'Shath'yar' is the Shath'yar (language) word for 'old god/s'.
Iilth qi'uothk shn'ma yeh'glu Shath'Yar! H'IWN IILTH!
You will drown in the blood of the Old Gods! ALL OF YOU!
'Shath'yar' is the Shath'yar (language) word for 'old god/s'.
Iilth qi'uothk shn'ma yeh'glu Shath'Yar! H'IWN IILTH!
You will drown in the blood of the Old Gods! ALL OF YOU!
My Nintendo FC is 2208-5726-4303.By Blizzard Entertainment:
Part of the reason is that Battlegrounds are like ducks.
I know it was probably the idea with the Void Elves, but it would be nice to have a Draenei-esque race of Void creatures be a playable race so that we can learn more about their culture. I would prefer the Qiraji or K'thir but I guess Naga would fit this purpose.
I like the fact that we're probably at most ~10 days away from the most exciting period of Warcraft history.
Because next week or the one after (at Gamescom), 10.2 is likely to be announced. It'll be very exciting to nature-loving Night Elf players like myself.
Once that happens, hype season continues with more expansion "leaks" and speculation, the build-up to BlizzCon, BlizzCon itself (at long last) with Metzen present, followed by even more interesting content in a potential 10.2.5 and perhaps an early Alpha for 11.0.
On top of this we've got a good time ahead for the Trading Post with class items, potential Xbox acquisition surprise news relating to Game Pass and console, actually getting to PLAY 10.2 and experience all that Emerald Dream and World Tree content, and finally to top it all off we have the 20th anniversary in 2024, along with 11.0 releasing and a potential world revamp.
The funny part is that the last couple of months haven't even been that bad. I rememebr the MoP 5.4 content drought with literally nothing to do. Dragonflight is in a pretty good place already.
Let the good times roll!
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They don't really have cultures, do they? The Void is just... empty space or hateful tentacles. I think your suggestion about Naga is pretty good, because they're definitely a proper race with a pre-existing culture that then got changed by the Void and slowly started to develop a new culture, built on top of the old one.
Void Elves is weird because they're still 100% High Elves culturally. They just underwent a quick event to transform them. At best you could claim they're sort of like a cult, where everyone's an extremist but doesn't quite know about it.
Yeah the fact that the biggest complaint about DF is "the story is too nice" or "im bored of the gameplay loop" is pretty telling. The actual gameplay itself is in a great state and the expansion itself doesn't have the community in a bad state. Everyone's pretty excited for 10.2.
As for the void race, they have kind of backpedaled on the older iterations of the Void and have hinted that there is more to the culture/magic than just the Black Empire. Even then it was stated that it was a real culture, albeit not the nicest to live in.
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Valor points are nice but upgradeable gear is better. Better tradeoff. The only thing I'll say better in MOP was some classes and the leveling.
Both first tier raids suck in both expansions, and Aberrus is fun like TOT. Just not as epic in scale.
We're only half way there, half way there, half way there, half, way, there...
Your opinion is highly subjective.
While I enjoyed MoP, and it was definitively more interesting from a narrative viewpoint (not necessarily from a lore perspective, as DF is building a ton of future stuff), it is undeniable that DF is objectively the expansion with the best content quality and cadence, the expansion in which they communicate better and react to feedback faster.
Blizzard has a long way to fix WoW but DF is a good first step, and I expect 10.2 to be the best patch in WoW's history or at least a patch that has the same impact that 8.2 had in BfA, which was an awesome patch.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
Please... stop using "Objectively" to describe a subjective term...
Quality is purely subjective.
I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.
At one point we were called the circle of stars made flesh
Also Xal says she was torn apart by her brothers so I don't doubt she'd hide
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If 10.2 in November we get the 6 month mark in May
So then we'd still have 6 months until November release of 11.0 if that's the goal
Two ways to go is fated season or a 10.3 with a small raid like in Wrath
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So minimal leaks
Currently biggest two ideas are
Black empire
I am so excited to see the reveal in person for the first time so my disappointment can be mitigated by the nerd screaming
Opinion = subjective.
