1. #9321
    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocos View Post
    Demon hunters for more races will be coming really late, if at all. They require a lot of custom animation work that hasn't been ported over to other races like say, druid or monk animations have, as well as two models per race for Metamorphosis. Shaman and paladin are the first real art dumps needed to push them out to all races, the rest require several degrees more than that so I'm not expecting anything beyond those two classes for the rest of the expansion. I could see druid/DH/Evoker getting dripfed over the course of the next expansion.
    They may have already finished the art long ago and just kept things encrypted, much like the augmentation spec was. If that is the case, they can release them in whatever order they like to fit with story beats or whatever.

  2. #9322
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    The big question is whether they will go for a dindu 'nuffin approach when it comes to Sylvanas, or lean way into post WW2 Germany.
    I think it's fair to say that given the Lordaeronian crest it will focused quite a bit on them effectively being Lordaeron refugees in a sense..
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel
    It definitely looks unexpectedly suitable. Hopefully we'll get to see the state of the Forsaken and their society proper and see them remain something more conflicted instead of watching the entire Forsaken race fall lockstep into post-Anduinism.
    Lordaeronian nationalism and Sylvanas being a good girl who dindu nuffin are compatible. Hell, it was the heart of the Cataclysm Forsaken standpoint, i.e the best one. Blizzard backtracked heavily on BTS in the Sylvanas book and in 9.2. This is the moment of truth if we can put the stake in it or if it'll have its revenge for being sidelined. Given Blizzard's track record, the most reasonable stance is that we won't be seeing BFA+BTS level of vivisecting the race visually and thematically, but likely something closer to the Calia adoption questline.

    The Night Elf set is skimpy and therefore accurate.

    The Man'ari addition is absolutely hilarious and that they're playable before Broken is even funnier.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    This on the other hand is ass, as is the Desolate Council tabard. There's already a remastered Darkshore version of the classic logo, just use that one. If you're going to do a new one meanwhile, about the continuity of Lordaeron and the Forsaken, just put the Lordaeron "L" at the center while keeping the skull ornamentation. The skull by itself could be for any faction.
    Last edited by Super Dickmann; 2023-07-14 at 04:25 AM.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  3. #9323
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    The Forsaken set's combination of the proper color scheme, the proper visual elements (skulls, grave, arrow motif with the spikes) along with the Lordaeronian crest captures probably the last universal thing you had after the Darkshore sets covered most everything else Forsaken. I fear the quest however.
    I feel that the quest for the heritage armour might be us doing something for each of the council members hence why it's mixed all together.

  4. #9324
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
    I feel that the quest for the heritage armour might be us doing something for each of the council members hence why it's mixed all together.
    The description of the Ensemble seems to confirm. The quest's also a test of the theory of whether the Council is a spook and it'll be all Calia, all the time, or if she gets co-equal screentime with the actual Forsaken characters around her.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  5. #9325
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Oh lord, this looks quite promising!

    Formerly known as Arafal

  6. #9326
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    This patch is delicious so far. I wonder when all these class items will become available.

    At this point I'm barely subscribed to play the game, just to see and collect all the goodies my characters keep getting.

  7. #9327
    Data-mining is getting me more excited than 10.1.5 at the moment lol. Was pretty excited for the Time-Rifts at first but after doing one all that excitement went away

  8. #9328
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    The vast majority of which had no choice in the matter, without hyperbole. Basically if you happened to be in any tribe other than Velen's, you were screwed. They were literally enslaved. They couldn't even die to escape demonic service. Honestly I can't wait to rp a Manari who are still pissed at the Draenei for abandoning them.
    That's true. Enslavement and no chance of death would make at least a few of those Man'ari very resentful and happy for a way out.

  9. #9329
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    That's true. Enslavement and no chance of death would make at least a few of those Man'ari very resentful and happy for a way out.
    We know which Eredar ended up not joining up with the Legion and slowly degenerated via fel - it's the Broken. The Man'ari took it up willingly, they weren't victims. They were all aboard the cosmic domination train.

    But more than that, making those recruited those reluctant to join the Legion is the boring choice. It's the same issue as having the Lightforged who join be moderates indistnguishable from your regular draenei. If you're going to add Man'ari, it's got to be the ones we've been killing, the various monologuing decadent pricks now returning to apparently, repent like KJ did. Repentance only works if you've got a rap sheet.

