1. #84821
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    We already know what "calcified worldsoul essence" looks like. It looks like blue-golden or just golden chunks or rock. We've seen it in BfA, and we've seen it on Siren Isle. The Beledar looks nothing like that.
    Except it is. The Crystal in the Forgotten Vault on Siren's Isle, found by the valkyr, now recently among Azerite, doesn't have Azerite's imprefections; instead it looks like Beledar. Implying the Blue in azerite is caused by a flaw in its formation, and that Beledar is just a perfectly formed crystal of the same type. In fact since its reportedly dead west of Khaz Algar, the Crystal the Crystalsworn Vrykul worship might even be the top tip of Beledar.

  2. #84822
    It's gold, but it's not the same gold as Beledar.

  3. #84823
    Otherwise, do you think there will be professions with housing? They might just give it away like that, without really integrating it into the various aspects of the game at first. But I really hope they do a minimum.

    Do we really realize the impact housing can have on the game? It's a real atomic bomb. It can repopulate certain areas, but also revitalize all the old expansions with content if they add it via achievements/dungeons/raids/exploration,...

    Besides, now that I think about it, given that housing is planned for the Midnight pre-patch, this expansion clearly needs something else as a big feature to offer for the expansion itself. I mean, technically they could just give away one or more houses in Stormwind and Ogrimmar (maybe even Dornogal), and for the expansion Quel'Thalas. But it doesn't sound crazy to me as a launch. I'm sure there must be something else to offer, like a race/class (or both) or another system. My money's on a class, because I can't see the ultimate Void expansion not offering a new class.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's likely to be a Void-themed class, but something else could work too, like spellbreakers or bards. But given that all the classes added have been themed to the expansion... then they might break the rules a bit for once, offer a class that counters the Void instead of fighting fire with fire, it would be water against fire. But Blizzard sometimes likes to stick to its philosophies rather arbitrarily, so I wouldn't bet on it.

  4. #84824
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Except it is. The Crystal in the Forgotten Vault on Siren's Isle, found by the valkyr, now recently among Azerite, doesn't have Azerite's imprefections; instead it looks like Beledar. Implying the Blue in azerite is caused by a flaw in its formation, and that Beledar is just a perfectly formed crystal of the same type. In fact since its reportedly dead west of Khaz Algar, the Crystal the Crystalsworn Vrykul worship might even be the top tip of Beledar.
    I'd argue they're similar looking, but not that much.

    The Beledar is beyond "perfect," it looks like it has been crafted with runes and everything. There's even concept art where it has a doorway.

    Oh and again, it looks like the smaller crystals came from below. The Beledar, imo, looks like it came from above. Unless there's a gaping hole leading all the way to the worldsoul underneath the Undersea, I don't even get where the Beledar would have come from, if it came from within the world.

    There's not exactly a hole leading form the worldsoul to the top of Hallowfall, is there? If the Coreway was situated right underneath it then maybe I'd buy into it.

    Their properties don't seem to be exactly similar, either. The Beledar has its whole light and void thing going on, and at one point seems to have teleported the Arathi into Hallowfall (maybe even through time, who knows).

    The Emperor's vision was also described as that of a falling star, which further suggests something coming from above.

    Not to mention the capital city name Mereldar neatly invokes the old priest who was first in contact with the Light, after having dreamed of 5 Naaru.

    There are just too many signs pointing to something extraterrestrial of the Light, and potentially Naaru.

    Come to think of it, Blizzard's universes often has lore that is mirrored between them. The Falling Star being Tyrael, a literal angel having fallen to Earth as a mortal, just sounds so similar to what the Beledar might be.

    Perhaps a Naaru that abandoned its cushy cosmic job in order to dwell among mere mortals down on Azeroth. Perhaps it turned into Elune or something. Maybe it's one of the 5 Naaru Mereldar made contact with, perhaps the literal inspiration for the Libram of Justice among Paladins, again echoing Tyrael.

    Imagine how bloody cool it would be if we helped the Beledar fight off its Voidy phase during TWW, and then in Midnight it joins us on the battlefield as a mighty Naaru of Justice. Sort of like Inarius in Diablo 4, just bristling with the energy of the Light, scorching its enemies around it with giant lightning arcs.
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2025-01-25 at 10:10 PM.

