i guess we'll find out tomorrow. in the wrost case possible, we'll have to wait 1 more week
Wowhead made a post about it too. And since they're most likely in the know....
I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.
Is it another one his "if I guess Im connected, if I wont no one will memebr about it" tweets?
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Do people still believe towellie has insider knowledge on the game? lol
I mean they straight up said there will be story in 10.1.7 that leads into 10.2.
I don't think it's that far fetched to guess they're not going to spoil what's coming in the .7 patch before it hits.
"El Psy Kongroo!" Hearthstone Moderator
ok, i just noticed the "developer update" is marked as video. it's 100% the wowcast for classic hc.
If it were classic related, it would say so.
And both classic and 10.1.7 had pretty much all their content revealed and announced, including release date.
There is no reason for them to post a recap video for any of that, as its primarily minor stuff.
Formerly known as Arafal
1). Yes, he does have "insider knowledge"
2). He "hyped up" the announcement for 10.1 at-least 1-2 weeks BEFORE it was "officially" announced. Although there were no "official" comments from Blizzard, he (and a few other creators) kept hyping up the "week of March 7" for "WoW related news" and guess what? He was right.
3). Towelliee WAS one of the FEW content creators to announce/preview patch 10.1 through a dev interview on YouTube
4). The September 5th comment could mean anything from the PTR beginning, announcement of patch, etc.
Tldr; He is trustworthy
The WoWCast is an ongoing series, it definitely will keep getting posted regardless of whether or not there's news/reveals, we've had a filler episode that wasn't news-related before and the announced episode about classic hardcore is probably just that.
We really don't need more pages of "is x knowledgable" back and forth.![]()
So, what I'm getting at based on the Dev Update and this post...
It seems like that dev update isn't going to divulge too deeply in whats in 10.2 but maybe they'll show off some teaser or trailer to get everyone excited, then by Sept 5 after 10.1.7 launches, they'll go into greater detail of whats coming.
That's just my theory.
I would expect the cinematic for 10.1.7 next week (as that would line up nicely with EVERY other cinematic reveal for each DF patch, so far).
Additionally, other than a single tweet, we have NO confirmation/official word from Blizzard regarding a Gamescom 2023 appearance next week. So, 10.2 can literally be revealed at any time. However, similar to the cinematic reveal (as mentioned above). there was a 13-day gap between the announcement of Patch 10.1 and the release date for 10.0.7 (which, again, would put a 10.2 announcement very conveniently for next week).
- - - Updated - - -
He knew about 10.1. Lore was already way gone by that point. What did you not understand from what I said? He LITERALLY had a developer interview on his YouTube when 10.1 was announced officially. He basically announced the patch to the world.