1. #12721
    Blizzard not talking about 10.3 yet works on me because it doesn't sell season 3 raid as being just another step on the road. For now let's leave a bit of mystery and when we know what's happening in its entirety for season 3 then let's have Blizzard reveal if season 4 is the end chapter, a fated season or nonexistent

  2. #12722
    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    Blizzard not talking about 10.3 yet works on me because it doesn't sell season 3 raid as being just another step on the road. For now let's leave a bit of mystery and when we know what's happening in its entirety for season 3 then let's have Blizzard reveal if season 4 is the end chapter, a fated season or nonexistent
    I imagine it should be obvious if we get 10.3 based on 10.2 anyways. Blizzard has never left an expansion without a conclusive ending. They always sacrifice the middle patch over the final one, and I can't imagine Dragonflight would be an exception.
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  3. #12723
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    I imagine it should be obvious if we get 10.3 based on 10.2 anyways. Blizzard has never left an expansion without a conclusive ending. They always sacrifice the middle patch over the final one, and I can't imagine Dragonflight would be an exception.
    I'm not sure sacrifice is the right word, because in this case the Tree is being hyped wayyyyyyyyyy more than Tyr's story (the only other thread that seems to be remaining).

    This feels more like BFA where the mid patch is the big one and the finale will be smaller. Unless Tyr and Odyn rip open a portal to Yrel or something (and even then that could all be story without a zone).
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2023-08-22 at 10:15 PM.

  4. #12724
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Also, are you saying that 10.2 won't get announced til 10.1.7 releases? Or? Cause 10.1 kinda denounces that notion. But, like I said above, I think Blizzard said something about wanting their x.x.7 patches to last longer, so who knows?
    10.2 was officially announced at the beginning of 2023 when they showed us the Roadmap. And if the rest of Dragonflight's content is a clue, 10.2 will hit the ptr between a week before and a week after 10.1.7 is released. (Between July 29th & September 12th)
    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    Blizzard not talking about 10.3 yet works on me because it doesn't sell season 3 raid as being just another step on the road. For now let's leave a bit of mystery and when we know what's happening in its entirety for season 3 then let's have Blizzard reveal if season 4 is the end chapter, a fated season or nonexistent
    When have they ever even acknowledged a raid tier before the previous tier was even up on the ptr? I think the only time they did that was them referencing ICC would be after Trial of the Crusader when it was announced & 10.2 when they showed it on the official "2023 roadmap". The 2023 roadmap was already way more insight into the content schedule than they've ever done before.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-08-22 at 10:18 PM.

  5. #12725
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I'm not sure sacrifice is the right word, because in this case the Tree is being hyped wayyyyyyyyyy more than Tyr's story (the only other thread that seems to be remaining).

    This feels more like BFA where the mid patch is the big one and the finale will be smaller. Unless Tyr and Odyn rip open a portal to Yrel or something (and even then that could all be story without a zone).
    The tree is hyped more because it's the next patch. But in the grand scheme I feel the tree is a diversion at best. It has nothing to do with Tyr. Almost nothing to do with the Titans. So far nothing to do with the Primalists beyond something they want to attack for unknown reasons.

    BfA was weird because the main plot ended in 8.2.5 and we got N'zoth in the final patch, but it was conclusive.
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  6. #12726
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Ok, so I did this a few weeks ago, but clearly it got "lost in the sauce", so I'll do it one more time. Here are some dates to help people "speculate":

    Patch 10.0.7 got an "official" release date of March 21, 2023 ON March 8, 2023.
    Patch 10.1 got an "official" announcement ON March 8, 2023.
    Patch 10.0.7 cinematic got released ON March 8, 2023.

    Patch 10.1 got an "official" release date for May 2, 2023 ON April 3, 2023.
    Patch 10.1 cinematic got released ON April 17, 2023.

    I will LEAVE Patch 10.1.5 information out since it doesn't reflect the comparison between Patches 10.0.7/10.1 with what I am TRYING to compare with Patches 10.1.7 and 10.2.

    Patch 10.1.7 got an "official" release date of September 5, 2023 ON August 7, 2023.

    Based on everything above, we can make some "speculations", correct?

    So, we "should" get a 10.1.7 cinematic dropping THIS WEEK since the 13 days (10.0.7) and 15 days (10.1) between cinematics and respective patches dropping lines up perfectly with THIS WEEK since 13-15 days before Patch 10.1.7 releases (September 5) would be THIS WEEK.