  5. #84825
    High Overlord Nerdslime's Avatar
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    Woke up this morning with the realization that no tank has a bloodlust, so I bet when we get Tinker as a mechanical tank class in TWW, just like they're trialing/soft-launching with Brann in S2 delves, it will get a native bloodlust spell (possibly a loudspeaker?).

    This will also help make room in class comps for non-bloodlust DPS classes which may help free up some room in the endless meta struggle.

  6. #84826
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Out for good.
    When they can no longer serve him.

    What about him?
    if you see him in cinematics his body isnt energy
    its fleshy AF

  7. #84827
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    Otherwise, do you think there will be professions with housing? They might just give it away like that, without really integrating it into the various aspects of the game at first. But I really hope they do a minimum.

    Do we really realize the impact housing can have on the game? It's a real atomic bomb. It can repopulate certain areas, but also revitalize all the old expansions with content if they add it via achievements/dungeons/raids/exploration,...

    Besides, now that I think about it, given that housing is planned for the Midnight pre-patch, this expansion clearly needs something else as a big feature to offer for the expansion itself. I mean, technically they could just give away one or more houses in Stormwind and Ogrimmar (maybe even Dornogal), and for the expansion Quel'Thalas. But it doesn't sound crazy to me as a launch. I'm sure there must be something else to offer, like a race/class (or both) or another system. My money's on a class, because I can't see the ultimate Void expansion not offering a new class.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's likely to be a Void-themed class, but something else could work too, like spellbreakers or bards. But given that all the classes added have been themed to the expansion... then they might break the rules a bit for once, offer a class that counters the Void instead of fighting fire with fire, it would be water against fire. But Blizzard sometimes likes to stick to its philosophies rather arbitrarily, so I wouldn't bet on it.
    void spec for demon hunters, adding the class to void elves and giving them a more narrative hooks, especially if the void spec is less focused on imbuing a void entity and transforming into it and more on augmenting your physical prowess with void energy using sigil tattoos and rituals to stop the void from overcoming you, potentially as an exploration of the Aldratchi (who one of the dh artifacts and one of the dh hero talents are named after but otherwise have 0 presence in the game) along side bards as a new class

    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I'd argue they're similar looking, but not that much.

    The Beledar is beyond "perfect," it looks like it has been crafted with runes and everything. There's even concept art where it has a doorway.

    Oh and again, it looks like the smaller crystals came from below. The Beledar, imo, looks like it came from above. Unless there's a gaping hole leading all the way to the worldsoul underneath the Undersea, I don't even get where the Beledar would have come from, if it came from within the world.

    There's not exactly a hole leading form the worldsoul to the top of Hallowfall, is there? If the Coreway was situated right underneath it then maybe I'd buy into it.

    Their properties don't seem to be exactly similar, either. The Beledar has its whole light and void thing going on, and at one point seems to have teleported the Arathi into Hallowfall (maybe even through time, who knows).

    The Emperor's vision was also described as that of a falling star, which further suggests something coming from above.

    Not to mention the capital city name Mereldar neatly invokes the old priest who was first in contact with the Light, after having dreamed of 5 Naaru.

    There are just too many signs pointing to something extraterrestrial of the Light, and potentially Naaru.

    Come to think of it, Blizzard's universes often has lore that is mirrored between them. The Falling Star being Tyrael, a literal angel having fallen to Earth as a mortal, just sounds so similar to what the Beledar might be.

    Perhaps a Naaru that abandoned its cushy cosmic job in order to dwell among mere mortals down on Azeroth. Perhaps it turned into Elune or something. Maybe it's one of the 5 Naaru Mereldar made contact with, perhaps the literal inspiration for the Libram of Justice among Paladins, again echoing Tyrael.

    Imagine how bloody cool it would be if we helped the Beledar fight off its Voidy phase during TWW, and then in Midnight it joins us on the battlefield as a mighty Naaru of Justice. Sort of like Inarius in Diablo 4, just bristling with the energy of the Light, scorching its enemies around it with giant lightning arcs.
    another based "the Arathi are time lost" enjoyer i see, I hope when we get to Avaloran its got vibes of cold war era america/the cia give me a long form cover up by the Arathi military to hide the titans from history and a secret cabal working to keep the emperor in the dark about whats going on, with the Arathi intel agency based out of an abandoned titan instillation or working with rogue keepers

  8. #84828
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    Besides, now that I think about it, given that housing is planned for the Midnight pre-patch, this expansion clearly needs something else as a big feature to offer for the expansion itself. I mean, technically they could just give away one or more houses in Stormwind and Ogrimmar (maybe even Dornogal), and for the expansion Quel'Thalas. But it doesn't sound crazy to me as a launch. I'm sure there must be something else to offer, like a race/class (or both) or another system. My money's on a class, because I can't see the ultimate Void expansion not offering a new class.

