1. #11581
    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocos View Post
    The thing that makes me most skeptical towards an island-based or seafaring expansion is that we're just coming off an expansion where the disconnected nature of the zones was heavily (and rightfully) critiqued. There was a pre-MoP interview where they cited Cata's zones being spread out as a negative aspect of the expansion, so they've tried this approach twice now and I think the recent attempt go was received even worse than the first. I'm not sure how they make it work besides having one or possibly two huge islands as de facto continents and making the sea in between and around them so packed with landmasses and content they're effectively just connecting zones. Basically BfA but Kul Tiras and Zandalar are on the same map.
    I think the way they would get around it would be having the islands be actual zones you can fly to from EK and Kalimdor. Maybe using the Zaralek tech?

  2. #11582
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I think the way they would get around it would be having the islands be actual zones you can fly to from EK and Kalimdor. Maybe using the Zaralek tech?
    Nah, the real way around that is having the ocean be part of the playing field, not just empty space.

  3. #11583
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Regarding the "Reforging Tyr & More" mentioned here, the "more" is probably about the extra Bronze dragonflight quests we'll have. It was talked about in recent interviews IIRC.

  4. #11584
    Quote Originally Posted by Imotbh View Post
    Regarding the "Reforging Tyr & More" mentioned here, the "more" is probably about the extra Bronze dragonflight quests we'll have. It was talked about in recent interviews IIRC.
    Please don't make chromie aspect
    She stopped moruzond
    Moruzond was a fixed point

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ok if islands we have plenty of ammo
    Telabim definitely possible
    Island connected to the abyssal maw
    Jinyu Island (please give us the race)
    There's definitely a lack of Island based titan facility

    Plenty of baddies
    Twilight hammer
    Titan forged untouched by the curse if flesh

    Garrison style ship allowing travel between zones like 7.3

  5. #11585
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    They already said it will be back and that it would include new open world content among other stuff this time. Also, since when is a new pvp season with new rewards not new content?

    Since ever?


    But it's been 5-6 years since we got new battleground sadly.

  6. #11586
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palapop View Post
    Since ever?


    But it's been 5-6 years since we got new battleground sadly.
    Well tbf, stuff like new battlegrounds only really makes sense if they manage to increase the numbers on pvp players across the board. Which I think would happen if they would give us rated solo rbg's. Solo Arena was a good step in the right directions, but many players out there would rather do objective based 10v10 stuff than being forced into the current solo arena deathmatch. Maybe even give us elite/gladiator rewards that are older than 3 expansions via casual rated pvp saddles (to match with mythic raids being solo'ed around 2-3 expansions later). It would also have far better q times since you need less tanks and healers per match.

    In any case, I don't see regular new bg content until they bring the whole system into 2023 instead of having it stuck in the fomo hell of 10 years ago.

    Also, if we are already revamping pvp stuff, have a look at some of the bg achievements - stuff like alterac valley is barely doable if you aren't activily using a community to wintrade stuff lol.
    Last edited by Lady Atia; 2023-08-10 at 06:07 AM.

  7. #11587
    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    I'm very eager to see what the story of 10.1.7 will be. I'm guessing that we will have a fair idea then if there is indeed a 10.3 to look forward to or not.

    For now the last raid of the expansion could very well be 10.2 one with the new zone being a part of the emerald dream merged into thr Onhara plains. I'm expecting the raid to be about the incarnates, their elemental proto dragons and the harbinger attacking Amirdrassil and using the Emerald dream to corrupt/reshape Azeroth.

    Then the last boss could be the Harbinger.

    This is all bad fanfiction and that's why I'm awaiting 10.1.7 with little patience ^^ It's been a while since I've been this eager for a patch, especially a small one
    The Harbinger will have nothing to do with the other 2 attacking the tree as Alex and Noz made clear Iridikron has no intention of being in the fight with them and he's the one that's with that person. If the tree is a raid Fyrakk and/or Vyr will be the last boss.

  8. #11588

    The fine red lass in question...

    I love this lmao.

