LMFAO!!!!!! The lengths buddy, the lengths! Damn this is some comedy gold you've got there...
Imagine creating this whole expansion and intricate storyline... JUST so you people (no offense

) can get your revamp... LMFAO... Sorry, but that was actually very hardcore fanfic for what is basically your dream "feature". Am I finding to much joy in this or what, because I just fell outta my chair from reading that line. Although, I do wish the base game world did make more sense and look better, but I'm pretty sure it can happen without the story literally referencing the actual revamp. Naturally, the NPC's won't notice sudden graphical changes and replaced questlines. I think most people want general Warcraft themes and localized threats to be the experience of the "base game", instead the revamp being solely based around the events of a single expansion (Cata)...