1. #12961
    This does make it less likely there will be a 10.3 unfortunately but one can still hope!
    I guess the Reds will get their story in 10.2.5? Or the upcoming Tyr campaign could be the Red story.

  2. #12962
    If 10.2 comes out early nov then 10.3 april and 11.0 late 2024, that still fits no? We'll have to see, but the situation is still the same as before the 10.2 vendor build and tenders in 10.2. I reckon pre-orders will be up right after announcement and if 10.2 goes live week after blizzcon then obviously the data would need to be in the 10.1.7 patch. 6-8 months of fated would suck balls.

    Only way we dont get 10.3 is if 11.0 releases august 2024 or earlier.
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  3. #12963
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    They're pumping out so many assets that I wouldn't be surprised if they have the pala mounts ready. It's "only" 14 mounts for the remaining races and they are always just an edit of the racial mount.
    Druid seems to be the most work by far. Druid is 15 races and they need multiple forms for each race. And they are always completely new models.
    Which is why more druids will never happen. 10.2(.X) is the best and probably only chance for it happening, but druid is just too much work to expand for more races.

  4. #12964
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Why do we keep necessitating that the classes MUST be added to every single race in a single patch?

    Especially in the case of druids, just gradually adding the class to 1-2 races every patch or 2 is enough.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  5. #12965
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Why do we keep necessitating that the classes MUST be added to every single race in a single patch?

    Especially in the case of druids, just gradually adding the class to 1-2 races every patch or 2 is enough.
    Because imagine how vocal the fanbase would be because they are waiting X months because their favorite race doesnt have Druid yet. If the models are the issue, I'd prefer they release Druid to all classes with a generic model and just give them specific ones later like they did with Paladins.
    Quote Originally Posted by Greyscale View Post
    But then again, in the story, we're pretty brutal murder machines and not really "strategical assets". Just send us in and we'll murder everything in our way!
    So I guess the solution here is simple - we'll murder everyone.

  6. #12966
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Which is why more druids will never happen. 10.2(.X) is the best and probably only chance for it happening, but druid is just too much work to expand for more races.
    Are you saying... it would cost us a raid tier? I guess 10.3 is officially not happening.

  7. #12967
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaganite View Post
    Because imagine how vocal the fanbase would be because they are waiting X months because their favorite race doesnt have Druid yet.
    Then they will wait, just like they waited the last 10-20 years for it to happen in the first place.

    Giving all races some hyper generic druid models, just for the sake of it, would bring forth a bigger outrage than "oh no, i gotta wait a few extra months for it to happen due to obvious dev work".

    Formerly known as Arafal

  8. #12968
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Damn, what news to wake up to!

    So imo, 10.3 is off the table at this point.
    10.2 wil be the final patch, followed up with an epilogue patch including a fated season at some point, and then the next expansion launches.
    Based on what? There's been no new information that would affect this in any manner.

  9. #12969
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Based on what? There's been no new information that would affect this in any manner.
    Based on 11.0 getting revealed at Blizzcon.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  10. #12970
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Based on 11.0 getting revealed at Blizzcon.
    I repeat my previous comment. That's been nothing out of the ordinary for decades now.

  11. #12971
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Then they will wait, just like they waited the last 10-20 years for it to happen in the first place.

    Giving all races some hyper generic druid models, just for the sake of it, would bring forth a bigger outrage than "oh no, i gotta wait a few extra months for it to happen due to obvious dev work".
    I think that it is guaranteed that by the end of the expansion all races would be able to be all classes, except for Demon Hunters and Evokers.

    Druids are probably coming in 10.2.5 or 10.2.7, and I bet that every race would have different forms. They know that players expect this and I doubt that they would take the low effort way of shared forms.

    I would not discard that Shamans for all come right along with 10.2, with Paladins following soon enough.

    They have stated that they are lifting class restrictions and It seems that they want to get this out of the way in DF.

    It is cool because when they are done with it, in 11.0 patches they would be able to focus their efforts in other stuff.

    Also, 10.3 seems to be in a bad place right now, but I believe that we will get one, although It might be more like 8.3 than 7.3, sadly.

    Another possibility is that they have the balls to go world revamp (unlikely) and that they do a proper 10.3, releasing 11.0 when it is done, even if that means 2024.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  12. #12972
    Quote Originally Posted by leothar View Post
    They can develop multiple things at the same time. They likely started on 11.0 long before Dragonflight released.
    This. Since BFA almost every 3D assets are in the first build of each patch. Only the features are distilled through builds cycles because they want to target specific feedbacks.

    But following the patch cycle, it is unlikely that we're going to see a 10.3. 10.2 will probably release during november / december, then 10.2.5 will be out for feb / march 2k24, 10.2.7 for June. If the expansion is announced during Blizzcon, it will likely be released one year after its announcement. It would be a big marketing hit if they could ship it for the 20th anniversary of WoW, and it will leaves us with 5 months of 10.2.7, almost a 1 year season (unless they cut it in half).

