I don't mind the rep requirement, but i do mind how far into the rep the story quests are set.
By the time a regular player reaches it, they probably already have had the story spoiled for them by literally any website unless they are full on grinding reputations like a maniac.
It's casual friendly that someone needs to grind like a maniac for 2 weeks to stay on top of story chapters?
Formerly known as Arafal
Looks like an encrypted build of 10.0.7 just got pushed, which means 10.0.5 must be really close to release. I smell a release date.
So looks like new primalist future "invasions" are just primal storms 1.2. I hope 10.1 will bring some proper new content instead of another aoe fest grind.
Hopefully it ends up decently interesting. Really has been my main issue with the Primal Storms we have now.
The addition of extra rewards does imply that the essence currency will be a reward from various content. And i do appreciate the Primalist Future area will be used more.
The world revamp dream will never die!
I'm glad primalist thing is some actual piece of content, especially since storms right now are probably weakest part of DF. It's already tested on PTR right?
Legion timewalking in 2 weeks, sounds like date they would aim for mage tower re-re-release (yeah, I know it will be pernament). Another thing are new Elders for Lunar festival, it's so minor it would be strange to move it to 10.0.5 if you don't intend to release patch before or early during event.
So, if everything is already on PTR, my money goes on release candidate in days, patch next week with mage tower launching week after that.
But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.