1. #11301
    I would be surprised if 10.2 goes live before 25/10/2023 or 01/11/2023 (EU dates). It might even be released after Blizzcon on 08/11/2023. Especially if 10.2 is DF's final patch, which for me is increasingly likely (sadly). I am pretty sure that some expansions were announced before the final patch of the current expansion (at the time) was released.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  2. #11302
    Looking at the blue post. There is also this.

    August 11
    • (Article) Blues News
    I don't know if this could be the announcement for 10.2, could be nothing but... /shrug

  3. #11303
    Elemental Lord
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    If we consider October release:

    - 17th October is deadline for Mythic race, it's possible it will be done under week, but you can never tell is some boss will be broken/overtuned. And I think many (most?) members of top guilds wnat to go to Blizzcon.
    - so deadline for patch is 10th October
    - let's say 7 weeks are minimum for testing
    - they already has confirmed Classic info dump on Thursday

    So it should be next week, at most week after that. After that, November release is pretty certain.

    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    I don't know if this could be the announcement for 10.2, could be nothing but... /shrug
    It's recap of news from whole week.

  4. #11304
    they don't need to announce 10.2 early. there's no diablo 4 coming out anymore

  5. #11305
    I don't see a problem with DF ending at 10.2.0/10.2.5.

    I know many people want a major content patch 6-8 months before the next expansion, but I think a little content drought like we always had before a new expansion isn't that bad, especially now that Fated Season exists (although I dearly hope the Fated Raids in DF will end-up being easier than SL because I didn't enjoy the re-prog in Fated Raids in SL).

    I think focusing on the next expansion should be the highest priority since, if it fails, we can get another WOD/SL. Don't matter how good major patches are, all they do is slow down the bleeding. What truly pumps the game is a good expansion.

  6. #11306
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Don't forget, we are getting ACTUAL content/story in 10.X.5/7 patches unlike previous expansions. DF has had A LOT of content already (considering we are ONLY in patch 10.1.5). With 10.1.7 upcoming, 10.2 soon after, "if" 10.2 is the FINAL "major patch", that's not to say we won't get more "story content/content in general" for 10.2.5/.7 before 11.0.

  7. #11307
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Don't forget, we are getting ACTUAL content/story in 10.X.5/7 patches unlike previous expansions. DF has had A LOT of content already (considering we are ONLY in patch 10.1.5). With 10.1.7 upcoming, 10.2 soon after, "if" 10.2 is the FINAL "major patch", that's not to say we won't get more "story content/content in general" for 10.2.5/.7 before 11.0.
    We will obviously get 10.2.5 and 10.2.7 and I expect them to be similar in quality to the previous 10.X.5 and 10.X.7 patches.

    Even so, I just hate expansions with two big patches(WoD and SL...). If you cannot develop an expansion story through three big patches maybe you should have not done such an expansion.

    I am aware that if 10.2.7 is the last patch of DF we would probably have by then more or at least the same amount of content of any other expansion, but I would still feel scammed.

    I might give it a pass if 11.0 truly changes WoW and its subscription model with it. It is really complicated for new players to get in the game and the current model is not helping.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  8. #11308
    10.2 being the end then just fated is my personal hope because it seems they overlooked some obvious dragon storylines in favor of the new stuff and I'd rather let it end than have more stuff that ends up muddling the established lore again.

    Tyr ran experiments on dragon eggs and that's why the incarnates are angry.
    The incarnates are so powerful multiple aspects were needed to fight them
    Deathwing only gave into the whispers because the incarnates attacked
    We don't need to preserve the true timeline because CHROMIE STOPPED A FIXED POINT with 0 repercussions
    Ysera and malfurion are now tied together to get the aspect back...only to have her give her daughter a pep talk

  9. #11309
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    The conversation for 11.0 and whether or not a 10.3 is needed/should happen will be a lot easier once 10.2 is officially announced. Right now, everyone is "speculating" what 10.2 will be, but at the end of the day, no one knows. Can 10.2 provide a "satisfying conclusion" to DF? I don't know, seems very unlikely at the moment. However, again, we don't know what will be in 10.2, and even then, what 11.0 will even be. So, while the "semantics" of only "two major patches" feels bad, for sure, from a narrative and content perspective, that "feeling" may change depending on what is left in DF, and what is expected for 11.0.

  10. #11310
    10.1.7 Sept 5th
    10.2 has to be early October because of rwf unless they delay the raid (believe it or not they do care about the event)
    Figure 6 months for the tier so
    Possibility 1:
    10.3 in May
    11.0 in November

    Possibility 2:
    Fated season in May
    Launch in September

    1 leaves the first patch and immediate story for blizzcon
    2 is similar but allows more detail about future content for blizzcon

    I want my double on use murder trinket combo

  11. #11311
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Same but playing this instead.