  13. #12973
    I hope we'll get 10.3 major and after that 11.0

  14. #12974
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Lmao at everyone who was expecting 10.3. to not be the fated raid season with extra open world content, which was confirmed in interviews since the launch of dragonflight.
    Link the interviews that state this

  15. #12975
    I am sure having the 10.2 raid stay for a full year will go amazing with retention rates. Fated season after all is the apparent silver bullet. And just add some new invasions on the map.


  16. #12976
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Announced next week, released around BlizzCon. All players gain access to the Druid class, with a generic set of Druid forms based on the Emerald Dream, and a starting zone within the dream (akin to Bolvar's Death Knights).

    Fyrakk attacks the World Tree within the Emerald Dream, but we defeat him. We learn that Azeroth is the true source of the dream, and also the full extent of the Titans' Ordering of Azeroth. We realise that the Old Gods only used Azeroth's power for the Curse of Flesh. We are all Children of Azeroth, not the Old Gods nor the Titans. The evidence is at Khaz Algar.

    Vyranoth and Alexstrasza struggle until the bitter end, each desperately seeking to make the other "wake up" to their truth. Eventually, Alex defeats Vyranoth and ends the threat to the Dragon Isles. However, Vyranoth's legacy endures, and the ideas she planted within Alex remain. It is unclear if Vyranoth survives, but I honestly don't think she needs "redemption". It is Alex who does.

    Keeper Tyr has a re-awakening of his own, and begins to question the motives of his makers, as well as his past. The reason for this is that Alex confronts him. She has learned so much recently. The black dragons. The rebellion. Vyranoth. The Emerald Dream. It has all led to this. It'll be further explained in the War of the Scaleborn novel.

    The Mother Oathstone awakens and the Dragon Aspects are empowered again.

    Suddenly Iridikron appears, stronger than ever. He attacks Tyrhold, which becomes the final raid encounter. He's basically a distraction while the Harbinger does some shenanigans, still unbeknownst to us. We defeat him, but he probably escapes? Maybe the Harbinger or Queen Azshara takes him away in a portal, last minute.

    10.X (Epilogue)

    Announced at BlizzCon, released February, 2024. All players gain access to the Paladin class, based on Tyr or Elune. I'm sure they'll cleverly use NPCs inside capital cities to provide some further distinction, like they did with Monks etc.

    Basically the epilogue to Dragonflight, with the "Fated Raid" system making its return, among other things.

    11.0 (Pre-patch)

    Announced at BlizzCon, released July, 2024. All players gain access to the Shaman class, as Thrall and the theme of "saving Azeroth" is prominent.

    Likely some form of "invasion" content all around the world, which we need to stop. Elements in turmoil? Void minions? Pirates? Naga? IDK.

    Expansion 10 (Release)

    Announced at BlizzCon, released August, 2024. We head to Avaloren alongside Tyr and maybe some of the Dragon Aspects in Visage forms. We're looking for answers about their origins, about the fundamental nature of Azeroth, and of course help in our fight against the Harbinger and Queen Azshara.

    We might head there with the Pirate Arnada, in case Horde and Alliance are a bit overwhelmed in the defense of Azeroth.

    Lots of exotic and water-based content. Islands, etc.

    20th Anniversary Celebration

    Announced at BlizzCon, released 23rd November 2024. Probably either a World Revamp, or at least several major "world refresh" features. I'm guessing this happens on the actual anniversary date. Because the expansion will have been out for a little while, the original "threat against Azeroth" story will probably be over. So it makes sense for a refresh of the base world to happen after that.
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2023-08-25 at 09:11 AM.

  17. #12977
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    When the news comes, I’ll be here. Until then, enjoy the HYPE!
    I think I speak for most of us when I say we’ll appreciate it more when you stop capitalising hype.

  18. #12978


    Quote Originally Posted by Black Rider View Post
    I hope we'll get 10.3 major and after that 11.0
    Even better, I calculated that we CAN get 10.2, 10.3 AND a fated season, IF 10.2 releases early November 2023, 10.3 releases in April, fated releases early September AND 11.0 releases late November 2024! Exactly TWO years later!!!

  19. #12979
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I am sure having the 10.2 raid stay for a full year will go amazing with retention rates. Fated season after all is the apparent silver bullet. And just add some new invasions on the map.

    Oh yeah, because everyone in WoW stay for raid nowadays xD.

    First, these "some new invasions" as you call casual world content, is something people asked for years, Blizzard not only should add more every 2 months, but also give reason to do older ones - or make them soloable.

    Second, M+ is far more popular feature than raids. We expect Fated to have different dungeon set than previous 3 seasons, so for M+ players it's huge waste if season last only 10-12 weeks.

    Third, WoW expansion doesn't have to be on breakneck speed all 2 years. Don't get me wrong, game should get new patch every ~2 months at least before Alpha/Beta of 11.0, but it can be small/middle patches - and it's perfect opportunity to focus on old world.

    Also I really hope 10.2 challenges will have some class rewards and give reason to gear through S3 on every char (and S4 for easier experience - which would repeat 10.3 effect for Mage Tower). But that's unknown before reveal.

  20. #12980
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vexilius View Post
    Link the interviews that state this

    Here you go. A final fated season with new outdoor content was always planned, nothing got "cut short".

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