All that did was free the souls she was keeping emprisoned; what Odyn originally did to her made her impossible to kill. So she's still doing that, though clearly his opinion of mortals have changed, so it really doesn't matter.You know the pre-order rewards for the next expansion usually come out before the final major patch, actually. This is normal.You might as well said "Disregard my opinion, I play wow like its minecraft"
looks like 11.0 is coming in august
"You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."
Preorder isn't related to 10.2.
New expansion are always announced ~1 year before their release. Blizzcon is in November => 11.0 announcement => 11.0 release roughly in November 2024 and the 2-year cycle is respected as usual. If anything, it confirms even more that there will be a 10.3 in the meantime (as if it was ever a doubt).
Stop it.
Better not mean no 10.3
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
This isn't really accurate. Dragonflight was announced seven months before it was released.
Assuming similar turn around for 11.0, the 4-5 month patch cadence we've been getting so far this expansion would put 10.2.7 2-3 months before 11.0... which is exactly the same timing we got between 9.2.7 and 10.0
Interesting, 10.2 in November I guess.
Only because Dragonflight was announced unusually late: His point was every expansion has, on average, a 2 year rotation, which is completely true. 20 years, 10 expansions.
Near the end, the 10.0 speculation thread was rife with absolutely deranged theories that 10.0 wasn't coming until late 2023/2024.
- - - Updated - - -
What are you talking about? Dragonflight's major patches have been much closer together than Shadowland's. Dragonflight's third raid tier has just been pushed to vendor so we're about 3 months ahead of Shadowland's schedule. Given there's no reason to think they're breaking the tradition (7 out of 9 of the expansions) of announcing an expansion at Blizzcon that releases about a year later, we'll get another raid tier in the first half of 2024.
Last edited by Ersula; 2023-08-25 at 05:24 AM.
So we've got an encrypted 10.2 PTR build? I guess next week is it!
I'm not sold on a 10.3 at this point and signs keep pointing to no. The fastest Blizzard has gotten from a final patch to an expansion was Shadowlands 9.2 to 10.0 at just 8 months. Even if we're generous with the timeline and say 11.0 goes live in November with a December expansion launch and January season 1, the latest 10.3 could be out is March. My gut says they want this expac out before the 20th anniversary Blizzcon next year which bumps that timeline up to October/November like Dragonflight. That'd require a February last patch again. I just don't see a world we go from a Mid November Season 3 to a Season 4 just 3 months later. Even March is just 4 months and even season 1 had 5 months.
10.3 requires them to somehow develop an entire expansion in just 6 months or less which they have never done before.
Damn, what news to wake up to!
So imo, 10.3 is off the table at this point.
10.2 wil be the final patch, followed up with an epilogue patch including a fated season at some point, and then the next expansion launches.
Formerly known as Arafal
With the tenders being added for preorders, this practically confirms 10.3 is scrapped. My guess is they did not expect new talent trees and simps to be this hard to balance so they will dedicate a slightly longer final season in 10.2 to wrap up on specs and be ready for 11.0 where they can focus on content.
DF was the maintenance expansion that was heavily needed - low-key irrelevant story with nothing happening and tons of reworks of specs. At least this prepares us for an amazing 11.0.
Well in 10.2 we will be probably killing fyrakk 100% and vyranoth maybe, but for vyranoth i think there's higher chance for her to change her ways and see reason.
Iridkron is probably saved for next expansion, so i don't know who would be a boss of 10.3.