1. #9301
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    oh thank fuck it's the sentinel armor, we're eating good fellow nelves

  2. #9302
    There seem to be some class sets, maybe some sort of mage tower 2.0 thing?

    Warriors get to look like Herod.

    edit: Holy moly that monk set. Those FANS.
    Last edited by Kiivar86; 2023-07-14 at 12:56 AM.

  3. #9303
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    so: a basic skull in a mix of a star of chaos and inverted peace sign. both expected and weird.

    have to see nelf heritage on a character and finished. currently it's the classic cinematic armor with some fur. hopefully, some more variation

  4. #9304

  5. #9305
    Quote Originally Posted by Edoll View Post
    It better be really skimpy!
    Blizzard makes no sense, one second they censor characters the next second they add it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post

    There we go. It looks good, thank god.
    Ngl tho I wish the weird leather strap around the chest wasn't there it just looks unnecessary and makes it look worse imo :/...
    Looks bizarrely bulky for something that is not meant to be bulky.

  6. #9306

  7. #9307

    There's a different colour variant of the NE heritage set.

  8. #9308
    Remember that panther armor datamined some time back that we figured was a trading post set?

    Looks like its actually the druid set of whatever these class sets are from.

  9. #9309

  10. #9310
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    A Man'ari Paladin ?

    There was already atleast 1 in WoD so why not more?

  11. #9311
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    In some Sanctuaryesque place or a Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by ChronoSul View Post
    There was already atleast 1 in WoD so why not more?
    A very corrupted version of it if you mean that boss in Hellfire Citadel but yeah the man'ari skins are here.
    Last edited by Aeluron Lightsong; 2023-07-14 at 02:08 AM.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  12. #9312
    Quote Originally Posted by guro-tchai View Post
    so lightforged are an allied race and man'ari are not?
    a reminder that AR system was a mistake
    My best guess is that it's being done this way both because it's less resource-intensive and because of the general harshness of the response to some allied races that felt too much like glorified customization options.

    So, in a way, Blizzard is probably pretty much vindicating your exact stance.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, one thing that's worth noting about the Man'ari customizations is that they lack the fel-pocked scars of their WoD incarnations and the Wowhead preview makes the only green eye color look a tad diluted with blue. I wonder if there's some kind of limited physical purification going on alongside their spiritual redemption?

  13. #9313
    I am indeed really excited for a potential world revamp but an idea has crossed my mind.

    The potential for this expansion to end with either;

    The Emerald Dream being merged into Azeroth itself


    An expansion entirely in the Emerald Dream


    A surprise patch in the Dream itself.

    Only reason I bring it up is because the Cosmos Chart's next closest thing is the Dream...and honestly it would be just left field enough to be surprising.

  14. #9314
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    My best guess is that it's being done this way both because it's less resource-intensive and because of the general harshness of the response to some allied races that felt too much like glorified customization options.
    of course - whining about it being what it is is just another pastime on any forum. in particular, this in-between looks too wonky - man'ari eredar, who are not even called draenei, are a customization option, while xenedari are a separate allied race. ditto for wildhammers and grimtotems. the consequence is that they'll never get their own proper representation, autonomy (as a faction doing their own stuff, with their characters and methods) and even heritage armor or the like. it's - fine -, but still a letdown.
    at this point something has to be done with the racials, as gift of the naaru as a racial for a felmaxxing spacegoat is just absurd. maybe it should change to green, as with tyrant velhari in HFC.

    Also, one thing that's worth noting about the Man'ari customizations is that they lack the fel-pocked scars of their WoD incarnations and the Wowhead preview makes the only green eye color look a tad diluted with blue. I wonder if there's some kind of limited physical purification going on alongside their spiritual redemption?
    i hope that's a limitation of an early build. check npc options for draenei - eredars have fel wrinkles/fissures on their faces, bright green eyes, afflicted hooves. in comparison, it's almost the same downgrade as the nightborne initial implementation as AR.

