1. #8841
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Looks more like someone just took screenshots of recent zones and slapped the older zones' names on it. I'm 99% sure that Tanaris one is just Vol'dun, for example.
    Yes. Silverpine is Revendreth(?), Feralas is the spriggand pool in Val'sharah, Dustwallow is Nazmir, Tirisfal is Drustvar, Stonetalon is Highmountain, STV is Zuldazar, Loch Modan is Tiragarde Sound, Durotar is Gorgrond.

    That said, this does present an interesting point of discussion, in that a 100% revamped zone can potentially vastly change the main color aesthetic for a zone. Draenor nagrand has a much more orange fringed look compared to Outland Nagrand's yellow, Terokkar is dark green-blue, but Talador is autumnal red-orange.

    Should zones keep their old coloration or be updated to something new?

    Should Tanaris be it's classic sort of pale yellow/egg-shell with yellow-orange mountain spikes, or should it be a full white sand desert? Should Elwynn stay yellow-green or move to a more forest green?
    Last edited by Hitei; 2023-07-09 at 02:51 AM.

  2. #8842
    I think some changes to color palette and lighting of certain zones like presented on screenshots above would be nice, you have old revamped area plus also some new feeling when visiting them.

    After reading many posts about world revamp i think i have to start keeping my hype in check and prepare for just another 4-5 zone island in next expansion so i won't be dissappointed, i mean i will still be but.. yeah.

  3. #8843
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Looks more like someone just took screenshots of recent zones and slapped the older zones' names on it. I'm 99% sure that Tanaris one is just Vol'dun, for example.

    Screenshots of existing zones or no, they do give us a nice idea how certain older zones could look like given the chance.

    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    And the remaining 49 aren't even available to newcomers in the first place, so your complaint already lost most of its relevance.
    You are basically just admitting you haven't ever interacted with a newcomer, let alone lvl your own characters in any recent time.

    Newcomers absolutely DO have access to those 49 other ways.
    All they need to do is, not pick the Tides of War quest and go literally everywhere else.

    And that happens all the damn time.

    Hell, the game actively leads you to a quest board and doesn't direct you to the BfA starting quest.

    Chromie time isn't some exclusive way to access zones, all it does it scale expansion content to your character and give you the dungeon list.
    Newcomers don't need it to lvl someplace else, they never did.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  4. #8844
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Chromie time will be available for new players in 10.1.5 so my point stands.

    You are very anti world revamp. Its plain to see.
    Ye, and you know why? Because each time we come close to new expansion reveal people start to spam same shit how revamp is needed, how it can save WoW and attract new players and basically how it can be THE BEST thing ever. And they flip backwards trying to justify how it can all be easily done w/o any harm to endgame content. Even YouTubers join the bait-train for easy clicks. And then revamp doesn't come and we repeat entire process next time. Y'all joined Tinkers crowd with your obsessiveness. Yet another topic that regularly pollutes the thread.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2023-07-09 at 10:38 AM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  5. #8845
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ceveris View Post
    Excuse me but... how does talking about revamp derail the thread of speculation about the next expansion? Are you aware that even the OP is team revamp?

    Then if people talk about it so much, it's because there's a big demand. Why does this bother you more than other speculations?
    Dunno, why do you keep making new accounts after being banned for racism, Utsuko?
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  6. #8846
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Yet another topic that regularly pollutes the thread.
    It's talked about so much because of the demand for it and the community backing, and because its the easiest topic to built discussions around.

    You could start a discussion about Avaloren, Ka'resh and whatever other place we can go to, but at the end of the day those places only exist as names right now.
    While we can endlessly discuss the potential narrative direction of pretty much any Azeroth zone, as we have enough lore and plotlines to work with.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  7. #8847
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    It's talked about so much because of the demand for it and the community backing, and because its the easiest topic to built discussions around.
    Not really sure about this high demand. It all seems like some people here (and YouTubers) are trying to sell us an unrealistic dream.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  8. #8848
    Vendor 3 (wowv3)
    I hope it will be on PTR soon
    Last edited by Black Rider; 2023-07-09 at 11:19 AM.