    It's likely to be a Void-themed class, but something else could work too, like spellbreakers or bards. But given that all the classes added have been themed to the expansion... then they might break the rules a bit for once, offer a class that counters the Void instead of fighting fire with fire, it would be water against fire. But Blizzard sometimes likes to stick to its philosophies rather arbitrarily, so I wouldn't bet on it.
    I'm also (always) hoping for a new class. There's actually a big thread speculating on what classes we could get, and a fansite that hyped up the housing reveal also claimed that we'd be getting multiple classes during the Saga so I wouldn't rule out getting one in Midnight and one in TLT.

    Personally, I think a Void class or Bard seem like the most likely options by far in Midnight (and Tinker in TLT). Void is the most obvious fit for Midnight's theme, and we could certainly use more options to use it... but at the same time, Siren Isle definitely builds up musical magic (from the Radiant Song) as a growing theme, and a Bard that uses Azeroth herself's power would be an amazing fit for the Saga as a whole.

    I can think of other cool possibilities that could work if you reach more, like Spellbreakers or Wardens tying in with the Elven plot, or Witches to go with Haranir and Amani, but nothing else seems as likely as those two.

    I think out of all of these, the Void class would be the least interesting to me, but I'd still gladly take it. All the others seem like something that could finally give me a lasting main if they're executed well, while the Void would probably be something I play for a season or two before jumping between characters as usual.
    Last edited by Eldryth; 2025-01-25 at 10:51 PM.

  9. #84829
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I'd argue they're similar looking, but not that much.

    The Beledar is beyond "perfect," it looks like it has been crafted with runes and everything. There's even concept art where it has a doorway.

    Oh and again, it looks like the smaller crystals came from below. The Beledar, imo, looks like it came from above. Unless there's a gaping hole leading all the way to the worldsoul underneath the Undersea, I don't even get where the Beledar would have come from, if it came from within the world.

    There's not exactly a hole leading form the worldsoul to the top of Hallowfall, is there? If the Coreway was situated right underneath it then maybe I'd buy into it.

    Their properties don't seem to be exactly similar, either. The Beledar has its whole light and void thing going on, and at one point seems to have teleported the Arathi into Hallowfall (maybe even through time, who knows).

    The Emperor's vision was also described as that of a falling star, which further suggests something coming from above.

    Not to mention the capital city name Mereldar neatly invokes the old priest who was first in contact with the Light, after having dreamed of 5 Naaru.

    There are just too many signs pointing to something extraterrestrial of the Light, and potentially Naaru.

    Come to think of it, Blizzard's universes often has lore that is mirrored between them. The Falling Star being Tyrael, a literal angel having fallen to Earth as a mortal, just sounds so similar to what the Beledar might be.

    Perhaps a Naaru that abandoned its cushy cosmic job in order to dwell among mere mortals down on Azeroth. Perhaps it turned into Elune or something. Maybe it's one of the 5 Naaru Mereldar made contact with, perhaps the literal inspiration for the Libram of Justice among Paladins, again echoing Tyrael.

    Imagine how bloody cool it would be if we helped the Beledar fight off its Voidy phase during TWW, and then in Midnight it joins us on the battlefield as a mighty Naaru of Justice. Sort of like Inarius in Diablo 4, just bristling with the energy of the Light, scorching its enemies around it with giant lightning arcs.
    Again, just say a Naaru infused itself with a crystal. That would explain the Light and Void cycle, the runes, as well as the Archaedas stuff.

    Why must everything be "Oh yeah, the Titans and everything related to them are wrong, even in regards to secret info"???

    Why can't both be true about Beledar?

  10. #84830
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I'd argue they're similar looking, but not that much.

    The Beledar is beyond "perfect," it looks like it has been crafted with runes and everything. There's even concept art where it has a doorway.
    If you look at the concept art, its not. It does have markings, but considering the fantasy setting, geometric patterns can be completely organic. And you can't really see flaws in a crystal if you aren't close up & beledar is very big & far away. Also you're forgetting pieces of it periodically fall off: That's what the Radiant Remnants are.

