Also worth noting they only call out the WoWCast in the tweet, not anything about any developer update.
Yeah, but they kinda decide what warrants a WoWcast, we've had non-news WoWcasts before so this isn't anything groundbreaking, just people overanalyzing the word "update".
They updated it to WoWCast. See you next week!
Next week was ALWAYS the play. I'm not going to repeat myself, entirely, for the nth time; however, the timing between 10.0.7 release and 10.1 announcement puts the announcement of 10.2 NEXT WEEK (putting it in line for the same amount of days between the announcement of 10.2 and the release of 10.1.7).
For reference, 10.0.7 launched March 21 and 10.1 was announced on March 8 (13 days).
10.1.7 releases September 5, so about 13 or so days earlier would be the week of GAMESCOM.
I just realised Metzen could be announcing Cataclysm again this November (Classic). Would be funny.
What would make it even funnier is if the next expansion for retail also has a revamp and/or a strong Void or Elements theme. Announcing two revamps of Azeroth in one night is one small feat! "Horde and Alliance, where you at? I'm proud to announce World of Warcraft: Even Cataclysmier!"
Hard to imagine 10.2 on Gamescom. It is for general audience, people don't really give a shit about WoW patches there. We will see, if there is no PTR build next week, 10.2 on October is pretty dead.
It's also key clue if we should expect 10.3 or not. October release/5 month season - yep, early November - uncertain, late November (after all events datamined in 10.1.7 - Brewfest, Hallow's End, Anniversary end) - it's pretty certain they slow down a bit with patches in second DF year.
Exactly, I have not seen anything about them attending. That being said, I think that TESO shows its DLC's in similar events, and people care even less about It than about WoW so 10.2 in Gamescom could happen.
Might they want to announce 10.2 among WoW coming to consoles? Improbable but would be a nice play, generating even more hype for 11.0 at Blizzcon.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
Quite a big difference between announcing an entire expansion and announcing a patch on a big, non-exclusive stage. Not sure why people equal these two. I don't see it happening.
This is same song and dance we get each time a big gaming event approaches.
Last edited by Makabreska; 2023-08-15 at 08:17 AM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.