    (idk why they said those lines twice)

  9. #11589
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    1. https://www.wowhead.com/item=144249/...-hatred-reborn


    3. There is no native Shadowlands. All AU souls just connect back to the soul that's in the Shadowlands. So, yes, any AU Garrosh that dies goes to main soul within the Shadowlands. Just means Garrosh in the Maw used our Garrosh's thoughts on Thrall against the SoD boss to kill him. Hell, it is also possible MU souls are the prime anchor towards the rope and whatnot, so everything ultimately connects to them in the end.

    4. And time doesn't behave differently in each Cosmic Realm. It just straight up doesn't exist. It's not like the time chamber at all. Everything simply "feels" longer or shorter in different places, but there is no actual time to make things longer or shorter. Ya know?

    5. Azewrath can still exist. It was conquered 10k years ago, and it's stated in DF that the Legion is still clearly operating, just under a new leader.

    6. Those versions of Archimonde and KJ would likely fizzle out as a result of their souls being anchored to the Nether. Meaning, there would be no KJ/Archimonde in WoD Velen's past. Simple as that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    So no, I do NOT see how flimsy it is. I can understand not everything works, but I'd argue it works more than multiple Legions, that's for sure.
    That trinket quote seems like a dramatization of Archimond's power.


    Maybe Archimonde learned time magic before contacted by sargeras and used it to keep the legion in shape by using infinite disposable timelines as target practice.

    2. Seems like just a narly vision.

    3. Then what happens to AU souls now that garrish has faced obliteration?

    4. That's fine, doesn't mean there can't be multiple realms across multiple universes.

    5. Azewrath still has a resistance right, you'd think they'd be able to take back azewrath after sargeras was imprisoned.

    6. Then why would AU velen be in Draenor if he never had a KJ to befriend and ultimately flee from?

    If one thing doesn't work then ultimately everything falls apart
    Last edited by Well Done Steak; 2023-08-10 at 07:39 AM.

  10. #11590
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    1. Why would the item dramatize Archimondes power when the Illidan novel also has that? Hell, Archimonde literally tries to destroy Draenor during our battle with him in WoD.

    2. Illidan had a very similar "vision". It was madd to showcase the literal threat of the Legion. It wasn't trying to bullshit anything. The Legion is a very real and extreme threat.

    3. AU souls likely face the same oblivion ngl. That, or they replace the soul that was there and create a new rope. It's one of the 2 options.

    4. Uh, yes it does. There is no AU Shadowlands, no AU Nether, none of that. These realms transcend the laws of the physical multiverse. What is so hard to understand here?

    5. Azewrath can definitely have a resistance. That just means the Legion is still a very real threat in that timeline, even with Sargeras' imprisonment, which is likely something the multiverse is unaware of still.

    6. That either means AU Velen was made for Draenor specifically when that timeline was created, or he went to Draenor VIA the same KJ terrorizing Velen across countless universes, especially WoDs

    - - - Updated - - -


    "Maybe Archimonde learned time magic before contacted by sargeras and used it to keep the legion in shape by using infinite disposable timelines as target practice."

    You do realize the Legion invades the Timeways VIA the Twisting Nether, yeah? Because the Nether isn't affected by time, the Legion can just pop into whatever timeway they like without care from there.
    Okay where's the interview with Alex where he first says this? Because this still does nothing for demons we face when time traveling to our own history.

    So they transcend time or the multiverse?

    Because what would happen if say you go back in time WotA style, and then grab a demon from that past and take them back to the future?

    Now you have two copies despite there only supposed to be one????

    This is why it's stupid to have realms transcending time, everything works just fine if each the line has their own specific realms
    Last edited by Well Done Steak; 2023-08-10 at 08:28 AM.

  11. #11591
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    They're no more endboss material than the warlords who weren't Grom, if Grom ended up being the FB of WoD

    They're the main antagonists for 10.2 and we definitely will be getting a 10.3

    - - - Updated - - -

    For now, not for DF.

    Chromie messed up big time and it's gonna come back to bite her and Nozzy in the ass before the end of the expansion after the aspects regain their powers
    That’s a strange take. The Warlords were just particularly powerful Orcs, most of which had no grand cosmic powers backing them apart from arguably Ner’zhul and Killrogg. The Warlords also had very little presence over the course of the expansion, except for Ner’zhul and Blackhand. The rest, Grom included, weren’t shown very much in game.

