1. #9261
    Epic! Pheraz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    It's just a personal fear, because the Night Elf set is something I've been looking forward to. The recent ones for Humans and Orcs were also very anticipated, and seemed like they would have obvious sources of inspiration. But a lot of people find that the Orc one misses the mark completely.

    Worgen is another one that have a cool Victorian thing going on, but at the same time all that gold, the top hat, and the fact that it's all designed around the nobility just seems so unecessary. They should probably have kept the Victorian look but instead aimed for something more lowkey, like a Huntsman and his loyal dog out on the moor or something.

    I'm looking at this new Undead set, and personally I'm not a fan. It was a chance to feature some cool Lordaeron ancestry, with perhaps a tattered or rustry old set worn since death by the Scourge. But I think it looks more like a mishmash of Forsaken architecture design (fence spikes, coffins, plague vials, etc). What is the practical benefit to dress like that for a race that so clearly remembers its origins and history?
    It will be good *fingers crossed*

    Waiting for the new PTR build to be deployed
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  2. #9262
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Kinda hard to reintroduce something that hasn't been introduced, though. I know people keep wanting Chromatus but he's about as likely to appear in game as Med'an at this point. Perhaps even less likely.

    Anyway I'm amused at seeing some complaints elsewhere about the Forsaken armor being too edgy. Like, hello, its the Forsaken. "Suffer well," straps and bolts and spikes, cartoonishly evil undead. I get not liking it, that's fair, but to play a race of edgy dark humor zombies and go "no no that's not our aesthetic" while surrounded by burbling cauldrons, tesla coils, Jacob's Ladders, and spikes? Heh.
    I don't see what you're seeing(The complaints) but yeah a race with a lot of dark aesthetics being shady? SHOCK, no idea why people would just act like that isn't them.
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  3. #9263
    Quote Originally Posted by Palapop View Post
    Erm.... arent they working on bringing back Galakrond?
    No. In an interview it was said that the incarnates are just as afraid of galakrond as the aspects are. Which is funny considering iridikron seems to think the titan pantheon would be a lesser problem to deal with. Nevertheless, it's very unlikely Galakrond will play any role in the near future.

  4. #9264
    Quote Originally Posted by Foolicious View Post
    No. In an interview it was said that the incarnates are just as afraid of galakrond as the aspects are. Which is funny considering iridikron seems to think the titan pantheon would be a lesser problem to deal with. Nevertheless, it's very unlikely Galakrond will play any role in the near future.
    The pantheon are currently extremely weakened, they're tiny souls.

  5. #9265
    People complaining about "edgy" for the Forsaken, or in Warcraft in general, are expecting what? Have we been playing the same game for the past 20 years? Oh no, something's edgy in the fantasy war game that has zombies and orcs and amazoness elves and warlocks and-
    Seriously. Let people have their fun, and stop whining about stuff that's core the the franchise.

    I don't main Forsaken anymore, but that set is fantastic to me, and I'm dusting off the old alt just to go grab and and hopefully bask in some chaotic nostalgia, even if Belmont seems to be the only person on the council that has the OG Forsaken feel lately.

    I'm seeing the complaints, but it's mostly just my friends linking me people whining on twitter and the official forums. And of course twitter's whining about edge. They don't want this game to be what it has been anymore. -shrug-

  6. #9266
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Any ideas when the PTR goes up tonight?

  7. #9267
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    I don't see what you're seeing(The complaints) but yeah a race with a lot of dark aesthetics being shady? SHOCK, no idea why people would just act like that isn't them.
    To clarify, not here, elsewhere. Reddit, the official forums (yeah I went looking there, I knew what to expect, but still heh). I was mainly curious how others were taking it.

    Its just amusing to see people be like "How dare they be edgy?!"

  8. #9268
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    The Forsaken set's combination of the proper color scheme, the proper visual elements (skulls, grave, arrow motif with the spikes) along with the Lordaeronian crest captures probably the last universal thing you had after the Darkshore sets covered most everything else Forsaken. I fear the quest however.
    The big question is whether they will go for a dindu 'nuffin approach when it comes to Sylvanas, or lean way into post WW2 Germany.
    I think it's fair to say that given the Lordaeronian crest it will focused quite a bit on them effectively being Lordaeron refugees in a sense.

    Maybe they will even being back our favorite point of contention: Forsaken and Human relations.
    I am sure the forums would absolutely love bringing that moldy corpse back.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Zaralek questing, which got recolored to Bronze/Infinite in 10.1.5.
    Ahh yeah. I honestly completely forgot about that set already. Probably because it's one of the few sets where Plate is the worst.

    I know it's unbelievably petty. But I really dislike that set solely for not giving plate the same cloak appearance.
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  9. #9269
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    The big question is whether they will go for a dindu 'nuffin approach when it comes to Sylvanas, or lean way into post WW2 Germany.
    I think it's fair to say that given the Lordaeronian crest it will focused quite a bit on them effectively being Lordaeron refugees in a sense.

