1. #13581
    Quote Originally Posted by Magistrate View Post
    I know the Nightsquall is a pirate faction, but some of the cosmetics really look more conquistador. They could easily go for a new continent, much of which won't be available for the expansion it launches in, and give it a settlers/colonist vibe.
    I stand by the idea that Blizzard isn't going to do a colonist expansion for obvious reasons. Settlers maybe if they want to do housing, but it could so easily be seen as invasion/displacement stuff.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Forgot to mention that it doesn't look like Fyrakk needs armor for the shadowflame unless he's hiding it in visage form. Maybe the Zaqali ingots are for something else?

  2. #13582
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Speaking as someone who wanted BfA to really give us the South Seas expansion I always wanted, I can say with certainty that BfA did not really scratch that itch for me. It teased me with the possibility that it would actually give me what I wanted, but it never did.

    An expansion that has us actually explore islands without a timer, and which lets us use a ship in a similar way we used the Vindicaar on Argus would absolutely be my jam.
    I honestly think that BFA would have been remembered as one of the best expansions of all time if they had listened to the feedback and dropped the shitty armor system. Hell i think BFA is better then dragonflight in terms of content that is actually impactful for your toons power which is lacking like hell now. The necklace was a brilliant replacement for the artifact weapon it just came way to late and should have launched with it.
    Last edited by jeezusisacasual; 2023-08-29 at 10:24 PM.

  3. #13583
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeezusisacasual View Post
    I honestly think that BFA would have been remembered as one of the best expansions of all time if they had listened to the feedback and dropped the shitty armor system. Hell i think BFA is better then dragonflight in terms of content that is actually impactful for your toons power which is lacking like hell now. The necklace was a brilliant replacement for the artifact weapon it just came way to late and should have launched with it.
    I don't think people really care for infinite grinding in terms of power now.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  4. #13584
    Quote Originally Posted by Revamp Man View Post
    Dragon pack was before dragonflight.
    I'm not going to say "we just had a pirate expansion," because if it was BFA was a piss-poor example of a pirate expansion, but I am going to say people are definitely reading too much into that bundle. The Dragon Bundle was 7 dragon mounts, this is 4 items & only 3 of them are even pirate related. Plus the Dragon Pack came out 6 whole months before Dragonflight was revealed & was rereleased after. If we're using that as the basis for comparison, the Faction Pack released 6 months before the upcoming Blizzcon. Will the next expansion also be Faction War related (I don't think so.)
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    So, how did Fyrakk find out about Amirdrassil anyway?

    "The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green."
    Technically, all the world trees offshoots (even the ones made from a Tear of Elune) of a single biological entity, G'Hanir. And was a symbol of the Titan's reign on Azeroth, it being one of the first things they created. So it makes sense the Primals see it as both a source of great power & something that needs to be uprooted.
    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    I'm surprised by the latest cinematic but not necessarily in a good way. Fyrakk being a loose cannon doesn't change much, but not having Iridikron there kind of forced the Vyranoth is the one that will get redemption and not the others. When from what we've seen so far, Iridikron is sharing Vyranoth' values.

    Anyway the one thing that I guess we need to take from this cinematic is that there is more to see with the primalist after 10.2 as they are still gathering more power and this time it's from the emerald dream.
    Yes, but when the reality of the loss of life that bringing the Harbinger to earth hits Vyranoth, Iridikron & her will be on opposite sides of that philosophy.

    Vyranoth seems like the perfect candidate to be the new Silver Dragonflight, but that also feels like a betrayal to her personal philosophy. I can honestly say I have no idea what's going to happen next.

  5. #13585
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    My money is on an alliance civil war next expansion.
    I'd like to see it susceptible to internal conflict, but I think we've had enough civil wars for the time being. I'd much prefer to see it just adopt a more bellicose international policy, allowing them to serve as the aggressors without strictly being "the baddies".
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  6. #13586
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    My money is on an alliance civil war next expansion.
    In that Turalyon/Alleria have their Garrosh moment & invade Silvermoon? And the rest of the Alliance eventually denounce them over the course of the expansion? Sure, the seeds for that story have already been planted. Though that whole plotline has become a little repetitious.

  7. #13587
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    If these four options are the ONLY possibilities for 11.0 (and there can be NO other option), which would you choose? Why?

    1). South Seas
    2). Other-side of Azeroth (Avaloren)
    3). World Revamp
    4). Karesh (or some other Void infected/consumed planet, or dimension)

    Feel free to elaborate on the option you choose and what exactly that option would entail in terms of content/theme/etc.

  8. #13588
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    I don't think people really care for infinite grinding in terms of power now.
    What other way can they always entice you to log in and participate in content? Thats the problem with WoW now and the catch up systems in the past had been so generous they allowed me to still do what i do but still provide an incentive to logging in daily.

