1. #13161
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    I'm curious if Blizzard will be able to "contain themselves" from "leaking" 11.0 prior to Blizzcon. With Shadowlands, we had the Bolvar/Shadowlands shirt in the Blizzard Store about a week or so before Blizzcon 2019. For Dragonflight, the name got "leaked" AND we saw artwork for Alexstrasza prior to the April 19th, 2022 expansion announcement.

    https://www.wowhead.com/news/world-o...website-326583 APRIL 2nd, 17 days BEFORE the announcement.
    It will get leaked in one way or another for sure. October will be a crazy month in MMOChampion.

    What I really want right now are some 10.2 leaks... I could make a really big list of all the stuff that this patch might include, but I think that I will wait until monday, when I expect to have a confirmation of the day of the info dump.
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  2. #13162
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    I'm ready to go through the Dark Portal 3.0!

  3. #13163
    I'm betting all the bronze time shenanigans will pull yrel to our timeline.

    I'm also betting that her lightbound and the remnants of the scarlet crusade will join forces, given the two are fanatical light zealots.

    11.0 will take place in Karesh

  4. #13164
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    It will get leaked in one way or another for sure. October will be a crazy month in MMOChampion.

    What I really want right now are some 10.2 leaks... I could make a really big list of all the stuff that this patch might include, but I think that I will wait until monday, when I expect to have a confirmation of the day of the info dump.
    I for one am excited about Fake Patch/Speculation Season. I'm very disappointed we haven't had any new good fanfics in the past day or so to read, lol

  5. #13165
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luck4 View Post
    I can see 10.3 happening, if it does not come with a new 8+ boss raid.

    There's no way they'll release a big raid so close to Fated Season and delay 11.0.

    Personally, I think no 10.3 and 11.0 launch in September/October 2024 is the best outcome. I'm so sick of Retail releases so close to holidays...
    Theres also the possibility that 10.2.5 or 10.2.7 is the last major patch with 11.0 launching in August going back to summer releases.

    November 10.2
    Jan 10.2.5
    March 10.2.7
    May 10.2.9 fated patch with a small world content refresh this time.
    August 11.0

  6. #13166
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    All I care about is a fulfilling narrative. If that can happen with a Summer/Fall 11.0 release, I don’t really care which happens. If they can make the story of 10.2, 10.2.5, and let’s say 10.2.7 feel like “enough” to pull us toward a summer 11.0, fantastic. However, if a “10.3” needs to happen, then a later (Fall) 2024, I’m all for that, too.

  7. #13167
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    I think thats DFs one of the weakest points of DF is the lack of the two factions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I mean in SL it made sense for them to take a break from factions, but TWO expansions, especially after a timeskip, without factions makes me think that they want to use EK/Kalimdor questing to flesh out what the factions are like now. Four years without factions is a bit much.
    Not only factions, this goes for playable races representation as well. Back in Legion, for instance, when the factions lose at Broken Shore, we still saw Human/Forsaken in Stormheim, Night Elves in Val'sharah, Kirin Tor/High Elves/Blood Elves in Suramar, and Draenei in the Argus assault.

    And this goes for every expansion until Shadowlands/Dragonflight.

    I really don't understand why this is happening now...

    - - - Updated - - -

    I hope we'll see faction/playable race representation in the 11.0 reveal, regardless of the story, theme, or setting.

  8. #13168
    Quote Originally Posted by Luck4 View Post
    I really don't understand why this is happening now...
    Course correction from BfA

    Or them really wanting to push cross faction raids

  9. #13169
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    I've tried explaining it in two ways for you. I've been very accommodating and patient.

    Can we just agree that once 11.0 is revealed to be a big showdown with the Void, you'll admit I was right?

  10. #13170
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    You are a clown.
    Send your complaints to Taliesin, Evitel, Bellular, mrMG and Azmongold because they all made the same comparisons when DF was revealed. You're getting so bent out of shape just because I said "DF gives Northrend vibes"
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I mean, I would act surprised at your seeming inability (or unwillingness) to grasp the theory I'm plainly laying out before you... but then I remember that you're Hitei the Contrarian. You and I will never agree on anything, because you've made up your mind in advance to never agree on anything. Even when it means you have to twist yourself into a knot just to make your own (and incorrect) interpretation of unfolding events work.
    You keep doing this thing where, despite that the person you replied to clearly understood what you wrote & has valid contradictions to it, you refuse to engage with those points & instead insult their intelligence. You can't just list all the things that back up your theory & ignore all the things that contradict it. Those contradictions matter: The biggest one I see is you're attributing BFA to "death" instead of "old gods" despite the big bad being an old god. You're not the first person to make this theory but he conveyed it with more brevity. Your theory is worthless if an entire expansion can be about fighting N'zoth but that's "irrelevant" because it was actually part of the "Death." You're just saying anything that doesn't fit into your narrow justification "doesn't count."
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-08-27 at 06:09 AM.