    Now, additionally, using this same "math", you could "speculate" that Patch 10.2 "could/should" get announced around 13-15 days BEFORE Patch 10.1.7 releases, which again, would be THIS WEEK.

    Tldr; Trying to figure out the semantics of when Patch 10.2 will be announced is exhausting. You can look at the "math" above and say, "it's going to be tomorrow/this week". Realistically, who cares about Hardcore WoW if you are a Retail player, right? Alternatively, you "could say' that NEXT WEEK would be the "PERFECT" week to announce 10.2 since it is an "off week" since Hardcore WoW is THIS WEEK and Patch 10.1.7 is in TWO WEEKS (leaving next week WIDE OPEN for some news to keep people juicing!).

  7. #12727
    So I take it gamescon is a busy?

  8. #12728
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    My concern is when 10.2 will hit PTR. If they want it to launch before Blizzcon, unless its PTR goes live tomorrow, they would barely get two months of testing. Two months for a patch that needs to be really big (I still hope that it would be the biggest patch in WoW's history). So, either It would not be that big, or they plan to release it after Blizzcon, seriously damaging the possibilities of a 10.3 proper patch.

    Hopefully tomorrow they would show something, although it is unlikely because I think that is WoW's Hardcore launch.
    They won't launch it before Blizzcon
    Just for the fact it's extra work

  9. #12729
    Mechagnome Civciv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Ok, so I did this a few weeks ago, but clearly it got "lost in the sauce", so I'll do it one more time.
    No it didn't get lost, we just didn't care about your post.
    Last edited by Civciv; 2023-08-22 at 11:31 PM.
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  10. #12730
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeraldofSargeras View Post
    No it didn't get lost, we just didn't care about your post.
    That's fine. We all have opinions (evident from the last few pages of semantics). Excited for what's to come is all!

  11. #12731
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreign Exchange Ztudent View Post
    I despise the semantics game, yes there's always some weird nonsense that people can concoct to start arguing that it is a completely okay decision to make to evade the x.3 question.

    But, it is illogical from every standpoint beyond a pro-corporate one.

    Whatever way the 10.3 question is sliced outside of the perspective of past x.3s' it is not a PR logic one but a wholly business oriented downsizing of the World of Warcraft product and lower costs.

    There's nothing wrong with that mind you if you have the perspective from a business first mentality.

    Absolutely if Blizzard Entertainment wants to downsize the game and lower costs while increasing profiteering from increased MTX spending that is wholly their prerogative to do so.
    Let's say they have a .3
    If 10.2 hits mid November (anyone thinking before Blizzcon is tinker levels nuts)
    So 6 months puts us at may
    10.3 in early may let's say
    Prepatch in October
    Launch in November

    Would be great
    Would fit the "no .3 patch means no content in 2024"
    Fated season is a thing
    The dragon riding cups are a thing
    .5,.7,.75, patches can and will happen (remember 8.3.5)
    They can make a prepatch be 2 months
    If no .3 patch for SL was a consequence of covid then you could argue a November release was as well.

    So no 10.3 could play out like this
    10.2 in November
    10.2.5 in February
    10.2.7 in April in may with Fated season including outdoor scaling on a rotation like if Vault is the Fated raid then forbidden reach scales up and it includes cups for northrend and pandaria
    11.0 in August
    Launch in October

    They said they want fated raids as a buffer and if you have access to a tool like that you are a fool to not use it to help out with the gap in development. Especially considering Cali isn't having an easy time this year

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    That's fine. We all have opinions (evident from the last few pages of semantics). Excited for what's to come is all!
    If by what's to come you mean 10 more pages about the flow of time or whether an illusion spell is an illusion then I agree.

  12. #12732
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Ok, so I did this a few weeks ago, but clearly it got "lost in the sauce", so I'll do it one more time. Here are some dates to help people "speculate":

    Patch 10.0.7 got an "official" release date of March 21, 2023 ON March 8, 2023.
    Patch 10.1 got an "official" announcement ON March 8, 2023.
    Patch 10.0.7 cinematic got released ON March 8, 2023.

    Patch 10.1 got an "official" release date for May 2, 2023 ON April 3, 2023.
    Patch 10.1 cinematic got released ON April 17, 2023.

    I will LEAVE Patch 10.1.5 information out since it doesn't reflect the comparison between Patches 10.0.7/10.1 with what I am TRYING to compare with Patches 10.1.7 and 10.2.