    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    The Emperor's vision was also described as that of a falling star, which further suggests something coming from above.
    Once again: The Emperor never used the word "falling" in his prophesy. He does not suggest it came from space at all. Wowpedia likes to suggest its from space, but none of its sources back that up.

  11. #84831
    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Roger View Post
    if you see him in cinematics his body isnt energy
    its fleshy AF
    Thats just how the void ethereals look like. They have more "solid" looking body. Locus walker doesn't even have a unique model. There is nothing special hiding under his bandages that is unique to him.

  12. #84832
    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Roger View Post
    if you see him in cinematics his body isnt energy
    its fleshy AF
    No, it isn't. It's voidy. Just in the shape of a body.

  13. #84833
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    If you look at the concept art, its not. It does have markings, but considering the fantasy setting, geometric patterns can be completely organic. And you can't really see flaws in a crystal if you aren't close up & beledar is very big & far away. Also you're forgetting pieces of it periodically fall off: That's what the Radiant Remnants are.

    Once again: The Emperor never used the word "falling" in his prophesy. He does not suggest it came from space at all. Wowpedia likes to suggest its from space, but none of its sources back that up.
    The Falling Star bit was often repeated in BlizzCon 2023 interviews, IIRC. Can't remember if they mentioned it on the website though.

    I think the in-game story purposefully removed some references to different things. Either because Blizzard changed their minds about the Worldsoul Saga lore last minute, or because they wanted to keep some things a bit more secretive.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Again, just say a Naaru infused itself with a crystal. That would explain the Light and Void cycle, the runes, as well as the Archaedas stuff.

    Why must everything be "Oh yeah, the Titans and everything related to them are wrong, even in regards to secret info"???

    Why can't both be true about Beledar?
    That certainly can happen too.

    I'm not 100% set in any direction regarding the lore. Just trying to point out that there are possibilities, since many seem to have made their minds up.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by alex wolf View Post
    void spec for demon hunters, adding the class to void elves and giving them a more narrative hooks, especially if the void spec is less focused on imbuing a void entity and transforming into it and more on augmenting your physical prowess with void energy using sigil tattoos and rituals to stop the void from overcoming you, potentially as an exploration of the Aldratchi (who one of the dh artifacts and one of the dh hero talents are named after but otherwise have 0 presence in the game) along side bards as a new class

    another based "the Arathi are time lost" enjoyer i see, I hope when we get to Avaloran its got vibes of cold war era america/the cia give me a long form cover up by the Arathi military to hide the titans from history and a secret cabal working to keep the emperor in the dark about whats going on, with the Arathi intel agency based out of an abandoned titan instillation or working with rogue keepers
    Oh yes, it is interdimensional after all. Seems strange if it only extended to space and not time.

    Neat idea!

  14. #84834
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    The Falling Star bit was often repeated in BlizzCon 2023 interviews, IIRC. Can't remember if they mentioned it on the website though.

    I think the in-game story purposefully removed some references to different things. Either because Blizzard changed their minds about the Worldsoul Saga lore last minute, or because they wanted to keep some things a bit more secretive.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That certainly can happen too.

    I'm not 100% set in any direction regarding the lore. Just trying to point out that there are possibilities, since many seem to have made their minds up.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh yes, it is interdimensional after all. Seems strange if it only extended to space and not time.

    Neat idea!
    I mean sure, possibilities are nice, but reminder you also seem to have your mind set up regarding certain things as well, like Archaedas's stories for instance.

  15. #84835
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Beledar can both be calcified worldsoul essence and a foriegn object.

    Based on the art it defintely appears impacted. For all we know its actually a shard of K'aresh or something.
    In other words, the World Soul equivalent of a pearl.

  16. #84836
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    I mean sure, possibilities are nice, but reminder you also seem to have your mind set up regarding certain things as well, like Archaedas's stories for instance.
    I'm open to them being entirely correct as well.

  17. #84837
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Stuff leaks with Classic all the time, this is no different. Some of the warband customization stuff appeared in Classic pre-11.1 too.
    Anything like SoD related? Maybe TBC SoD?

  18. #84838
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Roger View Post
    if you see him in cinematics his body isnt energy
    its fleshy AF
    No it isn't.

