I wouldn’t be against seeing the ruins of Theramore cleared, and turned into a Pirate haven similar to Freehold. Have Nightsquall send some of his crew in to clean up the ruins, and expand the city slightly further into both the swamp and out towards the cove. Fill it with all sorts of flavour merchants, unsavoury folk, some evergreen content, a place to pick up rare and exotic mounts/items/cosmetics with a currency attached from completing the said evergreen content. Throw the black market auction house here too.
The thing that doesn't make sense about transition from Nozdormu to Murozond (at least to me) is that in game it is framed as if it is something that will just "happen" to Nozdormu, basically against his will. He's a sad boi with a "guess I'll die" attitude. But this removes any agency from him.
What would make much more sense, is if turning into Murozond was his choice. The sacred task of Nozdormu is to keep the world on the One True Timeline. It was shown to him, that in this One True Timeline he becomes the Murozond. In order NOT to become Murozond he would need to abandon the One True Timeline... which is exactly what the Infinites are about. Therefore, in order not to become Murozond he must embrace the philosophy of the Infinites and become Murozond. And yes, you could say that it is a paradox, but it is actually a tragic irony of his situation.
So perhaps the story of the Bronze dragonflight is not about avoiding Infinitization, but rather about embracing it? Maybe something in the story will be revealed that will show Nozdormu that he has been manipulated by the Titans? Maybe we will even side with the Infinites? After all, we, as the heroes of Azeroth, do not fit into the Great Design, as it was shown many times throughout the game that we are special, in that we have a free will.
Only if you ignore Murozond's side of things. His behaviour makes it clear he did turn by choice when he finally does so. But that time isn't now. Nozdormu has not so far experienced anything that would make him switch. But whatever will eventually be the cause, it likely won't be in DF.
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I'd prefer if we arrived at Magatha only to find that age did her in... and then get attacked by her spirit anyway. She's a Shaman after all.
You seem a bit to preoccupied with the whole wedding thing. Would a Tauren wedding even have cake?
I don't mean it as a genuine comparison, but I appreciate the irony of having an expansion ostensibly inspired by MoP experiencing the same backlash as it did at the time and some players now desiring a "return to form" expansion, with a lot of talk about orcs being front and center. Time is a flat circle and all that.
I'd definitely say I'm more interested in what's coming after DF at this point, but I'm fine with the current state of things as opposed to desperately wanting to get away from BfA and SL. Ideally the work done to strengthen the core systems of the game in DF will pay off as a strong launching point into a more explosive expansion that doesn't have the bad taste of BfA and SL still lingering, but it's all way too early to say.
Not orc central expansion, but an expansion with some relevant orcs in it.
Aside from that, AU Draenor again, more fleshing out of the Mag'har, the lightbound nonsense and what-else. Good way to make us of the WoD stuff that people like (assets, music) while scrapping the less favorable stuff.
11.0 will certainly be something about other side of Azeroth. It's initial theme will be about pirates, sea, maybe nagas, exploration of new lands, probably some hidden titanic stuff, and it will eventually lead to some Void stuff, which will be a gateway to 12.0
DF is MoP 2.0 and will share MoP's fate. Currently there is no hate towards it, but there is not big excitement either. In the future it will be presented as one of best expansions, cause it checks literally all boxes for good WoW.
And it will be this way even if devs somehow fuck up 2024 patch schedule (which ironically would be another "feature" taken from MoP) - everyone remember only first months of expansion. SL had really good 2nd year, no one remember or care about it cause we had to play 9.0 for 8 months and 9.1 was more of the same.
No wonder people talk about WoW 2.0 so often now. They just urge for classic Warcraft vibes from WoD or BfA.
Then it is more accurate to call Cata 2.0 rather than WoW 2. Just to lesser confusion.
Old world revamp is pretty much possible, but is it even needed? I mean, world revamp means low-level experience revamp. For old players it is not very needed, maybe only for leveling alts. And for new players it does not fix a problem of WoW being fundamentally outdated and unfriendly to zoomers.
The age of 2016 onward says hi.
World quests, world events, and the wow teams general focus on world content means that those zones would be used for everything, from lvling to end-game content.
Just as it was the case in, you know, the last 3 expansions and the current ongoing one.
One of the biggest mistakes of cataclysm was the complete lack of relevancy of the New world post lvling, that the game shoves you into the newest cata endgame zones, instead of actually letting you to continue experiencing the world.
When we discuss a world revamp, we discuss it from a position that Blizzard is at least is aware of their current capabilities and former mistakes and is doing it with the goal to avoid the major failures that they had last time.
Formerly known as Arafal