    You’re comparing them to dragons that are Aspect levels in power, possibly even stronger. Fyrakk at the very least, isn’t too far off Deathwing in Cataclysm due to the shadow flame power up, all he’s lacking is Old God backing.

    We don’t know that we’re getting a 10.3, so you can’t say that we definitely are. We may, or we may not. But Blizzcon taking place around 10.2 release is definitely an indication that it’s a possibility we might not be.

  12. #11592
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    That’s a strange take. The Warlords were just particularly powerful Orcs, most of which had no grand cosmic powers backing them apart from arguably Ner’zhul and Killrogg. The Warlords also had very little presence over the course of the expansion, except for Ner’zhul and Blackhand. The rest, Grom included, weren’t shown very much in game.

    You’re comparing them to dragons that are Aspect levels in power, possibly even stronger. Fyrakk at the very least, isn’t too far off Deathwing in Cataclysm due to the shadow flame power up, all he’s lacking is Old God backing.

    We don’t know that we’re getting a 10.3, so you can’t say that we definitely are. We may, or we may not. But Blizzcon taking place around 10.2 release is definitely an indication that it’s a possibility we might not be.
    You realize how long season 3 will be if we don't get a 10.3? It's extremely unlikely we don't get a 10.3

  13. #11593
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    You realize how long season 3 will be if we don't get a 10.3? It's extremely unlikely we don't get a 10.3
    We could get an expansion launch next November.

    A year wait isn’t unreasonable, in fact, the majority of the time we’ve waited longer.

    You’re also discounting the very likely possibility that we get added content in between in the form of .5 patches.

  14. #11594
    Please some new stuff for Bg's in 10.2

  15. #11595
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    We could get an expansion launch next November.

    A year wait isn’t unreasonable, in fact, the majority of the time we’ve waited longer.

    You’re also discounting the very likely possibility that we get added content in between in the form of .5 patches.
    In the past yeah.

    Year long seasons don't work any more and haven't been a thing since legion I believe and some minor patches ain't gonna alleviate the same raid for one year

  16. #11596
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    We could get an expansion launch next November.

    A year wait isn’t unreasonable, in fact, the majority of the time we’ve waited longer.

    You’re also discounting the very likely possibility that we get added content in between in the form of .5 patches.
    A year wait is quite ambitious unless Blizzard announces something far beyond what we imagine at Blizzcon.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  17. #11597
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    it is a very interesting read though if the item gives the impression that it is indeed the same Archimonde that conquered multiple universes, I didn't feel the same from the text you've shared below.

    It could very well be what you describe but it doesn't go against the idea that Vandel had a glimpse at multiple universes in which each faced a different legion of demons, each lead by different Archimondes and different Kil Jaedens.

  18. #11598
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    In the past yeah.

    Year long seasons don't work any more and haven't been a thing since legion I believe and some minor patches ain't gonna alleviate the same raid for one year
    If 10.2 comes out late october, and it lasts the typical 6 months we could have a fated season in april/may for 3 months and then a new expact around august. Is august likely for 11.0? Don't know. If they release in november, then there should be a 10.3. I would like them to only use fated seasons if new expansions get delayed or whatever, not as a standard planned thing.
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  19. #11599
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    If 10.2 comes out late october, and it lasts the typical 6 months we could have a fated season in april/may for 3 months and then a new expact around august. Is august likely for 11.0? Don't know. If they release in november, then there should be a 10.3. I would like them to only use fated seasons if new expansions get delayed or whatever, not as a standard planned thing.
    Same, fated season is a crutch for lack of on time dev work.

  20. #11600
    I think the scope of 10.2 will definitely be telling about the length of DF as well as how soon 11.0 is. If it's an Argus style area with several zones? DF is done and the next expac is around the corner.

    If it's just one small area? It's up in the air. But we don't really have many areas left in the Dragon Isles space besides the water to the left of Ohnaran.

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