We already know that Dragonflight will be the "new player" experience, or where the player starts come 11.0. Was already confirmed.
We already know that Dragonflight will be the "new player" experience, or where the player starts come 11.0. Was already confirmed.
It other news. Clouds seen in sky, and fishermen return with fish.
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It was confirmed, but that doesnt mean we can't see that change. We once believed that the late Legion revamp to levelling would be the way forward, and then later that the Chromie Time would be the answer to all our burning questions.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Well, we know that they are doing something about the new player experience. I think that it was Ion himself who talked about this. I agree that it is a MUST in the next expansion. The new player experience in WoW is so horrible, that I am genuinely amazed that some still manage to engage with the game.
I thought about the possibility of your third point recently. Let us say that in 11.0 we go to Avaloren, a huge continent that will span several expansions. They could update old zones from time to time when the story lead us there. When I say updated I mean revamped. All the world that we know today would belong to a portal in the CoT or whatever. In the new map we would only have the Dragon Isles, the part of Avaloren that we are visiting in 11.0, and the parts of Kalimdor and The Eastern Kingdoms that are getting revamps overtime.
The problem with this approach is that it would require several expansions to update everything, and that we may end up having a zone, let us say, Tanaris, revamped in 11.0, and Silithus in 13.0, meaning that their stories are about completely different threats and different points in time. This would feel increasingly bad overtime. But if they manage to solve this issue it would be awesome.
Last edited by Darkarath; 2023-08-24 at 07:05 PM.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
For sure. Additionally, today is the "12th day" before 10.1.7 launches. Every cinematic, for every patch since 10.0.7 has released within 12-15 days before the associated patch launches. If we don't see it today/tomorrow (Friday so very unlikely), then perhaps they really have shifted their "pipeline" plans and the "timeline" I wrote doesn't mean crap from 10.0.7----->10.1.7 for 10.2 timing.
The cinematic at least could be explained as being somewhere a bit into the patch, which is why we have not gotten one. All the ones we have gotten before have been introductory cinematics afterall.
The actual announcement I am more stumped by though. The only two explanations I can see is that they are either: A. Waiting for the perfect platform to announce it. Or B. Not gotten it to a state where it's ready for PTR, and therefore unsuitable to announce.
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Or I suppose C. The patch will be massively delayed. Though that one feels more unlikely somehow.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Yeah, the cinematic could be majorly different this time around. All three previous cinematics have been shown basically immediately after patch launched.
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We know that there is a 3 minute or so datamined, encrypted cinematic, I believe, somewhere for 10.1.7.
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Not gonna lie, though, I have been REALLY enjoying the cinematics 1.5-2 weeks prior to every patch to HYPE up the new patch.
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Secrets of the Reach, Opening the Way, A Matter of Time...they have ALL really been good and got me excited for the release.
Making stories where the playable races/factions are pivotal and a World Revamp aren't mutually exclusive, but the playable races/factions stories need proper build-up and respect for the established lore and rules, something that seems nowadays devs behind the lore despise, as they were quick to close many loose ends and retconned a lot of stuff as soon Metzen left.
I also don't think that stories as we get in VANILLA/TBC/WOTLK/CATA/MOP/WOD/LEGION are that hard to make, Dragonflight, for instance, has many similarities with those expansions, but they forgot to integrate the most important character in Warcraft franchise, the playable races/factions lore in the main plot.
I think that 2nd promotion article they mentioned is the classic transfer bundles PepeLaugh
I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.
It's pretty neat that we have two heritage questlines, a "Tyr Awakening Questline", and the "Velen" questline all encrypted and coming in 10.1.7. Now, whether or not the "Primal Incarnate/Incarnates" connection is part of the "Tyr Awakening" or if that is additional, it's so interesting to me!
As I said earlier, although all 3 patches prior to 10.1.7 have had a cinematic 12-15 days before launch, maybe 10.1.7 is just different? Whether it’s narrative linked, resources, focusing on other things, idk. I just think it’s funny that this is the first time in DF the “timeline” is “off”.
Hopefully they will say something about 10.2's PTR![]()
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
we didn't even get a ptr build for retail this week. i know 10.1.7 is really close so there isn't much to test, but still...
You guys want to make your head hurt? And maybe laugh?
Read this totally for realz leak of Dragonflight's ending. (Found it on Reddit)
Reminds me of some of the crap I wrote when I was like, 13.
I pray this was some AI written stuff because if not, whoever wrote it took a lot of time.
I reached the Primus forcing Kel'thuzad to marry Margrave Stradama before I had to stop. And there's five more pages beyond that!
10.2 is now on the encrypted wowdev endpoint!
https://x.com/algalon_ghost/status/1...jgkgWvRvHdAuNA YEP!
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We’re moving on up!