So, let's pretend for a second that 11.0 is 100% a Void expansion. What would be the coolest way to implement this theme in terms of our leveling/zones/continent to play?
Including multiple quests related, night warrior stuff, and their characters as main protagonists of the expansion, yeah, luck ya didn't get then killed, like it happened to other races. They have being one of the main races since Legion, its four expansions in a roll now heavily night elf oriented, no other race got this besides maybe humans.
This is not going to do any worldbuilding, it would just revert something they did with a clear purpose, for pride/egoIt's not about changing anything though. It's about worldbuilding their race. Getting back what they lost. Of course it won't make a difference, but it doesn't matter. Just like how half the shit they add in the lore doesn't make a difference from a player's standpoint.
they purposely remove the immortality to make then a mortal race like every other, making then immortal would be unfair to other races who have no such "buff" and pointless regardless.
ok, it doesn't change my statement though.
Honestly I think it would be awesome if we had an expansion setting dedicated to different worlds swept up by the Twisting Nether.
You could have the lost bits of Draenor, Argus, K'aresh, Aldrachi homeworld or maybe some other new ones. That's the only type of cosmic setting I really would want to see.
The Thrall key art is basically confirmation that Yrel will be invading.
Remember her lightbound army is made up of conscripted orcs INCLUDING paladin Garrosh.
Thralls going to be involved due to that orc aspect and dealing with the paladin ghost of Garrosh reminding him of his greatest failure
I say no on Yrel.
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
There already is one in game
I don't play WoW anymore smh.
11.0 is Void/Titan theme. All else will be revealed in time.
Amazes me how people dismiss Yrel so easily...
We have an entire AU race in Horde side who's npc constantly talk about the lightbound threat.
Oh and that Horde alliance boss fight from Dawn? You can bet blizzy purposely put Grom as the horde champ instead of blackhand or even freaking Doomhammer on purpose to remind the players of Grom.
Keep in mind old AU Grom charged at Yrel before we ported out and his fate remain unknown.
There is no way that story won't be revisited, and it's going to be in the upcoming light vs void exp.
Mark my words