    On that point, I do wonder re what @guro-tchai brought up regarding the skins. The eredar were just character skins on the draenei model and could use all draenei looks without issue. So either these aren't finalized or they're deliberately taking out the more mutated fel look, with the cracked skin and the green glow, which defeats the purpose.
    Last edited by Super Dickmann; 2023-07-14 at 05:53 AM.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  10. #9330
    Quote Originally Posted by Scyth View Post
    Data-mining is getting me more excited than 10.1.5 at the moment lol. Was pretty excited for the Time-Rifts at first but after doing one all that excitement went away
    i like time rifts, but i stopped doing it on alts because of lag best and bug fest, also wasn't getting weekly rewards for time rifts on alts, it feels like some early access.

    About new datamined stuff i think NE armor is pretty good, not a fan of datamined herod armor pieces for warriors, another shoulders that look like a tincan and look weird on upright orcs, the 2h sword looks nice tho.

    Forsaken heritage set looks okay i think, but i don't play have any undead chars and probably won't create one.

  11. #9331

    From the person who datamined the sets.

    Bruh, like. I'll be the first one to say that I like the set, but this is a dumb take. Let people complain if they want. Fucking hell.

  12. #9332
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post

    From the person who datamined the sets.

    Bruh, like. I'll be the first one to say that I like the set, but this is a dumb take. Let people complain if they want. Fucking hell.
    How is this thread relevant, though?

  13. #9333
    10.0.7 looks like an absolute win for Blizzard so far- so many cool sets datamined, and that NE heritage armor? OOF, I want that!

  14. #9334
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    10.0.7 looks like an absolute win for Blizzard so far- so many cool sets datamined, and that NE heritage armor? OOF, I want that!
    Here's a modern wow fan for you. Super exited to destroy established lore just to get some shiny stuff.

  15. #9335
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    The full nelf set is fantastic.

    I just hope there are some more recolors.
    I adore the blue one, but would love to see a classic purple and silver/gold one.

    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    Here's a modern wow fan for you. Super exited to destroy established lore just to get some shiny stuff.
    Destroy established lore by... adding racial/class item cosmetics? What?
    Last edited by Raetary; 2023-07-14 at 08:31 AM.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  16. #9336
    Yeah I like the cosmetics but I wish the lore made sense. Manari before Broken just because Manari are easy to do, even though it seems they are getting none of the Fel effects. Will that red Man'ari keep the gold Light of the Naaru graphic? Forsaken getting the most boring logo ever to replace Sylvanas' face; just give them the Lordaeron logo in purple and gold, perhaps with a skull on the background or just with skull decorations.

  17. #9337
    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    Here's a modern wow fan for you. Super exited to destroy established lore just to get some shiny stuff.
    Been a WoW fan since I first started playing the game in 2008, so please keep your venom to yourself darling won't you? ♥
    You're not the lore authority or the excitement police.
    I like what I see, and I'm not going to apologise for it.

  18. #9338
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Yeah I like the cosmetics but I wish the lore made sense. Manari before Broken just because Manari are easy to do, even though it seems they are getting none of the Fel effects. Will that red Man'ari keep the gold Light of the Naaru graphic? Forsaken getting the most boring logo ever to replace Sylvanas' face; just give them the Lordaeron logo in purple and gold, perhaps with a skull on the background or just with skull decorations.
    curious if they are saving the fel effects for the lightforged varients of the Man'ari if they also get the addition customizations. Also ur 1000% right on why the Man'ari happened before the broken sucks to say but it is what it is

  19. #9339
    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    Here's a modern wow fan for you. Super exited to destroy established lore just to get some shiny stuff.
    What lore is getting destroyed by the armour sets?

  20. #9340
    Quote Originally Posted by ChronoSul View Post
    curious if they are saving the fel effects for the lightforged varients of the Man'ari if they also get the addition customizations. Also ur 1000% right on why the Man'ari happened before the broken sucks to say but it is what it is
    I hope down the line we get Broken draenei too, they deserved some love and should have been the draenei AR race

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