  9. #8849
    Quote Originally Posted by Black Rider View Post
    Vendor 3 (wowv3)
    I hope it will be on PTR soon
    promoting your own tweets I see ^^

  10. #8850
    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    promoting your own tweets I see ^^
    lol, no I wish I could have so much technical skills

  11. #8851
    Quote Originally Posted by Ceveris View Post
    10.1.7 ? When do you think we will have the first datamining?
    IMHO week after the 10.1.5 release

  12. #8852
    The scarlet crusade shall rise once more
    The throne shall run red with the blood of betrayal
    The throne shall be reclaimed by the true menethil heir

  13. #8853
    Quote Originally Posted by Ceveris View Post
    Where do these citations come from? Are they whispers of the Old Gods?
    Only one is "your throne shall run red with the blood of betrayal and the shattered mask shall sit upon your hearth" or something

    The scarlet stuff is just me taking the in game stuff. They have who they believe to be the menethil heir and I believe there's a black dragon involved.

  14. #8854
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Ye, and you know why? Because each time we come close to new expansion reveal people start to spam same shit how revamp is needed, how it can save WoW and attract new players and basically how it can be THE BEST thing ever. And they flip backwards trying to justify how it can all be easily done w/o any harm to endgame content. Even YouTubers join the bait-train for easy clicks. And then revamp doesn't come and we repeat entire process next time. Y'all joined Tinkers crowd with your obsessiveness. Yet another topic that regularly pollutes the thread.
    How does a revamp somehow interfere with endgame though? Why couldn't endgame take place in the revamped zones like what Cataclysm very much didn't do? You don't even necessarily need to have levelling stuff in every zone for hat matter, you could easily have the Plaguelands or Feralas as the dedicated endgame zones for instance.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  15. #8855
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    In some Sanctuaryesque place or a Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    How does a revamp somehow interfere with endgame though? Why couldn't endgame take place in the revamped zones like what Cataclysm very much didn't do? You don't even necessarily need to have levelling stuff in every zone for hat matter, you could easily have the Plaguelands or Feralas as the dedicated endgame zones for instance.
    Well for one, the accusation of Blizzard being lazy(I don't necessarily agree but it is one of them). And 2 slippery slope of them getting lazy and not making new continents/areas.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  16. #8856
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    How does a revamp somehow interfere with endgame though? Why couldn't endgame take place in the revamped zones like what Cataclysm very much didn't do? You don't even necessarily need to have levelling stuff in every zone for hat matter, you could easily have the Plaguelands or Feralas as the dedicated endgame zones for instance.
    Aside from the psychology behind "People like new things", any time spent on revamping zones for levelling is time not spent on endgame stuff. There's only so much time they have to work with.

    Plus part of the endgame is exploring a new zone and finding new areas and new things to do which, can't happen with a revamp. To say nothing of patch content as patches generally give us new zones to do stuff in

  17. #8857
    Quote Originally Posted by Ceveris View Post
    A revamp would by definition be "a new thing" to discover. The old zones date back to vanilla/cata, so it wouldn't look anything like what we know today. Elwynn Forest has a mind-blowing variety of flora from... 1 tree.
    All the phasing in the world isn't going to change the terrain that heavily. Elwynn Forest will remain "Here's Westbrook Garrison and the gnoll camps, then there's the two farms, then Goldshire, continue on and you've got the first mine to the south plus that little dock for a rogue quest, second one to the north, then the Tower of Azora, then the third farm (the mean one), north is the island with the cairns and the murloc village, then there's Eastvale and the tower to the south"

    New trees does nothing to the fact I know every single point of interest in this zone and can navigate the thing blindfolded. No amount of revamping is going to make that zone interesting. Even if we're talking about the "We make a bigger" concept (which I don't like as I do not want two seperate Stormwinds or Orgrimmars. The two Dalarans is bad enough, though excuseable)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ceveris View Post
    Curious point of view here. Do you really think they only have one team working on one aspect of the game at a time? Once again, are you a developer at Blizzard to advance you on this subject?

    Anyone can pretty much say anything without arguments or sources.
    I remember Cata. And I remember Cata's blowouts on its own revamp. Where you kicking then when we saw the "Oh yeah this is how hard things will be to update" maps and then the developer interviews afterwards of "Oh we messed up hard with this"?