    Maybe they will even being back our favorite point of contention: Forsaken and Human relations.
    I am sure the forums would absolutely love bringing that moldy corpse back.
    I still say Lordaeronian humans can exist instead of just being something the Forsaken hold a monopoly on. (Please do not start a faction flame war pls).
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  10. #9270
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    I still say Lordaeronian humans can exist instead of just being something the Forsaken hold a monopoly on. (Please do not start a faction flame war pls).
    The point of contention being whether Forsaken should still be treated as humans by the narrative or not.

    Let's say you want the Forsaken to settle in Stratholme. Are they resettling as former citizens of Lordaeron, or colonizing as Forsaken Undead?
    It's important for the lore to figure this out so that the story can actually explore that angle to them. Currently it's just kinda wavering between the two points without taking a firmer narrative stance, which limits them to the same storylines.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  11. #9271
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    How is he less likely to appear? Unlike Me'dan, Chromatus is actually in a canon event...
    And has he been referenced in anything besides the book?

    Med'an has at least been referenced outside the comics, granted as a joke, but that's at least more than one single book. Chromatus meanwhile was completely replaced by Ultraxion.

    Chromatus has been basically un-person'd. Outside of a single book he's never been mentioned. The one place he would've made sense to appear, they went with something else. He's been rendered near as non-canon as Med'an, really.

  12. #9272
    Quote Originally Posted by guro-tchai View Post
    light jihad foreshadowing or future fel eredar customization?
    If I were to really split hairs, I'm inclined to point out that the eredar would never really be draenei unless there's some subset we know about that were exiled and thus very technically and semantically fit the bill of "exiled ones".

    If we're to pay mind to the semantics, I'm leaning towards the former. Maybe there will be some kind of schism among the draenei people? Velen seemed to become more proactive in Legion and decried his passivity as a mistaken belief fed by the assumption it was the Light's will. Since he didn't seem to lapse and looked like he maintained faith in the Light, I figure that he may either fully endorse the more assertive approach of the Army of the Light. Alternatively, he may come to represent a figure of moderation in the conflict between the exceedingly placid Anduinite incarnation of Light-worship and the excessively militant Army of the Light faction, having learned a lesson against presumption and in favor of walking the straight and narrow path.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Argus/Outland Broken rejoining?
    This seems plausible, though if I am to really care too much about semantics (which the blurb-writer likely wouldn't), only the latter would technically be "draenei".

    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    The Forsaken set's combination of the proper color scheme, the proper visual elements (skulls, grave, arrow motif with the spikes) along with the Lordaeronian crest captures probably the last universal thing you had after the Darkshore sets covered most everything else Forsaken. I fear the quest however.
    It definitely looks unexpectedly suitable. Hopefully we'll get to see the state of the Forsaken and their society proper and see them remain something more conflicted instead of watching the entire Forsaken race fall lockstep into post-Anduinism.

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    o A batch of new customizations will be available for players to try out, including:
    Heritage armor and associated unlock questlines for Night Elf and Forsaken.
    Along with new heritage armor, additional face and body tattoos will be available for Night Elf players, and new skin colors will be available for Forsaken players.
    I am particularly curious about the new customizations, and I have to wonder if they have anything to do with the heritage questlines or if they're simply something packaged in as a bonus. Take, for instance, Ardenweald-based customization options if the Nelf heritage questline has to do with Amirdrassil.
    Last edited by AOL Instant Messenger; 2023-07-13 at 10:45 PM.

  13. #9273
    Quote Originally Posted by Doombringer View Post
    DF just had a blue dragonflight questline that took you all over the old world. When that quest opened up, I let out an audible gasp as I was faced with jet-setting about Azeroth. They went to a great effort for some old-world greatest-hits material there.
    Oh yeah, and it was great. But Luck's argument was like... "Oh, how tragic it is we don't visit past stuff due to the world being old, clearly we'd go to irrelevant to the expansion zones more if the world was revamped!"

    which was, y'know. In spite of previous expansions not going back to previous content unless they really had to. Occaisonal dips into old world stuff is how WoW's always been, we've never gone back and done big stuff in previous expansions even when you'd think it'd need it

    Anywho, on the new patch I'm interested in the customisations. Forsaken are a bit bare compared to the other vanilla races these days so they need something more for sure. Also interested to see the NElf heritage as the Forsaken one is looking good

    though I don't have a forsaken. I should. Probably work on that at some point.

  14. #9274

  15. #9275
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    It has begun
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  16. #9276
    Bloodsail Admiral Foreign Exchange Ztudent's Avatar
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    -snip, trying to verify this right now. Sorry about this.-

    Broken fans stay down in the dumps.
    Last edited by Foreign Exchange Ztudent; 2023-07-13 at 11:43 PM.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  17. #9277
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    A Man'ari Paladin ?

    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  18. #9278
    Posting on page 500 instead of working on the new build not sorry

  19. #9279
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreign Exchange Ztudent View Post
    -snip, trying to verify this right now. Sorry about this.-
    I was just about to ask the source, since I couldn't see it in the PTR notes.

  20. #9280

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