  12. #11312
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    The conversation for 11.0 and whether or not a 10.3 is needed/should happen will be a lot easier once 10.2 is officially announced. Right now, everyone is "speculating" what 10.2 will be, but at the end of the day, no one knows. Can 10.2 provide a "satisfying conclusion" to DF? I don't know, seems very unlikely at the moment. However, again, we don't know what will be in 10.2, and even then, what 11.0 will even be. So, while the "semantics" of only "two major patches" feels bad, for sure, from a narrative and content perspective, that "feeling" may change depending on what is left in DF, and what is expected for 11.0.
    If we face incarnates at the tree and empower the aspects I think that will be a good ending and leaves hints for the future with iridikron surviving.

    We could face the twilight cult and a returned chromatus S a 10.3 story but if there no thread from 10.2 I don't think it would happen

    Speculation is the only thing that makes these forums interesting and it's fine until you get ppl doing "This WILL/WON'T HAPPEN because I said so"

  13. #11313
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    We will obviously get 10.2.5 and 10.2.7 and I expect them to be similar in quality to the previous 10.X.5 and 10.X.7 patches.

    Even so, I just hate expansions with two big patches(WoD and SL...). If you cannot develop an expansion story through three big patches maybe you should have not done such an expansion.
    While I understand your feelings, I need to point out that the only time we got an X.1 and an X.3 patch that had content and felt meaningful; was in TBC, WOTLK, LEGION, and BFA.

    While Wrath had a proper 3.1, 3.0 had Naxxramas Raid recycled, and 3.2 Raid/Dungeon was extremely small.
    Cataclysm 4.1 had two recycled dungeons and a quest chain.
    Pandaria 5.1 added a daily quest hub, Brawler's Guild, and a quest chain.
    Warlords 6.1 added Twitter integration, a Selfie camera, and a quest chain. (LMAO)

    These "X.1" had as much content as X.X.5/X.X.7 these days, and after WOTLK we only had two expansions with X.1 that added Zones/Daily Hub/Raid/DG.

    However, I still blame Blizzard for this confusion and for using X.1 instead of X.X.5 in low-effort patches for marketing purposes.

  14. #11314
    Quote Originally Posted by Revamp Man View Post
    10.2 has to be early October because of rwf unless they delay the raid (believe it or not they do care about the event)
    IMO 10.2 has not a chance of being live early October.

    It is going to be bigger than 10.1. It would probably have a new system and a revamp of at least another system to make it evergreen. Plus the raid, the zone and whatever they come up with.

    It would need lots of testing. Even if it comes to PTR tonight it would not be live until at the very least mid-October.

    But, I would love to be wrong.
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  15. #11315
    Bloodsail Admiral Foreign Exchange Ztudent's Avatar
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    I don't see how they could end with 10.2 beyond the Rift of Aln/Reorigination Theories.

    Beyond that I just think this conversation is wholly lodged in anti consumerist behavior and comes off as frankly "insane" as again you're a consumer and if the corporation cannot make great products with standards in play without falling apart then that is their problem and not yours to clamor for "outs" for the corporation.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  16. #11316
    I understand people's expectations are keeping low, but if 10.2 is the last patch and there's no more major patches for the rest of the expansion, I think it'd loose a lot of the goodwill blizzard are trying to keep up throughout this expansion with the patch cadence.

    They want people to say hey, the next expac looks massive. Dragonflights patch cadence was better than its ever been, it's time to come back.

  17. #11317
    10.3 is probably going to be Tyr themed/oriented if he's not actually awake or a big part of 10.2, which I think is likely. It would also allow Alex to have her own patch instead of sharing it with Ysera.

  18. #11318
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    What are you on about dude?
    Dragonflight not having 3 major content patches is supposedly anti-consumer despite there being absolutely nothing promising 3 patches or indicating that such a thing will happen.

    Remember that expansion prices are lower now.

  19. #11319
    Quote Originally Posted by Luck4 View Post
    I don't see a problem with DF ending at 10.2.0/10.2.5.

    I know many people want a major content patch 6-8 months before the next expansion, but I think a little content drought like we always had before a new expansion isn't that bad, especially now that Fated Season exists (although I dearly hope the Fated Raids in DF will end-up being easier than SL because I didn't enjoy the re-prog in Fated Raids in SL).

    I think focusing on the next expansion should be the highest priority since, if it fails, we can get another WOD/SL. Don't matter how good major patches are, all they do is slow down the bleeding. What truly pumps the game is a good expansion.
    I have to disagree. Unless 10.2 is wildly different from what we expect by having the Emerald Dream stuff just be a bit of fluff compared to actual Titan Keeper shenanigans then so many plotlines would just anticlimactically end.
    We need a proper ending to the whole storyline regarding the Titan Keepers tampering with Dragon eggs, among which important plotpoints is the Red Dragon egg we found in Waking Shores levelling, and what Tyr was actually attempting to achieve by infusing the dragons with Order.
    For that matter we need a finale to the Tyr questline. And unless Blizzard is going for the most pointless aside award then that finale needs to have Tyr be antagonistic in some sense by the end.

    There are definitely plotlines that could be carried over, but not to this extent.
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  20. #11320
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Personally, I like to stay optimistic and hopeful that 10.3 exists until told otherwise (keeps speculation and hype HIGH). Let's see what we get for 10.2 (we've been speculating forever; however, 10.2 could be entirely different, or at-least, more involved than simply "just the Emerald Dream" theme).

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