    Patch 10.1.7 got an "official" release date of September 5, 2023 ON August 7, 2023.

    Based on everything above, we can make some "speculations", correct?

    So, we "should" get a 10.1.7 cinematic dropping THIS WEEK since the 13 days (10.0.7) and 15 days (10.1) between cinematics and respective patches dropping lines up perfectly with THIS WEEK since 13-15 days before Patch 10.1.7 releases (September 5) would be THIS WEEK.

    Now, additionally, using this same "math", you could "speculate" that Patch 10.2 "could/should" get announced around 13-15 days BEFORE Patch 10.1.7 releases, which again, would be THIS WEEK.

    Tldr; Trying to figure out the semantics of when Patch 10.2 will be announced is exhausting. You can look at the "math" above and say, "it's going to be tomorrow/this week". Realistically, who cares about Hardcore WoW if you are a Retail player, right? Alternatively, you "could say' that NEXT WEEK would be the "PERFECT" week to announce 10.2 since it is an "off week" since Hardcore WoW is THIS WEEK and Patch 10.1.7 is in TWO WEEKS (leaving next week WIDE OPEN for some news to keep people juicing!).
    Thanks for collecting all this data. It gives me some hope for tomorrow. At least we should see an encrypted build dropping on the PTR, right?

    Anyway, if tomorrow we do not see anything is definitively next week, and I do not really want to wait that long to know what is coming
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  13. #12733
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    I would live for a Japan-inspired expansion! It would be absolutely fantastic
    If they decide to add additional specs to the game, a blademaster for warrior wielding katanas could be cool.

  14. #12734
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    If nothing else, we "should" see the 10.1.7 cinematic this week, at the very least. To further my claim above, Patch 10.1.5 cinematic released in a similar manner. The 10.1.5 cinematic dropped on June 29, 2023 and Patch 10.1.5 dropped on July 11, 2023 (12 days in between).

  15. #12735
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    I don't want another asian themed expansion. It could be very beautiful but peoplle will spend the whole expansion comparing it to Mists of Pandaria.

    I would love it so much if we could get back to a more medieval expansion instead. Kul tiras didn't work well enough for me with this, I'm convinced they could do better, probably darker even
    Maybe just 1 or two zones as Asian/Japanese themed? 1 or 2 as medieval themed, and 1 or 2 as middle Eastern themed. All 3 great kingdoms vying for power for the first half of the expansion, and then the big bad shows up and they unite to protect their home.

  16. #12736
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ceveris View Post
    New class : samurai

    Choose to either heal your allies with the power of the cherry blossom, or bring down the power of the rising sun on your enemies or parry the blows with your mastery of the blade and your agility!
    They arent going to add a new class in 11.0 imo.

  17. #12737
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    They arent going to add a new class in 11.0 imo.
    At this point new specs are guaranteed IMO for 11.0.

    A new class seems impossible, but we are talking about a team that introduced a new spec mid-expansion so anything could happen. If in 11.0 we go to Avaloren and it is as advanced as it seems to be, a Tinkers class is not out of the question.
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  18. #12738
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    At this point new specs are guaranteed IMO for 11.0.

    A new class seems impossible, but we are talking about a team that introduced a new spec mid-expansion so anything could happen. If in 11.0 we go to Avaloren and it is as advanced as it seems to be, a Tinkers class is not out of the question.
    At this point, I kinda just accepted that a Tinker Class isn't gonna happen as much as I want it to happen...

    But a Tinker Spec.. that's something that can work as a 4th Hunter spec. Most of an Engineer's kit revolves around making guns, ammo, explosives.. stuff that is peppered into a hunter's kit along with the addition of taming mechanical pets.

  19. #12739
    If a "tinker" type class ever comes into being, I imagine they will call it something more fancy like Artificer or Machinist or Doug. It would be nice to see a new gun toting class though.
    Last edited by DiscipleofCazicThule; 2023-08-23 at 01:21 AM.

  20. #12740
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    At this point new specs are guaranteed IMO for 11.0.

    A new class seems impossible, but we are talking about a team that introduced a new spec mid-expansion so anything could happen. If in 11.0 we go to Avaloren and it is as advanced as it seems to be, a Tinkers class is not out of the question.

    This is some hopium I’ll happily sup upon.

    I think it’s entirely possible for todays devs to produce a new class/spec when it’s fitting.

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