  11. #13171
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Send your complaints to Taliesin, Evitel, Bellular, mrMG and Azmongold because they all made the same comparisons when DF was revealed. You're getting so bent out of shape just because I said "DF gives Northrend vibes"You keep doing this thing where, despite that the person you replied to clearly understood what you wrote & has valid contradictions to it, you refuse to engage with those points & instead insult their intelligence. You can't just list all the things that back up your theory & ignore all the things that contradict it. Those contradictions matter: The biggest one I see is you're attributing BFA to "death" instead of "old gods" despite the big bad being an old god. You're not the first person to make this theory but he conveyed it with more brevity. Your theory is worthless if an entire expansion can be about fighting N'zoth but that's "irrelevant" because it was actually part of the "Death." You're just saying anything that doesn't fit into your narrow justification "doesn't count."
    Like I've said many times at this point, an expansion is never just about one thing.

    The Old Gods, the Titans, and other factions are part of WoW's mythos. They need development, and are difficult to avoid. Same with murlocs, kobolds, and gnolls.

    The theory says the following:

    Expansion 1 is the original story, inspired by Warcraft 3. It dips its toes pretty deeply into a cosmic force. Here, you'll fine TBC, WotLK, Cata and arguably MoP.

    Expansion 2 is the one that mixes a lot of themes, but develops one in particular for the next expansion. It reconnects us with one of the original expansions, and sets the stage for the next one. Here you'll find WoD, BfA, Dragonflight and possibly 12.0.

    Expansion 3 is the big finale. A large showdown with a cosmic force, essentially one-upping its original counterpart. In this category, you've got Legion, Shadowlands, 11.0, and maybe 13.0.

    What Hitei is doing is point at various expansions and say: "A-ha! This expansion has Sylvanas/Old God/whomever in it, therefore it is not based on the theme you are suggesting!"

    This is a dishonest argument, because not only have I made it clear that all expansions mix a lot of themes, it also ignores the central point I'm making. That you can clearly see that WoD and Legion are just two parts of the same story, as are BfA and Shadowlands. It's not even a question, we know that to be the case.

    But Hitei willfully ignores this fact, because oh, BfA has an Old God in it, and Sylvanas' story didn't take a break between WotLK and BfA?

  12. #13172
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Send your complaints to Taliesin, Evitel, Bellular, mrMG and Azmongold because they all made the same comparisons when DF was revealed. You're getting so bent out of shape just because I said "DF gives Northrend vibes.
    No. You literally said that Waking Shores is pretty much exactly the same as Borean Tundra. You also said the same for Thaldraszuz and Dragonblight, and Ohnara Plains and Sholazar. The only one you were remotely close with was Azure Span and Grizzly Hills.
    Last edited by Santandame; 2023-08-27 at 07:12 AM.

  13. #13173
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    I think that it is not fair to compare DF's plot and impact to other expansions. Hell, we are not in 10.2 yet. What happened in other expansions until their first patch? Sure some of them had more meat than DF, but we should wait and see.

    I am pretty sure that DF will have a WTF moment. Our Buddy Fyrakk is, IMO, at the moment, the most powerful Dragon in history (apart from Galakrond), even more powerful that the Aspects in their prime.

    The Incarnates are a type of VERY welcomed villains. We can empathize with a villain from the first time in how long?

    Finally, I feel that DF's plot is important, if not amazing, and clearly narratively very poorly put together. But by the end of 10.3 (yes, now I firmly believe that we will have one), we will no longer see the Titans and its Keepers as allies. Which will be interesting because that position would affect our relation with Iridikron.

    I just cannot see us being buddies with the Titans after DF.
    I doubt hes more powerful than old god juiced demon soul aspect empowered Deathwing.

  14. #13174
    Quote Originally Posted by Luck4 View Post
    There's no way they'll release a big raid so close to Fated Season and delay 11.0.
    ... you do realise there is nothing that would confirm we will have fated season in DF?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Loreguy126 View Post
    Chris Metzen // CEO of Blizz — ANYONE ! If you read this, please think of having a proper 10.3 with a new raid (at the least) & some new dailies or some form of daily/weekly content… INSTEAD OF A FATED SEASON.

    Fated is so boring and is going to kill the game long-term x_X — please add more content to each expac vs just two major updates :// it hurts the story continuity SO much… — <3 Loregirl126*
    did you (and other guys ofc) COMPLETELY miss the point of fated season? we didnt get it instead of new tier we got it instead of CONTENT DROUGHT...

  15. #13175
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Honestly they could do 11.0 in March/April 2025 and have a full incredible patch cycle all the way to 10.3.9 with the .9 being the fated patch 3-4 months before 11.0.

    Idc either way as long as 11.0 is good and we dont have to wait more than 7 or 8 months with 0 content.
    Or we could have the usual post expansion drought with 10.3 releasing somewhere decently early in 2024.
    10.2 November. 10.2.5 early January. 10.2.7 Late February/early March. 10.3 sometime in May. 10.3.5 later than other patches late summer, maybe August just to bring Fated raids. 11.0 late November/early December.

