1. #13561
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Between EmpSlam and CinematicDeath, are they referring to flying combat? Can drakes already die in the air?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Americas instead of Japan would be the biggest swerve.
    Theme could be "Pacific", i.e. an ocean on the other side of the planet with different cultures on it, losely based on Japan, South America, Hawaii, etc.

  2. #13562
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Theme could be "Pacific", i.e. an ocean on the other side of the planet with different cultures on it, losely based on Japan, South America, Hawaii, etc.
    A reveal of the Western Kingdoms!

    Jokes(?) aside, Hiji on name alone and Tel Abim would probably fit really nicely into that aesthetic, as would Plunder Isle if they want to keep it caribbean (if it hasn't been Tel Abim this whole time).

  3. #13563
    Dragon pack was before dragonflight

    Let's go pirate expansion and fighting the Naga on their home turf

  4. #13564
    Elemental Lord
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    People: dragon theme is boring, too much Disney.

    Also people: OMG pirates expansion.

  5. #13565
    We just had BFA, which was pirate and nautical theme on Alliance - while Horde got mayan dinosaur stuff.

    Please no.
    I'm already tired.

    Unless it comes something unique and interesting for Alliance players. That just seems so ridiculously boring.

  6. #13566
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    People: dragon theme is boring, too much Disney.

    Also people: OMG pirates expansion.
    Yeah it's not Pirates Expansion, it's an expansion including pirates. Which could be anything but implies Azeroth islands.

    I'm willing to eat my hat otherwise but it's too similar in tone to DF marketing. Set sail instead of take flight? Doubt it.

  7. #13567
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    People: dragon theme is boring, too much Disney.

    Also people: OMG pirates expansion.
    I don’t understand the correlation with this but go off.

  8. #13568
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    I don’t understand the correlation with this but go off.
    Probably the idea that pirate expansion = light in tone similar to Hearthstone/Pirates of the Caribbean/One Piece vibes.

    Also an assumed disconnection, yet again, from factions and player races. I'm not sure the community could take another two years of that.

  9. #13569
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    In some Sanctuaryesque place or a Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    People: dragon theme is boring, too much Disney.

    Also people: OMG pirates expansion.
    A little reductive but I get your point, yeah people somehow think lighthearted equates Disney. That said sometimes Blizz has...get a little too silly.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  10. #13570
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Probably the idea that pirate expansion = light in tone similar to Hearthstone/Pirates of the Caribbean vibes.
    I’d like to think that when we do get a pirate expansion, Blizz will opt for a more realistic portrayal like pirates during the Golden Age of Piracy, or a darker theme like book version of Euron Greyjoy from A Song of Ice and Fire.

    That’s my personal hope, and they don’t take the route they did with their bastardised interpretation of dragons.

  11. #13571
    Quote Originally Posted by Schwert View Post
    We just had BFA, which was pirate and nautical theme on Alliance - while Horde got mayan dinosaur stuff.

    Please no.
    I'm already tired.

    Unless it comes something unique and interesting for Alliance players. That just seems so ridiculously boring.
    Speaking as someone who wanted BfA to really give us the South Seas expansion I always wanted, I can say with certainty that BfA did not really scratch that itch for me. It teased me with the possibility that it would actually give me what I wanted, but it never did.

    An expansion that has us actually explore islands without a timer, and which lets us use a ship in a similar way we used the Vindicaar on Argus would absolutely be my jam.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  12. #13572
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    I’d like to think that when we do get a pirate expansion, Blizz will opt for a more realistic portrayal like pirates during the Golden Age of Piracy, or a darker theme like book version of Euron Greyjoy from A Song of Ice and Fire.

    That’s my personal hope, and they don’t take the route they did with their bastardised interpretation of dragons.
    Pirates have been portrayed as both silly and genuinely threatening/criminal in basically every instance they appear in WoW (vanilla, BFA and the Forbidden Reach come to mind) so I believe it would be more of that.

    For every Ashvane and Daelins Gate there will be a monkey throwing bananas and an ettin wearing boats for shoes. I think they hit a good balance.

  13. #13573
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    There are lots of ways they could go about that general theme they seem to be hinting at, though.

    Age of Exploration.
    Conquistadors and the Inquisition.
    South east asia.
    The Pacific in general.
    The Caribbean in general.
    Just frickin islands.