    People can say anything and there's been a lot of 'anything' going on with the revamp talk

    Quote Originally Posted by Ceveris View Post
    And this is one of the problems encountered by WoW. Closed and isolated content in patches at the expense of a connected open world.

    The proposed revamp concept seeks to solve all these problems.
    How and where? Because I'm falling to see where its been addressed at all

    The prime issue I see with revamp is simple: If you want to sell an expansion, it needs New Content. Cata, the closest thing to a revamp, did not sell itself on being a revamp alone. It sold itself on being a revamp to add flying to all zones in the game, plus 5 new zones, 3 of which were previously inaccessible things we could see from WoW (Grim Batol/Twilight Highlands, Hyjal and Uldum), one being an elemental plane (Big Lore Thing) and the other a new, unique concept in an underwater zone. That's a lot of new stuff

    Every single revamp post has just been "Let's revamp the world! Everyone will like it! Make the awful zone at the ass end of the world that Alliance hate getting to for endgame stuff!" with no real asking of the question of "how do we sell thing". Because "Hey we're fixing the game" is great for existing customers, but poor at getting new ones. Plus, well, I'd argue its also poor at trying to keep oldies from Cata days

  18. #8858
    Quote Originally Posted by Ceveris View Post
    A revamp would by definition be "a new thing" to discover. The old zones date back to vanilla/cata, so it wouldn't look anything like what we know today. Elwynn Forest has a mind-blowing variety of flora from... 1 tree.
    That is the opposite of the definition of a revamp.

    Also, I agree with Mecheon, a "revamp" is going to look exactly like what we know today, but in higher definition. To actually make ancient zones into a new thing to discover, you would have to remake them from the ground up, not "omg there's more types of trees" but sweeping changes in terrain and layout.

    Updated Dark Shore and Arathi are not wild and exciting new places to explore. They are the same zones but nicer looking.
    Shadowmoon Valley and Talador are new places to explore, because they are entirely new zones based on the old ones.

  19. #8859
    Quote Originally Posted by Mecheon View Post
    Every single revamp post has just been "Let's revamp the world! Everyone will like it! Make the awful zone at the ass end of the world that Alliance hate getting to for endgame stuff!" with no real asking of the question of "how do we sell thing". Because "Hey we're fixing the game" is great for existing customers, but poor at getting new ones. Plus, well, I'd argue its also poor at trying to keep oldies from Cata days
    Don't forget the tiny little issue of "how do we even pull this off", because they also show a blatant disregard for the insane scope of their ideas. Blizzard way overstretched with Cata, but the whole team revamp just assumes that problem magically disappeared since.

  20. #8860
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    That is the opposite of the definition of a revamp.

    Also, I agree with Mecheon, a "revamp" is going to look exactly like what we know today, but in higher definition. To actually make ancient zones into a new thing to discover, you would have to remake them from the ground up, not "omg there's more types of trees" but sweeping changes in terrain and layout.

    Updated Dark Shore and Arathi are not wild and exciting new places to explore. They are the same zones but nicer looking.
    Shadowmoon Valley and Talador are new places to explore, because they are entirely new zones based on the old ones.
    IMO, if a revamp happens, it would be made from scratch. It is obvious that a Cata-style revamp would not work. In such a way, I do not think that anyone would complain about not having new stuff. Outland and Draenor are completely different, and that is the path that they would follow if a revamp happens. In fact, it is their only option, as it would be impossible to revamp all zones with new assets and quests. Also, It would be kind of stupid, as they would be limiting themselves within the constraints of the old world. But if you mix some zones into bigger zones, it would certainly be within the realm of possibility to do either Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms in one expansion.

    I said it multiple times but here we go again. NOTHING would generate more hype than a world revamp, both for old and new players. NOTHING would make more sense than a world revamp giving the two anniversaries. They are desperate to get subs, so an evergreen revamp seems like a safe bet.

    A kind of restart is needed. WoW is almost 20 years old. I have to praise Blizzard and the WoW team because they are tapping into uncharted territory here. Never a game so big has lasted for so long. I am really curious to see how they deal with this situation.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

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