  9. #13589
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    If these four options are the ONLY possibilities for 11.0 (and there can be NO other option), which would you choose? Why?
    Are we so sure Avaloren is a continent & not an underground region like the Undermine? I'd also like to explore other planets but the head developers are convinced Azeroth itself needs to the central figure in Warcraft's story.
    Quote Originally Posted by jeezusisacasual View Post
    I honestly think that BFA would have been remembered as one of the best expansions of all time if they had listened to the feedback and dropped the shitty armor system. Hell i think BFA is better then dragonflight in terms of content that is actually impactful for your toons power which is lacking like hell now. The necklace was a brilliant replacement for the artifact weapon it just came way to late and should have launched with it.
    I think the biggest problem is that WoW will introduce a wild new feature, and then when it has problems, they adjust it very slightly, then when that doesn't work they render it completely irrelevant: Instead of actually fixing it.

    Torghast, Warfronts & Island Expedition could have been mainstays of the franchise if they saw them as more than just expansion gimmicks, but they don't.

    The other main problem is that they're not even trying to keep open world content relevant. Do you think any of their developers are thinking "Why did we spend more time working on Forgotten Shores than the total sum of people would be playing it?"

  10. #13590
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Are we so sure Avaloren is a continent & not an underground region like the Undermine? I'd also like to explore other planets but the head developers are convinced Azeroth itself needs to the central figure in Warcraft's story.
    I think the biggest problem is that WoW will introduce a wild new feature, and then when it has problems, they adjust it very slightly, then when that doesn't work they render it completely irrelevant: Instead of actually fixing it.

    Torghast, Warfronts & Island Expedition could have been mainstays of the franchise if they saw them as more than just expansion gimmicks, but they don't.

    The other main problem is that they're not even trying to keep open world content relevant. Do you think any of their developers are thinking "Why did we spend more time working on Forgotten Shores than the total sum of people would be playing it?"
    I agree completely all 3 of those features would been welcomed additions to the game had they more time in the oven, which reminds me of the scenario system from MoP. Perhaps the newer dev team looks at each expansion as its own game instead of a collection? Otherwise i have no idea on why they abandon ideas instead of work on improving them its madness honestly.

  11. #13591
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    I love Azeroth, but I'm itching to go to another realm/planet again (unpopular opinion, I know).

  12. #13592
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    I love Azeroth, but I'm itching to go to another realm/planet again (unpopular opinion, I know).
    Wait till you hear about patch 10.2!

  13. #13593
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Are we so sure Avaloren is a continent & not an underground region like the Undermine? I'd also like to explore other planets but the head developers are convinced Azeroth itself needs to the central figure in Warcraft's story.
    Avaloren is most likely an isle since Odyn sent expeditions there, these failed and a Watcher found the wreckage of one of the expeditions on some shores.

  14. #13594
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Wait till you hear about patch 10.2!
    Lmfao. /10 char

  15. #13595
    Quote Originally Posted by Schwert View Post
    We just had BFA, which was pirate and nautical theme on Alliance - while Horde got mayan dinosaur stuff.

    Please no.
    I'm already tired.

    Unless it comes something unique and interesting for Alliance players. That just seems so ridiculously boring.
    Dragonflight came after a trend of Dragons thanks to House of Dragon;
    11.0 will come after a trend of Pirates thanks to One Piece;

    But overall I agree, Pirates again when BFA is only 5 years old...

  16. #13596
    Quote Originally Posted by Luck4 View Post
    Dragonflight came after a trend of Dragons thanks to House of Dragon;
    11.0 will come after a trend of Pirates thanks to One Piece;

    But overall I agree, Pirates again when BFA is only 5 years old...
    The only thing left on Azeroth to explore are islands and the old world. It makes sense for Pirates to be involved when it comes to new islands, the only reason they weren't in DF launch is because the islands just teleported there.

  17. #13597
    Mechagnome Civciv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luck4 View Post
    Dragonflight came after a trend of Dragons thanks to House of Dragon;
    11.0 will come after a trend of Pirates thanks to One Piece;

    But overall I agree, Pirates again when BFA is only 5 years old...
    what? this better be satire.
    "We've come to die for the Dragon Queen Rhaenyra."

  18. #13598
    Quote Originally Posted by HeraldofSargeras View Post
    what? this better be satire.
    Maybe it is, maybe it's not, we don't know.

    Anyway, I hope 11.0 has no pirates it's way too soon for another seafarer expansion.

  19. #13599
    Quote Originally Posted by Luck4 View Post
    Maybe it is, maybe it's not, we don't know.

    Anyway, I hope 11.0 has no pirates it's way too soon for another seafarer expansion.
    Same. And people forget one important thing, we've been to Nazjatar.. we fought the Naga directly at their capital... we got Neptulon's help during that.

    The only thing I can imagine is maybe an underwater expansion, and maybe they can explain at least explain those giant shell demigod creatures from Vashj'ir. (Y'know the ones where wee had to go inside and see the insides of their heart and communicate directly to their brain?)

  20. #13600
    Love watching Fyrakk, just so unhinged. I guess he still hasn't fully succumbed to the void from the looks of it.
    My guess is he will go on a killing spree and that will make Vyranoth turn on him as she obviously doesn't want to kill more dragons.

    What I'm curious about is how did she not know that consuming shadowflame will change him? Or was it only Iridikron who knew it was shadowflame?

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