1. #11121
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    World of Warcraft: DOMINION

    • Ultimately, Azeroth is saved and revamped.
    LMFAO!!!!!! The lengths buddy, the lengths! Damn this is some comedy gold you've got there...

    Imagine creating this whole expansion and intricate storyline... JUST so you people (no offense ) can get your revamp... LMFAO... Sorry, but that was actually very hardcore fanfic for what is basically your dream "feature". Am I finding to much joy in this or what, because I just fell outta my chair from reading that line. Although, I do wish the base game world did make more sense and look better, but I'm pretty sure it can happen without the story literally referencing the actual revamp. Naturally, the NPC's won't notice sudden graphical changes and replaced questlines. I think most people want general Warcraft themes and localized threats to be the experience of the "base game", instead the revamp being solely based around the events of a single expansion (Cata)...

  2. #11122
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Based mmo-c poster.
    I do think its better than the one where we get corrupted alexstrasza tho.
    Quote Originally Posted by Annihilas View Post
    LMFAO!!!!!! The lengths buddy, the lengths! Damn this is some comedy gold you've got there...

    Imagine creating this whole expansion and intricate storyline... JUST so you people (no offense ) can get your revamp... LMFAO... Sorry, but that was actually very hardcore fanfic for what is basically your dream "feature". Am I finding to much joy in this or what, because I just fell outta my chair from reading that line. Although, I do wish the base game world did make more sense and look better, but I'm pretty sure it can happen without the story literally referencing the actual revamp. Naturally, the NPC's won't notice sudden graphical changes and replaced questlines. I think most people want general Warcraft themes and localized threats to be the experience of the "base game", instead the revamp being solely based around the events of a single expansion (Cata)...
    Coming back here after the BlizzCon opening ceremony in November will be a treat.

    Oh my gosh, how did that guy know so much!

  3. #11123
    Ye it is always interesting to read people telling everyone how they were right about something after reveal, when they were making 30 long different speculations per week.

  4. #11124
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Ye it is always interesting to read people telling everyone how they were right about something after reveal, when they were making 30 long different speculations per week.
    Haha, true.

    The thing I will take some amount of pride in, is if ends up being a big showdown with the void, and some form of a revamp. Everything else, I'm just guessing. But the idea of a "trilogy of trilogies" and a world revamp is something I've argued for a long time now.

  5. #11125
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I don't do fake leaks, I do... prophecies.
    Nah, that's way to specific to work as prophecy. Look at horoscopes. Random, vague crap that can mean just about anything.

  6. #11126
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Nah, that's way to specific to work as prophecy. Look at horoscopes. Random, vague crap that can mean just about anything.
    Oh really?

    Meanwhile, at Blizzard:

    "The squid dude is at the circle of stars!"

    *Players visit place literally called circle of stars in the Raid Finder, which is a circle, with stars circling above it, finds aforementioned squid dude*

  7. #11127
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Oh really?

    Meanwhile, at Blizzard:

    "The squid dude is at the circle of stars!"

    *Players visit place literally called circle of stars in the Raid Finder, which is a circle, with stars circling above it, finds aforementioned squid dude*
    Yeah they are often very literal in hindsight, but before the thing actually happens, you never know if it is to be taken literal or metaphorical.
    - The diamond king has been made a pawn: People speculated that magni would be corrupted/asset of Nzoth, but instead it turns out he was just outplayed.
    - The veil wanes, his crown will open the way. Could mean a lot of things, but only after we got SL it was cool that they obviously meant Sylvanas breaking the helm
    - Five lanterns, now darkened. The flame they seek will light the masters’ way: People were speculating sigils, and now the oathstones.

    The whispers/prophecies are very straightforward in hindsight, but still leave some flexibility as to what they refer to when said event still has to happen.
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  8. #11128
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    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Yeah they are often very literal in hindsight, but before the thing actually happens, you never know if it is to be taken literal or metaphorical.
    - The diamond king has been made a pawn: People speculated that magni would be corrupted/asset of Nzoth, but instead it turns out he was just outplayed.
    - The veil wanes, his crown will open the way. Could mean a lot of things, but only after we got SL it was cool that they obviously meant Sylvanas breaking the helm
    - Five lanterns, now darkened. The flame they seek will light the masters’ way: People were speculating sigils, and now the oathstones.

    The whispers/prophecies are very straightforward in hindsight, but still leave some flexibility as to what they refer to when said event still has to happen.
    I think you are partly correct. Some of it is pretty flexible, most likely. But I think they map out the bigger story beats well in advance, otherwise it would be practically impossible to design expansions that tie into each other like they do these days. Especially considering the hundreds of little quests and texts in-game that refer back to these things.