    We don't have to go back to late summer releases. It's not like that timeslot was the key to good expansions somehow.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  16. #13176
    November wouldn't surprise me. All those routinely canceled subscriptions coming back for the holidays...and a nice boost in revenue for Blizz.

  17. #13177
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Or we could have the usual post expansion drought with 10.3 releasing somewhere decently early in 2024.
    10.2 November. 10.2.5 early January. 10.2.7 Late February/early March. 10.3 sometime in May. 10.3.5 later than other patches late summer, maybe August just to bring Fated raids. 11.0 late November/early December.

    We don't have to go back to late summer releases. It's not like that timeslot was the key to good expansions somehow.
    The earliest they could really do 10.3 is April, and May is more realistic imo unless they cut 10.2.5 or 10.2.7. That leaves no room really for 10.3.5 or 7 and a short drought before 11.0 and also no realistic room for a fated season. Its messy either way. There really seems to be no perfect solution.

    I wonder if they will go back to 3 month patches instead of 2 in 11.0.

  18. #13178
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    The earliest they could really do 10.3 is April, and May is more realistic imo unless they cut 10.2.5 or 10.2.7. That leaves no room really for 10.3.5 or 7 and a short drought before 11.0 and also no realistic room for a fated season. Its messy either way. There really seems to be no perfect solution.

    I wonder if they will go back to 3 month patches instead of 2 in 11.0.
    10.3.7 is almost certainly going to be cut I imagine. 10.3.5 will probably be there just to have some post raid fixes and QoL changes, as well as Fated raid which should function both as a soft raid nerf, and some easy extra content.

    There is also the possibility of less content in future .5 and .7 patches, meaning a possibility of a more expedient, or at least more consistent path cadence between the major patches.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  19. #13179
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    I'm betting all the bronze time shenanigans will pull yrel to our timeline.

    I'm also betting that her lightbound and the remnants of the scarlet crusade will join forces, given the two are fanatical light zealots.

    11.0 will take place in Karesh
    Karesh is a blasted wasteland that was devoured by a manifested Void Lord, Dimensius. It is basically Outland but even more ruined and hopeless.

    Outland was not very well-received by players. Players praised Nagrand and the originality of Zangarmarsh, but they also criticised how ruined and blasted and just depressing every other zone looked.

    Since then, Blizzard has toned down the depressing zones and has been making continents teeming with life and light. Argus, an even worse wasteland than Outland, was relegated to a patch; and even then, one of the three zones was teeming with alien flora (Eredath). Even the Shadowlands which, for all intents and purposes, should be depressing and dark (as the literal afterlife), were mostly teeming with life and flora, with only Maldraxxus and the Maw being depressing and ugly places.

    Karesh only makes sense as Outland-but-worse, as Argus 2.0, because it was literally consumed by a Void Lord, the greatest threat that the Physical universe has ever known. There will not be surviving civilizations or flora left in the wake of a Void Lord. So, Karesh cannot carry entire expansion on its own. It will be even more depressing than Outland (because there cannot be pockets of life like Nagrand left after a Void Lord manifested). As such, it will be relegated to patch zone like Argus.

    Old God/Void expansion will take place on Azeroth. The world of Azeroth, and no other, has always been the ultimate objective of the Old Gods and their masters. They want the World Soul of Azeroth because then they can create a Void Titan that, as is stated in the Chronicles, will easily consume entire Cosmos. On top of this, there has been much build-up in DF about the storyline continuing on Azeroth. First of all, it is the main setting and has always been; expansions like TBC, WoD, and SL are not nearly as praised for their setting as the Azeroth-based expansions (how many people praise the setting of TBC/WoD/SL compared to Pandaria/KulTiras/Zandalar/Suramar/Grizzy Hills ?), and they should be outliers. A Warcraft story should typically take place on Azeroth. Having a fourth Cosmic expansion so close after SL is too much.

    DF literally opens with a reminder that Azeroth's World Soul is stirring. In the expansion, we are once again reminded by N'Zoth in the Past that the Old Gods draw their strength from the earth. Yogg-Saron and C'Thun are still active on Azeroth, with Yogg-Saron's whispers being heard in Ulduar in Legion and C'Thun's spirit haunting Ahn'qiraj and turning Cho'gall into a monster pre-WotLK.

    Besides that, there is a resurgence of the Scarlet Crusade since BfA (as shown by their pamphlets criticizing Greymane, Anduin, and Calia), and the Lightbound can invade through the Sunwell, which is a source of immense Light. That way, we can also have the long-awaited revamp of Quel'Thalas (which remains one of the most talked-about points in any expansion speculation. People love Quel'Thalas and its lore, people are saddened that it is still stuck in the TBC era).

    11.0 with A-plot Void/Old Gods, B-plot Light/Lightbound/Scarlet Crusade, on Azeroth.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2023-08-27 at 08:45 AM.

  20. #13180
    Without an organized Legion (maybe Denathrius and the Dreadlords will retake it later) and Primus waiting for the right moment (I still think he is the evil guy in Shadowlands, hehe), maybe 11 is Light vs. Void for the soul of Azeroth.

    That's a big event, the closest thing we can have for an ending.

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