    His body just consists of Void energy, rather than Arcane.
    He looks solid the same way that a Voidwalker does.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  19. #84839
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    I'm just fascinated by the Beledar's symbolism, seen throughout Khaz Algar.

    • The Beledar itself, as it exists in-game, seems to have circles around its "blast site" on the cieling. Circles with lines reaching from them towards the Beledar.
    • Looking at the giant crystal, there are obviously patterns within its walls. These are hard to interpret, although they look vaguely Naaru or angelic. But if you look close enough it almost looks like something Beledar-shaped being ejected from a circle down into an abyss. The circle could of course be the worldsoul, but it might also be something celestial, like the sun or moon.
    • Xal'atath's cloak on her back seems to have this same imagery. She has a chain with a circle on it, and then a purple crystal hangs from it, reaching a pattern at the bottom of her cloak that looks eerily similar to the pattern on the Beledar.
    • The banner of the Arathi people of Hallowfall seems oddly similar to all of the above as well. Theirs obviously develop the theme by making it look a bit like a torch carrying the sacred flame, but if you think about it this is also a sort of circle with a line shooting from it to somewhere below. Turn their weapon upside down and it basically looks like the circles pointing towards the Beledar, on the ceiling of Hallowfall. Their belts, especially, look a bit like a crystal falling down from a radiant circle above into an abyss below. This one looks almost identical to Xal'atath's cloak. Just look at these swords, and how the circle ejects a crystal from it.

    The big question that remains is simply this: is the Beledar truly something that was ejected from the worldsoul, which all of this art could be interpreted as, or did it fall from a celestial circle (perhaps the sun) above Azeroth?

    The other question is whether it was originally Voidy as depicted on Xal'atath's cloak and the mural in Azj-Kahet, or if it was corrupted to become Voidy for a while (or if it's even part of its natural cycle).

    For me, it is more fitting if it fell from the sun, An'she, because the concept of "holy fire" and "light" just fits the sun way better than the worldsoul imo. I'm not ruling either scenario out though, but I do think the Titan story could be intentionally misleading about this part, to cover up the fact that the Light was already here way before them, and that they shut it away inside Hallowfall while they did their own thing with the Manifold instead.


    Just to extrapolate a bit more, it does make a lot of sense if the Sun played a major role in upcoming lore.

    > First of all because it is closely tied to the Moon (symbolising Elune) but hasn't seen a lot of lore thus far.

    > Second because we're going to be defending the Sunwell, which could add another layer to it.

    > Third because the name of the expansion is Midnight, which is when the sunlight is furthest away from us.

    > Fourth because the High Elves of Quel'thalas in general like the sun, in contrast with their Night Elven kin. The decline of their civilization and turning into Blood Elves almost represented the fading of the sunlight, when the Sunstrider dynasty and the Sun Kinggave way to something else.

    Shadows appear in the fading of Light, which is described in Chronicles Vol. 1 but is also just a general fact we are constantly reminded of down in Khaz Algar, from the Kobols and their candles to the Arathi and their Lamplighters. 11.1.5's "Nightfall" just further emphasises this, as the danger likely returns with the fading light of the Beledar.

    When the Sun shines on Azeroth, it is the literal Light protecting us from harm. For the Shadow to fully take over, this requires the absence of this protecting Light.

    The Earth Mother allegory told by the Tauren for generations speak of the Earth Mother plucking out her own eyes to create the sun (An'she) and moon (Mu'sha) as she rested, after having shaped the land. They would protect Azeroth in her stead. I'm not sure if the Earth Mother is meant to symbolise Eonar, Elune, the Worldsoul, or somebody else. But it probably does carry some truth about Azeroth's origins and how the Sun and Moon came to watch over it.

    Moonlight is obviously reflected sunlight, so even when the moon is up, it doesn't actually cause any darkness or any other weird shenanigans (unless there's an eclipse).

    So will the Sun and Moon not be able to protect us during Midnight, and will either the Beledar or the Sunwell act as an Arathi torch in its stead, protecting us when things are at their darkest? Maybe!

    But what could cause all of this? I have no clue. But Xal'atath does have two Voidy orbs on heir armor, as well as hovering above her shoulders. I'm just spitballing, but maybe she blocks out or temporarily corrupts the Sun and the Moon, leading to Midnight? Or maybe she just covers Azeroth in some type of darkness, so the Light can't reach us.
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2025-01-26 at 01:33 PM.

