1. #12561
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Idk why people thought Arthas would have any big role in SL regardless...
    IIRC speculation about Arthas appearing again in some capacity started back up with 8.0 when he had a new cinematic model in one of the cutscenes in Jaina's story. Then for SL, even before the Bluether animation released there were all the mentions of discovering who made Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination, callbacks to the design of ICC and Scourge architecture, etc. I definitely remember some pre-emptive groaning over some sort of possible Arthas redemption or otherwise dragging his character down, though who really knows what all was planned with how many times BfA and SL alike were rewritten or otherwise went awry.

  2. #12562
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    She’s incredibly vain. I imagine she misses her beauty. I also think it makes more sense for her to appear in a less imposing, monstrous form if her aim is to forge new alliances.

    On the subject of the Xal’atath debate… wasn’t the quest line Xal’atath appeared in completely optional? I imagine the more casual WoW players won’t look at the cinematic and think Xal’atath even though she’s definitely a contender.
    She is yes, but I explained to hitei, we had one situation were she used her magic, very much a illusion against Farondis. If she is magically able to change her form to be used in certain conversions I mean thats kinda cool I guess, but I would still consider that an Illusion. Like others have said, she is a capeable spellcaster for stuff like that and you would expect such actions from her imo. She is smart.

    I wonder how she will repressent herself in future content.

    The quest was optional yes, you had to pick up the quest from the dagger on zanda, but I dont remember exactly how the quest became available. I had a priest who done all legion shit, so maybe it was available because I had the dagger.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2023-08-21 at 07:26 PM.

  3. #12563
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Yeah... i very much doubt Azshara considers her naga self as anything but hideous.
    Last edited by Raetary; 2023-08-21 at 07:43 PM.

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  4. #12564
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Yeah... i very much doubt Azshara considers her naga self as anything but gorgeous.
    Pretty sure she still does. The way she behaved and the fact her nagas were still completely enamoured by her.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  5. #12565
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Pretty sure she still does. The way she behaved and the fact her nagas were still completely enamoured by her.
    Sorry, that's actually what i meant.
    Sometimes i screw up phrases.

    I meant as anything but hideous.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  6. #12566
    Any chance for anything today?

  7. #12567
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    Any chance for anything today?
    No chance IMO. If they announce something this week it would be at Gamescom.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  8. #12568
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    No chance IMO. If they announce something this week it would be at Gamescom.
    Right but isn't today the opening ceremony?

  9. #12569
    Bloodsail Admiral Foreign Exchange Ztudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    Right but isn't today the opening ceremony?
    Yes, but. The Public Marketing campaign is tomorrow through Geoff Keighley's Gamescom Opening Night Live.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  10. #12570
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Pretty sure she still does. The way she behaved and the fact her nagas were still completely enamoured by her.
    Ye, she has no reason to think otherwise. They probably embraced their naga feautures by now and for their standards she is probably still beautifull I would imagine.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2023-08-21 at 08:13 PM.

  11. #12571
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    Right but isn't today the opening ceremony?
    Tomorrow afternoon (depending on your timezone, eastern for me).

    7 pm BST (1 pm EST).

  12. #12572
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    Right but isn't today the opening ceremony?
    It's tomorrow.
    8pm CEST.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  13. #12573
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreign Exchange Ztudent View Post
    Yes, but. The Public Marketing campaign is tomorrow through Geoff Keighley's Gamescom Opening Night Live.
    When do they start announcing an showing games off? i never remember

  14. #12574
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Pretty sure she still does. The way she behaved and the fact her nagas were still completely enamoured by her.
    One thing I recall is way back in Cata, during the Well of Eternity dungeon when you had to fight her royal guards while she watches and is capable of mind controlling you if you got too close to her.

    It makes me wonder if maybe she might have mind control powers over the Naga, or because of her deal with N'zoth that she has full control over them after they've been changed from Highborne to Naga.

    I might be wrong, and correct me on it, but the Naga feel like they forgotten they used to be Highborne with the only exception being Azshara. (That's just my angle on it)

  15. #12575
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    The highborne were mutated very drastically, including Azshara yes. This was a huge trade off. That she can magically fool some one (happened once) in the past. More like an illusion at best is known, outside that none. This doesnt seem like a visage like the dracthyr, Idk were you got this from, we would have probably seen more of that if that was the case.
    It's not an illusion. She gets knocked off her feet multiple times by Farondis' fireballs, fireballs that, if she were still in her actual form behind an illusion, would have been striking the bottom of her tail. It's a magical apperance that alters her physical form, literally the same thing as a visage.

    Its literally a mutation.
    No, it's literally a magical transformation that happens instantly and carries on into children.

    So are Satyr, Nightfallen, corrupted Arrakkoa and every single flesh-cursed titanforged, all of which we've seen go away with more magic. What are you not getting about transformations not precluding going back or transforming into something else in this setting? If you can shove fel magic into a devolved, cursed arrakoa and turn it back into a regular arrakoa, and shove arcane and nature magic into a Nightfallen to turn it back into a Nightborne, and shove astral magic into a Satyr and turn it back into a Night Elf, and shoot titan tech lasers at something changed by the curse of flesh to turn it back into a titanforged... why the hell would you assume that for some reason, out of all of the transformations in the setting, Naga are uniquely permanent and totally can't be turned into anything else?

    There is a lot of assumption to your logic, thats what I found silly. Basically we know next to nothing, so its better to assume it was just an illusion/spell and nothing more.
    The only assumption to my logic is that this magical transformation works exactly like all the other magical transformations in this setting, including the titanforged's transformation, which was also an old god corruption transformation that has lasted generations and can still be undone with a bit of magic-tech.

    I will wait till she does something like that again in the future and spefically in what context. Because this has hardly any ground.
    "She has literally already done it once, but I'll wait until she does it again before I accept that it's possible she could do it."
    Okay, lol.

  16. #12576
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eeram View Post
    When do they start announcing an showing games off? i never remember
    Pre-show: 7:30 PM (CEST)
    Main Show: 8 PM (CEST)

    Google "7:30 PM CEST in my time zone"/"8 PM CEST in my time zone" for your own timezone.
    Last edited by Foreign Exchange Ztudent; 2023-08-21 at 08:59 PM.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  17. #12577
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    It's not an illusion. She gets knocked off her feet multiple times by Farondis' fireballs, fireballs that, if she were still in her actual form behind an illusion, would have been striking the bottom of her tail. It's a magical apperance that alters her physical form, literally the same thing as a visage.
    It is an illusion.

    She doesn't even appear herself, it's quite literally a vision of her that just stands in his onslaught and then just despawns when she is finished.
    Last edited by Raetary; 2023-08-21 at 08:35 PM.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  18. #12578
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    It is an illusion.

    She doesn't even appear herself, it's quite literally a vision of her that just stands in his onslaught and then just despawns when she is finished.

  19. #12579
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Aren't you guys going in too deep here? You think Blizz even considered this illusion-or-not question when they made this quest?
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  20. #12580
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Idk why people thought Arthas would have any big role in SL regardless...
    lich king
    helmet of domination
    frost mourne
    sylvanas tortured and killed
    sylvanas raised from the dead
    sylvanas breaking helmet of the domination.....
    .... opens portal to the Shadowlands

    and you still ask why people expected to see more of Arthas there?!?!??!?!

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