1. #941
    Dreadlord Berkilak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gurkan View Post
    Iridikiron is far too soon considering he's "hyped up" as the strongest of the four.
    My gut is telling me to disagree with you, as I just don't feel like another amped up proto-drake would be a fitting end boss... but Ion did overtly state that, by this time, we will know precisely who the real threat is. There have been hints in other directions, but the overtly referenced looming threat is Iridikron. As such, I wouldn't be surprised if the Primalist threat follows us to the end of the expansion with him at the fore.

  2. #942
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurkan View Post
    Iridikiron is far too soon considering he's "hyped up" as the strongest of the four.
    Considering we got Gul'dan as X.1 boss, I'd say Iridikron is okay to be dealt with quite soon too.

  3. #943
    Quote Originally Posted by Berkilak View Post
    My gut is telling me to disagree with you, as I just don't feel like another amped up proto-drake would be a fitting end boss... but Ion did overtly state that, by this time, we will know precisely who the real threat is. There have been hints in other directions, but the overtly referenced looming threat is Iridikron. As such, I wouldn't be surprised if the Primalist threat follows us to the end of the expansion with him at the fore.
    As a final boss, maybe. But a penultimate boss, or even just raid wing boss in the final patch it could work.

    The Fire and Ice Incarnate seems like they would be a dual boss at some point. Possibly 10.1. I doubt as an endboss, but penultimate or raid wing boss would work.
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  4. #944
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    As a final boss, maybe. But a penultimate boss, or even just raid wing boss in the final patch it could work.

    The Fire and Ice Incarnate seems like they would be a dual boss at some point. Possibly 10.1. I doubt as an endboss, but penultimate or raid wing boss would work.
    My gut agrees. I just can't align my gut feeling with Ion's statement, though. That being said... Ion tends to outright lie when he intends to mislead.

  5. #945
    I think Iridikron will feature in the raid's plot but we won't face him (or if we do, we could face him and be interrupted which is a perfectly legitimate storytelling element however maligned it might be in the WoW community). He obviously has an endgame beyond killing every last Order-aligned dragon himself and he probably has a grander way of achieving it which will be revealed in 10.1 but will likely conclude in 10.2 or 10.3

  6. #946
    Quote Originally Posted by Zulggun View Post
    Considering we got Gul'dan as X.1 boss, I'd say Iridikron is okay to be dealt with quite soon too.
    Iridikiron JUST got revealed, while we dealt with Gul'dan for one and a half expansions.

  7. #947
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurkan View Post
    Iridikiron JUST got revealed, while we dealt with Gul'dan for one and a half expansions.
    Sure, but consideri how much more Guldan is popular and well known in lore... Also in the same expansion we had last boss revealed and dealt with in the last patch. Or I'd even say that Argus got revealed right before his fight.

    Blizzard can introduce new villain and kill it off very quickly, no matter how powerful they claim him to be.

  8. #948
    Quote Originally Posted by Berkilak View Post
    My gut is telling me to disagree with you, as I just don't feel like another amped up proto-drake would be a fitting end boss... but Ion did overtly state that, by this time, we will know precisely who the real threat is. There have been hints in other directions, but the overtly referenced looming threat is Iridikron. As such, I wouldn't be surprised if the Primalist threat follows us to the end of the expansion with him at the fore.
    I mean, we still got one more story-patch coming.

    Honestly, Iridkron being the final boss would be incredibly lame because he is essentially Raszageth but rocks.

  9. #949
    Dreadlord Berkilak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    I mean, we still got one more story-patch coming.

    Honestly, Iridkron being the final boss would be incredibly lame because he is essentially Raszageth but rocks.
    Agreed, even if I like Iridikron on his face. Yet, Ion said we would clearly know who the final threat would be by the end of the 10.0 content. Here we are. And he is the only candidate.

  10. #950
    Quote Originally Posted by Berkilak View Post
    Agreed, even if I like Iridikron on his face. Yet, Ion said we would clearly know who the final threat would be by the end of the 10.0 content. Here we are. And he is the only candidate.
    That could be interpreted different ways though. Iridikrin is possible, but it could also be Galakrond or Murozond. Both would qualify for being a known threat after 10.0.
    If you go even more out there then you could have N'zoth, Odyn/Titan Keepers, as valid options.

    For that matter, I wouldn't be shocked if this ended up coming true in a way we don't expect, like Zovaal going to the Sepulcher, or even just being blatantly untrue.
    Let's not forget that Grom was promised as a raid boss in WoD. The final one even, from what I remember.
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  11. #951
    Quote Originally Posted by Berkilak View Post
    Agreed, even if I like Iridikron on his face. Yet, Ion said we would clearly know who the final threat would be by the end of the 10.0 content. Here we are. And he is the only candidate.
    I mean, even disregarding that 10.0 isn't over yet (10.0.7 is part of 10.0), this is yet another case of people somehow making up interview quotes that never happened.

    The actual quote is:

    There will inevitably be a big bad in the expansion. However, just as we experienced with Mists of Pandaria, we will have to wait to find out who it is. We'll start by learning more about the threats to Dragonflight, just like we did with the Sha and Mogu on MoP. Eventually, we will find out who the threat of Dragonflight is. It will be necessary to explore, understand the world and wait before knowing who is the main threat of the expansion. You have to understand how the story unfolds so as not to imagine that a character comes out of nowhere.