  20. #84840
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I'm just fascinated by the Beledar's symbolism, seen throughout Khaz Algar.

    • The Beledar itself, as it exists in-game, seems to have circles around its "blast site" on the cieling. Circles with lines reaching from them towards the Beledar.
    • Looking at the giant crystal, there are obviously patterns within its walls. These are hard to interpret, although they look vaguely Naaru or angelic. But if you look close enough it almost looks like something Beledar-shaped being ejected from a circle down into an abyss. The circle could of course be the worldsoul, but it might also be something celestial, like the sun or moon.
    • Xal'atath's cloak on her back seems to have this same imagery. She has a chain with a circle on it, and then a purple crystal hangs from it, reaching a pattern at the bottom of her cloak that looks eerily similar to the pattern on the Beledar.
    • The banner of the Arathi people of Hallowfall seems oddly similar to all of the above as well. Theirs obviously develop the theme by making it look a bit like a torch carrying the sacred flame, but if you think about it this is also a sort of circle with a line shooting from it to somewhere below. Turn their weapon upside down and it basically looks like the circles pointing towards the Beledar, on the ceiling of Hallowfall. Their belts, especially, look a bit like a crystal falling down from a radiant circle above into an abyss below. This one looks almost identical to Xal'atath's cloak. Just look at these swords, and how the circle ejects a crystal from it.

    The big question that remains is simply this: is the Beledar truly something that was ejected from the worldsoul, which all of this art could be interpreted as, or did it fall from a celestial circle (perhaps the sun) above Azeroth?

    The other question is whether it was originally Voidy as depicted on Xal'atath's cloak and the mural in Azj-Kahet, or if it was corrupted to become Voidy for a while (or if it's even part of its natural cycle).

    For me, it is more fitting if it fell from the sun, An'she, because the concept of "holy fire" and "light" just fits the sun way better than the worldsoul imo. I'm not ruling either scenario out though, but I do think the Titan story could be intentionally misleading about this part, to cover up the fact that the Light was already here way before them, and that they shut it away inside Hallowfall while they did their own thing with the Manifold instead.


    Just to extrapolate a bit more, it does make a lot of sense if the Sun played a major role in upcoming lore.

    > First of all because it is closely tied to the Moon (symbolising Elune) but hasn't seen a lot of lore thus far.

    > Second because we're going to be defending the Sunwell, which could add another layer to it.

    > Third because the name of the expansion is Midnight, which is when the sunlight is furthest away from us.

    > Fourth because the High Elves of Quel'thalas in general like the sun, in contrast with their Night Elven kin. The decline of their civilization and turning into Blood Elves almost represented the fading of the sunlight, when the Sunstrider dynasty and the Sun Kinggave way to something else.

    Shadows appear in the fading of Light, which is described in Chronicles Vol. 1 but is also just a general fact we are constantly reminded of down in Khaz Algar, from the Kobols and their candles to the Arathi and their Lamplighters. 11.1.5's "Nightfall" just further emphasises this, as the danger likely returns with the fading light of the Beledar.

    When the Sun shines on Azeroth, it is the literal Light protecting us from harm. For the Shadow to fully take over, this requires the absence of this protecting Light.

    The Earth Mother allegory told by the Tauren for generations speak of the Earth Mother plucking out her own eyes to create the sun (An'she) and moon (Mu'sha) as she rested, after having shaped the land. They would protect Azeroth in her stead. I'm not sure if the Earth Mother is meant to symbolise Eonar, Elune, the Worldsoul, or somebody else. But it probably does carry some truth about Azeroth's origins and how the Sun and Moon came to watch over it.

    Moonlight is obviously reflected sunlight, so even when the moon is up, it doesn't actually cause any darkness or any other weird shenanigans (unless there's an eclipse).
    it is interesting the sunwell was called as such considering it was originally arcane and not light magic, though stars/stellar damage usually deal arcane or fire/arcane damage in game.

    We also still have lothramar being a reagent so in theory a monarch could still ascend to the throne, maybe Arator is going to be the new king of the elves representing the light of the highelves while understanding the void elves because of reconnecting with his mother there aren't really many other notable elves I could see becoming the monarch however so I could also see them creating a new form of government

    I also think that Beledar is going to be part of the 11.2 raid, a megadungeon or a key part of the new horrific visions or part of some kinda content, maybe we'll get a new wave of out door content similar to the 8.3 stuff in Hallowfall during the night phases

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