  15. #9315
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    To be honest I like it. Feels almost a bit Scourge-ish in a way.

    I wonder how long until they replace the NPC VO or at least remove the Dark Lady lines
    New forsaken cloak uses the Dark Lady emblem. Who wants to bet the Wrought-iron skull is simply the emblem for Forsaken Infantry & the Shattered Mask is the emblem for Dark Rangers?

  16. #9316
    Quote Originally Posted by guro-tchai View Post
    i hope that's a limitation of an early build. check npc options for draenei - eredars have fel wrinkles/fissures on their faces, bright green eyes, afflicted hooves. in comparison, it's almost the same downgrade as the nightborne initial implementation as AR.
    I'm willing to bet they basically repent to Velen (WoW Jesus) and their sins are forgiven but not forgotten. In the process he "baptizes" them in the light and it purifies the active fel energy, but not the accumulated mutations to skin, hair, and eye color. They even have a gold eye color that is part of the Man'ari package of customizations, which is just further evidence of this. They are basically like green orcs now.

  17. #9317
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    I'm willing to bet they basically repent to Velen (WoW Jesus) and their sins are forgiven but not forgotten. In the process he "baptizes" them in the light and it purifies the active fel energy, but not the accumulated mutations to skin, hair, and eye color. They even have a gold eye color that is part of the Man'ari package of customizations, which is just further evidence of this. They are basically like green orcs now.
    ye, also thought of green orcs, and also yes - it literally says they repent in the description: "Witness Velen's prophecy of unexpected penitence unfold".
    the only question is, what are these repentant eredar good for? draenei can be warlocks now, and a red skin with burning green eyes would be a perfect combo. but no, if you're red in .1.7, it means you did some kind of repentance and embraced the light in some capacity, which doesn't suit an unstoppable power-hungry fel addict at all. sadge.

  18. #9318
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    I'm willing to bet they basically repent to Velen (WoW Jesus) and their sins are forgiven but not forgotten.
    The vast majority of which had no choice in the matter, without hyperbole. Basically if you happened to be in any tribe other than Velen's, you were screwed. They were literally enslaved. They couldn't even die to escape demonic service. Honestly I can't wait to rp a Manari who are still pissed at the Draenei for abandoning them.

  19. #9319
    Quote Originally Posted by guro-tchai View Post
    ye, also thought of green orcs, and also yes - it literally says they repent in the description: "Witness Velen's prophecy of unexpected penitence unfold".
    the only question is, what are these repentant eredar good for? draenei can be warlocks now, and a red skin with burning green eyes would be a perfect combo. but no, if you're red in .1.7, it means you did some kind of repentance and embraced the light in some capacity, which doesn't suit an unstoppable power-hungry fel addict at all. sadge.
    They wouldn't forget all the forbidden knowledge they had from serving under the Legion. Many secrets there with much potential to exploit! Even just understanding how the Legion's technology works would be very useful to have from a new ally. Though that is almost certainly not Velen's motivation, which is more of a "bring the lost sheep back into the fold" sort of thing.

    Edit: Also, the fel-infused version of a Man'ari could be easily achieved by unlocking draenei demon hunters. And seeing as this customization option is coming after warlocks were unlocked for draenei, and not before, it might be a clue to demon hunters being unlocked for draenei in a future patch (if not for everyone).
    Last edited by FossilFree; 2023-07-14 at 03:31 AM.

  20. #9320
    Demon hunters for more races will be coming really late, if at all. They require a lot of custom animation work that hasn't been ported over to other races like say, druid or monk animations have, as well as two models per race for Metamorphosis. Shaman and paladin are the first real art dumps needed to push them out to all races, the rest require several degrees more than that so I'm not expecting anything beyond those two classes for the rest of the expansion. I could see druid/DH/Evoker getting dripfed over the course of the next expansion.

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