Good catch. Vyranoth will not be a boss in 10.2 but she might be the key to defeat Fyrakk, as it seems rather unlikely that we defeat him just by ourselves.
A little dissapointing, I have to say, if this is the path that they will follow. Vyranoth was betrayed by Alexstrasza, imprisoned for... 20.000 years? At the very least 10.000 years. We just murdered her sister Raszageth... and she is going to betray her brothers? The only thing that she has left.
Does not make a lot of sense to me.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
Where do you see it? All I see is lava or what looks like lava to me at least lol
Patch 10.1.7 releasing first week of September hopefully means we can get 10.2 sometime in October, instead of after Blizzcon.
I'm also on the DF will have a 10.3 train. No way we don't get a Red DF centred raid or something.
Then again they could end up shafting Alexstrasza completely.
Yeah, I agree... While we don't know what happens her to her or what she'll do... Having her betray the Incarnates seems out of character, unless there's some details about it in the War of the Scales book that's coming that we don't know about.
But otherwise... yeah that's just inconsistent.
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Actually that's been something that was on my mind for a while. A lot of people are either hoping that Tyr or Iridikron being the final bosses for DF, but either one could and couldn't work because they aren't as expanded as Alexstraza.
And then I thought, "What if Alexstraza gets corrupted and becomes the final boss?"
If they leave such details in the book then there should be some kind of recap quest ingame.
The Launch Cycle
10.0.0 - Prologue - No particular colour.
10.0.2 - Main Patch - No particular colour.
10.0.5 - Epilogue - No particular colour.
The First Patch Cycle
10.0.7 - Prologue - Black flight build-up.
10.1.0 - Main Patch - Black flight finale + Blue flight quests.
10.1.5 - Epilogue - Bronze flight adventure.
The Second Patch Cycle
10.1.7 - Prologue - Green flight build-up.
10.2.0 - Main Patch - Green flight finale + Red flight quests.
10.2.5 - Epilogue - Sixth flight adventure.
The Third Patch Cycle
10.2.7 - Prologue...
10.3.0 - Main Patch...
10.3.5 - Epilogue...
I don't know... this could work if 10.3 is an exciting story about Void, Keepers, and a world revamp maybe. But it does seem a little unnecessary based on the story we have now. 10.1.7 has a Tyr quest chain so that while deal might be resolved by the time 10.2 is over.
Last edited by Worldshaper; 2023-08-08 at 04:11 AM.
But wouldn't this make more sense for 10.2? They are both absent from this patch. Maybe there is some hidden story quest, but i dont know... In one of the cinematics Vyranoth literally froze a tree before fyrakk burned it, so if thats not foreshadowing that they will at least start with the same goal in 10.2 then i don't know what is.
Man it's gonna be funny if no one ends up getting corrupted and the good guys stay good and we fight the bad guys cuz they're bad.
You know, just like in every single other expansion ever.
But 10.2. wouldn't be the last patch, it would be the last new raid. There still would be 10.2.5, 10.2.7 aswell as 10.3./10.3.5 with a fated raid season and new story and outdoor content (something they said they kinda forgot with Shadowlands last season).
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Alexstrasza and the red would get their spotlight alongside the green flight in 10.2. - they are the protectors of life afterall, so they too fit the dream setting. Alextrasza even said in the cinematic that they would defend the world tree together, so that's where her story will take her.
This year roadmap shows only to 10.2
Will we have 10.3?
Or Blizz just switched to 2 major patch models
It wouldn't feel out of place for her to be there but I personally would prefer a story centred around her and the Reds only, similar to what the Black and Blue got.
I think she will be present in 10.2 but I don't think that would be it in regards to her story. Or rather hope it's not.
Ahh it was in the grey area, I was looking around it. Cheers!
I also see this as meaning the 2 of them will be attacking as a party. Could be either tbh
Really hope not, no more corrupted Aspects please![]()
The Dracthyrs whole thing is that they distance themselves from the rule of the Dragons.
Making Emberthal an Aspect, an Aspect of a flight she has absolutely no connection to, defeats their whole purpose.
And Wrathion as the Lifebinder is Janitor lvl of ridiculousness.
Formerly known as Arafal