily exist together.

    The same applies to the different theories on Beledar's creation.

    - - - Updated - - -

    If anything, I think y'all need to look outside the box for once, and try to combine these different narratives to make a full picture, which I believe is Blizzard's intent.

  10. #84810
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Yeah because it's not like everybody has been speculating Archaedas had the wrong information or anything.
    Yes, but Archaedas worked for Tyr, who otherwise dissented from Odyn's whole fictional history.

    From a storytelling perspective, it doesn't make sense to give us new worldbuilding they intend to immediately invalidate. The Titan disc questlines are presented as the real objective truth of Azeroth's history so we should treat it that way.

  11. #84811
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seasz View Post
    Midnight and TLT should have a .3 patch
    Sure, but this isn't going to happen due to executive decisions having been made and while we don't know the context of those decisions it is clear that this won't change anytime soon even if Midnight and TLT have clear cut issues due to this decision.
    Last edited by Foreign Exchange Ztudent; 2025-01-25 at 06:59 PM.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  12. #84812
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    Bad information that contradicts precisely what the titans have told us before of course, revealing their plan for the worldsoul and revealing how they treated the earthens to the point where Dagran and Brinthe are shocked but obviously it's all fake because “titan”. By the way, the Threagar story is false too. You simply can't throw away elements of the ongoing story you don't want to feed your own theories. The Naaru ship story was one of the first Beledar theories since BlizzCon but it's factually wrong today and yet you persist with it. You may want to, but you might as well continue with the theories about Beledar being just the tip of Sargeras' sword in this case, because it's just as “relevant” as the space ship.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    What do you mean? I literally say in my post that I think the Chronicle mythos is true. I just think the Shadowlands mythos is also true, and both can easily exist together.

    The same applies to the different theories on Beledar's creation.

    - - - Updated - - -

    If anything, I think y'all need to look outside the box for once, and try to combine these different narratives to make a full picture, which I believe is Blizzard's intent.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Yes, but Archaedas worked for Tyr, who otherwise dissented from Odyn's whole fictional history.

    From a storytelling perspective, it doesn't make sense to give us new worldbuilding they intend to immediately invalidate. The Titan disc questlines are presented as the real objective truth of Azeroth's history so we should treat it that way.
    We're still waiting for a vast Titan conspiracy to be revealed in TLT, so I'm not sure why we'd assume anything they say up until that point is necessarily true.
    It's not like everything they say has to be a lie, but it's reasonable to assume their truth might contain sprinkles of lies or half-truths. It might all still be part of that ongoing narrative they've fed Azeroth's mortals since the Shaping of Kalimdor.

    We already know what "calcified worldsoul essence" looks like. It looks like blue-golden or just golden chunks or rock. We've seen it in BfA, and we've seen it on Siren Isle. The Beledar looks nothing like that.

    Why would a (somewhat) naturally formed piece of rock contain runes and geometric shapes to that degree?

    Why would its impact on the roof of Hallowfall leave literal runes on the stone around it?

    Why does it behave like a Naaru with its shifting from Light to Void, something we haven't seen in the worldsoul or any other pieces of it so far?

    Why does it seem like it fell from above rather than being shot out from the core of the world?

    Why would Voidy creatures in Hallowfall dwell below it and do not want its light to enter below the sea into their domain; if it came from below that wouldn't make sense.

    I'm not saying it 100% has to be of Naaru origin, or that it definitely isn't a chunk of worldsoul essence. But it's still a possibility.
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2025-01-25 at 07:07 PM.

  13. #84813
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    Bad information that contradicts precisely what the titans have told us before of course, revealing their plan for the worldsoul and revealing how they treated the earthens to the point where Dagran and Brinthe are shocked but obviously it's all fake because “titan”. By the way, the Threagar story is false too. You simply can't throw away elements of the ongoing story you don't want to feed your own theories. The Naaru ship story was one of the first Beledar theories since BlizzCon but it's factually wrong today and yet you persist with it. You may want to, but you might as well continue with the theories about Beledar being just the tip of Sargeras' sword in this case, because it's just as “relevant” as the space ship.

    We're still waiting for a vast Titan conspiracy to be revealed in TLT, so I'm not sure why we'd assume anything they say up until that point is necessarily true.
    It's not like everything they say has to be a lie, but it's reasonable to assume their truth might contain sprinkles of lies or half-truths. It might all still be part of that ongoing narrative they've fed Azeroth's mortals since the Shaping of Kalimdor.

    We already know what "calcified worldsoul essence" looks like. It looks like blue-golden or just golden chunks or rock. We've seen it in BfA, and we've seen it on Siren Isle. The Beledar looks nothing like that.

    Why would a (somewhat) naturally formed piece of rock contain runes and geometric shapes to that degree?

    Why would it's impact on the roof of Hallowfall leave literal runes on the stone around it?

    Why does it behave like a Naaru with its shifting from Light to Void, something we haven't seen in the worldsoul or any other pieces of it so far?

    Why does it seem like it fell from above rather than being shot out from the core of the world?

    Why would Voidy creatures in Hallowfall dwell below it and do not want its light to enter below the sea into their domain; if it came from below that wouldn't make sense.