    IIRC, Sylvanas even outright said Magni had been made a pawn at one point. That's probably a good example of them simply slapping one of the whispers onto current story just to make it abundantly clear to players who speculate what they meant.

  9. #11129
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Yeah they are often very literal in hindsight, but before the thing actually happens, you never know if it is to be taken literal or metaphorical.
    - The diamond king has been made a pawn: People speculated that magni would be corrupted/asset of Nzoth, but instead it turns out he was just outplayed.
    - The veil wanes, his crown will open the way. Could mean a lot of things, but only after we got SL it was cool that they obviously meant Sylvanas breaking the helm
    - Five lanterns, now darkened. The flame they seek will light the masters’ way: People were speculating sigils, and now the oathstones.

    The whispers/prophecies are very straightforward in hindsight, but still leave some flexibility as to what they refer to when said event still has to happen.
    Doesnt help that it was stated to possibly mean several things. The Circle of Stars could be the area of the Eternal Palace literally called the Circle of Stars, or it could be other equally fitting Circle of Stars, like the one in Aberrus that you fittingly "drown" in to get to Sarkareth.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  10. #11130
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Doesnt help that it was stated to possibly mean several things. The Circle of Stars could be the area of the Eternal Palace literally called the Circle of Stars, or it could be other equally fitting Circle of Stars, like the one in Aberrus that you fittingly "drown" in to get to Sarkareth.
    The devs have openly admitted they just write in narrative hook lines that don't actually have a decided context, so that they have interesting threads to connect new stuff to later on when they decide they want to do something with a thing.

  11. #11131
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I think you are partly correct. Some of it is pretty flexible, most likely. But I think they map out the bigger story beats well in advance, otherwise it would be practically impossible to design expansions that tie into each other like they do these days. Especially considering the hundreds of little quests and texts in-game that refer back to these things.

    IIRC, Sylvanas even outright said Magni had been made a pawn at one point. That's probably a good example of them simply slapping one of the whispers onto current story just to make it abundantly clear to players who speculate what they meant.
    Yes, but most of it is flexible. They've said at one point they can make easy shifts were they have multiple expansion ideas and they can just put one before or after another, whatever fits.
    Shadowlands is good proof that, except the very broad strokes of ideas and concepts, they have no 'mapping everything out far in advance'. Shadowlands could have been after DF. It could have been before. Shadowlands could have been after Legion, with BFA after, etc.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    The devs have openly admitted they just write in narrative hook lines that don't actually have a decided context, so that they have interesting threads to connect new stuff to later on when they decide they want to do something with a thing.
    This. 10 characters
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  12. #11132
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    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Yes, but most of it is flexible. They've said at one point they can make easy shifts were they have multiple expansion ideas and they can just put one before or after another, whatever fits.
    Shadowlands is good proof that, except the very broad strokes of ideas and concepts, they have no 'mapping everything out far in advance'. Shadowlands could have been after DF. It could have been before. Shadowlands could have been after Legion, with BFA after, etc.

    - - - Updated - - -

    This. 10 characters
    I mean, maybe at some point during development they have this type of flexibility. But obviously they start making the expansions well in advance. Pre-production pretty much happens before the current one is released. If you look at BfA, it is very obvious throughout that the expansion leads into Shadowlands with Sylvanas as the hook.

  13. #11133
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I mean, maybe at some point during development they have this type of flexibility. But obviously they start making the expansions well in advance. Pre-production pretty much happens before the current one is released. If you look at BfA, it is very obvious throughout that the expansion leads into Shadowlands with Sylvanas as the hook.
    Sure, but that swings both ways. These lines are written long before we ever see them.

    And note the "can mean everything".

    Us later discovering that it was something rather literal that we had no idea about at the time we heard the prophecy does not change that.

  14. #11134
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I mean, maybe at some point during development they have this type of flexibility. But obviously they start making the expansions well in advance. Pre-production pretty much happens before the current one is released. If you look at BfA, it is very obvious throughout that the expansion leads into Shadowlands with Sylvanas as the hook.
    Actually, I think even WoD in its first concepts was going to lead to Shadowlands too. The original concept before it became "Travel to an AU Past and stop Garrosh and the Iron Horde" it was going to be Garrosh resurrecting the spirits of the dead Warlords from Outland... however this can also be proven by the fact in the novel, War Crimes, Garrosh saw himself as the next Arthas.

    But because they went the AU route, they didn't really have a hook or a follow-up to what came next, so they connected WoD to Legion and focused on the fight with the Legion.

