probably not today
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
For the umpteenth time though, it is unlikely that the announcement happens on the actual Gamescom Opening Night Live stage.
Gamescom week is a good week to make the announcement, but there's no reason they have to announce it standing next to Geoff.
What's likely is that they simply publish a Tweet, blog post and video coinciding with the overall Gamescom hype, either today or tomorrow. It's by no means a guarantee, but it can happen for sure.
What announcement are you waiting? Blizzcon is is November and we aren't even on 10.2. No expansion is going to be announce sin Gamescom.
I know Shadowlands didn't have a x.3, but that was because of covid. It still had pretty evenly-spaced patches. What sort of natural disaster are you predicting that would cause a 11-month content drought? No way a fall expansion is the only wow content they have planned for 2024Details of any perks the Microsoft buyout might entail? 10.2 perhaps? Some sort of new 2024 marketing campaign? Them announcing legion at Gamescom makes an expansion a valid prediction.
Last edited by Ersula; 2023-08-22 at 01:21 PM.
They announced in advance that an expansion reveal would take place at the Gamescom that Legion was revealed at.
No they didn't. They just announced there would be WoW news at gamescom that year. They announced Blizzard would be making a presentation at this years gamescom. Sure, we don't know what games it'll cover but Overwatch & Diablo already covered all their content for the immediate future. And I doubt they're just there for Warcraft Rumble.
They did in fact tell us a week in advance that they'd show the expansion.
When did they tell us they would host an event during Gamescom this year? I must have missed that one. Would you mind pointing me in the right direction?
As for Warcraft Rumble, sadly there is a chance that they are going to be hyping it up this week. The community manager who teased that she was excited for Gamescom for several reasons will be at the Samsung booth on Thursday and Friday once the show floor is open, which strongly suggests they'll be pitching Rumble there. Perhaps a full launch now that the soft launch has gone on for a few days around the world. That said, Rumble doesn't have to be all of it.
The buyout is still stuck in Cory's. Too early to celebrate it. 10.2. is just a patch to game way past it's hayday in cultural zeitgeist, not worth a slot in ONL. They still have content left for this year before they can start marketing 2024 stuff. Legion was only announced in Gamescom because WoD was already half a year deep into it's between expansions content drought and they hadn't yet announced anything.
Yeah, I don't expect anything at Gamescom, but a separate 10.2 announcement is fairly likely given that it lines up with the same timeframe in which 10.1 was announced (two weeks before the x.x.7 patch release, accompanied by that patch's cinematic).
Legion being unveiled at Gamescom was a unique circumstance in that the alternative was letting the game run for over 4 months with zero news as to any new content, 6.2 was already confirmed as the end of WoD. They couldn't afford to let that drought run long.
First one is ripped straight from here and is AI-tier gobbledegook.
Second one is just stuff that's obviously going to happen at some point besides the new specs, which is still likely. Calia having living family in the Scarlets has ALREADY been confirmed, so it will definitely pop up in the heritage.
Also what's the point of a loop for flying besides looking cool?
Last edited by Cheezits; 2023-08-22 at 01:47 PM.
The buyout is not happening right now, too much spaghetti. EU might screw up CMAs' little game of being the strictest regulator in the space. I would advice people to keep their sanity and just wait for the Microsoft closure statement if it occurs. While, the CMA seems to want to get it done before the 18th October deadline. It may lead to EU deciding to block the deal out of global regulatory political reasons.
I am rather confident that the deal closes, still. But, only because I like the position of crow eating and the shocks from this M&A have been exquisite in making me recognize that this is a particularly messy M&A situation that is unprecedented. I am sure the EC will provide me with a delicious crow soon enough.
Either way, no need to get spicy over something that was only a "maybe". I thought it was convenient from a marketing standpoint to appear at Gamescom but it seems Dragonflight may actually be performing better than expected even if my perspective was that 10.1 was a poorly thought out patch with very little meat to keep the audience engaged. But, hey looks like things are looking better on the business side than I imagined.
Again, its just 1 more dead week and then we're in 10.2 News anyways.
Last edited by Foreign Exchange Ztudent; 2023-08-22 at 02:17 PM.
I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.
I don't think this Gamescon is gonna reveal anything important to WoW. That mobile game though...possibly.
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
Its literally an Illusion.
Your screenshot shows you that one moment we all know, I hope you do know you can hit an Illusion.
I hope you are not going to say.. an Illusion will despawn, cus thats what happends. Besides casting your logic back at you, isnt she the most powerfull mage lol? Right.
I think you dont get it, I would recommend watching the warbringer. She doesnt use * forms* man, how hard can this be. She is a naga first and foremost, she was mutated by an old god for god sake. That she can use magic to trick people and in this one instance uses her magic to fool farondis. Thats it. There is no reason to believe she can undo her mutation.
Moving on.
Last edited by Alanar; 2023-08-22 at 02:22 PM.