  12. #952
    Iridikiron feels more like 10.2 material anyways, I could see the elders being the final boss of 10.1 to give us a break from fighting dragons, and maybe we'll get the three remaining dragons in maybe a council-type fight in 10.2, and Galakrond ressurected is 10.3

  13. #953
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berkilak View Post
    Agreed, even if I like Iridikron on his face. Yet, Ion said we would clearly know who the final threat would be by the end of the 10.0 content. Here we are. And he is the only candidate.
    This is not the end of 10.0 content. We got 10.0.5 AND 10.0.7. Expect final boss reveal at that last one.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  14. #954
    Iridikron could be Ras'zageth but just rocks in the first encounter and then get a second encounter were he is something else entirely (namely, Void)

  15. #955
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Iridikron could be Ras'zageth but just rocks in the first encounter and then get a second encounter were he is something else entirely (namely, Void)
    Another Void-corrupted boss?

    How daring...

  16. #956
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurkan View Post
    Iridikiron feels more like 10.2 material anyways, I could see the elders being the final boss of 10.1 to give us a break from fighting dragons, and maybe we'll get the three remaining dragons in maybe a council-type fight in 10.2, and Galakrond ressurected is 10.3
    The post-raid cinematic seemed to hint that the other two might turn on Iridikron if they knew what he was really up too. So its very possible we never fight them.

    I think the underground zone will be the "tell all" moment to who is the big bad, and the larger cosmic plot. It could be saved for 10.2 but considering 10.7 involves returning to the Forbidden Reach, I think its going to story vessel to transport us to the underground.

  17. #957
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Another Void-corrupted boss?

    How daring...
    I mean the implication seems to be that Iridikron has made some kind of deal beyond what the others know. Sadly the most obvious option there would be Void. It could be something unrelated of course. But given that both him and Neltharion hid underground and that Dragon Isles are right next to Northrend and Yogg . . .

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    The post-raid cinematic seemed to hint that the other two might turn on Iridikron if they knew what he was really up too. So its very possible we never fight them.

    I think the underground zone will be the "tell all" moment to who is the big bad, and the larger cosmic plot. It could be saved for 10.2 but considering 10.7 involves returning to the Forbidden Reach, I think its going to story vessel to transport us to the underground.
    They could let us fight them during questing. ESO has some of the biggest fights in lore available to you while you are questing. So maybe we fight them, they/we escape, then when we next find them they know about Iridikron they try to oppose him and get eaten.

  18. #958
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I mean the implication seems to be that Iridikron has made some kind of deal beyond what the others know. Sadly the most obvious option there would be Void. It could be something unrelated of course. But given that both him and Neltharion hid underground and that Dragon Isles are right next to Northrend and Yogg . . .

    - - - Updated - - -

    They could let us fight them during questing. ESO has some of the biggest fights in lore available to you while you are questing. So maybe we fight them, they/we escape, then when we next find them they know about Iridikron they try to oppose him and get eaten.
    Not only Dragon Isles are right next to Northrend, the seat of Yogg-Saron from which his tendrils spread throughout the entire Roof of the World, but in addition we have new revelations that Galakrond was corrupted by Yogg-Saron precisely by drinking dark wateres twisted by the Old God. And N'Zoth has recently revealed that someone else will drink dark waters in the future and be reborn as a many-eyed beast (like Galakrond).

    Put 2+2 together, this story is so predictable.

    I was right btw. I've been predicting for months, since before DF was even announced, that 10.0 would have Old God/Void influence eventually. Did you know that I was right in my careful and methodical deductions of the future?

  19. #959
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    The post-raid cinematic seemed to hint that the other two might turn on Iridikron if they knew what he was really up too. So its very possible we never fight them.

    I think the underground zone will be the "tell all" moment to who is the big bad, and the larger cosmic plot. It could be saved for 10.2 but considering 10.7 involves returning to the Forbidden Reach, I think its going to story vessel to transport us to the underground.
    I think it will come down to whether Tyr is the villain. Or ar least has ulterior motives that make the Titan Keepers antagonistic.
    I agree, the post-raid cinematic was very clear that the Ice and Fire dragons were in it for the ideals, whereas Iridikron was a warmonger. I imagine the Incarnates primarily wanted to be free from Tyr or other Titan Keepers, whereas Iridikron wanted to be the preeminent leader of Azeroth.

    Raszageth was insane, but we don't know whether she used to be like that, or whether it's her imprisonment that threw her off the deep end. Alexstrasza at least seems to consider reconciliation possible, and the currently unresolved hybrid red dragon egg we saved during levelling seems to hint at a new future for dragons.
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  20. #960
    Dreadlord Berkilak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    That could be interpreted different ways though. Iridikrin is possible, but it could also be Galakrond or Murozond. Both would qualify for being a known threat after 10.0.
    If you go even more out there then you could have N'zoth, Odyn/Titan Keepers, as valid options.
    There are mentions and hints of other options. I would personally prefer either more. But neither are flagrantly obvious. Honestly, to the lay player, neither are obvious at all.

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