  15. #11135
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I mean, maybe at some point during development they have this type of flexibility. But obviously they start making the expansions well in advance. Pre-production pretty much happens before the current one is released. If you look at BfA, it is very obvious throughout that the expansion leads into Shadowlands with Sylvanas as the hook.
    Exactly. Shadowlands, Sylvanas. That's it. Those are the 2 big lines. They could have made the Shadowlands themselves different. They could have gone Primus is actual Jailer route, or something completely else.
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  16. #11136
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Sure, but that swings both ways. These lines are written long before we ever see them.

    And note the "can mean everything".

    Us later discovering that it was something rather literal that we had no idea about at the time we heard the prophecy does not change that.
    I suppose.

    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Exactly. Shadowlands, Sylvanas. That's it. Those are the 2 big lines. They could have made the Shadowlands themselves different. They could have gone Primus is actual Jailer route, or something completely else.
    That's true!

    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    Actually, I think even WoD in its first concepts was going to lead to Shadowlands too. The original concept before it became "Travel to an AU Past and stop Garrosh and the Iron Horde" it was going to be Garrosh resurrecting the spirits of the dead Warlords from Outland... however this can also be proven by the fact in the novel, War Crimes, Garrosh saw himself as the next Arthas.

    But because they went the AU route, they didn't really have a hook or a follow-up to what came next, so they connected WoD to Legion and focused on the fight with the Legion.
    Could be!

    I think here's the true story.

    As Tom Chilton (I believe it was) said about 10 years ago, they had the next decade roughly planned at that point. Or rather, they knew they had content to fill the next decade, which means pretty much the same thing. They must have had some rough storyboards drawn up, or a list of potential themes and locations to explore.

    On the one hand, they've done WoD -> Legion, then BfA -> Shadowlands, and finally Dragonflight -> 11.0 as direct sequels and conclusions to TBC, WotLK and Cata. But they also build for the long term, so they include a bunch of potential breadcrumbs for the future, some of which are more thoroughly planned and some which are basically just the result of them spitballing.

    I think the Old Gods storyline definitely evolved over the last five years. From the Old Gods just being a bunch of dead Old Gods they were pretty much done with, to something more we're yet to experience. All this stuff about the fifth Old God perhaps being re-retconned back into existence, Yogg-Saron perhaps coming back, etc. I could see that stuff having been outlined in Legion or BfA. Relatively recent, but definitely a couple of years ago. But the general idea of returning to the Void theme, the dragons, perhaps Void Lords etc is probably something they had mapped out roughly way back.
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2023-08-04 at 06:14 PM.

  17. #11137
    It's funny but also sad how 10.1.5 hints killed all the hype of this thread. =/

  18. #11138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luck4 View Post
    It's funny but also sad how 10.1.5 hints killed all the hype of this thread. =/
    I wanna know what 10.2 entails. That's pretty hype!

    Everybody just seems to assume it'll be some green zone with swirlies in the grass, and green dragons everywhere. But there's so much potential!

    If it's only the penultimate major patch of Dragonflight, then it might not have zones the size of Argus. Maybe Korthia and the Broken Shore is more what to expect. But the zone itself could be super cool.

    I hope it reminds you of the Dreamway. Full of trees and magical, with the radiant world tree in the middle. Perhaps thick forest groves with Ancients unlike any we've seen, Dryads, and powerful druids.

    What would the creatures be like? You know, the ones we kill. Are they all invading forces, or are there typical sprites and stuff? Bugs?

    Is there a chance the Drust is there, or might there be a glorious temple of Elune?

    Will Eonar have some influence?

    Could we be going to The Eye, its capital city?

    I hope they pack that place with cool little toys, transmog, mounts, etc all inspired by nature, forest wisps, Green dragons, Elune, etc.

    I hope there's a raid that rivals the Tomb of Sargeras in its beauty and splendour.

    I hope there's great weather effects, like in Zandalar. It would be amazing to sit by a little river or pond within the Emerald Dream, wisps floating in the air, and tranquil music playing in the background, as it begins to rain. Imagine fishing there!
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2023-08-04 at 06:50 PM.

  19. #11139
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    Well, the good thing is that once we're over this August slump it will be 3 months of excitement with 10.2, Roadmap and Blizzcon w/ new expansion.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  20. #11140
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreign Exchange Ztudent View Post
    Well, the good thing is that once we're over this August slump it will be 3 months of excitement with 10.2, Roadmap and Blizzcon w/ new expansion.
    They have a double PTR now so it's possible they'll start 10.2 PTR testing during August still, so don't fully count August out just yet.

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