    What we know:

    - There's a place somewhere beyond the waves, which is "elsewhere" from ancient Kalimdor (i.e. all the landmasses we know of), and well protected.
    - There's a place somewhere west of modern day Kalimdor, difficult to reach and dangerous.
    - There are islands still unexplored in the South Seas.

    The teased theme seems nautical somehow, but we don't know where or how.

    Personally, I'd love the chance to board a ship in X capital city, have a little sea chart and stuff, and then head off to somewhere unknown. Explore the jungles, beneath the waves, atop the mountains, and inside the temple ruins.

  14. #13574
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Speaking as someone who wanted BfA to really give us the South Seas expansion I always wanted, I can say with certainty that BfA did not really scratch that itch for me. It teased me with the possibility that it would actually give me what I wanted, but it never did.

    An expansion that has us actually explore islands without a timer, and which lets us use a ship in a similar way we used the Vindicaar on Argus would absolutely be my jam.
    I 100% agree. Give us Tel’Abim, Undermine, Plunder Isle, Hiji, Ogrezonia, Balor and Zul’Dare. Give us some content in between reaching the island zones such as kraken/sea serpent attacks, pirates trying to board us, maelstroms and treasure islands. Our own customisable brig and later galleon or man of war if we choose. Oh and of course, if we could get sea shanties like in AC Black Flag then it’ll be golden.

  15. #13575
    I'm surprised by the latest cinematic but not necessarily in a good way. Fyrakk being a loose cannon doesn't change much, but not having Iridikron there kind of forced the Vyranoth is the one that will get redemption and not the others. When from what we've seen so far, Iridikron is sharing Vyranoth' values.

    Anyway the one thing that I guess we need to take from this cinematic is that there is more to see with the primalist after 10.2 as they are still gathering more power and this time it's from the emerald dream.

  16. #13576
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    Iridikron is sharing Vyranoth' values.
    Is he though?

    He sent Fyrakk to consume the primal flames in Zaralek, knowing full well its void corrupted and what that will entail.
    He got his toy charged up in DotI and then immediately pissed off from the dragon conflict to work on his anti-titan plans.

    There is no indication that he cares about anything other than ridding the planet from titan influence at any cost.

    Vyranoth is the only one that seems to have any actual values and interests beyond sadistic destruction and revenge.
    Last edited by Raetary; 2023-08-29 at 09:54 PM.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  17. #13577
    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    I'm surprised by the latest cinematic but not necessarily in a good way. Fyrakk being a loose cannon doesn't change much, but not having Iridikron there kind of forced the Vyranoth is the one that will get redemption and not the others. When from what we've seen so far, Iridikron is sharing Vyranoth' values.

    Anyway the one thing that I guess we need to take from this cinematic is that there is more to see with the primalist after 10.2 as they are still gathering more power and this time it's from the emerald dream.
    I kinda like that Iridikron isn't there. It really puts into sharp relief how both Fyrakk and Vyranoth are not cut out for the villain life.
    It gives the impression that Iridikron goaded them into the Dragon v. Titan conflict so he could rid the world of titans more so then any actual ideals.
    Fyrakk has fraying sanity, either from his imprisonment, or from Shadowflame. Either way he deserves better than being used as a pawn by Iridikron and being pitted against Vyranoth.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  18. #13578
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    I kinda like that Iridikron isn't there. It really puts into sharp relief how both Fyrakk and Vyranoth are not cut out for the villain life.
    It gives the impression that Iridikron goaded them into the Dragon v. Titan conflict so he could rid the world of titans more so then any actual ideals.
    Fyrakk has fraying sanity, either from his imprisonment, or from Shadowflame. Either way he deserves better than being used as a pawn by Iridikron and being pitted against Vyranoth.
    It would be a nice touch if Elune figured out what was going on and purified/spared Fyrakk, but they (Blizz) may not let him get away with roasting the Niffen.

  19. #13579
    I know the Nightsquall is a pirate faction, but some of the cosmetics really look more conquistador. They could easily go for a new continent, much of which won't be available for the expansion it launches in, and give it a settlers/colonist vibe.

  20. #13580
    Mechagnome Civciv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    It would be a nice touch if Elune figured out what was going on and purified/spared Fyrakk, but they (Blizz) may not let him get away with roasting the Niffen.
    Fyrakk was crazy even before Shadowflame so no, he doesn't need redemption.
    "We've come to die for the Dragon Queen Rhaenyra."

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