    I'm not saying it 100% has to be of Naaru origin, or that it definitely isn't a chunk of worldsoul essence. But it's still a possibility.
    Nice statement. But, it suffers from 1 big issue: Archaedas said this information in secret, away from the other Keepers, and away from the Titans will.

    - - - Updated - - -

    So not quite sure why he'd bullshit fully here.

  14. #84814
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Nice statement. But, it suffers from 1 big issue: Archaedas said this information in secret, away from the other Keepers, and away from the Titans will.

    - - - Updated - - -

    So not quite sure why he'd bullshit fully here.
    He said he didn't know why he was putting it on record, didn't he. Perhaps he's being influenced to spread disinformation.

    The quote about the "chunks" is as follows: "However, as we delved deeper, we encountered certain obstacles--colossal crystals which we came to realize were calcified chunks of the Worldsoul's essence."

    Then the graphic shows a silhouette of the Beledar and other, more coarse, rocks.

    Maybe they "came to realize" it incorrectly.
    Maybe the other rocks are calcified Azerite while the Beledar is mistaken for one because it sits right among them. Like a disguise, almost.

  15. #84815
    It makes far more narrative sense to assume the archive can be taken at face value if you consider the purpose behind them, I think.

    It's true that the Titans have turned out to be an untrustworthy source overall, but the archives seem to be the first hints we're seeing at the truth behind their big conspiracy. If it's just more lies or false information, then that kind of defeats the whole purpose here.

  16. #84816
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post

    Nice statement. But, it suffers from 1 big issue: Archaedas said this information in secret, away from the other Keepers, and away from the Titans will.

    - - - Updated - - -

    So not quite sure why he'd bullshit fully here.
    Maybe he isn't lying, maybe he's just wrong?

  17. #84817
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    It makes far more narrative sense to assume the archive can be taken at face value if you consider the purpose behind them, I think.

    It's true that the Titans have turned out to be an untrustworthy source overall, but the archives seem to be the first hints we're seeing at the truth behind their big conspiracy. If it's just more lies or false information, then that kind of defeats the whole purpose here.
    Even if you take it at face value, the quote "However, as we delved deeper, we encountered certain obstacles--colossal crystals which we came to realize were calcified chunks of the Worldsoul's essence" is still not very conclusive. The crystals aren't of Titan making, so they're just making observations that could just as well be wrong.

    Blizzard seems to love throwing red herrings out there, just look at how often they've had characters mention things like "a torch" in reference to Il'gynoth's quote, not to mention Alleria's rather on the nose "sometimes I feel like I've died twice". Like, who says that.

  18. #84818
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    He said he didn't know why he was putting it on record, didn't he. Perhaps he's being influenced to spread disinformation.

    The quote about the "chunks" is as follows: "However, as we delved deeper, we encountered certain obstacles--colossal crystals which we came to realize were calcified chunks of the Worldsoul's essence."

    Then the graphic shows a silhouette of the Beledar and other, more coarse, rocks.

    Maybe they "came to realize" it incorrectly.
    Maybe the other rocks are calcified Azerite while the Beledar is mistaken for one because it sits right among them. Like a disguise, almost.
    "He was being manipulated into spreading misinformation"

    Or the Worldsoul took influence on him, which made him say things that were initially meant to be kept secret? Why would the Worldsoul make him say bullshit?

    - - - Updated - - -

    The information given to us is meant to be important for the coming expansions. Why would Blizzard do things such as lie about the Worldsoul Crystals, yet reveal important things such as the Manifold plan?

  19. #84819
    Beledar can both be calcified worldsoul essence and a foriegn object.

    Based on the art it defintely appears impacted. For all we know its actually a shard of K'aresh or something.

  20. #84820
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    "He was being manipulated into spreading misinformation"

    Or the Worldsoul took influence on him, which made him say things that were initially meant to be kept secret? Why would the Worldsoul make him say bullshit?

    - - - Updated - - -

    The information given to us is meant to be important for the coming expansions. Why would Blizzard do things such as lie about the Worldsoul Crystals, yet reveal important things such as the Manifold plan?
    Important, or misleading? We don't know what Blizzard's intentions are.

    Otherwise it's a bit dishonest for a lot of people on this forum to repeatedly over the years claim that the whispers of Il'gynoth were just a bunch of nonsense, and then just take this stuff at face value. Especially when the last three expansions have told us over and over that each cosmic force likes to share its own narrative, its point of view, rather than objective truth.

    But anyway. I still think there could be some truth in there, even if the bit about the Beledar might be an incorrect guess by the Titan keepers. There may be calcified chunks of Azerite down there. That part might be correct.

    But it's still entirely possible, for example, that the Beledar in particular is, I don't know, a Naaru vessel that crash-landed there and then got concealed by the worldsoul, or simply had a bit of luck when other crystals appeared around it, making its presence down there less suspicious. The Titans could simply be assuming that the Beledar must be calcified Azerite because the other chunks around it were.

    It's also possible that the Titans are actively trying to cover up their tracks by giving us traces of truth with lies mixed in. So because most of it seems trustworthy, we end up accepting all of it as truth even though bits of it might be there to stop us from asking further questions.

    Another possibility is that the Void has influenced Archaedas, distorting his memories or intentions. Heck, even the Light could be doing it as a way to conceal itself.

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