Best content = opinion = subjective.
To me, DF "open world content" (daycares, voice overs, stuff....) is just a little bit above Shadowlands.
Raids (except for spider and brood keeper) so far are good quality. Dungeons are solid.
And yes, this is all my own opinion. Just as you have your own.
You can enjoy content or not, that is subjective, but there are some facts regarding DF that are just true:
- Best communication ever.
- Fastest reaction to feedback ever.
- Fastest release of content ever.
- Highest amount of new type of content ever (Grand Hunts, Elemental Invasions, Time Rifts, Fyrakk Assaults, the multiple events of Zaralek Caverns, Zskera Vaults...). Hell, they even released a new spec.
- And finally yes, highest content quality ever. I have been playing since the BC and I think that we tend to forget how bad the release of new content was in older expansions, and how much time they used to take to fix it. In DF, while of course there are still bugs, everything is very polished and gets hotfixed pretty quickly.
- Finally, you can enjoy or not current classes, or talents, or Dragonriding, or dungeons. That is subjective. But in terms of quality, DF has raised the bar in all these systems. Classes have never been more balanced, probably because they hotfixed them every week. Talents have never been more meaningful or varied. Dragonriding has been a big success (you might not enjoy It, that does not change the fact that its quality is top notch), Mythic + is better than ever (although clearly there is room for improvements), and dungeons have never been more detailed or varied (again, that you enjoy more the dungeons of MoP does not mean that they are better, because they are clearly worse in every way).
Last edited by Darkarath; 2023-08-13 at 04:04 AM.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
Tbf that was fixed in 5.2
Isle of thunder was just rare farms and a great raid
Though I do miss the dailies unlocking with rep gain and the 50% bonus to rep
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WW Monk
Not just talking about the bug that went untouched until a youtube video came out but also the bugs that we've had for 8 years which in some cases are the only reason things work including the clone AI
- nope
- not entirely. pvp community is crying out loud.
- nope. (Legion says hello)
Why do you count content added in 10.0 as "new added". Every single expansion has something new at the begging.
Yet, all the content you mentioned is nothing but a carrot on a stick. Achievements take forever to complete. Rewards are almost completely irrelevant.
So all that content goes in the same basket as MOP 5.0 dailies.
Name something?
Everything very polished? What about class design? Dungeons? Raids? PvP?
WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
Balanced?! What type of content you play? Hunts and Researchers under fire?
Class balance was never this bad.
There are 2-3 specs which DOMINATE EVERYTHING (both pvp and pve). And theres at least 6-7 specs who are dead whole expansion.
And nope, we're not talking about "fotm specs". Were talking about literally broken specs which can't function in both pvp/pve.
The fact that they did THAT MANY overhauls within first 8 months only proves that expansion AND class trees were NOT ready. Not even close.
mage (all 3 specs)/sp/ret/ele/rsham/fdk/uh dk/prot pala/drudis (multiple specs, multiple times)... etc, etc, etc...
Dude... you lost your argument with this 1. If I only saw this sentence first, I wouldn't even write whole reply.
Smooth visual transition between zones is good for world coherence, but gets more dull for gameplay and recognizability. The Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge might as well be the same thing, 4.e.g. but while Vanilla had a massive landmass for its time and little experience from the devs, along with an intended naturalistic look, DF doesn't. If I'm going to be flying over these places and doing repeated content there, having them be distinct enough that I know right away if I'm one or the other via flora, general geography and color palette is key. A way to get around this are all the one-time events that keep the content itself distinct even where the zones can't manage, e.g. you can't confuse a Fyrakk assault even for a fire invasion, but it needs to go further.
Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.
Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.
I havent check in in over a month. Anything juicy I missed, or any interesting leaks even if obviously fake?